Religion Readings Questions

AP World History
Religions Presentations
Your presentation must include the following information:
The name of religion
Illustrations of symbols for your religion
The main facts of your religion INCLUDING but not limited to:
How it began, founder, places of worship, holy texts, view of death and the afterlife
(including path to achieve it), concept of God, main beliefs
The main divisions of the religion and what each believes
The role of women in the religion
Information that is commonly missed on presentations:
Hinduism: 3 main deities, dharma, karma, moksha, atman, evolution over time (from Rig Veda to
Buddhism: definition and role of bodhisattvas, role of monasteries, what a stupa is
Judaism: special laws (kosher, etc.), role of history in development of the religion and people group
Christianity: concept of the Trinity, correct founders, role of monasteries