pastor luhring's sermon schedule - St John Lutheran Church, Defiance

From Pastor Luhring……
Joyful in hope – even when things go wrong, hang on to your
hope in God and it will give you joy.
Patient in affliction – remain patient because you know God
will use whatever you are going through for your good.
Faithful in prayer – when tough times, come you have a
choice: you can either pray continually or you can panic. You
can either be on your knees giving it all to God, or you can give
The Epistle
February 2011
Vol. 63 #2
St. John Lutheran Church and School
Defiance, Ohio
February 12/13
Intimacy With God
Jn 15:12-16
February 19/20
Spiritual Reproduction
Matt 28:20
February 26/27
A Love For People
Jn 13:34-35
Worshipping God’s Name…
Teaching God’s Word…
Living with Christian Values…
Caring with God’s Love
Donald L. Luhring, Pastor
Joshua Schmidt, Pastor
655 Wayne Avenue
Defiance, Ohio 43512
Fax: 419-782-0954
Web Site:
From Pastor Luhring. . . . .
PASTORS’ SERMONS: Please extend an invitation to
your unchurched family members and friends to attend
services with you. Many people say that they did not attend
a church service “Because nobody invited me”. So invite
your friends to hear God’s Word and to become a member
of God’s Family. Your pastors’ sermons are designed to be
contemporary and aimed for bringing God’s Word to bear on our most
significant struggles and challenges of life. Because of Jesus we have hope for
tomorrow, confidence in the future, light in our darkness, victory in each trial,
rest when we are weary and love for a life time – for Jesus is the Light of the
world. Our worship services focus on God’s story and how it can still impact
lives with stronger faith today and with hope for tomorrow. Bring a friend to
“This We Believe” is a new study of our Lutheran Church’s
position on selected topics of faith and practice. We will study
information on over 50 topics: abortion, anti-Semitism,
assisted suicide, charismatic teaching, participating in civic
events, cloning, cohabitation, cremation, end-of-life issues,
fertility treatment, gambling, immigration, intinction, lay reading of scripture,
organ donation, pornography, reproductive technology, undocumented aliens,
unity within the synod, etc. “Iron Men” meet at 6:30 each Friday in the Lunch
Room with donuts and coffee. All men are invited to join this one-hour study
Friday mornings from 6:30-7:30. You are invited! See you next Friday!
Page 16
Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Nothing great is ever accomplished in life
without enthusiasm.” You have to have a love, a passion to see something great
happen. That is why you need to nurture your enthusiasm if you want to change
things in your life, your family or your job.
If you say, “Well, I kind of, I sort of, maybe, I want to change,” – it is not going
to happen. If you say, “Well, I would like to change in my spare time," it isn't
going to happen. But if you are passionate about your goals, it will then become
a reality.
Unfortunately, it is easy to lose your enthusiasm. So, how do you maintain your
love and your enthusiasm? Speaking from personal experience, it takes more
than positive thinking or site call Cybernetics. It takes God in your heart and
your life.
The word enthusiasm comes from two Greek words. The word “en” which
means “in,” and the word theos which is the Greek word for “God”. To be
enthusiastic then means to be in God. And when you get in God and when God
gets in you, you have love and enthusiasm deep in your heart.
The Apostle Paul tells us how to be enthusiastic in Romans 12:11-12, “Never
be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in
hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.”
Continues on back page 16>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Stephen Leaders
Pastor Donald Luhring
Payton Elizabeth Bockelman
January 22, 2011
St. John
Marvin Kemp who died January 9
Memorial Service pending
Floyd Nicely who died January 3
Received Christian funeral January 7
Penny Mueller — 419-784-3299
Rita Bergman — 419-782-4213
Faith Smith — 419-782-2073
Sheryl Frederick — 419-784-3104
Sandy Joost — 419-542-8564
Ruth Benien
Dawn Grant
Brian Grant
Deb Hastedt
Larry Joost
Sharon Lynn
Marilyn Reeb
Wendy Hulbert
Jeanette Tingle
Kristina Baxter
Brenda Gary
Jeff Pruitt
Dolena Bergman
Cathy Heyman
Lisa Buntain
Lauren Pruitt
Bill Phlipot
Mary Ann Hurst
Larry Wagner who died January 12
Received Christian funeral January 17
Rev. Donald Luhring
Rev. Joshua Schmidt
98 Families Served
335 People Served
386 Bags of Food Given
$3,850 App. Worth
Christian Day School
Mike Saxton
Director of Youth
Zech Teasdale
DCE Intern
Senior Choir Director
Jan Kaiser
There are several positions available at
all services to serve as a greeter or an
usher. Husband and wife teams, father
and children, mother and children are
encouraged to participate.
