Evaluation criteria 9G

Evaluation Criteria “Brilliant Brits”
Name:__________ Grade:_____
Look up from
your notes.
Excellent 6 - 5
You talk freely to your audience .
 I know the whole story.
 I have included examples and pictures to help get the
message across.
 I have made a test to check what my classmates have
 I have sent Ronny the goal(s) for my lesson.
Very good 5 - 4
Good, but …4 - 3
You talk freely to your audience and
You look at your audience and coyour co-actors but use your manuscript actors, but you have to read from your
as support.
manuscript as well.
Poor 3 - 2
You read from your
Speak loud and Your audience can hear and understand Your audience can hear and understand Your audience can hear and understand Your audience have
every word you say. You vary your
every word you say.
most of what you say.
problems hearing you.
voice to keep your presentation alive.
Time 20 min.
You sound as if English could be your
first language.
Your oral English is very good, there
are next to no errors.
Your oral English is full of
Your oral English is good, but there are
mistakes. There are also
Norwegian words in there.
You give a thorough presentation of
the topic you have chosen.
Your presentation includes a catching
introduction, and an excellent ending.
You give a thorough presentation of
the topic you have chosen. It lacks one
of the criteria listed in the “excellent”
box. Or they aren’t excellent.
You give a good presentation of the
topic you have chosen. There is either You don’ seem to have
too much or too little information. It
much to say about your
lacks several of the criteria listed in the topic.
“excellent” box.
Your own
work, not
Your enthusiasm and knowledge make
your audience listen. In addition you
have the right number of pictures,
illustrations, props etc.
You have made the work your own. In
other words adapted it so that you
understand and can explain everything
you say.
Your sources are well suited for the
purpose, and stated accurately.
Energetic and
Your presentation is either
too short or too long.
You stay within the time-limit
Your enthusiasm and knowledge make
your audience listen. In addition you
have approximately the right number
of pictures etc.
You have made the work your own. In
other words adapted it so that it seems
that you understand and can explain
most of you say.
Your sources are for the most part well
suited for the purpose, and stated
You are either too enthusiastic, or not
enough so. In addition you do not have
the right number of pictures etc.
No enthusiasm what so
ever. In addition there are
no pictures etc.
You have made most of the work your
own, but there are parts that seem
You are presenting
someone else’s work.
Your sources are stated quite
accurately, but they aren’t necessarily
easy to find or well chosen.
No or meaningless sources.