Medical Assisting Class Annual Calendar of Assignments, Tests

Medical Assisting Class Annual Calendar of
Assignments, Tests, Activities and Events
Monday-August 25, 2014: Welcome & Introduction to Medical Assisting, Hand out class
syllabus, getting to know each other ice breaker, assign textbooks.
Tuesday- August 26, 2014: Lecture on Medical Assisting Book- MA 1- Healthcare
Providers & MA 2- The Medical Assistant, hand out MA 1 & 2 assignments, You Tube
Video Clip. (HOSA- Guest speaker- Denise Abbott and State HOSA Officers)
Wednesday- August 27, 2014: Watch Gifted Hands (based on a true story)Assignment- write a typed one-page reflection paper on how this movie touched you
and what determination means to you. (Reflection paper Due- Thursday: August 28,
2014 the beginning of class)
Thursday- August 28, 2014: MA 3 Lecture- Medical Ethics & Liability, video, hand out
MA 3 assignments (Assign medical ethics presentations) (Gifted hands reflection
Paper due)
Friday- August 29, 2014: Watch Extraordinary Measures: Assignment- Write a onepage typed reflection paper on medical ethical issues you identified and your personal
opinion about the movie. (Due Tuesday)
Monday- September 1, 2014: NO SCHOOL LABOR
Tuesday- September 2, 2014: Brains Storm Ideas with Health Career Display Partners.
(Assign Health Career Display Partners) (Extraordinary Measures Paper due)
Wednesday- September 3, 2014: MA 11-1 Lecture on Anatomy & Physiology:
Anatomical descriptors and fundamental body structure, hand out assignments.
Group activity- (Create a cell & Anatomical positions project)
Thursday- September 4, 2014- MT 1 &2 Lecture Anatomical descriptors & Cell Structure,
hand out assignments. (Group activity: 3-D Cell and DNA extraction with Chris Harris
from U of U)
(Project Happy Face)
Friday- September 5, 2014: MA 1 & 2 Test Review- Healthcare providers & The Medical
Assistant, MA 12 Lecture and video, hand out assignments
Monday- September 8, 2014: MA 12 –In class demonstrations, MA 1 &2 Test in the
computer lab, MA 1 & 2 assignments due.
Tuesday- September 9, 2014: MA 4 Lecture - Professional Communications Lecture,
hand out assignments. (Role Play Scenarios)
Wednesday- September 10, 2014: MA 4- Professional Communications: (Role Play
Continued), MA-3 Medical Ethics & Liability Test Review.
Thursday- September 11, 2014: MA 11-1/MT 2 Test Review, Take MA 3 Test, in the
computer lab, MA 3 Assignments Due. (1st HOSA Meeting after school from 4-5: Vote
for Officers) (Project Happy Face)
Friday- September 12, 2014: MA 6 Lecture and Video, handout assignments, MA 111/MT 2 Test in computer lab, MA 11-1, MT 2 assignments due.
Monday- September 15, 2014: MA 11-2 Nervous system lecture, hand out assignments,
Group activity. (How the brain works, make a brain out of clay)
Tuesday- September 16, 2014: MT 10 Lecture- Nervous system, hand out assignments.
(Group Activity- Critical Thinking)
Wednesday- September 17, 2014: MA 7 Lecture- Facility records & management, video,
hand out assignments. (Study time)
Thursday- September 18, 2014: MA 4 Test Review, MA 3: In Class Ethics Oral
(HOSA MEETING AFTER SCHOOL 4-5) (Project Happy Face)
Friday- September 19, 2014: MA 3-: In Class Ethics Oral Presentations, MA 4 Test in
computer lab, MA 4 assignments due.
Saturday- September 20, 2014: JDRF Walk at Liberty Park from 8:00am-11:00am.
Monday- September 22, 2014: MA 12 Test review, MA 13 Lecture- Beginning a patient
record, hand out assignments, video.
