LET II-III-IV JROTC Syllabus 2013

SUBJECT: Leadership Education & Training level II-III-IV Course Syllabus
Yvonne A. Ewell Townview Center
5 Brigade JROTC, US ARMY Cadet Command
1201 East Eighth Street
Dallas, Texas 75203
August 26, 2013
SUBJECT: Course Syllabus (LET II-III-IV)
On behalf of the JROTC staff and Yvonne Ewell Townview Center, welcome to
the Corps of Cadets. The Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) is a
cooperative effort between the Army and DISD to make you a better citizen. There is
no military obligation for your student being in JROTC. Your cadets will earn physical
fitness credit or a higher order elective toward their high school graduation.
Your cadets will be challenged to master the whole person concept of academics,
discipline, fitness, and leadership. Satisfactory completion of the program can lead to
advance placement in the senior (college-level) ROTC program or advanced rank in the
Armed Forces. JROTC does not recruit for the armed forces, conduct combat skills
training or require a service obligation.
Course Description
Two-semester course–grades 10—12. Prerequisite: Introduction to Leadership
Development. Credit for this course counts toward the Physical Education/ Military
Science credits required for high school graduation. This is the second course in a series
of four Army JROTC courses. It may be taken in grades 10, 11, or 12. Each of the subject
areas listed below is covered in the course, with at least the minimum number of hours
(required by Army JROTC) devoted to each area. Students are evaluated in each subject
area. Selected optional subjects should be devoted to activities and learning leading to
citizenship and/or vocational knowledge and skills.
You will learn to:
● Develop understanding of the ethical principles that underlie good citizenship.
● Develop intermediate leadership skills.
● Develop the ability to communicate orally and in writing.
● Develop understanding and appreciation of health principles and the importance
of physical training in maintaining health.
● Develop the ability to live and work cooperatively with others.
● Develop the ability to think quickly and communicate ideas.
● Develop self-confidence and self-reliance.
SUBJECT: Leadership Education & Training level II-III-IV Course Syllabus
a. To improve your ability to express yourself orally and in writing.
b. To develop leadership traits and a sense of responsibility in yourself and to your
school, your community, and the JROTC battalion.
c. To develop and improve your qualities of citizenship, proper conduct, and manners.
d. To plan and prepare yourself morally, mentally, and physically to take your place in
society after graduation from high school and to be able to contribute to the betterment of
our society.
Course Summary:
Unit 4: Wellness, fitness, and First Aid
Unit 5: Geography and earth Science
Unit 6: Citizenship in American History and Government
2. Standards of Conduct
In addition to the guidelines published in this syllabus, students enrolled in Junior
Reserve Office Training Course will be expected to abide by the policies set forth in the
Dallas Independent School District (DISD) Student Code of Conduct (SCC), the
Standards of Student Conduct and the Big D Battalion Code of Conduct rules and
regulations. They provide the key reference for your participation and conduct
throughout the course.
● Your primary text book, Army JROTC Leadership Education & Training
● Drill And Ceremonies (FM3-21.5)
● Each student is required to purchase a 1” Three Ring White Binder for class.
Please have by the second week of class.
3. Uniforms 40% of total grade
Each student will be issued a U.S. Army uniform at no cost. Uniform will be worn on a
scheduled basis. Student will use other publication, field manuals, maps, articles and
books throughout the school year. Materials will be issued to student and collected at the
instructional period. Lost uniform or uniform damage or destroy through neglect will be
charged to the student parent(s) or guardian(s) as necessary. The cost of the complete
uniform is approximately 250.00 dollars. An itemized list of the individual uniform
components (coats, trousers, shoes, and ribbons) is posted on the class bulletin board. All
uniforms and equipment are furnished by the JROTC Department. All uniforms and
equipment must be returned at the conclusion of the course. Students will comply with
JROTC CC 670-1 for grooming standards and wear of the uniform.
