curriculum - Lutheran Education Queensland

Reports to 2012 Synod
Lutheran Education Queensland
and Schools of the District
Lutheran Education Queensland …
Lutheran Education Queensland Budget
… 3
… 9
Bethania Lutheran School - Bethania
Bethany Lutheran Primary School - Raceview …
Good News Lutheran School – Middle Park… …
Grace Lutheran Primary School - Clontarf…
Living Faith Lutheran Primary School – Murrumba Downs
Redeemer Lutheran Primary School - Biloela …
St Paul’s Lutheran Primary School – Caboolture
Concordia Lutheran College – Toowoomba
Faith Lutheran College – Plainland
Faith Lutheran College – Redlands
Good Shepherd Lutheran College – Noosaville
Grace Lutheran College – Rothwell & Caboolture
Immanuel Lutheran College – Buderim …
Lutheran Ormeau Rivers District School – Ormeau
Pacific Lutheran College – Meridan Plains
Peace Lutheran College – Cairns
Prince of Peace Lutheran College – Everton Hills
Redeemer Lutheran College – Rochedale
St Andrews Lutheran College – Tallebudgera …
St James Lutheran College – Urraween …
St Peters Lutheran College - Indooroopilly…… …
St Peters Lutheran College Springfield …… …
St Stephens Lutheran College – Gladstone
Trinity Lutheran College – Ashmore
Peace Lutheran Primary School – Gatton
St Johns Lutheran Primary School – Bundaberg
St Johns Lutheran Primary School – Kingaroy …
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We note that there is a separate report from QLECS with regard to the early childhood
services and therefore this report focuses almost exclusively on schools and colleges.
Lutheran Education Queensland (LEQ) submits the following for your information and
as a record of our 2011 activities.
2011 was a difficult year, beginning with the worst flooding in 40+ years and Cyclone
Yasi. Many schools throughout the rest of the year supported staff and students who
were either inundated or affected by events around them. This year has been a much
better start for everyone, albeit areas of Queensland continue to suffer quite badly
from the two speed economy.
Planning for the Australian Conference for Lutheran Educators (ACLE) to be held in
Brisbane in late September, early October 2013 is under way and the theme is set:
Wise Up! Transforming Mind, Body and Heart in Lutheran Education. Now we start on
the detailed program and sponsorship goals.
Following is a summary of our service in 2011.
All Lutheran schools take seriously the induction of new staff so that those people are
equipped to contribute to our schools and to teach Christian Studies effectively with a
deeper understanding of our theology and how that finds expression in our schools.
To this end staff attend over the course of three years a program called Pathways.
Over those three years Pathways Spiritual, Pathways Theological and Pathways
Vocational are delivered. Teachers are then eligible for Accreditation to teach in a
Lutheran School.
Those who are teaching Christian Studies work towards Accreditation (Christian
Studies teacher). This involves either post graduate study or attendance at Equip, 10
full days of workshops culminating in the presentation of a portfolio of student work
and a statement of philosophy from the teacher demonstrating their capacity to
understand and implement the curriculum.
In 2011, 31 Equip workshops were run, including 6 regionally with 453 attendances
comprising 191 staff members. Equip continues to receive excellent feedback from
both principals and participants. While some are reluctant starters, the nature and
quality of the program are such that teachers quickly realise its worth and actively
The following schools went successfully through their Non State Schools Accreditation
Board cyclical reviews in 2011:
 Grace Lutheran Primary School
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Peace Lutheran Primary School
Immanuel Lutheran College
Peace Lutheran College
St Peters Lutheran College Indooroopilly
Principals and Councils received significant support through a number of means.
Every two years the Better Schools Survey is completed, giving data regarding the
Organisational Health of a school. This is used to assist with forward planning.
Principals also participate in a Principals Wellbeing Survey every two years. This helps
inform their professional learning plans.
