CS 170 Java Programming I Instructor: Gabriella Fernandez, BS, MBA Class Times: M W Th 8:30 am to 12:05 pm Room: CC104 Course Description A first Computer Science course taught using the Java programming language. Students will build console and graphical applications and applets. Emphasis will be placed on programming fundamentals such as variables, selection and loops as well as object-oriented programming concepts including classes, inheritance and polymorphism. Advisory: CIS 100 or CIS 111 Goals and Objectives In this course you'll learn how to write computer programs, using the Java programming language. On successful completion of the course, you will be able to: Explain the Java programming model, particularly its support for object-oriented software development, and cite its strengths and weaknesses. Learn to use a variety of development tools for creating Java programs. Design and code Java programs, applets and applications, console and GUI programs, using Java's Swing and AWT class libraries. Read and understand the official Java documentation sufficiently well that it serves as a primary vehicle for further learning. In addition, the class now has Student Learning Outcomes or SLOs. Students will be able to: 1. Create, compile, execute, and test Java applications and applets. 2. Create programs that correctly apply object-oriented programming techniques, including designing classes and methods, and implementing concepts of polymorphism and inheritance. 3. Implement selection structures (if/else and switch), repetition structures (while, do/while, and for), and one- and two-dimensional arrays. Textbook Java Software Solutions: Foundations of Program Design & MyProgrammingLab with Pearson eText Student Access Code Card 7/E Authors : John Lewis, William Loftus ISBN-13: 9780132760775 Publisher: Addison-Wesley MyProgrammingLab All quizzes and assignments will be completed in the online courseroom, MyProgrammingLab.com. In order to gain access to this courseroom you will need 2 codes: 1. The access code that comes with your textbook 2. Courseroom id code – to be announced the first day of class. MyProgrammingLab provides tools such as a Java programming environment, chapter PowerPoint slides, practice quizzes and training tools. Make use of these tools frequently to help you succeed in this course. Quizzes Students are expected to take quizzes per the schedule. Scheduled quizzes will be available at the beginning the class period and are to be taken in class. Quizzes are closed book. There are no makeup quizzes. Note: Quizzes are timed. Once you start, note the time left to complete in the upper right corner of the screen. Grades are available by clicking on My Grades. Answers to Quiz and questions will be available once the due date has passed. Assignments Specific assignments and projects will be assigned in class. Most assignments and projects are to be completed in class. There will be a midterm project and a final project, both to be completed in class. Late assignments will not be accepted. Grading and Evaluation Criteria The letter grades will be assigned at the end of the semester based on total points, according to the following scale: A: 90-100% B: 80-89% C: 70-79% D: 60-69% F: < 60% Attendance Students who miss the first meeting of a class or who have too many absences MAY be dropped by the instructor at any time during the semester until the final deadline for withdrawal. However, it is the responsibility of the student to meet all fee, “W”, and grade deadlines, NOT the faculty. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY WILL RESULT IN A GRADE OF “F” IN THIS COURSE. Procedures for dealing with any violation of academic honesty will be followed. See the class schedule for more information.