Word Bank

Learning - Chapter 7
1 This occurs when training an animal . . . . their innate behaviors get in the way of learning the
new behavior.
3 ___________ discovered classical conditioning while looking at the digestive process of dogs.
4 The ______________ naturally evokes a response.
6 Money is considered a _____________ reinforcer
7 According to the _______________ the unconditioned stimulus and the conditioned stimulus
must occur close together.
9 If you run into a warm house to escape the unpleasant cold outdoors, then you have
experienced _______________ reinforcement with regard to the behavior of running in the
10 Ben’s little sister Beth watched while he yelled at their parent’s because he didn’t want to
mow the lawn. Ben’s parents gave in and Ben didn’t have to mow the lawn until the next week.
The next time Beth was asked to pick up her room she yelled at her parents because she still
wanted to play outside. This is an example of ____________.
12 the music from Jaws is the _________________
14 Food is a __________ reinforcer.
15 ____________ reinforcement means that the individual receives some pleasant stimuli for
performing a response in an effort to increase that response.
16 The tendency, once a response has been conditioned, for stimuli similar to the conditioned
stimulus to evoke similar responses.
18 This is the hopelessness and passive resignation an animal or human leans when unable to
avoid repeated aversive events.
20 The __________________ is the natural response to a stimuli.
21 You’d like to teach your new parrot a complex behavior. So, you’ve decided to reward him as
you train him – giving him a small piece of banana for each step he learns until he finally has
learned to do the whole complex behavior. This is called______
22 After eating a bowl of hot tomato soup, you barf all over the dining room table. Now, you
dislike tomato soup . . . this is an example of ________________.
23 In this kind of learning, behavior is either reinforced or punished.
2 With _______________ reinforcement schedules, the response is reinforced at different times,
say every 5 seconds, regardless of the actual behavior.
3 Maretta is carrying a heavy load of books to her car. She tries to reach into her pocket to find
her keys, loses control of the books, and they fall, breaking her left toe. When the books fell,
how was Maretta conditioned?
5 __________________ learned to fear little white furry things.
8 This is a type of learning where things get associated with each other
11 In classical conditioning the __________________ is the result of the conditioned stimulus.
13 In a _______ schedule of reinforcement, the reinforcement is given every 5th correct
response, for example.
17 ______________ is the process of a behavior disappearing because it is no longer rewarded.
19 ________________ simply refers to learning an association between a behavior and it’s
Word Bank
Classical conditioning
Conditioned stimulus
Little Albert
Learned helplessness
Instinctive drift
Law of contiguity
Unconditioned response
Unconditioned stimulus
Conditioned response
Conditioned taste aversion
Observational Learning
Operant conditioning