www. .org Scientific Electronic Library Online as a model for scientific communication in developing countries origins, evolution, current status, management and perspectives of the SciELO network of open access collections of Ibero-America journals BIREME – Latin American and Caribbean Abel L Packer SciELO Operational Coordinator Center on Health Sciences / Pan American Health Organization / BIREME/PAHO/WHO, Director World Health Organization CODATA 2007 - Strategies for Open and Permanent Access to Scientific Information in Latin America: Focus on Health and Environment Information for Sustainable Development, Atibaia, São Paulo, 8-10 May 2007 2007 - SciELO Geographic and Language Coverage geographic Latin America, Caribbean Portugal & Spain languages English Portuguese Spanish L&C articles in SCI-Exp, % world articles LA&C articles Latin American and Caribbean% Scientific Production ISI – Web of Sciences 2003 % Country 2003 f% F% Country 1 070 005 100,00 Total 35 299 100,00 348 225LA32,54 & CUnited States 67 756 6,33 Ibero America 16 324 46,24 46,24 43 272Brazil 4,04 Canada 35 299Mexico 3,30 LA & C 6 602 18,70 64,95 29 634 2,77 Spain 5 640 15,98 80,93 16 324Argentina 1,53 Brazil 6 602Chile 0,62 Mexico 2 972 8,42 89,35 5 640 0,53 Argentina 1 235 3,50 92,84 5 000Venezuela 0,47 Portugal ~12% are published in LA&C journals 2 972 0,28 Chile 840 2,38 95,22 Colombia 1 235 0,12 Venezuela 840Cuba 0,08 Colombia 726 2,06 97,28 Source: Ricyt, 2006 Growth of publications, from 1994 (base 100) to 2003 Source: RiCYT, 2006, http://ricyt.centroredes.mine.nu/ricyt/elc2004/1.pdf LA&C publications indexed in international databases – 1994 and 2003 Source: RiCYT, 2006, http://ricyt.centroredes.mine.nu/ricyt/elc2004/1.pdf Country Holland England USA Germany France Australia Chile India China Brazil Argentina México Journals - JCR Articles WoS total (a) % (b) total (c) % (d) 571 9,58 21.346 2,02 1235 20,69 65.880 6,22 2288 38,33 313.625 29,61 427 7,16 69.808 6,59 143 2,4 47.955 4,53 > 6,3 60 1,01 23.746 2,24 30 8 0,13 2.419 0,23 47 0,79 20.299 1,92 71 1,19 51.219 4,84 16 0,27 14.502 1,37 5 0,08 4.516 0,43 7 0,12 7.659 0,72 Country journals presence in JCR related to articles in the WoS ISI Thomsom Scientific, 2004 Edition, Rogerio Meneghini, Abel L. Packer, 2006 (b)/(d) 4,74 3,33 1,29 1,90 1,09 0,53 0,45 0,5 0,57 0,41 0,25 0,30 0,20 0,19 0,17 ISI-JCR 28 MEDLINE 65 SciELO 141 LILACS 690 total 1000-1500 Structure of the indization of LAC journals 2004, BIREME/OPS/OMS Impact Factor Distribution ………. …1 2 3 4 …… Vicious circle 1998 1999 2000 Quartil freq. % freq. % freq. % Q1 0% 0% 0% Q2 Q3 Q4 Total 3 7% 10 22% 33 72% 46 100% 2 4% 6 13% 40 83% 48 100% 0% 13 26% 37 74% 50 100% Ano 2001 freq. % 2 4% 1 2% 9 17% 40 77% 52 100% 2002 freq. % 1 2% 5 9% 10 19% 38 70% 54 100% 2003 freq. % 6 9 40 55 2004, Distribution of impact factor of LA&C journals indexed in ISI JCR, 0% 11% 16% 73% 100% f publishers journals International system of scientific publication Authors/Evaluation systema adhere to Prestige pyramid impact factor ISI Thomson Scientific Vicious circle Four instances Impact factor authors Production of journals in developing countries is perceived as secondary scientific endeavour publishers Career/ evaluation systems LA&C/2006 - projected number of articles according indexing Articles indexed in SciELO Indexed in Both Articles indexed in ISI SCIexp Public Funding is provided for ~11,500 articles ~5,500 articles ~37,500 articles page charge for most of the articles and for most of the locally ~43,000 articles ~17,000 articles published journals ~55,000 articles with LA&C affiliation - projected for 2006 SciELO – Scientific Electronic Library Online 2005 – NIH Public