Cell Cycle/Mitosis Worksheet

Per: ____ Date: ________________
Cell Cycle/Mitosis Worksheet
Directions: Please fill in the blanks with the appropriate words. Then draw a picture in the area
given representing what is happening in each stage/phase. YOU MUST LABEL ALL PARTS IN
EVERY CELL! Use your textbook, and composition notebook to help you complete this.
Part 1:
____________ _____________ occurs in series of stages and phases. There are _______
stages and ______________ phases.
Stage 1: ___________________
The cell _______________ in size.
The cell engages in normal life activities.
________ makes a copy of itself in preparation for cell division.
Stage 2: _______________________
Phase 1: ___________________
_______________ begins.
_________________ form and the _____________ _________________ disappears.
_____________ appear and begin to move to ________________ ends of the cell.
Phase 2: __________________
________________ line up in the middle of the cell
________________ ________________ grow
longer and attach to the chromosomes.
Phase 3: __________________
________ ______________ pull _________________ apart into sister chromatids.
__________ ______________ are pulled to opposite poles by ________
Phase 4: ________________
___________ ends.
__________________ membrane reappears.
Two new ________________ form.
_____________________ begins to pinch in the center.
Stage 3: _______________
Cell membrane finishes ________________, resulting in two ________________ cells.
Each cell is ________________ to the original cell.
Part 2:
Matching: match the term to the description
A. Interphase
B. Prophase C. Metaphase D. Anaphase E. Telophase F. Cytokinesis
_____ 1. The sister chromatids are moving apart.
_____ 2. The nuclear membrane begins to fade from view.
_____ 3. A new nuclear membrane is forming around the chromosomes.
_____ 4. The cytoplasm of the cell is completely divided.
_____ 5. The chromosomes become unorganized, reappearing as chromatin.
_____ 6. The chromosomes are lined up along the center of the cell.
_____ 7. The nuclear membrane begins to fade from view.
_____ 8. The chromosomes are moving towards the opposite poles of the cell.
_____ 9. The spindle fibers are formed.
_____ 10. Spindle fibers grow longer and attach to chromosomes at the centromere.
_____ 11. Two identical daughter cells are formed.
_____ 12. The cytoplasm is completely pinched in two.
_____ 13. Chromosomes are replicated.
_____ 14. The chromosomes return to their threadlike form.
_____ 15. The cell is growing and carrying out normal life functions.
Part 3:
Fill in the blank: Some will be used more than once. Some words may not be used at
A. Prophase
D. Metaphase
B. Interphase
C. Telophase
E. Anaphase
F. Centromere
G. Sister
H. Cytokinesis
I. Mitosis
J. Spindle fiber
________________16. What stage are daughter cells in as a result of mitosis?
________________17. During what phase of mitosis do chromosomes divide and
the chromatids move toward their respective poles?
________________18. What is the phase where chromatin condenses to form
________________19. What is the name of the structure that connects the two
sister chromatids?
________________20. In a chromosome pair connected by a centromere, what is
each individual chromosome called?
________________21. What are the four phases of cell division?
________________22. What structure forms during prophase along which the
chromosomes move?
________________23. Which phase of mitosis is the last phase that chromatids
are together?
________________24. What structure is attached to the centrioles?
_______________ 25. What phase does a new nuclear membrane form around the
two new nuclei?
________________ 26. What stage begins the cell cycle?
_______________ 27. What stage ends the cell cycle?
Part 4: Please explain the following in complete
1. Explain why cell division is important.
2. Explain how cell division is involved in the growth, development, and repair of an organism.
3. Explain how DNA compacts/organizes before a eukaryotic cell divides.
4. What are the three main parts of the cell cycle?
5. Describe what happens to the cell during Interphase. Your answer should include DNA.
6. Describe how the genetic material in two daughter cells is similar to the genetic material
in a parent cell.