Chapter 7: Photosynthesis

Chapter 7
Using light energy to produce
organic molecules
I. Study of Photosynthesis
 Before
1600: Ancient Greeks proposed that
plants obtained all nourishment from soil.
 Mid
1600s: Jan Baptista van Helmont
performed experiments to determine where
plants obtain nourishment from.
Planted small willow tree in a pot with soil.
Added water only, for five years.
Plant gained 75 kilograms.
Soil had lost 60 grams.
Helmont’s Experiment
Add water only
for five years
Plant: 75 kg gained
Soil: 0.06 kg lost
I. Study of Photosynthesis
Helmont’s conclusions:
Plants do not obtain all nutrients from soil (correct)
 They obtain most nutrients from water (wrong).
I. Study of Photosynthesis
 1770:
Joseph Priestley consistently observed
that a candle in a closed jar would not burn
out if a mint plant was added to the jar.
Priestley’s conclusion: Plants “restore” the air
depleted by a candle.
 Late 1770s: Jan Ingenhousz showed that
plants require light to “restore” the air in a
closed jar.
 1800s: Photosynthesis reaction elucidated.
 1950s: Discovered that oxygen produced by
plants comes from water.
Photosynthesis Requires Water,
Carbon Dioxide, and Light
II. Net Reaction of Photosynthesis
6CO2 + 6H2O + LIGHT ENERGY ---> C6H12O6 + 6O2
 Carried
out by photosynthetic autotrophs (plants,
algae, and some bacteria). Also called producers.
 Produce 200 billion tons of organic material from CO2
every year.
 Almost all living organisms obtain energy directly or
indirectly from photosynthesis.
 Exceptions: A few bacteria metabolize sulfur or
iron and some animals that eat them, don’t depend
on photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis is a Redox Reaction
III. Chloroplasts are site of photosynthesis in
 All
green parts of a plant carry out photosynthesis.
 Most
chloroplasts are found in leaves, specifically in
mesophyll, green tissue in interior of leaves.
 Green
color is due to chlorophyll, a light absorbing
 In
bacteria, photosynthesis occurs on extensions of the
cell membrane.
 Stomata:
Pores in leaf for exchange of CO2 and O2
Chloroplasts are the Site of Photosynthesis
Areas of Chloroplast Important for Photosynthesis
Thylakoids: Membrane “discs” arranged in
stacks (grana) which contain chlorophyll and
other important molecules.
Site where solar energy is trapped and converted
into chemical energy (light reactions).
Thylakoid Membrane: Site of ATP synthesis.
Stroma: Thick fluid outside thylakoid
membranes, surrounded by interior membrane.
Site of sugar synthesis (dark reactions).
Chloroplasts Have Three Sets of
IV. Plants produce oxygen by “splitting” water
 Water is used as a source of H and electrons to
reduce CO2
6CO2 + 6H2O + ENERGY ---> C6H12O6 + 6O2
Where does the free oxygen come from? CO2 or H2O
Label the CO2 or H2O with radioactive O18
CO2 + 2H2O -------> CH2O + H2O + O2
CO2 + 2H2O -------> CH2O + H2O + O2
**** Free oxygen comes from the splitting of water, not
Oxygen Generated by Photosynthesis Comes from Water
IV. Light reactions trap energy and electrons
required to make sugar from CO2
Light reactions: Require light. Convert light energy to
chemical energy of ATP and reducing power of NADPH
 Occur in the thylakoid membranes of chloroplast
 Water is split with energy from sun into free O2, H and
 Reduce NADP+ to NADPH: High energy electrons and
H obtained from splitting of H2O
 Photophosphorylation: Light energy is used to produce
ATP from ADP + Pi
 ATP synthesis is driven by chemiosmosis
Input: ADP, NADP+, water, and light.
Output: ATP, NADPH, and O2.
Light Dependent Reactions: Light Energy Trapped by
Chlorophyll is Used to Split Water, Make NADPH & ATP
V. Light Independent (Dark) reactions (Calvin
Cycle) make sugar from CO2
Calvin Cycle: Uses ATP and NADPH produced by light
reactions to reduce CO2 to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate
 Occurs
in the stroma of chloroplast
 Don’t need light directly.
 Carbon fixation: Process of gradually reducing CO2
gathered from atmosphere to organic molecules
 NADPH provides H and electrons to reduce CO2 and
ATP provides energy.
Input: CO2 , ATP, and NADPH.
Output: Sugars, ADP, and NADP+.
Light Independent Reactions: Sugar Synthesis
 Light
reactions: Transform light energy into
usable form of chemical energy (ATP and
NADPH). Water is split to obtain H.
 Light
independent reactions (Calvin cycle):
Use chemical energy (ATP and NADPH) to
drive the endergonic reactions of sugar
Light and Dark Reactions of Photosynthesis
V. Properties of light energy: A portion of the
electromagnetic spectrum
Visible light: A small portion of the
electromagnetic energy spectrum which cells in
our retina can detect ( wavelength: 380 - 750 nm).
 Wavelength:
Distance between two “crests” of
light wave
 Photon: Discrete “particles” of light energy
 Energy: The amount of energy is INVERSELY
proportional to the wavelength of light
Smaller wavelength
Longer wavelength
X-rays UV
visible infrared microwaves radio
Visible light spectrum
Wavelength in nanometers:
Higher Energy
Lower Energy
White Light is a Spectrum of Different Lights
Isaac Newton (1642-1727) separated white light by passing it
through a prism.
Chlorophyll Absorbs Portions of Visible Light Spectrum
Green light
is reflected by
VI. Pigments allow plants to absorb various
wavelengths of light
Pigments: Molecules that absorb light energy
 Black
object: All wavelengths are absorbed
 White object: All wavelengths are reflected
 Green object: All wavelengths BUT green are
Absorption spectrum: Shows wavelengths
absorbed by a certain pigment
Plants use different pigments to capture light
energy, each has its own unique absorption
 Chlorophyll
a: Primary light absorption
 Chlorophyll b: Accessory light absorption
 Carotenoids: Accessory light absorption
Structure of a Chlorophyll Molecule
IX. How is ATP produced in photosynthesis?
Answer: By chemiosmosis through the
development of a proton gradient in the
NOTE: The synthesis of ATP in both oxidative
phosphorylation and photosynthesis is linked to the
production of a proton gradient.
 Electron
transport chain pumps H+ to create gradient
 ATP synthase:
Uses energy as H+ flows “downhill” to
drive the synthesis of ATP from ADP and Pi
ATP Production Requires a Proton Gradient
Photosynthesis Helps Counteract the Greenhouse Effect
 The
earth’s atmosphere contains about 0.03% of carbon dioxide.
Carbon dioxide traps solar energy in the atmosphere, making
the earth about 10oC warmer than it would otherwise be.
 Since
the mid 1800s, the atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide
have risen steadily due to the burning of fuels and forests.
 The
“Greenhouse Effect” refers to the global warming that is
caused by increased atmospheric carbon dioxide levels.
 Global
warming may cause polar ice caps to melt, which in turn
could cause massive coastal flooding and other problems.
 Plants
use up about half of carbon dioxide generated by humans
and other organisms.
Greenhouse Effect: Heat is Trapped by
Carbon Dioxide