Tuesday- September 23, 2014: MA 13 Lecture- Beginning a patient record, in class
(Group Rotations- Clinical, Desk, Administrative and Laboratory) Take MA 12 Test
Wednesday- September 24, 2014: Group Rotations- Clinical, Desk, Administrative and
Thursday- September 25, 2014: MA 6 Test review. (Group Rotations- Clinical, Desk,
Administrative and Desk) (HOSA MEETING AFTER SCHOOL 4-5) (Project Happy Face)
Friday- September 26, 2014: NO SCHOOL NON-STUDENT DAY
Monday- September 29, 2014: MA 6 Test in computer lab, MA 6 assignments due.
(Group Rotations- Clinical, Desk, Administrative and Laboratory)
Tuesday- September 30, 2014: MA 11-3 Lecture- Senses, hand out assignments.
(Group activity- Senses project with jellybeans)
Wednesday- October 1, 2014: MT 11 Lecture- Senses: hand out assignments.
(Eyeball Dissection with Chris Harris from U of U)
Thursday- October 2, 2014: MA 11-2/MT 10 Test Review.
(Group Rotations- Clinical, Desk, Administrative and Laboratory) (Project Happy Face)
Friday- October 3, 2014: MA 11-2/MT 10 Test in computer lab, MA11-2/MT 10
Assignments due, MA 8 Lecture- Collecting Fees, Video.
Monday- October 6, 2014: MA 8- Begin 13- Day Bookkeeping in class.
Tuesday- October 7, 2014: MA 8- continues 13-Day Bookkeeping, MA 7 Test review.
(ARUP Blood Drive 10:00am-3:00pm)
Wednesday- October 8, 2014: MA 7 Test in computer lab, MA 7 assignments due,
Complete13-Day Bookkeeping.
Thursday- October 9, 2014: Health Career Display Research Day with partner. (DUE
February 4th)
(Project Happy Face) (HOSA MEETING AFTER SCHOOL 4-5)
Friday- October 10, 2014: Primary Children’s Medical Center Field Trip. (Karaoke
Night: 5-9 in the multipurpose rooms)
Saturday-October 11, 2014: Breast Cancer Walk at the Liberty Park 8:00am-11:00am
Monday- October 13, 2014: MA 14 Lecture- Physical examinations & assessment
procedures, video, hand out assignments.
Tuesday- October 14, 2014: MA 14- in class demonstrations.
(Project Happy Face) (HOSA MEETING AFTER SCHOOL 4-5)
Wednesday- October 15, 2014: MA 13 Test Review, Group Rotations- Clinical, Desk,
Administrative and Laboratory.
(Reminder of HOSA Officer Banquet this evening from 6-8)
Thursday & Friday- October 16-17, 2014: UEA- NO SCHOOL
Monday- October 20, 2014: Take MA 13 Test in computer lab, MA 13 assignments due.
(Group Rotations: Clinical, Lab, Desk and Administrative)
Tuesday- October 21, 2014: Group Rotations- Clinical, lab, desk and administrative.
(Celebrity Server at the Golden Corral from 6-9)
Wednesday- October 22, 2014: MA 11-4 Lecture- Integumentary System, hand out
assignments. (Group Rotations- Clinical, Lab, Desk and Administrative)
Thursday- October 23, 2014: Wednesday- MT 12 Integumentary System, hand out
assignments,, MA 11-3/MT 11 Senses Test Review. (Group Activity- Critical Thinking)
(Project Happy Face) (HOSA MEETING AFTER SCHOOL 4-5)
Friday-October 24, 2014: Field Trip to the U of U Cadaver lab
Monday- October 27, 2014: MA 9 Lecture- Health Care Coverage, Video, Hand out
Assignments, MA 11- 3 Senses Test.
Tuesday- October 28, 2014: MA 9 Lecture- Health Care Coverage, CMS 1500Forms,
ICD-9, CPT Codes.
Wednesday-October 29, 2014: MA 9- Health Care Coverage Activity, CM1500 Forms,
ICD-9, CPT Codes.
Thursday- October 30, 2014: MA 9-Health Care Coverage Activity, ICMS 1500 Forms,
ICD-9 and CPT Coding Exercises. (Project Happy Face) (HOSA MEETING AFTER SCHOOL
Friday- October 31, 2014: MA 9- Health Care Coverage Activity, CMS 1500 Forms, ICD-9
and CPT Coding Exercises, MA 8 Test review.