Acces Policy Launched in Brazil in 1997 by 2003 a FAPESP-BIREME jointJournal project – Directory of Open Acces FAPESP 2002 – HINARI The State of São Paulo Research Foundation 2001 – PLOS – Letter, Journal site in 2002 BIREME/PAHO/WHO 2000 – PubMED Central Latin American and Caribbean CenterBioMed on Health Sciences Central 1999 – OAI CNPq (since 2002) National Research Council 1998 – Virtual Health Library 1997 - SciELO Brazil, Chile Adopted by Chile in 1998 under the leadership of CONICyT PubMED - MEDLINE CONICyT with open access National Commission for Scientific Technological Research 1993and – Bioline International 1991 – arXiv Evolved networking national and thematic collections since 2000 OA - time line SciELO: Specific Objective To improve quality of national and regional scholarly journals Strategy: visibilility accesibilility quality credibility use impact Publish collections of selected journals in open access mode with integrated measure of use and impact Select/Index quality journals complementing ISIS SCI and other international indexes Links from articles with national and international information sources Move journals from the status of local and regional towards the international flow of scientific information Meta-publisher to promote improvement of journals quality SciELO: Specific Objective To improve quality of national and regional scholarly journals Strategy: Network of National and thematic collections Strategy: visibilility accesibilility quality credibility use impact Publish collections of selected journals in open access mode with integrated measure of use and impact Select/Index quality journals complementing ISIS SCI and other international indexes Inter-operate with other networks Links from articles with national and international information sources Move journals from the status of local and regional towards the international flow of scientific information Meta-publisher to promote improvement of journals quality WHO is adopting the VHL Model for Global Health Library and ePORTUGUESe networks Virtual Health Library Information and Knowledge for the management of science, technology and innovation Institutions involved directly or indirectly in the networks National Academy of Sciences National and State Science Councils Universities, Faculties and Research Institutes Ministries of Education, S & T and Health Scientific Societies International Organizations www.bireme.org www.scielo.org SciELO is promoted, developed, managed and operated as a network of national and thematic collections of journals Coleções Argentina Brasil Chile Colombia Cuba Venezuela Espanha Social Sciences Saúde Pub Total Início 2004 1997 1998 2004 2001 2000 2001 2006 2000 SciELO, March 2007 Títulos 24 176 63 22 20 28 31 28 8 400 Coleções Costa Rica Mexico Peru Portugal Uruguay West Indian Total Início 2000 2003 2004 2004 2005 2006 Títulos 9 15 21 13 6 1 65 Open access – interoperable --- OAI protocol --- Web Services protocol LA&C/2006 - projected number of articles according indexing Articles indexed in SciELO Indexed in Both Articles indexed in ISI SCIexp ~5,500 articles ~17,000 articles ~43,000 articles ~55,000 articles with LA&C affiliation - projected for 2006 maximize links – article as a portal Top ten clicked, May 2006 LILACS WoS Google Scholar etc. article SciELO DOAJ OAI CV ScienTI World Cat PUBMED MEDLINE SciELO 14%, February 2006 Brazil 1,000 10,000 50,000 100,000 200,000 500,000 1,000,000 3,000,000 6,000,000 10,000,000 1600000 1400000 1200000 1000000 800000 600000 2002 2003 400000 200000 0 2004 SciELO Chile – articles downloaded 2002-2005 N ov D ec ct O Se p Fe b M ar Ap r M ay Ju n Ju l Au g Ja n 2005 Online inter-library loan