Child Development Curriculum Map Week 1 Week 2 Topic: Core Content: Intro to Child Development PL-HS-1.1.3 Students will identify and explain changes in roles, responsibilities and skills needed to effectively work in groups throughout life (e.g., setting realistic goals, time and task management, planning, decision- making process, perseverance). Developmental Theorists (continued) Program of Studies: Students will: Week 3 Infants- Physical Development PL-HS-1.2.1 Students will evaluate the positive and negative impact of food selections that contain essential nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins, water) on maintaining and promoting health. PL-HS-1.2.2 Students will explain key recommendations made in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, including recommendations for specific population groups and how these recommendations contribute to good health. DOK 2 PL-HS-2.1.1 Students will analyze the principles for motor skills (e.g., accuracy, Explain the types of human growth and development. Compile information about careers in child/human development. Utilize activities of the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America student organization as an integral component of course content and leadership development. Apply math, science and communication skills within technical content. Demonstrate employability and social skills relevant to the career cluster. Recognize the effects of heredity and environment on human growth and development. Analyze conditions that influence human growth and development. Describe the stages of human growth and development. Identify factors that promote optimum growth and development in the infancy and toddler stages, including physical growth, social and emotional development and intellectual development. technique, physics, mechanics) and make applications for improving these skills (locomotor, nonlocomotor, transitional). PL-HS-3.1.5 Students will describe the relationship among private, public and nonprofit health agencies and compare the services provided by each agency: Week 4 Infants – Social/Emotional Development Week 5 Infants – Intellectual private health care facilities (e.g., private physicians, nursing homes, rehabilitation facilities) hospitals public health departments and clinics DES (Disaster and Emergency Services) Family Resource Centers Medicare/Medicaid nonprofit health organizations (e.g., American Heart Association, American Red Cross, American Cancer Society) PL-HS-1.1.1 Students will explain the importance of effective social interaction skills (e.g., respect, selfadvocacy, cooperation, communication, identifying, different perspectives and points of view, empathy, personal growth, relationship building, fulfilling commitments). DOK 2 (continued) Week 6 Development Toddlers – Physical Development PL-HS-1.2.1 Students will evaluate the positive and negative impact of food selections that contain essential nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins, water) on main PL-HS-1.2.2 Students will explain key recommendations made in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, including recommendations for specific population groups and how these recommendations contribute to good health. DOK 2 PL-HS-2.1.1 Students will analyze the principles for motor skills (e.g., accuracy, technique, physics, mechanics) and make applications for improving these skills (locomotor, nonlocomotor, transitional). PL-HS-3.1.5Students will describe the relationship among private, public and nonprofit health agencies and compare the services provided by each agency: private health care facilities (e.g., private physicians, nursing homes, rehabilitation facilities) hospitals public health departments and clinics DES (Disaster and Emergency Identify factors that promote optimum growth and development in the infancy and toddler stages, including physical growth, social and emotional development and intellectual development. Services) Family Resource Centers Medicare/Medicaid nonprofit health organizations (e.g., American Heart Association, American Red Cross, American Cancer Society)taining and promoting health. Week 7 Toddlers – Social/Emotional Development Week 8 Toddlers – Intellectual Development Wrap-up & Nine Weeks Testing Preschoolers – Physical Development Week 9 Week 10 PL-HS-1.1.1 Students will explain the importance of effective social interaction skills (e.g., respect, selfadvocacy, cooperation, communication, identifying, different perspectives and points of view, empathy, personal growth, relationship building, fulfilling commitments). Recommend effective guidance techniques for dealing with misbehavior Identify factors that promote optimum growth and development in the preschool stage including social, emotional and intellectual growth. DOK 2 (continued) PL-HS-1.2.2 Students will explain key recommendations made in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, including recommendations for specific population groups and how these recommendations contribute to good health. DOK 2 PL-HS-2.1.1 Students will analyze the principles for motor skills (e.g., accuracy, technique, physics, mechanics) and make applications for improving these skills (locomotor, nonlocomotor, transitional). PL-HS-3.1.5Students will describe the relationship among private, public and nonprofit health agencies and compare the services provided by each agency: Weeks 11 & 12 Preschoolers – Social/Emotional Development private health care facilities (e.g., private physicians, nursing homes, rehabilitation facilities) hospitals public health departments and clinics DES (Disaster and Emergency Services) Family Resource Centers Medicare/Medicaid nonprofit health organizations (e.g., American Heart Association, American Red Cross, American Cancer Society) PL-HS-1.1.1 Students will explain the importance of effective social interaction skills (e.g., respect, selfadvocacy, cooperation, communication, identifying, different perspectives and points of view, empathy, personal growth, relationship building, fulfilling Recommend effective guidance techniques for dealing with misbehavior commitments). DOK 2 Week 13 Week 14 Preschoolers – Intellectual Development On-site Preschool Planning (continued) Describe methods of identifying exceptional children PL-HS-4.2.1 Students will identify individual work habits/ethics (e.g., individual/team responsibilities, willingness to learn, integrity, respect, confidentiality, self-discipline, problem-solving, punctuality, communication skills) and explain their importance in the workplace. Organize play activities for the pre-school child. DOK 2 Week 15 Preschool PL-HS-1.1.2 Students will apply and justify effective strategies for responding to stress, conflict, peer pressure, bullying and harassment (e.g., problem-solving, decisionmaking, relaxation techniques, communication, conflict resolution, anger management, time management, refusal skills, selfadvocacy). D OK 3 PL-HS-4.2.1 Students will identify individual work habits/ethics (e.g., individual/team responsibilities, willingness to learn, integrity, respect, confidentiality, self-discipline, problem-solving, punctuality, communication skills) and explain their importance in the workplace. DOK 2 Weeks 16 & 17 Week 18 Children’s Literature Project Wrap-up & Nine Weeks Testing