Monday-November 3, 2014: Group Rotations- Clinical, Lab, Desk and Administrative,
CMS 1500 Forms and Coding Exercises Due, MA 8- Collecting Fees Test in computer lab,
MA 8- Collecting Fees Assignments Due.
Tuesday –November 4, 2014: MA 15 Lecture- Specimen Collection and Laboratory
Procedures, MA 15 hand out assignments. (HOSA FALL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE IN
Wednesday- November 5, 2014: MA 15- Specimen Collection and Laboratory
Procedures and Videos. (Blood Borne Pathogens Video and Test)
Thursday- November 6, 2014: MA 15 Class Demonstrations.
(Project Happy Face) (HOSA MEETING AFTER SCHOOL 4-5)
Friday- November 7, 2014: Group Rotations- Clinical, Lab, Desk and Administrative, MA
14- Physical Examinations and Assessment Test Review.
Monday- November 10, 2014: MA 14- Physical Examinations and Assessment Test in
the computer lab, MA-14 Physical Examinations and Assessment Assignments Due.
(Group Rotations- Clinical, Lab, Desk and Administrative)
Tuesday- November 11, 2014: MA 11-5 Lecture- Skeletal System, MA 11-5, Hand out
Assignments. (Group Rotations- Clinical, Lab, Desk and Administrative)
Wednesday- November 12, 2014: MT 3 Lecture- Skeletal System, Hand out
Assignments. (Group Activity- Critical Thinking) (Group Rotations- Clinical, Lab, Desk
and Administrative)
Thursday- November 13, 2014: MA 21 Lecture- Explore, Enter, and Succeed In
Employment, Job Seeking Skills Video, Resume, Cover Letter and Thank You Letter
Examples. (Project Happy Face) (HOSA MEETING AFTER SCHOOL 4-5)
Friday -November 14, 2014: Work on Resumes, Cover Letters, and Thank You Letters,
MA 11-4/MT 12- The Integumentary System Test Review.
(Guest Speaker Ginny Butikofer- IHC Human Resources)
Monday- November 17, 2014: Work on Resumes, Cover Letters, and Thank You Letters,
MA- 11-4/MT 12- The Integumentary System Test in the computer lab, MA- 11-4/MT 12The Integumentary System Assignments Due.
Tuesday- November 18, 2014: Work on Resumes, Cover Letters, and Thank You Letters.
Wednesday- November 19, 2014: Work on Resumes, Cover Letters, and Thank You
Thursday- November 20, 2014: Complete final- Resumes, Cover Letters, and Thank You
Letters. (Project Happy Face) (HOSA MEETING AFTER SCHOOL 4-5)
Friday- November 21, 2014: School Of Medicine and School of Nursing Field Trip
Monday- November 24, 2014: Guest Speaker- Karen Roylance: State Department of
Health- Newborn screenings, MA 9 Health Care Coverage Test Review.
Tuesday- November 25, 2014: Group- Rotations- Clinical, Lab, Desk and
Administrative, MA 9 Health Care Coverage Test in the computer lab, MA 9 Health Care
Coverage Assignments Due. (HOSA MEETING AFTER SCHOOL 4-5) (Project Happy Face)
Wednesday- November 26, 2014: NON-STUDENT ATTENDANCE NO SCHOOL
Thursday & Friday - November 27, 2014- November 28, 2014: Thanksgiving Break- No
Monday-December 1, 2014: Group Rotations- Clinical, Lab, Desk and Administrative.
Tuesday- December 2, 2014: Mock interviews, MA 15-Specimen Collection and
Laboratory Procedures Test Review. (Group Rotations- Clinical, Lab, Desk and
Administrative) (Festival of trees decorating day HOSA officers only @ South Towne
Expo Center)
Wednesday-December 3, 2014: Continued Mock Interviews, (Group Rotations- Clinical,
Lab, Desk and Administrative) MA 15-Specimen Collection and Laboratory Procedures
Test in computer lab.