Lutheran Education Queensland also runs Executive Learning Partnerships, a three
day residential course for Principals and Business Managers helping them keep up to
date in numbers of areas.
Each week a Leadership Updates newsletter is widely distributed, and it includes state
and federal government news, professional readings, news from around the Region
and from other Regions, as well as regular updates from executive officers at Lutheran
Education Queensland.
Principals each year also attend a three day spiritual retreat.
We are currently voting on the LCAQD Enterprise Agreement and expect a 12 month
agreement with an increase of 4% from 1 June with no other matters being
During the year several templates were developed and distributed. Leading Teacher 2
panel training occurred. The Complaints Handling Procedures were reviewed. Various
elements around salaries and leave were discussed during Business Manager
meetings. Pro-forma contracts for appointment of senior administration staff were
prepared. Business Manager and Principal salaries and conditions were reviewed.
Implications of Fair Work legislation were considered as were the National
Employment Standards. Resources were given to schools.
The Risk Services Manager (RSM) oversaw our WHS compliance with new legislation
coming into force. He also supported our knowledge management initiatives.
Significant work has been done on risk management for governance and this work
continues into 2012. Schools continue to enjoy considerable savings with compliance
workshops being run by the RSM. Advice is regularly given to schools with regard to
OHS compliance. Safety Direct is fully implemented and loaded with the new
regulations and legislation. Child Safety legislative changes are monitored and
changes made to training requirements.
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Significant work was done in supporting schools as they use digital content to improve
student learning and student engagement. (ICT pedagogy). Coaches were trained for
almost every school and are being supported in their work. Significant work was also
done in networking and supporting schools in their ICT strategic planning so that ICT
is sustainable and effective. It is a high cost item! Schools were supported as they
developed their plans for mobile learning, ensuring flexibility and financial
In addition, numbers of schools received direct technical support through the XTech
program. All schools receive the benefit of bulk licensing and contracts.
The LEQ website was launched and 2012 is a proof of concept year for MyLEQ, our
intranet learning portal.
Much work was done with the Australian Curriculum, supporting curriculum leaders as
they manage the change, and in turn support teachers. Relational management
(restorative justice) continued as a priority and is being well taken up by many of our
schools. Service learning was also supported, and chaplaincy was a priority with LEQ
hosting our national chaplaincy conference. Several schools were supported in their
implementation of the Federal Government’s chaplaincy program. Managing and
delivering Equip and Pathways remains a significant part of the load.
The financial monitoring and support of our schools was again a top priority, working to
continually improve this area of our operations. Regular reports are received from
schools and the process for approving BGA applications and loan and borrowing limit
increases were further improved. As a system, we must meet system benchmarks,
and this continues to be a focus. Task forces looking at Future Growth and Global
Borrowing Limits were established. Much work remains to be done. Work was also
done around the Gonski report (the Australian Government review of school funding).
Governing bodies continued to receive support throughout 2011. Many governing
bodies conducted PD workshops and it is pleasing to see the growing
acknowledgement of the need for governance training as an annual and regular focus.
Some schools were also supported in their Strategic Planning.
Enrolments in schools showed a steady increase of 3.11% on 2010 figures. There are
17,721.8 students in Lutheran schools in Queensland (2012 Feb census).
Enrolments in early childhood also showed an increase with an additional 24 licensed
places. There are 2,548 licensed places in Lutheran early childhood services in
Queensland. This equates to well over 3,000 children.
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“New” leaders, 2011
Adrian Wiles - Principal of St Peters Lutheran College and Head of
Debbie Green – Director of Grace Crèche and Kindergarten at Redcliffe
Nadine Leamy - Director at Prince of Peace Lutheran Kindergarten, Everton
Staff numbers, 2011
LEQ employ 3,325 people. According to Lexicon 2011/12 (LEA database) there
is 76 new staff, inclusive of teaching and all other staff. (only 12 schools have
to date entered information)
New schools / services 2012:
LORDS opened!
