Module 29 Notes: Associative learning (conditioning) doesn’t tell the whole story Learning Theorists recognize that learning is the product/interaction of Bio/Psycho/Social influences Limits on classical conditioning: An animal (person’s) capacity for conditioning is constrained by its biological makeup. Each species has predispositions than allow certain associations (enhance survival) Not all associations are as readily conditioned o (Garcia & Koellling) Rats, cancer treatment, plastic water bottles o Taste Aversion stronger than sight or sounds conditioning True with Humans (food sickness, even 4 hours after food) US does not always need to IMMEDIATELY follow NS Survival Necessity (Birds more sight aversion) Taste Aversion is a stronger conditioning tool than most o Used by treatment programs to help quit drugs o Wolves, contaminated sheep, penned w/ sheep We tend to Learn (“Associate”) behaviors that are favored by natural selection…More effective Neutral stimulus Red & sexuality (Red blush from increased bloodflow in ovulating women) Red is a more effective NS than another color (lipstick, blush, etc..) Limits on Operant Conditioning: “Never try to teach a pigeon to sing” It wastes you time and annoys the pig” Some behaviors are easier to train the others (more natural) Instinctive Drift – Animals are inclined to behavior as they are biologically predisposed to do…even with operant conditioning (Pig pushing money with snout rather than carry in mouth) Cognition and Learning Rescorla and Wagner Animals can learn the predictability of an event/stimulus. The predictability of a Stimulus (classical) or reward/punishment (operant) will influence the strength and likelihood of conditioning occurring. This requires a cognitive process. The more predictable the stronger the conditioned response New technology since Watson Observe cognition in action o Latent learning, cognitive maps *** Our thoughts, perceptions and expectations can influence our learning Cognitive Map – a mental representation of the layout of our environment Latent Learning – learning that occurs but is not apparent until there is an incentive to demonstrate it (Rats in maze – only move deliberately and quickly if food is present) Insight – Sudden realization of problems’ solution Intrinsic Motivation – A desire to perform a behavior effectively for your own sake Extrinsic Motivation – a desire to peform a behavior to receive promised rewards or avoid threatened punishment Over justification: The more we are rewarded for something, the less we enjoy and want to do it Teachers vs Pro Athletes ??? Personal Control Control Environment