Thursday- December 4, 2014: MA 11-6 Lecture-The Muscular System, Hand out
Assignments. (Group Rotations- Clinical, Lab, Desk and Administrative)
(HOSA MEETING AFTER SCHOOL 4-5)(Project Happy Face)
Friday- December 5, 2014: MA 10 Lecture- Medical Office Management, Video, Hand
out Assignments.
Monday- December 8, 2014: Group Rotations- Clinical, Lab, Desk and Administrative.
Tuesday- December 9, 2014: MT 4 Lecture-The Muscular System, MA 16 LectureDiagnostic Tests, X-rays, and Procedures and video.
Wednesday- December 10, 2014: MA 16- in class Demonstrations
Thursday- December 11, 2015: Chicken Wings Dissection with Chris Harris from U of U.
(HOSA MEETING AFTER SCHOOL 4-5) (Project Happy Face)
Friday- December 12, 2014: Group Rotations- Clinical, Lab, Desk and Administrative,
MA 11-5/MT 3- The Skeletal System Test Review.
Monday- December 15, 2014: Group Rotations- Clinical, Lab, Desk and Administrative,
MA 11-5/MT 3- The Skeletal System Test in the computer lab, MA 11-5/MT 3- The
Skeletal System Assignments Due.
Tuesday- December 16, 2014: MA 11-7 & MT 7 Lecture-The Respiratory System, Hand
out Assignments.
Wednesday- December 17, 2014: Lung Dissection with Chris Harris from U of U.
Thursday- December 18, 2014: MA 17 Lecture- Minor Surgery in the Medical Office,
Video, You Tube Videos, Hand out Assignments.
(HOSA MEETING AFTER SCHOOL 4-5) (Project Happy Face)
Friday- December 19, 2014: Christmas Party (Sub for Santa Delivery)
December 22, 2014- January 2, 2015: Winter Break
Monday-January 5, 2014: MA 17- Minor Surgery in the Medical Office Classroom
Tuesday- January 6, 2015: Group Activity- Suture Removal Pig Feet.
Wednesday- January 7, 2015: MA 17- In class demonstrations continued. (Group
Rotations- Clinical, Lab, Desk and Administrative) (ARUP Blood Drive 10:00-3:00)
Thursday- January 8, 2015: MA 11-8/MT 5 Lecture- Circulatory System and handout
assignments. (Group Activity- Critical Thinking) (HOSA MEETING AFTER SCHOOL 4-5)
(Project Happy Face)
Friday- January 9, 2015- Heart Dissection with Chris Harris from U of U, Hand out
Monday- January 12, 2015: MA 18 Lecture –Assisting with Medications, Hand out
assignments, MA 11-6/MT 4 Muscular Test Review.
Tuesday- January 13, 2015: MA 18 Assisting with Medications Videos &
Demonstrations. Take MA 11-6/MT 4 Muscular Test in the computer lab.
Wednesday- January 14, 2015: MA 18 Assisting with Medications & Demonstrations.
(Group Rotations- Clinical, Lab, Desk and Administrative)
Thursday- January 15, 2015: Group Rotations- Clinical, Lab, Desk and Administrative,
MA 10 Medical Office Management Test Review. (HOSA MEETING AFTER SCHOOL 4-5)
(Project Happy Face)
(ARUP Blood Drive 10:00 am- 3:00 pm)
Friday-January 16, 2015: Group Rotations- Clinical, Lab, Desk and Administrative, MA
10 Test
Monday- January 19, 2015: Martin Luther King Jr. Day, No School
Tuesday- January 20, 2015: MA 11-9/MT 6 Lecture-The Immune System, Video, Hand
out assignments, study time.
Wednesday- January 21, 2015: Watch Girl Positive Video, Reflection Assignment.
Thursday- January 22, 2015: Begin Pharmacology Math: Oral Dosages.
(Project Happy Face) (HOSA MEETING AFTER SCHOOL 4-5)
Friday- January 23, 2015: Pharmacology Math: Parenteral Dosages.
Monday- January 26, 2015: Pharmacology Math- Pediatric Dosages, MA 11-7/MT 7The Respiratory System Test Review.
Tuesday- January 27, 2015: MA 11-7/MT 7- The Muscular System Test, MA 11-6/MT 4The Respiratory System Assignments Due, Group Rotations- Clinical, Lab, Desk and
Wednesday- January 28, 2015: Pharmacology Math- Oral, Parenteral and Pediatric Quiz,
Group Rotations- Clinical, Lab, Desk and Administrative.