SPLC Springfield moved to its new site
LORDS, Little Wonders Kindergarten opened
Pacific Lutheran Kindergarten Unit Two opened
St James Lutheran Kindergarten, Hervey Bay, Unit Two opened
New schools / services 2011:
Prince of Peace Lutheran Kindergarten opened in term two
Various primary schools concluded investigations of their future profiles (as a
consequence of Flying Start): Kingaroy determined to apply for P – 9, Biloela for P –
10, and Bethania for P – 12. Bundaberg determined to stay as is, so did Good News.
Grace, St Pauls, Living Faith, Peace and Bethany are expanding with further streams
being added.
Anne Tudor Lynch (Martin Luther Kindergarten) and Jenny Timmer (Immanuel
Lutheran College) received the Mayer (teacher) award with Bethania Lutheran Primary
School and Grace Lutheran Primary School receiving the Reuther (school) award. The
awards were presented as part of Lutheran Education Queensland’s presentation at
Convention last year.
Katie Truss (teacher at Redeemer Lutheran College, alumni of St Peters Lutheran
College and Good News) is a 2012 Fulbright Scholar.
2011 was a very difficult year in Queensland with January seeing widespread flooding
in the SE Queensland. The secretariat offices were flooded and we were out of them
for almost a month. This resulted in considerable loss of time and productivity and all
year we battled to make up that lost time. We moved all our ICT services to cloud
computing within a week and our payroll for all QLECS centres was able to go ahead
without disruption.
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We have spent some time working through governance relationships between QLECS
and Lutheran Education Queensland.
The LEQ strategic plan 2009 – 2011 was completed and work began on the 2012 – 14
plan. This was signed off on in January 2012. Our plan is a five point one: a focus on
governance, on our identity, on our sustainability, on how we provide works of care
support and on strategic networking. Our strategic plan sits in addition to, but is
embedded within our business / operational plan.
QLECS has completed its first year as a Central Governing Body overseeing the
Kindergarten funding for sessional kindergartens.
QLECS continues to provide highly expert support for services with regard to early
childhood education, including accountabilities and licensing matters. They provide
support to locally managed services and to QLECS plus services (centrally managed
services). Working collaboratively with schools is sometimes not easy, but with mutual
respect much can be achieved. Susan Shaw provides exemplary leadership and we
are fortunate to have such expertise.
Mark Schneider completed 8 years of outstanding service as the inaugural Business
Manager for QLECS. He has accepted a position as Business Manager at one of our
Colleges. We are grateful to him for his service and delighted that he still serves within
Lutheran education. Cheryle Smith has been appointed Business Manager from the
start of 2012.
We sincerely thank Graeme Drapper for his 19 years of service as Lutheran Education
Queensland Business Manager. In that time he has seen considerable growth of
schools and of early childhood services. His passion for Lutheran education is obvious
to everyone!
Sue Kloeden, Executive Director (accreditation, governance, external relations)
Dennis Mulherin, Assistant Director (BSP, LDP, networks: deputies and
Lisa Walker, IRRPO (industrial relations)
Eric Wilson, RSM (risk management, knowledge management)
Business Office
Graeme Drapper, Business Manager (2011)
Kerryn Simpfendorfer, Business Manager (2012)
Tom Kenny, Assistant Business Manager
Alistair Duncan, Systems accountant and forecaster
Christina Spacie, Accountant
Olga Savouchkina, Accounts Clerk (to November)
Vivi Chen, Accountant / Payroll (from November)
Jean Acutt, Payroll
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Derek Bartels, Executive Officer ICT (ICT pedagogy, technical support)
Julia Boulton, Education Officer ICT (2012 secondment)
Paul Pantelimon, ICT technician
Paul Smart, X Tech (to March)
Praveen Koyyada, X Tech (to September)
Julian Zhou, X Tech
Santhosh Suriyamoorthy, X Tech (from August)
Meg Noack, Executive Officer, Curriculum (student services, AC, chaplaincy)
Amanda Pentti, Education Officer (2011, secondment)
Dominique Jacqueline, Education Officer 0.6
Vicki Schilling, Education officer 0.2 (2011, on leave in 2012)
Support staff
Sue Kavanagh, Executive Assistant (Director, Assistant Director)
Tracey Dalton, Personal Assistant (Curriculum, ICT)
Rob Turner, Personal Assistant (Business Manager)
Lyndall Skelton, Personal Assistant (RSM, IRRPO)
Ruby Farley (receptionist, Administration Assistant)
We are delighted to have appointed Kerryn Simpfendorfer as our System’s Business
Manager and she commenced work in January 2012. Vivi Chen was appointed as
accountant / payroll and is now able to provide much needed payroll backup. Praveen
moved to one of our colleges as their ICT technician. Amanda Pentti accepted a
position at one of our colleges in 2012.