Typical week operation of SciELO Brasil 6 – 11 abril Países que mais visitam – 6-11 abril social sciences english edition public health English Spanish Portugues Brazil English Portuguese social sciences english edition public health English Spanish Portugues Brazil English Portuguese SciELO Brasil, 2006, Impact Factor Revista de Saúde Pública SciELO Brazil – 2004: Top Journal Impact factor 3-year based REVISTA DE SAUDE PUBLICA CADERNOS DE SAUDE PUBLICA ACTA BOTANICA BRASILICA CIENCIA & SAUDE COLETIVA REVISTA DO INSTITUTO DE MEDICINA TROPICAL DE SAO PAULO REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE CIENCIA AVICOLA FITOPATOLOGIA BRASILEIRA REVISTA DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE MEDICINA TROPICAL REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE ZOOTECNIA REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE BOTANICA MEMORIAS DO INSTITUTO OSWALDO CRUZ NEOTROPICAL ENTOMOLOGY PESQUISA VETERINARIA BRASILEIRA DADOS PESQUISA AGROPECUARIA BRASILEIRA QUIMICA NOVA REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE EPIDEMIOLOGIA REVISTA ESTUDOS FEMINISTAS REVISTA LATINO-AMERICANA DE ENFERMAGEM 0.5387 0.4583 0.4574 0.3468 0.3450 0.3333 0.3322 0.3311 0.3119 0.3064 0.2951 0.2801 0.2692 0.2647 0.2500 0.2358 0.2346 0.2143 0.2135 1,4 Arq Neuro-Psiquiat Braz J Med Biol Res Dados Impact Factor 1,2 J Braz Chem Soc Mem Inst O Cruz 1 Pesq Agropec Bras Quim Nova 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Year Fator de Impacto na Base ISI de Revistas SciELO que Estiveram Indexadas nas Bases SciELO e JCR desde 1998 até 2004 Citations received in JCR Brazilian SciELO-JCR Journals Arquivo Bras de Medicina Veterinária e Zoot Arquivos de Neuro-psiquiatria Brazilian J of Medical and Biological Res Genetics and Molecular Biology Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira Química Nova Revista de Saúde Pública 1998 59 207 1008 99 187 937 367 31 241 169 2003 Increase 123 575 1830 214 523 1805 505 98 636 355 108% 178% 82% 116% 180% 93% 38% 216% 164% 110% ISI JCR, SciELO Brazil journals, citatations received in ISI JCR in 1998 and 2003 increase 2003 Increase median 0,068 -26% 43% 0,316 124% 34% 0,74 69% 5% 0,31 6% 21% 0,895 90% 29% 0,688 45% 22% 0,119 55% 11% 0,176 44% 43% 0,6 86% 29% 64% 0,223 66% Impact factor in JCR Brazilian SciELO-JCR Journals Arquivo Bra de Medicina Veterinária e Z Arquivos de Neuro-psiquiatria Brazilian J of Medical and Biological Res Genetics and Molecular Biology Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira Química Nova Revista de Saúde Pública 1998 0,092 0,141 0,439 0,25 0,472 0,474 0,077 0,122 0,322 0,134 ISI JCR, SciELO Brazil journals, impact factor in 1998 y 2003 and icrease in SciELO Brazil – collection development, 2006 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Journal Citaions received LANCET 7127 REVISTA DE SAUDE PUBLICA MEMORIAS DO INSTITUTO OSWALDO CRUZ NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 6856 JOURNAL OF ANIMAL SCIENCE 6013 CIRCULATION 5764 SCIENCE 5570 NATURE 5515 6526 6497 5100 PESQUISA AGROPECUARIA BRASILEIRA 4480 CADERNOS DE SAUDE PUBLICA 4253 JAMA-JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE 4104 AND HYGIENE 3914 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE ZOOTECNIA 3910 REVISTA DO INSTITUTO DE MEDICINA TROPICAL DE SAO PAULO JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE 3889 REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE CIENCIA DO SOLO 3770 3752 JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY PHYSICAL REVIEW 3319 3312 TROPICAL REVISTA DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE MEDICINA 3189 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF A …… total 943297 