Thursday- January 29, 2015: MA 11-10 Lecture-The Digestive System, Hand out
Assignments, Group Rotations- Clinical, Lab, Desk and Administrative.
(HOSA MEETING AFTER SCHOOL 4-5) (Project Happy Face)
Friday- January 30, 2015: MT 8 Lecture- The Digestive System, Group Activity- Critical
Thinking, Hand out Assignments, MA 16- Diagnostic Tests, X-Rays, and Procedures Test
Monday- February 2, 2015: MA 16 Diagnostic Tests, X-Rays, and Procedures Test, MA 16
Diagnostic Tests, X-Rays, and Procedures Assignments Due, Ambulation Video and MA
19 assignment.
Tuesday- February 3, 2015: Group Rotations- Wheelchair, Walker, Crutches, Cane.
Wednesday- February 4, 2015: Group Rotations- Wheelchair, Walker, Crutches, Cane.
(Health Career Displays are Due and ready to present)
Thursday- February 5, 2015: Group Rotations- Wheelchair, Walker, Crutches,
Cane.(Project Happy Face) (HOSA MEETING AFTER SCHOOL 4-5)
Friday- February 6, 2015: Group Rotations- Clinical, Lab, Desk and Administrative, MA
11-8/MT 5 Circulatory System Test Review.
Monday- February 9, 2015: MA 11-11 Lecture- The Urinary System, Hand Out
Assignments, MA 11-8/MT 5 Circulatory System Test in the computer lab, MA 11-8/MT 5
Circulatory System Assignments Due, Pass offs.
Tuesday- February 10, 2015: MT 9 Lecture- The Urinary System, Group activity- Critical
Thinking, Hand Out Assignments.
Pharmacology Test Review (Oral, Parenteral and Pediatric Dosages)
Wednesday- February 11, 2015: Pharmacology Test in computer lab.
Thursday- February 12, 2015: Pass offs. (Project Happy Face)
Friday- February 13, 2015: Pass offs, MA 11-9/MT 6- The Immune System Test Review.
(HOSA VALENTINE’S DAY BOUTIQUE 10:00am-1:00pm) (Karaoke Night: 5-9)
Monday- February 16, 2015: President’s Day NO SCHOOL
Tuesday- February 17, 2015: Pass offs, MA 11-9/MT 6- The Immune System Test in the
computer lab, MA 11-9/MT 6- The Immune System Assignments Due, MA 11-12
Endocrine System Lecture, hand out assignments.
Wednesday- February 18, 2015: MT 13 Lecture-The Endocrine System, Hand out
Assignments. Pass offs
Thursday- February 19, 2015: Pass offs, MA 17- Minor Surgery in the Medical Office
Test Review. (Project Happy Face) (HOSA MEETING AFTER SCHOOL 4-5)
Friday- February 20, 2015: Pass offs, MA 17 Test, MA 17- Minor Surgery in the Medical
Office Test in the computer lab, MA 17- Minor Surgery in the Medical Office
Assignments Due.
Monday- February 23, 2015: Pass offs.
Tuesday- February 24, 2015: MA 11-13 Lecture-The Reproductive System, Reproductive
Video, Hand out Assignments.
Wednesday- February 25, 2015: MT 13 Lecture-The Reproductive System, Hand out
Assignments, Pass offs.
Thursday- February 26, 2015: Watch She’s Too Young Video: Assignment- Write a onepage reflection paper on what you learned from the movie. (Due tomorrow) (Project
Friday- February 27, 2015: (Group Rotations- Clinical, Lab, Desk and Administrative)
MA 11-10- The Digestive System Test Review. (Reflection Paper due) (Pass offs)
Monday March 2, 2015: Pass offs, MA 11-10/MT 8- The Digestive System Test, MA 1110- The Digestive System Assignments Due.
Tuesday- March 3, 2015: Pass offs, MA 18- Assisting with Medications Test Review.
Wednesday- March 4, 2015: Pass offs, MA 18- Assisting with Medications Test, MA 18Assisting with Medications Assignments Due.