If you are interested in serving in this
very important ministry, please call the
church office at 419-782-5766.
Page 2
Page 15
1.) “The Men’s Project Team” will meet on Friday,
February 4, 9:00 A.M. Friday. Come to the Lunch Room
for a light breakfast and fellowship. During this time
current projects will be discussed. Call Nancy Schatz if
you are interested.
2.)“Phone Calling of Members” Phone calls to make caring contacts
with members, listen to shut-ins, share in their struggles with illness
and loneliness, etc. Calling will be done on Tuesday evenings. Call
Phil Rohlf 784-0495 or the church office 782-5766.
3.)“First Impressions” Our ministry of ushering and greeting has a
purpose statement: “Guests should know they matter to God and to us
in the first ten minutes!” The first impression given by our greeters
and by our ushers is the most important feeling a visitor or a potential
new member carries out with them when they leave our services.
Before they hear the message of God’s Word that every child matters
to God, each visitor must know that they truly do matter to us! Call
Mike Saxton, 393-2513, Jim Schatz, 784-3122, or Dr. Bill Lorenz,
782-7951 for more information!
Psalm 51:14-15 “Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, O God, O God of my
salvation, and my tongue will sing aloud of your righteousness. O Lord, open
my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise.”
In Psalm 51, David is confessing his sins of adultery and murder to God. David
throws himself at the mercy of God, asking for forgiveness. David also
promises God that if God does deliver him from his guilt, he will sing praises
and declare God’s righteousness with his mouth. God did forgive David just as
He forgives each of us because of Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross and His
resurrection. We have no trouble remembering that Good News. We hear it
every week in worship. We even sing aloud in praise and thanksgiving during
worship. What we find difficult is declaring our praise to God outside of the
church walls. We need help and strength when it comes to opening our lips to
share that Good News with others.
4.)“PowerPoint Preparers” are needed to prepare the weekly orders of
worship for projecting at worship services. Call the church office (7825766) or Rita Bergman (419-782-4213) if you want more information.
5.)“Clickers” for the weekend worship services. Must be dependable and
have good attention span during all parts of the worship service. Call Jim
Gary 395-2192 or the church office 782-5766 for more information.
6.)“Sound” people are needed to help with monitoring the sound controls
in all worship services. Are you interested?
7.)“Video Taping of 11:00 service” This ministry needs someone who can
learn to use a video camera and do some editing. Call the church office
or Carroll Bergman 782-9086.
On February 26th, St. John will be hosting a free workshop called “Equipping
to Share: Everyday Evangelism.” This workshop features a guest instructor
from Lutheran Hour Ministries. They will provide practical tips and helpful
advice for you in the area of witnessing for your Savior. You will grow in
confidence and be more willing and able to open your lips and declare God’s
greatness to others. Please sign up for this wonderful opportunity for growth.
Once again, this will take place Saturday, February 26, from 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
Lunch is provided. See you there! In the meantime, pray the prayer that David
prayed in Psalm 51. Ask God to open your lips so that your mouth will declare
His praise.
8.)“Receptionists” are needed who can help for four hours either in the
morning or in the afternoon at the reception desk. Please call Nancy
Schatz for a job description or for more information.
9.) “Clothes Closet Helpers” are needed. For more information call
Sharon Keller at 419-782-2639. This ministry directly helps many of our
financial struggling families in Defiance.