In conclusion, I thank the secretariat for their ongoing work, they bring a high degree of
professionalism and great commitment to all they do.
I also want to acknowledge and thank the members of the Council for Lutheran
Education Queensland for their untiring work not only on the Council but also on a
number of sub-committees. They are all volunteers who work with great enthusiasm,
and energy and bring much experience and expertise to their leadership and support
of Lutheran Education in Queensland. I thank them and look forward to serving you in
Respectfully submitted
Anthony Mueller
Chair - Council for Lutheran Education Queensland
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Grants Received
Less Grants Disbursed
Interest Received
Levies Received - General
Other Income
Salaries & Wages
Wrkrs Comp/FBT/LSL
Human Resources Devt
Staff InserviceTraining
Committee Expenses
Advertising/Pub. Rel.
Bank Charges etc.
Elect, Cleaning & Maint
Interest Paid
Other Expenses
Vehicle Expenses
Travel Fares, Acc, Etc.
Professional Fees
Allocations to:
LEQ Develop. Fund
Crisis Fund
New School Rev Fund
School Dev
Capital Expenditure
NET SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) after allocations
Bank Balance b/f
Net Cash Surplus/(Deficit)
Debtors, Etc.
Bank Balance
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At Bethania Lutheran School, we aim to teach our students the skills they need to be
functioning, caring, valuable, contributing members of their community. We nurture
our students as individual unique creations of God, and aim to develop not just
academic goals but social/emotional skills also.
Pastoral care within the school reflects the core Christian values of service and caring.
This is expressed by each class teacher's (and other staff’s) personal commitment to
each student, a commitment to who that student is and to who they may become.
Daily devotion takes place in every classroom and is a special time for the class
teacher and students to worship together.
In order for students to build their own positive image of themselves as learners and
contributors to their communities, they are provided with relevant, purposeful and
appropriate learning experiences. These learning experiences are structured and
presented in a variety of ways with opportunities for both success and personal
School staff supports students by providing a positive learning environment, which
provides routine, structure and stability. This helps children feel secure and confident
to take risks and be supported in their choices. Problem solving, resilience and
creativity are encouraged, taught and modelled with the aim of producing motivated,
independent, lifelong learners.
Distinctive curriculum offerings are as follows:
1. Values Framework
School staff had previously developed a comprehensive values program. In earlier
years, the school had implemented both a Virtues program and an anti-bullying
program called ‘Doing Our Bit’. These programs are offered in conjunction with
“Program Achieve”.
2. Program Achieve
Program Achieve, developed by educational psychologist Dr Michael Bernard of
the ‘You Can Do it!’ Foundation is a program designed to improve the resilience of
students. The program focuses on five Keys to Success: Resilience, Confidence,
Persistence, Organisation and Getting Along. This program is a component of the
Values Framework above.
3. Music Program
All children in the school receive weekly music lessons from our specialist Music
Teachers. As a culminating activity, students perform at a Twilight Concert to
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display their skills. Many of our students also participate in our Instrumental
program and then participate in bands or small group ensembles.