Thursday- March 5, 2015: Pass offs, (Project Happy Face) (HOSA MEETING AFTER
SCHOOL 4-5) Health & Safety Fair (10:00-2:00)
Friday- March 6, 2015: Non-Student Attendance No School.
Monday- March 9, 2015: Clinical and Admin Pass-offs.
Tuesday- March 10, 2015: Clinical and Admin Pass-offs.
Wednesday- March 11, 2015: Clinical and Admin Pass-offs.
Thursday- March 12, 2015: Pass offs
(Project Happy Face) (HOSA MEETING AFTER SCHOOL 4-5)
Friday- March 13, 2015: Group Rotations- Clinical, Lab, Desk and Administrative.
Saturday- March 14, 2015: Mandatory CPR & First Aid Class 08:30 – 5:30 (Mandatory
Attendance for Externship)
Monday- March 16, 2015: Clinical and Admin Pass-offs. (Externship Power point &
Tuesday- March 17, 2015: Clinical and Admin Pass-offs, MA 11-11/MT 9 – Urinary
System Test Review.
Wednesday- March 18, 2015: Clinical and Admin Pass-offs, 11-11/MT 9 – Urinary
System Test: 11-11/MT 9- Urinary System Assignment Due. (Project Happy Face) (HOSA
Thursday- March 19, 2015: HOSA State Competition In Layton, Utah (over night event.)
Friday- March 20, 2015: HOSA State Competition In Layton, Utah
Monday- March 23, 2015: Clinical and Admin Pass-offs, 11-12/MT 13- The Endocrine
System Test Review.
Tuesday- March 24, 2015: Clinical and Admin Pass-offs, 11-12/MT 13- The Endocrine
System Test, 11-12/MT 13 Test in computer lab, Endocrine System Assignments Due.
Wednesday- March 25, 2015: Clinical and Admin Pass-offs, (Externship Paper Work is
Thursday- March 26, 2015: Clinical and Admin Pass-offs, MA 11-13/MT 14- The
Reproductive System Test Review. (Project Happy Face Last Day)
Friday- March 27, 2015: Clinical and Admin Pass-offs, MA 11-13/MT 14- The
Reproductive System Test, Group Rotations, Pass-offs, MA 11-13/MT 14- The
Reproductive System Assignments Due.
Monday- March 30-April 3, 2015: (Spring Break) First Week of Externship 8:00am5:00pm
Tuesday- April 6, 2015- Thursday April 9, 2014: Externship 1:30-5:30.
Friday- April 10, 2015: In Class, Timecards and Contract Due.
Monday- April 13, 2015- Friday April 17, 2014: 1:30-5:30pm
Monday- April 20, 2015- Thursday April 23, 2014: Externship 1:30-5:30
Friday- April 24, 2015: In Class, Timecards Due.
Monday- April 27, 2015- Friday May 1, 2014: Externship 1:30-5:30
Monday- May 4, 2015-Thursday May 7, 2014: Externship 1:30-5:30
Friday- May 8, 2015: In Class, Time Cards Due, Benchmark I Test Review
(Senior Farewell- Karaoke Night: 5-10)
Monday- May 11, 2015- Friday May 15, 2014: Externship 1:30-5:30
Monday- May 18, 2015- Externship 1:30-5:30.
Tuesday- May 19, 2015: Externship 1:30-5:30.
Wednesday- May 20, 2015: Externship 1:30-5:30
Thursday- May 21, 2015: In class, Benchmark 1 Test, Benchmark 2 Test Review
Monday- May 22, 2015: NO SCHOOL EMERGENCY MAKE-UP DAY for externship if
Monday- May 25, 2015: MEMORIAL DAY NO SCHOOL
Tuesday- May 26, 2015: In Class, Benchmark 2 Test, Benchmark 3 Test Review
Wednesday- May 27, 2015: In Class, Benchmark 3 Test, Benchmark 4 Test Review
Thursday- May 28, 2015: In Class, Benchmark 4 Test (Graduation Rehearsal after test)
Friday- May 29, 2015: Graduation from 1:00pm-3:00pm.