10.) “Cross Training Guides” are needed to help a small group of four or five
boys or girls to share their weekly highs and lows and to develop a positive
mentoring relationship with them. Call Zech Teasdale at 419-782-5766.
Page 14
If you have a family member, friend, or know of someone who would like a
monthly home visit by Pastor Luhring or Pastor Schmidt, please call the church
office at 419-782-5766.
Page 3
Jan. 2
$21,938.46 Needed Weekly to Meet Our Budget
6:30 PM
8:00 AM
9:30 AM
11:00 AM
$ 653.00
$ 60.00
$ 875.00
Jan. 8 & 9
6:30 PM
8:00 AM
9:30 AM
11:00 AM
Jan. 15 & 16 Service
6:30 PM
8:00 AM
9:30 AM
11:00 AM
$ 30.00
Jan. 22 & 23 Service
6:30 PM
8:00 AM
9:30 AM
11:00 AM
$ 41.00
$ 170.00
Page 10
Teacher In-Service - No school was held for students on Monday,
January 17, but teachers attended an In-Service Training. The Early
Childhood teachers participated in a training by Sandy Berlin on
“Handwriting Without Tears”, while first through eighth grade teachers
were involved with a training regarding child abuse (“Stewards of
Children”) by Cheryl Robbins of the Child and Family Advocacy Center.
Preschool and School Age Program Licensing - The Ohio
Department of Education, Office of Early Learning, had a representative
at St. John on Thursday, January 13, for a visitation for the purpose of relicensing the Tigers’ Den and our Preschool. The visitation was very
positive and St. John was re-licensed.
Kindergarten/Preschool/Tigers’ Den Open House On Thursday, February 24, an Open House will be held
for all those interested in Kindergarten, Preschool or the
Tigers’ Den for the 2011-2012 school year. This will
allow parents a chance to start thinking about their child’s
placement for a particular class or days next year.
Children of a parent or parents of St. John as well as children
that are currently enrolled at St. John will have first
priority in the enrollment process.
2011-12 Registration - Registration for the 2011-12 school year will begin
on Tuesday, March 1, for members and families with students currently
attending St. John. Open registration will begin on Monday, March 14.
Registration packets will be sent home in mid-February.
Presidents’ Day - There will be no school on Monday, February 21.
Children’s Christmas Program DVD - DVD’s for each of the three
Children’s Christmas Programs (both early childhood and grades 1-8) on
December 19 can now be ordered in the church office. The cost is $5.00 each.
The PTL is sponsoring a Father & Daughter
Dance on February 12th in the gym from 6:00 –
8:00 p.m. This is open to girls in Kindergarten
thru 8th grade. Show her how special she really is
fathers, uncles, grandfathers, or anyone with a
special girl is invited to spend a semi-formal
evening full of music, dancing, refreshments, and photos!
The cost is $10.00 per child. Make checks payable to St. John Lutheran PTL.
Registration forms are available in the school office.
Page 7
A Great Way You Can Help a Hurting Friend
Do you have a friend, neighbor, coworker, or relative who has suffered
a loss or is going through a difficult time? Here's a great way you can help
them--tell them about our Stephen Ministry! Stephen Ministers are members
of St. John Lutheran Church who have received special training to provide high
quality, confidential, one-to-one, Christian care to hurting people.
Stephen Ministers meet weekly with their care receivers to listen, care, encourage, and
provide emotional and spiritual support. (Males are matched with males, and females are
matched with females.) The caring relationship lasts for as long as the person needs care.
It's free, and it's a powerful way you can help a hurting friend.
To learn how to connect someone you know with a Stephen Minister,
talk with one of our Stephen Ministry Leaders: Pastor Luhring,
Penny Mueller, Rita Bergman, Faith Smith, Sheryl Frederick and
Sandy Joost or call the church office 419-782-5766. Our Stephen Ministers
are there to care!
National Lutheran Schools Week - Plans for National Lutheran Schools
Week (March 6 - 12) activities are currently underway, including the Scholastic
Book Fair. The National Lutheran Schools Worship Service will be on
Sunday, March 6, with St. John students singing in all of the Sunday services.