4. Camps
Camps begin with sleepovers in the junior stage. Commencing in Year 4 with a
camp of three days, the program culminates with a weeklong experience in which
the children in Year 6 and 7 visit Sydney, Canberra and the snow.
Site Master Planning is underway in order to plan for the anticipated expansion of the
school into secondary offerings.
The school council has made a change of attribute presentation to CLEQ in seeking to
gain approval to expand the school offering to secondary education. Planning is
underway to offer a two stream primary, three stream secondary education.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church at Bethania congregation actively supports the
school. The congregation recently appointed a youth coordinator in order to grow the
youth ministry locally.
In an ever changing world, we look forward to meeting the changing needs of our
community through the provision of education which meets our communities’ needs.
James Stolz
Chair – Bethania Lutheran Primary School Council
One of the challenges of schools today is having numbers of students present
with special needs. One of our students who have been with us for seven
years is a young lad with Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Over the years teachers
and parents have worked closely together and we have seen him make
remarkable progress. He is a well known and liked student in our school.
While I believe that the school has been a blessing for him and his family, he
has also been a blessing for the school, particularly his class. These young
people have been remarkable in the way they have helped and supported this
young man in his learning, his socializing with others and his growth as a
young person. Their understanding and compassion have been remarkable!
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2011 was once again a special year of growth and development for Bethany Lutheran
Primary School. The cycle of planning and implementation of ongoing school
improvement characteristic of our school since 2004, when we brought 5 modular
buildings on site to commence demolishing and rebuilding our school, continued
strongly. We thank God for his amazing grace!
Ipswich began the year under a cloud, as did most of Queensland and were
challenged by major flooding. While, our school was not in a flooded area, there were
school families who were. There was wonderful support for those affected, which was
funneled through Ipswich Lutheran Parish Office. Schools across Australia raised
funds to help the families pay their school fees, meals were distributed for months to
those in need, emergency baskets went out and people donated furniture as well as
money to help. There were many stories of hardship but they were matched by a
marvelous spirit of generosity that came from many quarters.
Bethany received a grant under the National School Chaplaincy Program, through
LEQ at the beginning of Term 3. The grant came as a result of the floods and was
sufficient to fund the employment of a person to provide pastoral care to our students
and families for 20 days over Semester Two. Mrs. Amanda Rogers, a former teacher
at Bethany was appointed to this role. Amanda was able to provide excellent support
to students and families at a time of special need.
The staff during 2011 reviewed Bethany’s Behaviour Management Policy which
focuses on a restorative approach to managing student behaviour. There are now set
policies, procedures and forms that are used across the school to track student
behavior. Behaviour within the school has improved since the introduction of the policy
and parents appreciate the clarity that has resulted through the review.
Bethany’s enrolment at Census in February was 232 students, including 49 Prep
students. There were 3 classes of Year 1/2 students. Prep to Year 2 totalled 117
students and Years 3 – 7 there were 115 students enrolled. We finished the year with
234 students, our largest enrolment in the history of the school. Over the next four
years we will complete the transition to a double stream P-6 school.
The 2011 School year commenced with an influx of new staff due to two staff retiring
at the end of 2010 and to the growing needs of the school. They all settled in quickly to
become valued members of our staff team, each using their special skills in our school
In late January Pastor Tim Jarick was farewelled, leaving the Ipswich Lutheran Parish
with one pastor.
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At the end of the school year, the school community farewelled Mrs. Sarah Rowan,
after 13 years of service, and Mrs.Doreen Gowell, after 25 years. These two people
dedicated a significant portion of their lives to serving the children and families of
Bethany Lutheran Primary School. Sarah completed her Master of Education Studies
and rose to the position of Deputy Principal. Sarah moved on to take up the position of
Junior Head at Peace Lutheran College in Cairns.
