POPE GREGORY THE GREAT By: Devyn A. Romine The Church Has Power “PRAYER IS A STRONG WALL AND FORTRESS OF THE CHURCH; IT IS A GOODLY CHRISTIAN WEAPON.” – MARTIN LUTHER. STRUCTURE OF THE CHURCH Church also had a structure or “hierarchy” Who was at the top? Pope Who was under the pope? – Body of officials who perform religious services Clergy Bishops Priests – lowest ranking members of the clergy What The Church Can Do. 1.) The church has the authority to teach God’s word 2.) The church has authority to share the Gospel—to evangelize others in His name 3.) The church has the authority to disciple its members 4.) The church has the authority to discipline its members—disciplining means to rebuke, shun, or excommunicate 5.) The Church is the leader in peoples life's so, they must lead others. WHO WAS GREGORY THE GREAT Pope Saint Gregory I, commonly known as Saint Gregory the Great, was born in Rome, was pope of the Catholic Church from 3 September 590 AD to his death on March 12, 604 AD. Is counted as one of the four greatest Fathers` of the church which, Fathers' duties in the church primarily revolve around teaching. The Gregorian Chant • Named after him, is a list of liturgical music of the Roman Catholic Church. Oldest set know to the church records Prolific Writer • Was a writer of Life. First Pope from a Monastic Background Church Diplomat • Went to many missions for the church. Political man • prefect of Rome well known in the Law. Over all else he was a busy man. EARLY ROLE IN THE CHURCH FOR SAINT GREGORY THE FAMILY OF SAINTS Wealthy family Farther was a senator and a prefect of Rome Mother and Aunt are saints in the church His great-great-grandfather was Pope Felix III who reigned from 483 to 492 Turn his family home into a Monastery after fathers death. Believed in the Unity of the Church Sent out Monks to reach out to people about Christ. He wanted to Convert the barbarians must have high respect for God’s Anointed one – 1 Samuel WHAT GREGORY THE GREAT WAS FAMOUS FOR Evangelize England and changing the Mass. He was ferociously devoted to the poor He was known to have a servants’ heart. He wrote a book of instruction for bishops, the “On Pastoral Care” Was the one to start baptizing at birth He was the first pope to call himself “Servus Servorum Dei, "the servant of the servants of God“. First medieval pope Gregory was hard and strict. When a monk on his deathbed confessed to stealing three pieces of gold, Gregory ordered he be left to die alone. After the poor monk had died, Gregory ordered his body thrown on a dung heap along with the three coins. Then, in a turn of heart, Gregory offered 30 Masses for the deceased monk. THE DARK SIDE OF GREGORY THE GREAT POPE GREGORY THE GREAT IS MY HOME BOY! "For the place of heretics is very pride itself...for the place of the wicked is pride just as conversely humility is the place of the good.”- Pope Saint Gregory I http://www.christianitytoday.com/history/people/rulers/gregorygreat.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpR9Mv63AY0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HWvSdidzRcA http://www.catholic.org/saints/saint.php?saint_id=54 REFERENCE PAGE.