This year’s theme is “Securing Each Child’s Future - Making Disciples” and is
based on John 8:31b-32.
Springfest - The annual Springfest and
Carnival and Silent Auction will be held
on Saturday, March 12. Plan on
attending and enjoying the fun, food,
prizes, games and more. Sponsored by
the St. John PTL, Springfest is an
important fundraiser for that group.
February 8, 2011
Dear Friend In Christ:
You’re invited to attend a special presentation at St. John Lutheran Church on
ministering to those coping with financial difficulties by Cecily Rohrs, - on Tuesday,
March 8th from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Cecily Rohrs, Ridgeville Corners, has been involved in social service, in one form or
another, for more than 25 years. Today, she is director of Shepherd's Circle, a
volunteer group providing support and life-skills training to the needy.
Her insight on poverty and how people are coping with loss of income in these tough
economic times will be very helpful for all of us to understand how we can minister to
the less fortunate.
Thank You for Box Tops - St. John recently received a check in the amount of
$919.40 for its participation in the Box Tops for Education Program, which
supports the computer fund. Thanks for all of your help in making this
program such a success!!
TerraCycle Program- St. John recently received a check in the amount of
$74.34 for its participation in the TerraCycle Program. This recycling program
not only keeps trash out of the landfill but also generates cash for the school as
well. Collection boxes are located in the school lunchroom for a variety of the
products that can be recycled.
Ms Rohrs states, “Many individuals and groups want to help those who live in poverty.
The task seems almost overwhelming. So concerned people raise money, offer their
best, and make suggestions all in the hope of making life better for those on the edge.
Sometimes it seems nothing changes. Frustration builds and it’s easy to think our
services will never make a difference. They can! They will! But we have to understand
the culture. It’s only then that we can make great strides to serve those in poverty more
Come join us on March 8th from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Room at St.
John Lutheran Church, 655 Wayne Ave, Defiance, OH. Please call 419-782-5766 and
sign-up to attend this continuing education presentation by the Stephen Ministry of St.
In His Service,
St. John Lutheran Stephen Ministry
Page 12
Chief Good Neighbor Program - St. John recently received a
check in the amount of $49.29 for its participation in the Chief
Good Neighbor Program. Thanks to all that place their Chief
receipts in the collection box in the cafeteria. Your help in
providing support to the school in this way is truly appreciated!!
Gift Card Update - Great Lakes Scrip Center announced that Target is the
newest retailer to join their scrip program. Target is available in $25 and $100
cards with a 1.74% discount. Great Lakes also announced that they have
discontinued the Borders/Walden Books Gift Cards.
Page 5
Chief Gift Cards - Although there have been numerous requests regarding the
purchase of Chief Gift Cards, St. John currently participates in the Chief Good
Neighbor Program whereby sales receipts that are turned in at the school collection
box can be redeemed for cash. In that Chief will allow participation in only one of
the two programs, the Board of Christian Day School has researched and
determined that it is more beneficial at this time to stay with the Good Neighbor
Program. Since January 2005 the school has received $4634.01 through Good
School Spelling Bee - Sixth grader Nolan Lantz, St. John’s Spelling Bee
champion, and fifth grader Lexi Elwood, our runner-up, advanced to the Defiance
County Spelling Bee at the Ayersville Auditorium on Tuesday, January 25.
Thanks to Mandy Schmidt, our Spelling Bee Coordinator, who has spent a great
deal of her time in helping these students prepare.
Take One – Take Heart
Give One – Give Hope
DIBELS Testing - Kindergarten through sixth grade students were engaged in
DIBELS testing, the second in a sequence of three testing sessions this year, on
January 25. DIBELS is a standardized, individual test of accuracy and fluency as
a student reads a connected text. Results of each of the three testing sessions (one
in the fall, one in the winter and one in the spring) for each student allows for
tracking improvement in reading skills.