SciELO Brazil – 20 titles most cited, julho 2006 SciELO JCR cited citing Rev. Saúde Pública rsp *Cad. Saúde Pública csp Bull World Health Organbwho Salud pública Méx spm Gac Sanit gs *Rev Panam Salud Publica rpsp *Rev. Esp. Salud Publicaresp *Rev. salud pública rsap Total rsp csp bwho spm gs rpsp resp rsap 514 830 17 12 4 132 5 3 259 1240 7 8 9 109 24 10 60 129 678 61 16 140 14 15 32 44 8 396 7 57 29 10 4 8 0 5 296 18 125 0 51 174 5 27 8 181 10 9 4 6 1 9 44 10 131 0 0 13 0 1 5 3 3 21 924 2444 716 519 389 650 341 68 total 1517 1666 1113 583 456 465 205 46 6051 SciELO Public Health – distribution of citations among journals 2001-2005, june2006 Impact Factor SciELO + ISI fonte FI SciELO FI SciELO + ISI Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop. 2000 2001 2002 0,2803 0,3046 0,3121 2003 0,3564 2004 0,2871 0,4459 0,5172 0,5665 0,5745 0,5215 Articles cited (2001) ISI journals ISI journals SciELO IF same category with lower IF 2001 (2001) (2001) ISI IF 2001 ISI + SciELO IF 2001 SciELO ISI Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia 178 1.727 65 4 (6%) Brazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery / Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular 49 497 65 0 741 326 54 6 (11%) 0.232 0.020 0.253 20 55 78 8 (10,2%) 0.206 0.172 0.379 Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo 711 144 12 2 (17%) 0.112 0.216 0.328 Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical 334 312 12 4 (33%) 0.298 0.183 0.482 São Paulo Medical Journal / Revista Paulista de Medicina 14 417 107 6 (5,6%) 0.063 0.126 0.189 7 410 173 17 (10%) 0.119 0.089 0.209 35 432 100 20 (20%) 0.154 0.113 0.268 Cadernos de Saude Publica Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins including Tropical Diseases Materials Research Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica 0.123 0.155 0.279 0.136 0 0.136 maximize links – article as a portal Advancing … 1 publishers journals Prestige pyramid impact factor Scopus ISI Thomson ScientificGoogle Scholar SciELO 2 common search Articles indexed in SciELO Indexed in Both Articles SciELO indexed in Auto-Archive ISIRepository SCIexp Same methodology --- markup --- links --- on the fly statistics of usage and impact SciELO Brazil Open Access Is public funding of 1 million dollars per year worthwhile? 2005 indicators 2006 indicators 150 journals online, about $6,500 per journal per year 170 journals online, about $5,800 per journal per year 9,811 new articles, about $100 per new article per year 8,799 new articles, about $114 per new article per year 60,000 articles total, about $16 per article online per year 68,700 articles total, about $14,55 per article online per year 27 million articles downloaded, about 3.7 cents per download 50 million articles downloaded, about 2 cents per download Is it possible to become Is it possible to become auto-sustainable auto-sustainable ? ? SciELO Open Access Mode 3 Towards a sustainable framework SciELO as a meta-publisher Government science, technology and innovation agencies and programs 1 SciELO National Programs Academic and scientific socities publishers Public available services for electronic 2 Sponsors Authors publishing to lessen radically costs. Phasing out public funding for paper publishing 3 SciELO Autoarchive Repositories for Private publishers peer-review articles published in nonSciELO journals Brokers Thank you ! Open access in developing countries young moviment – even unknown ethical approach – results from research as public goods different models OA journasl , ex. SciELO strong local and regional reception prejudice persists internationally preferences of communities towards the globalization of scientific communication