Doreen started as a classroom teacher aide and became Computer Teacher Aide at
the time computers first crept into the school. She has been part of change and
development of the school over her 25 years of her service. Doreen retired to spend
time with family and friends and to dedicate her time to her special relationships and
At our school teachers and staff are seen as key leaders in the school community.
They model a passion for learning to students and are always striving to grow their
skills to improve the learning outcomes for children. Personal Professional
Development is a way of life for staff at Bethany as we strive for School Improvement.
Two teachers continued their study with Australian Lutheran College Adelaide – Mrs.
Tracy Bock and Mrs. Siarne Way. Having completed their Certificate of Lutheran
Education Tracy and Siarne went on to do two more units towards their Master of
Education. They will both finish their degree in 2012.
In 2011 teachers have been working on achieving the standards set in the English,
Maths and Science Australian Curriculum Documents. This has meant a new Maths
program across the school, Stepping Stones Maths, higher expectations for English
learning and the use of a whole school program for Science as well as teaching
Science as an individual subject, rather than through the Integrated Program.
Students have adapted well to the higher expectations, reassuring us that when we do
lift the bar and the expected standard, students are more than capable of achieving
success and lifting their learning journey.
Staff was able to confidently finish 2011 knowing that in English, Maths and Science
they are achieving the standards expected through the Australian Curriculum
Following our successful application to the Block Grant Authority, plans for the new
Administration Centre were put out to tender. The tenders came back very high and
we therefore moved away from a modular building to a conventional building on the
ground with drilled in peers and strong mesh in the foundations. The final result was
less expensive and has resulted in a superior building. The building was eventually
ready for occupation three weeks before the end of the school year.
State and Federal Government each contributed $125 000 of the $730 000 project.
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Bethany continued to enjoy stable governance with excellent retention of School
Council members. This has been a positive factor in the redevelopment of the school
infrastructure. We thank God for the service that the Council members have given, and
continue to give.
Completion of a Strategic Plan taking the school through until 2016, early in the year,
provided positive impetus and encouragement for the future.
We thank God for our school and the privilege that we have to teach children within
the context of a Christian community.
Ross Billiau
Chair– Bethany Lutheran Primary School Council
A Mother shares a story with the Principal
One morning, walking back from Chapel, I met three mothers talking in the
undercover area. One of them was sharing a conversation that she and her
son recently had in the car. The little Prep boy saw a cross with flowers by the
side of the road and said to his mother that someone had died there. His
mother asked him how he knew and he mentioned the cross and the flowers.
She then asked why he thought the cross was there and the boy replied, “To
let people know God still loves that person”. After thinking, the mother asked
why the flowers were there. He said the flowers were there to let people know
that someone still loves them like their family. She then asked him if he was
worried or scared about Grandma or Grandpa dying one day. He surprised
her by shouting a really loud “NO!” She asked him why and he said, “Because
they will go to heaven because God loves them. He then excitedly told her all
about heaven. He said, “When someone dies God makes heaven bigger for
them because God loves them and Grandma and Grandad would have no
more worries and they would always be happy and have fun and have lots to
eat.” The thing that astounded his mother the most was that he said he would
be happy for them when they die because of God and heaven.
The mother then added that they don’t talk about God at home at all. Dad is
an atheist and goes all funny when there is talk about God. She said, “I’m
happy that Charlie is comfortable with dying and that he is finding God”.
The mother had just told this story to the two other mothers and then eagerly
shared it with me.
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Following our focus theme of “Make a Difference” in 2011, the School has adopted
“Being the Head, Heart, Hands and Feet of Christ” for 2012. As a community, we see
ourselves as desiring to give out to others, both locally and globally, in Christian
servant hood.
Worship continues to be a strong focus at Good News, with regular parental
attendance continuing to grow at junior, senior and whole school chapels. Family
services have also been well attended throughout the past 12 months. Worship
themes have included the partitions of the Lord’s Prayer, Christmas, Jesus as a
human being, Jesus as God and the Easter story.