Working Your Way
Through Crisis
Iowa Tests - Iowa Tests of Basic Skills will be given to all Kindergarten, first and
second grade students during the week of February 28.
Ohio Achievement Assessments - All students in grades 3 through 8 will be
taking the Ohio Achievement Assessments during the week of April 25.
Awards Assembly/Grade Cards - An Awards Assembly was held on Monday,
January 24. This assembly served to recognize students for outstanding
accomplishments, including perfect attendance at school, church and Sunday
school, Honor Roll, and participation in the Spelling Bee during the second
quarter. Students with Baptismal Birthdays during the months of December,
January and February were also acknowledged.
Science Fair - The St. John Science Fair was held on Friday,
January 28. Kindergarten through fourth grade students did class
projects, but fifth through eighth grade students focused on
individual projects. Judging was done during the afternoon, with
an open house for all students and parents to view the projects
Friday evening, at which time the results of the judging were
announced. Those fifth through eighth students who earned
superior ratings will have an opportunity to move on to the District Science Fair
that will be held in March.
Page 6
New Care Notes have been placed in the rack in the entrance of
Church. Please take one for you or give to a friend.
Notes Now available:
When Your Grown Child Gives Up on Church
Giving Your Worries to God
Living Alone Without Being Lonely
Praying When You’re Worried
How Forgiveness can Heal Our Lives
How Faith Can Help When Bad Things Happen
Living With a Problem You Can’t Solve
When You Can’t Stop Worrying
Finding Hope When Times Are Tough
Sad Isn’t Bad When Someone You Love Dies (For Kids)
When Mom and Dad Divorce-A Kid’s Resource
Page 11
The Winter Lutheran Information Class begins February 13, Sunday evening,
6:30-8:30PM. In the weeks of February through April, Pastor Luhring and
Pastor Schmidt will teach this Lutheran Information Class to review our
Lutheran doctrines and the basic teachings of the Bible. Consider joining this
class, for personal growth in your faith and understanding of the Bible. Upon
completing the class non-members are offered the opportunity to join St. John
Lutheran Church and participate in the Sacrament of Holy Communion.
Our youth intern, DCE Zech Teasdale, and a number
of college age young men are playing basketball each
week –schedule permitting. If you are interested in
joining for a good workout, full court-fast break basketball,
call the church office and ask for Zech, or we can just see you
on Tuesdays 7:00PM – 9:00PM! It has been revealed that
Pastor Joshua Schmidt has an NBA three-point shot and excellent rebounding
hands to intimidate the competition!!
Our youth intern, DCE Zech Teasdale, and other eager volleyball
players are playing each Thursday from 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM in
the gym. Several of our members are extending an open
invitation for those who would like to exercise with them!
Breaking Free: The Journey, The Stories by Beth Moore
is the women’s Bible study for Sisters in Christ: A
Women Supporting Women Bible Study. In this DVD
series, Beth leads women to discover the transforming
power of freedom in Jesus Christ and to identify personal
obstacles in their lives. Our group meets on the second
Monday evening of each month from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Our
next meeting is Monday, February 14, and we invite you to come for this very
interesting study. Please join us in Penny Mueller’s home at 3117 Sandlewood
Drive. At 6:00 we share a meal of pizza and salad provided each time. If you
prefer, you may come at 7:00 for the Bible study only. We would love to see
new faces. Feel free to call Penny Mueller (419-784-3299) or Judy Detter (419393-2054) for more information.
Page 4
A benefit is planned on Sunday, February 20, for Greg Ulaszewski, one of
our St. John custodians, who does not have health insurance and needs to
help with medical bills resulting from heart surgery. The Benefit will
include breakfast, lunch and a silent auction.
In August of 2010, Greg had two heart attacks and
was rushed by helicopter to Toledo for emergency
insertion of cardiovascular stents. He needs
financial assistance with bills from this procedure
as well as help with the expensive medications he
now needs to take.
The benefit will include breakfast/lunch, served in the St. John lunch
room from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. for a free will donation. The
menu will include breakfast casserole, coffee cake, fruit, hot beef
sandwiches, hot chicken sandwiches, cheesy potatoes, a variety of
salads and desserts, and beverages.
