Directions: Complete the definition or complete the statement using your guided outline
1. Charlemagne is
2. Mountains and rivers shaped European culture by
3. What was the Hundred Years’ War?
4. Serfs were peasants who were not allowed to
5. Medieval cities were
6. The Magna Carta
8. Charles Martel is known as and is famous for the following
7. Who were the Franks? Where did they settle?
8. How did Charles the Great earn the name Charlemagne?
9. Charlemagne believed that all people should have an _________________________________.
How did he achieve this belief?
10. Between A.D. 800 and 900 three groups of people invaded Europe. Who were they
and where did they settle?
11. Pope Gregory I, Gregory the Great, wanted all of Europe to become Christian, and
asked ______________ to become ____________________________.
12. In 1073, Pope Gregory VII issued a decree forbidding kings from appointing high
ranking _____________________________________________. King Henry IV refused to obey
Gregory so he stated that Gregory was no longer Pope. However, Pope Gregory
retaliated by _______________________________ Henry from the church.
13. In 1122 a new pope and German king compromised and made a deal called the
14. What is a vassal? Who were called vassals?
15. Most peasants were called ______________________. What were some of the rights that
they were not allowed to do?
16. By 1000 feudalism had made Europe safer; thus, allowing trade to increase, towns
to grow larger, and cities to become wealthy. How did trade help Venice?
17. Who was Hildegard of Bingen? What was she famous for?
18. Describe Cathedrals. Why were they important during Medieval Europe?
19. What were women’s lives during Medieval Europe? Describe marriage specifically.
20. Excommunicated this means-
21. Describe Medieval Daily life and what people’s lives revolved around?
22. List and describe the following Germanic tribes
a. Celtsb. Lombardsc. Vandalsd. Vikingse. Visigoths23. Define fjords
24. Who is King Clovis? What is he know for?
Essay question: PREPARE for the essay ahead of time by reviewing and answering the
questions below. You may NOT bring a completed essay to class. Essay MUST be written on
the day of the test.
How was feudalism used?
Who was responsible to the king?
How did the hierarchy affect all the people living under the system?
What were the titles of these positions?
What jobs did they do?
25. Which of the following was a feature of Gothic cathedrals?
26. How did the black death affect Europe?
27. How did Arab merchants transport goods across the desert?
_______________________________________________________________________________________________28. Muslims must follow the five pillars which are
a. _______________________________________________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________________________________________
c. _______________________________________________________________________________________
d. _______________________________________________________________________________________
e. _______________________________________________________________________________________
29. The Shiites believed that the Umayyads
30. The seljuks are _______________________________________________________________________________
31. The Ottoman Empire
32. Muslim scholars _____________________________________________________________________________
33. What stretches over most of the Arabian peninsula?
a. Fertile farmland
c. desert
b. Forest
d. lakes
34. What happened when Muhammad and his followers let Makkah?
a. Soldiers pursued them
c. Islam vanished
b. Madinah made Muhammad its ruler d. Muhammad died
35. Sunnis believed that
a. The sun revolved around the earth
c. they should start a civil war
b. Ali should succeed Muhammad
d. the Umayyad dynasty
should rule
36. The 1st crusade succeeded in driving the _________________________ out of Jerusalem?
a. Christians
c. Jews
b. Muslims
d. Turks
37. What is Africa’s longest river?
a. The Mississippi River
c. the Sahara River
b. The Nile River
d. the Congo River
38. Ghana grew powerful because it
a. Owned many gold mines
c. taxed traders and had a big army
b. Was located on the Mediterranean
d. had many fertile farmlands
39. What changed the nature of slavery in Africa?
a. Bantu raids of neighboring villages
c. the Emancipation Proclamation
b. A severe drought
d. the arrival of Europeans
40. What is the earliest African Art form known? (think back to prehistory)
a. Bronze statues
c. cave paintings
b. Carved wooden face masks
d. epic poetry
41. Mansa Musa of Mali
a. Allowed different religions
c. converted to Christianity
b. Made Islam the official religion
d. built many Jewish temples
What is a plateau?
a. An area of flat land
c. a hill
b. An area of low land
d. a valley
What animal did the Romans introduce in North Africa?
a. Pigs
c. horses
b. Donkeys
d. camels
When the king died, who inherited the kingdom of Ghana?
a. The king’s son
c. the son of the king’s sister
b. The king’s grandson
d. the king’s brother
How were children educated in medieval West Africa?
a. Boarding schools
c. universities
b. Small neighborhood classes
d. oral histories and proverbs
This separates Britain and Ireland form the rest of Europe
a. Atlantic Ocean
c. English Channel
b. Red Sea
d. The Alps
A young French Peasant who led soldiers in the Hundred Year’s War
a. Caliph
c. Joan of Arc
b. King John
d. Sundiata Kieta
This word means hatred of Jewish people
c. Joan of Arc