SUBJECT: Leadership Education & Training level II-III-IV Course Syllabus
*Uniforms are to be worn by all JROTC Cadets at times designated by the
instructor. At a minimum, all Cadets will be required to wear the Class B Uniform
every first A/ B day, these will be inspection days. All Cadets are required to wear
their uniform throughout the entire day. The first inspection will be conducted in
October 2012. If a student is absent on the day of inspection they are required to
wear their uniform all day on the next day that they attend JROTC class to receive
credit. The uniform will be clean at all times and all awards and decorations will be
properly displayed. Each cadet is required to be neatly groomed according to Cadet
Command Regulation 670 -1.
will be cleanly shaven, mustache is expectable if in regulation
Hair will be cut and create a neat appearance; Sideburns will not exceed the first
opening of the bottom of the Earlobe
Shoes will be clean with edge dressings around the sole
● * No earrings in or out of uniform
● Hair will not touch the top of the collar of the uniform when worn
● Will use appropriate neutral colors of make up and hair. No green, orange,
purples, pinks etc…
● Small ¼ inch stud earrings are expectable.
4. Participation and Class Conduct
Regular and punctual attendance is mandatory. In addition to the academic requirements,
there is a requirement to wear the Class B uniform every 1st A/B day of the week. The
wearing of the uniform counts as 40 % of the total grade. There are many hours devoted
to the practice of drill and ceremony. We also encourage Cadets to attend rehearsals,
parades, and special events after school, on Saturdays, as well as Veteran’s Day and
Martin Luther King Day parades.
a. Cadet Challenge Program: Cadets will be required to participate in the
Presidential Fitness Award Program. This program consist of a one mile run, Shuttle Run,
Pull-Ups, Curl-Ups, V-Sit Reach, Flexed- Arm Hang (Male/ Female). Each event has its
own system of measurement. Physical Fitness training will be conducted every Friday.
b. The Spring Ball is a mandatory event for all cadets. The uniform for Male
Cadets is the “Class A” Uniform, for female Cadets and all guest of Cadets the attire
is formal. The military ball is a class within itself. It teaches our Cadets how to conduct
themselves in a formal a setting and the proper etiquette associated in such an
environment. The Cadets enjoy a good meal, a notable speaker, dance and will be
introduced to traditions, customs, and courtesies. There will be a cost of $35.00 per
Cadet and a cost of $40.00 per guest attending with this event.
SUBJECT: Leadership Education & Training level II-III-IV Course Syllabus
5. Grading Scale
a. The following grading scale will be used for JROTC:
Wearing of the Uniform
Daily Grades; Physical Fitness; Drill & Ceremonies
Quiz & Exams
Six week test grade
40 %
20 %
15 %
A (Excellent) 90 - 100
B (Above Average) 80 - 89
C (Average) 70 - 79
F (Below Average) 60- 69
6. Class Structure
a. Mondays / Tuesdays:
● Uniform inspection
● Class room instruction
b. Wednesdays/ Thursdays
● Cadet Labs
c. Friday
● Physical fitness
7. Key Dates
November 12, 2012
Annual Inspection
Spring Ball
Veterans Parade
8. Extra Credit
Extra Credit will be available for all cadets that participate in JROTC Extracurricular
activities. Cadet’s not making acceptable grades will be removed from special teams and
will not be allowed to return until consistent satisfactory improvement is demonstrated.
Teams that are offered are:
Drill team
Color guard
Rifle team
SUBJECT: Leadership Education & Training level II-III-IV Course Syllabus
PT Team
9. Office Hours
a. Faculty will be available from 8:30am-4:00pm daily:
10. Questions concerning this syllabus please contact the JROTC Faculty
MSG Hysmith or MSG Padilla @ (972) 925-6142/6143email: dhysmith@dallasisd.org/
Dwayne E. Hysmith
Army Senior Instructor
SUBJECT: Leadership Education & Training level II-III-IV Course Syllabus
I have read, understand and agree to comply with the terms of the (JROTC) Leadership
Education & Training level 1 Course Syllabus.
Printed Name: _________________________
Signed: __________________________________________
Date: ________________
Printed Name: _________________________
Parent or Guardian
Signed: ________________________
Date: _________