Also from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m., there will be a silent auction of
numerous items in the Fellowship Room. High bidders will be
announced at 1:30 p.m.
The benefit committee is seeking volunteers
to provide salads and desserts; to help
with serving the meal; and to provide an
item or gift certificate for the silent
auction. Anyone who would like to help is
asked to call one of the committee
members: Jim Gary, 419-395-2192;
Jenny George, 419-784-4008; Nancy
Schatz, 419-782-5766; and Faith Smith, 419-419-782-2073.
The deadline for auction items is February 12 and can be brought to
the Church Office. Salads and desserts need to be in the Lunch Room
by 9:30 Sunday, February 20. Thank you!
Supplemental financial support for the benefit of up to $1,500 is being
provided by the Defiance-Paulding Chapter of Thrivent Financial for
Lutherans. Greg needs our help, and this is a great opportunity as a
congregation to reach out to him. Thank you.
Page 13
St. John’s annual Springfest Carnival and Silent Auction is
coming up on March 12 from 3:00-6:00 p.m.
We all seem to like top-ten lists. Here’s one that has ideas for you to consider as it
relates to your possible legacy to St. John Lutheran Endowment Fund (SJLEF).
Prepare a will, or amend your will, to leave a gift to SJLEF in the form of a
specific dollar amount or a percentage of assets.
Use securities, real estate or other assets for your charitable gift to SJLEF.
Name SHLEF as the beneficiary of your IRA or pension plan.
Purchase a charitable gift annuity naming SJLEF as beneficiary.
You are invited to attend a meeting of the We Care Card Ministry of St.
John on Thursday, February 10, from 7:00 to 8:30 P.M. Current card
senders will discuss this ministry. They will also share their experiences
with sending cards and notes to people they encourage and support.
Please join us if you are interested in learning more about this ministry.
Name SJLEF as the beneficiary on an existing life insurance policy.
Purchase a new life insurance policy naming SJLEF as beneficiary.
Use a life estate agreement to leave your home, farm or vacation home to
Remember deceased loved ones with memorial gifts to SJLEF.
Encourage family members and friends to leave a gift to SJLEF in their
Volunteers are needed to help: donations of auction
items, baked goods, and gently used stuffed animals
for prizes are requested. Cakes and other baked
goods are needed for the Cake Walk. Sign up in the
school office! Thank you.
To encourage people to examine their finances regularly
When was the last time you had a financial checkup?
When you hear the word checkup, what comes to mind?
Most likely it’s your physical health. But checkups are just as critical to
your financial health—which may be equally important.
Most financial professionals recommend you get a financial checkup at
least once a year. The experienced and knowledgeable financial
representatives at Thrivent Financial for Lutherans can help.
Thrivent Financial offers simple ways to deal with changes in your life
that naturally lead to changes in your financial needs. For example, if you
have a new grandchild, money you invested in a CD two years ago may
now make more sense in a college savings plan. Or a recent job
promotion may mean it’s finally time to start saving for retirement.
10. Ask your financial advisor, accountant and attorney to include charitable
giving as part of their counsel to other clients.
You could probably come up with additional legacy items. For more information
on Biblical stewardship and charitable gift planning, call the church office at 419782-5766.
Dave Memmer, CFP
For St. John Lutheran Endowment Committee
Grief Support Group Starting ….
For a financial checkup or to discuss how Thrivent Financial can help you
achieve your financial goals, contact Bob Heyman, Financial
Representative, at 419-782-0228 or today.
Have you lost a loved one in the recent past?
HUG – Helping Us Grieve – will be starting a group session Tuesday,
February 1, 2011. The group will meet for 4 weeks: February 1, February 8,
February 15, and February 22. Sessions begin at 7:00 pm and last about 1½
hours. The focus of the group is to provide support and understanding for
the grieving process. For questions or to register, please call the church
office at 419-782-5766 or Penny Mueller at 419-784-3299. Please register
by Monday, January 31, 2011.
