Ecology - Garnet Valley School District

Name: ___________________________
Pd. ____
Ecology Homework Packet
Part of Section 3.1 Ecology (p. 66-67) and Section 3.2 Ecology and Energy (p. 69-72)
1. (Read p. 66 & 67) What is the difference between abiotic and biotic factors?
2. What is an autotroph?
3. What is the relationship between an autotroph and primary producer?
4. Define chemosynthesis.
5. What are the two primary sources of energy that power living systems?
6. What is a heterotroph?
7. What is the relationship between a heterotroph and consumer?
8. How are detrivores different from decomposers?
a. Give an example of a decomposer? ___________________________
b. Give an example of a detrivore? ___________________________
9. Classify each of the following as an herbivore, a carnivore, an omnivore, or a detrivore:
a. Earthworm ___________________________
b. Bear ___________________________
c. Cow ___________________________
d. Snail ___________________________
e. Owl ___________________________
f. Human ___________________________
10. People who explore caves where there is running water but no sunlight often find them
populated with unique types of fishes and insects. Write a hypothesis that can explain the
ultimate source of energy for these organisms.
Name: ___________________________
Pd. ____
Section 3.3 Energy Flow in Ecosystems (p. 73-78) and part of 3.4 Cycles (p. 85-86)
1. What is the relationship between food chains and food webs?
2. What role do decomposers have in a food web?
3. Explain what you think might happen to the Everglades ecosystem shown in Figure 3-9 if there
were a sudden decrease in the number of crayfish.
4. Define trophic level.
On average, how much energy is passed from one trophic level to the next? ______ %
6. Draw an energy pyramid for a five-step food chain. If 100% of the energy is available at the first
trophic level, what percentage of that energy is available at the highest trophic level?
7. Why is the transfer of energy in a food chain usually only about 10% efficient?
8. Define limiting nutrient.
9. How does nutrient availability relate to the productivity of an ecosystem?
Name: ___________________________
Pd. ____
Section 4.2 Niches and Community Interactions
1. What is a niche?
2. What is the relationship between a niche and its habitat?
3. Define tolerance as it relates to ecology.
4. What is the relationship between competition and limited ecological resources?
5. What is the Competitive Exclusion Principle?
6. Define predation.
7. Define herbivory.
8. What is a keystone species?
9. What are the three major types of symbiosis?
10. Bacteria living in a cow’s stomach help the cow break down the cellulose in grass, gaining
nutrients in the process. Is this an example of commensalism or mutualism?
a. Explain your answer.
11. Explain the difference between a predator and parasite.
Name: ___________________________
Pd. ____
Section 4.3 Succession (p.106-109)
1. What is primary succession?
2. Define pioneer species.
3. What effect do pioneer species have on an environment undergoing primary succession?
4. What is secondary succession?
5. How does primary succession differ from secondary succession?
6. Why does succession occur? (i.e. why do communities change over time?).
7. Look at figures 4-12 and 4-13, describe the general order of succession. (i.e. what is the order of
the plants?).
8. What is a climax community?
9. What kinds of conditions might prevent a community from returning to its pre-disturbance
10. Explain why secondary succession usually proceeds faster than primary succession.
Name: ___________________________
Pd. ____
Section 5.1 How Populations Grow (p. 130-135)
1. List the four characteristics that are used to describe population.
2. What is meant by the term geographic range?
3. On your travels through eastern Canada and the U.S., you notice gray squirrels everywhere.
What can you infer about the squirrels’ geographic range?
4. Define population density.
5. What are the three patterns of population distribution?
6. Define age structure.
7. List the four factors that affect population size:
8. What is the difference between emigration and immigration?
9. More dandelion seedlings develop in a lawn than dandelion plants are removed. What is likely
to happen to the lawn’s dandelion population?
10. When do populations grow exponentially?
11. Why does exponential growth show a characteristic J-shaped curve?
12. Define logistic growth.
13. What factors might cause the carrying capacity of a population to change?
Name: ___________________________
Pd. ____
Section 5.2 Limits to Growth (p.137-141)
1. In the context of a population, what is a meant by limiting factor?
How do limiting factors affect the growth of populations?
3. List 5 density-dependent limiting factors.
4. What is the relationship between competition and population size?
5. Describe how a predator-prey relationship can control both the predator population and the
prey population.
6. What would happen to a population of predators if there was a sudden increase in food for the
prey? Explain your answer.
7. What is a density-independent limiting factor?
8. List 3 examples of density-independent limiting factors?
9. Would a density-independent limiting factor have more of an effect on populations size in a
large ecosystem or in a small ecosystem?