form - Pollution Probe

Gifts of Publicly Traded Securities/Mutual Funds
to The Pollution Probe Foundation
(BN # 10809 2701 RR0001)
208-150 Ferrand Drive
Toronto, Ontario
Canada M3C 3E5
Phone: (416) 926-1907
Toll Free: (877) 926-1907
Fax: (416) 926-1601
I wish to make a charitable donation and authorize and direct you to re-register
the following securities/mutual funds into the name of “RBC Dominion Securities
– In Trust for The Pollution Probe Foundation” from my account as follows:
Donor Information:
To donate a publicly traded
security (shares, mutual
funds, etc.) to The Pollution
Probe Foundation please
complete and sign this
form and send it to your
broker. Fax a copy of this
form to Pollution Probe,
Attn: Tatiana Slobodcicov
(416) 926-1601 and to
RBC Dominion Securities
Attn: Ms. Susan Morrissey
(416) 842-7070.
Address: ___________________________________________________________
Upon receipt of the
securities from your broker
by RBC Dominion Securities
the securities will be sold
and funds transferred to
The Pollution Probe
Foundation following
settlement. Your broker
will supply you with FIN
and CUSIP numbers.
Broker Contact Name: ________________________________________________
For donations to The
Pollution Probe
Foundation, income tax
receipts will be issued as
soon as possible after
donation. The valuation for
the issuance of the income
tax receipt is based on the
closing bid price listed for
the date of transfer to RBC
Dominion Securities. For
assistance, call Tatiana
Slobodcicov, Annual Giving
Manager, The Pollution
Probe Foundation (416)
926-1907 ext. 247.
City: _______________________ Prov.: ___________ Postal Code: ____________
Email: ____________________________________ Tel:______________________
Broker Information:
Firm Name: _____________________________ FINS/CUID#_________________
Client Account Number: ______________________________________________
Fax #_______________________________ Tel: ___________________________
Security Information:
Shares/Units: ______ of ____________________ CUSIP: ____________________
Description of Security
Shares/Units: ______ of ____________________ CUSIP: ____________________
Description of Security
Transfer Information for Your Broker:
Please be advised that the following transfer is about to be made to Pollution
Probe’s custodial Account with RBC Dominion Securities. Please Process this
transaction at your earliest convenience.
Signature of Donor
Signature of Donor
Gifts of Marketable Securities
To encourage charitable giving, the May 2006 Federal Budget granted an exemption from capital gains taxes
that arise from the difference between the appreciated value of listed securities (including shares of publicly
traded companies, mutual funds, bonds, etc.) and their cost if they are donated directly to a charitable
organization or public foundation.
If securities appreciate in value and are sold at some point in the future (for example, as part of an estate)
capital gains tax must be paid on 50% of the gain. A donation of these shares to a registered charity eliminates
the need to pay capital gains taxes and in addition, an income tax receipt will be issued for the value of the
securities at the time the donation is made.
One of the advantages of donating shares, mutual funds, etc. to a registered charity is that there is no direct
outlay of cash. Quite often, listed securities may have been tied up for years in a brokerage’s account or as a
stock certificate kept in a secure place. The value of a donation can be significant given the increase in the stock
market in recent years, and through this method a donor can make a positive impact to a charity without
utilizing their liquid cash resources.
The following example is for illustration purposes only and is based upon a publicly traded security being
donated to Pollution Probe Foundation. The capital gains tax rate and tax credit benefit vary according to a
person’s taxable income as well as their province of residence. A tax rate of 46%* has been assumed for this
Method of donation
Donate Cash
Donate publicly listed securities
Donation amount
Non-refundable tax credit
Reduction to capital gains tax
Total Tax assistance received*
Net cost of donation for donors
*Assumes a combined federal and provincial top-marginal tax rate in the province of Ontario.
To make a donation of listed securities to Pollution Probe Foundation, you first must have the ownership of the
listed security transferred by your broker to Pollution Probe Foundation by means of a Letter of Direction. There
is no cost to you, as Pollution Probe Foundation, through its broker, will pay the applicable fees. Pollution Probe
Foundation will then sell the listed security and transfer the proceeds to the appropriate account, and issue an
income tax receipt for the value of the shares on the date that the donation was transferred to the Foundation.