Pastoral care continues to take many forms throughout our community. We have
parent prayer groups, staff prayer partners, a pastoral care committee that provides
cards and gifts to community members, chaplain and pastor services and professional
counsellors. All staff continues to recognise pastoral care as an important component
of their work too.
We have also reviewed our behaviour management procedures and implemented a
number of changes to enhance communication with parents and to promote positive
behaviours by students. These have been well-received.
Enrolments have declined over the past 12 months to 420 (down from 446). This is
mainly due to the 2011 floods that affected many of our families or the businesses they
worked for. As a result, a significant number of families had to move interstate to
pursue work or simply could no longer afford the fees even with financial support.
However, waiting lists to enter the school at Prep continue to be strong.
Good News students have continued to perform well in curriculum-related
competitions, both individually and as teams / groups. Some of the highlights include
students achieving the highest ICAS score in Queensland for Writing, ICT Skills and
Maths, 1st and 2nd in the Silkstone Eisteddfod, 2nd and 3rd in the Brisbane Bands
Festival, two 1st places in the Young ICT Explorers competition, 2nd for District
swimming and 2nd for the inter-Lutheran cross country carnival and 2nd in the % trophy
for the inter-Lutheran athletics.
Staffing overall has remained stable, with members taking or returning from leave
throughout the year. At the end of 2011, our Deputy Principal, Joy Ryan, retired after
serving at Good News for 27 of its 28-year history. 20 of those years were as the
Deputy. Our former Curriculum Coordinator, Peita Frew, is the new Deputy Principal.
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2011 saw students beginning to engage with aspects of the Australian Curriculum in
readiness for 2012’s full implementation of the Phase 1 subjects. There has been
some reassignment of topics across the school to match the new requirements.
Students are generally coping well with the increased expectations that appear in
some subject areas and year levels. This is due to the stepped approach to the
implementation of Maths, English and Science that we have adopted over the last 1218 months.
The Year 4-7 students now have a One2One laptop program using MacBook Airs to
better meet their needs as their skill base has developed over the past years. They
also have access to iPads and iPod Touches across the school to use with their
studies. Our ICT program has been developed to shift staff and student use of these
devices beyond simple substitution and augmentation tasks.
Our Year P-3 students also have access to 70 laptops and 45 iPads as part of a
One2Two device program. This too has been very successful and staff continues to
find new and clever ways to use the iPads to support the delivery of the learning
Introduction of an Extension Science program has proved popular and been beneficial
for our students with an interest in this area. The ability to access a Science lab has
expanded the types of learning opportunities these children experience.
The school now offers private voice lessons in addition to the instrumental music
offerings, and is considering expanding the instrumental program to provide greater
access for Year 3 students.
Last year an additional $45 000 was spent on upgrades to our Prep playground. This
was funded by monies from the P&F, school and the Community Benefit Gaming
Grant. The upgrades included refurbishments to the fort, installation of a hand water
pump and rock river, a new bridge, additional climbing equipment, a veggie garden,
new swings and shade sail, a new seating area and revitalised gardens and trails.
The Good News community (church, school, P&F and kindergarten) also jointly raised
enough money ($86 000) to seal two car parks, a project that has been desired by
parents for the past 6 years. Much of this money was achieved through surplus BER
funds being awarded to Good News and the funds raised at the P&F’s highly
successful Book Fair.
The School Council completed their investigations into possible responses to the loss
of Year 7’s from 2015. It was decided that Good News will initially reduce to a doublestream P-6 school, with appropriate cuts to budgets to counter the loss of two Year 7
classes. The Council will then monitor enrolment trends and applications to determine
if a different direction is possible or required at a future date.
The School Council also commenced a Strategic Planning review. Part of that
process involved a community engagement day, which provided much positive
feedback for the school. A clear message to continue with and enhance current
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programs and approaches was obtained. The Council now has a set of measurable
goals / targets for the next 3 years and is working through how to best communicate
and report on these.