Page 8
Page 9
With regular financial checkups, you can ensure you’re doing what’s
necessary today to help you achieve your long-term financial goals.
St. John Lutheran Clothes Closet
2010 Highlights
St. John Lutheran Clothes Closet
2010 Highlights
St. John Lutheran Clothes Closet continues to be a valuable ministry
outreach of our congregation. During the year, about 250 bags of
clothing were given out free of charge to area families in need.
St. John Lutheran Clothes Closet continues to be a valuable ministry
outreach of our congregation. During the year, about 250 bags of
clothing were given out free of charge to area families in need.
Many St. John Lutheran and community volunteers helped to sort,
organize and sell clothing, spending about 70 hours per week at the
Clothes Closet performing these various tasks. Thanks to these workers
including: Leola Zachrich, Deb Walters, Dave Boehm, Sharon Boehm,
Laurie Ryan, Jo Luderman, Marilyn Reeb, Donna Swary, Marianne
Baldwin, Elaine Harris, Diane Salisbury, Wilma Beaverson, Susie
Curl, Diane Moser, Sue Boesling, Lolita Wagner, Maggie Mack,
Delora Duerk, Sharon Keller, Marilyn Burke, Carol Schuette, Marilyn
Guilliam, Vicki Vogel, Dolena Bergman, Lucy Schaffer and Gretchen
Many St. John Lutheran and community volunteers helped to sort,
organize and sell clothing, spending about 70 hours per week at the
Clothes Closet performing these various tasks. Thanks to these
workers including: Leola Zachrich, Deb Walters, Dave Boehm,
Sharon Boehm, Laurie Ryan, Jo Luderman, Marilyn Reeb, Donna
Swary, Marianne Baldwin, Elaine Harris, Diane Salisbury, Wilma
Beaverson, Susie Curl, Diane Moser, Sue Boesling, Lolita Wagner,
Maggie Mack, Delora Duerk, Sharon Keller, Marilyn Burke, Carol
Schuette, Marilyn Guilliam, Vicki Vogel, Dolena Bergman, Lucy
Schaffer and Gretchen Duerk.
Additional thanks go to Fred Schuette, St. John Building Fund
Treasurer for his help and the St. John Lutheran Board of Trustees for
their continued maintaining of the property at 646 Wayne, where the
Clothes Closet is located. Also, the Men’s Project Team at St. John did
numerous work projects at the Clothes Closet.
Additional thanks go to Fred Schuette, St. John Building Fund
Treasurer for his help and the St. John Lutheran Board of Trustees for
their continued maintaining of the property at 646 Wayne, where the
Clothes Closet is located. Also, the Men’s Project Team at St. John
did numerous work projects at the Clothes Closet.
Approximately $19,350 was earned this year from the sale of good
quality, reasonably priced merchandise. Money raised from the
Clothes Closet, about $19,850, was used to help pay for various church
and community projects. Here is a list of the major projects:
Approximately $19,350 was earned this year from the sale of good
quality, reasonably priced merchandise. Money raised from the
Clothes Closet, about $19,850, was used to help pay for various
church and community projects. Here is a list of the major projects:
-$500 to the ‘My Gift for Kids” project
-$12,500 to St. John Lutheran missions commitment
-$500 for RAVEN’s ‘Back-to-School Supplies’ project
-$250 for St. John Lutheran ‘Card Ministry’ program
-$3500 for the new Handicapped Access
-$1800 for cabinets in the church offices
-$650 for playground mulch
-$170 for a computer printer
Thanks to all those who helped in any way to
support the Clothes Closet.
-$500 to the ‘My Gift for Kids” project
-$12,500 to St. John Lutheran missions commitment
-$500 for RAVEN’s ‘Back-to-School Supplies’ project
-$250 for St. John Lutheran ‘Card Ministry’ program
-$3500 for the new Handicapped Access
-$1800 for cabinets in the church offices
-$650 for playground mulch
-$170 for a computer printer
Thanks to all those who helped in any way to
support the Clothes Closet.