The Digestive System By Leona Senegal The Mouth The mouth helps us in some ways. Our mouth helps us with chewing. Our mouth also helps us talk. The tongue helps with the talking. Our mouth and our teeth work together. Mucus Mucus is thick and gooey. It contains antibodies that help the body recognize bacteria and viruses. Salivary Amylase This Salivary Amylase is or can be called PTYLIN. It can do work in the digestive system for hours and hours. Chemical Digestion During Chemical Digestion Enzymes break down large food molecules by the process of hydrolysis. The Esophagus After our food is swallowed it goes down a tube. The tube is called an esophagus. Our esophagus pushes our food down to our stomach. When it is pushed down it goes to the stomach. The Stomach The stomach is involved in the second stage of digestion, after chewing. The stomach walls release proteases, which are protein digesting enzymes like pepsin and hydrochloric acid. It kills or inhibits any bacteria that comes down with the food. Duodenum The Duodenum connects to the stomach and to the pancreas. Gastric Juices This begins when the food is still in your mouth. The nerves from the cheek and tongue send messages to the nerves in your stomach. The Chyme It is food in the stomach that is partly digested and mixed with stomach acids. Mechanical Digestion Mechanical digestion involves physical breakdown of food. Mechanical digestion occurs in the following locations: Mouth- Teeth, Tongue, Palates, Esophagus- Peristalsis, and stomach. The Small Intestine The small intestine is where 90% of food occurs, the other 10% goes to…..THE LARGE INTESTINE!!! The Liver The Liver has multiple functions. I will tell you about 3 big jobs. 1. It cleans your blood. 2. It produces an important liquid called bile. 3. It stores energy in the form of sugar called GLYCOGE. The Bile It is a digestive chemical that produced in the Liver & stored in the Gall Bladder. The Gall Bladder The Gall Bladder is a small pouch under the Liver. The Gall Bladder stores bile produced by the Liver. After meals it is empty or flat. Before a meal it may be the size of a small pear and full of bile. The Pancreas The Pancreas produces insulin and digestive enzymes .These “juices” are made in the Pancreas and travel through a small tube. The Large Intestine The first stop is the cecum, a pouch at the beginning of the large intestine. Once it passes through the cecum food passes through the colon. Villi It can increase the surface of the intestines. The Appendix It has a lining which passes fluid from the blood vessels into the middle of the appendix. It also contains cells which help fight infections. Muscles push the fluid into a large bowel. Enzymes The Enzymes are made amino acids, and they are proteins. When an Enzyme is formed it is made by strings together between 100 & 1,000 amino acids in a very unique way. Absorption Absorption is the Transport of end products. bibliography !!! hanical-chemical-digestion 06-08/enzyme.htm bibliography!!! {continue} ctive&rlz=1W1DMUS_enUS209&q=what% 20are%20enzymes%20and%20what%20d o%20they%20do&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.& bvm=bv.41867550,d.cGE&biw=1024&bih=5 69&wrapid=tlif135975098199921&surl=1&i e=UTF8&sa=N&tab=iw&ei=RxkMUc3aKerjigK78o HABg bibliography!!! {continue 2} &form=MS8TDF&pc=MS8TDF&src=IESearchBox