Good News has built a reputation for high standards and professionalism across its
staff and students, and seeks to regularly review how all aspects of its community and
mission are functioning. The School Council will continue to support this in 2012
through its revised strategic direction and will work together with the community to
ensure that a high quality Christian education is delivered to the Centenary suburbs of
Kerrie Bolte
Chair - Good News Lutheran School Council
Pastoral Care
With much sadness, one of our students was diagnosed last year with an
inoperable brain tumour. Whilst treatments can be provided that may extend
her life and make her more comfortable, the tumour is of the type that is too
complex to be cut out.
Once this tragic news was made public, our community rallied together in
support of the family. Donations have been plentiful and range from money to
pay for parking at the hospital to assisting with holidays and lifetime
experiences. And the gifts have come from all sectors of the community, as
they’ve been touched by the sadness of the situation. A quilt was made by
her classmates with assistance from members of the congregation, the school
has provided financial assistance, families and staff have gifted meals, money
and time, and members of the wider community have provided services.
Most importantly though, prayers and emotional support have been offered as
well. Each week, families gather in the prayer chapel to pray for the family, as
well as for others throughout the school that are in need, and the class and
teachers support the child in both practical and spiritual ways. The pastor and
chaplain, too, play a significant role in supporting and guiding the family as
they work through their emotions and experiences.
The child’s parents have an amazing faith and strength of character that is
carrying them through and I thank God that he is using the community to ease
the family’s situation and provide them with such loving care in a situation that
few of us understand.
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In 2011 Grace celebrated two wonderful milestones on the journey of our school. On
26 January, 1971, Grace Private Primary School opened its doors to its first student
intake. Since that time, thousands of children have been blessed with a loving
Christian education thanks to the hard work and dedication of hundreds of staff and
volunteers that have made our school the high quality Christian educational facility that
it is today.
So it was fitting that we combined our 40 year anniversary celebrations with the official
opening and dedication of our new school buildings. We were blessed to have present
with us on the day, all but one of our previous Heads of School. So many wonderful
memories were relived, stories recounted and old acquaintances renewed. The day
stands out as one of the greatest gatherings at Grace.
For 2012, we begin the planning phase of our next stage of building, which will provide
us with sufficient classrooms to accommodate triple streaming from Prep to Year 6, as
well as improved administration and reception areas. The anticipated completion of
this building phase will be 2014.
Growing in Grace continues to be the focal point of each school year with each year
level taking an active role in weekly Chapel services as well as Sunday morning
worship services at Grace Congregation, situated across the road from the school
campus. Our local congregational Pastor, Pastor Chris Bartholomaeus, continues to
lead worship, take staff Bible Study and offer support for school families and staff.
Parents, students and staff have benefitted greatly from the Federal Government’s
School Chaplaincy Program. Through this program, a Student Welfare Worker has
been employed part-time to support students and families who are suffering loss or
who have family or other worries.
Students continue to be involved in projects and fundraising activities that raise
awareness of the needs of others locally, nationally and across our world. The school
community has supported ALWS, local and national charities, as well as the
establishment and resourcing of a school in Cambodia.
As foreshadowed in last year’s report, triple streaming began in the Prep class during
2011 in preparation for the loss of Year 7 in 2015. Our present enrolment for Prep and
Year 1 classes is 73 and 74 respectively, which augers well for coming years.
Our Year 7 class in 2011 was quite small by historical standards. Nonetheless, this
small number of students grew into a very close-knit group by year’s end. We will
continue to offer Year 7 up until 2014 as demand requires. We finished 2011 with a
total enrolment of 407 and our current enrolment stands at 440 with 29 Year 7
students which almost doubles last year’s number.
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During 2011 Grace welcomed Mrs. Katrina Valencia to the role of Deputy Principal.
Katrina had been teaching at Grace for a number of years and has very ably stepped
into the deputy’s role, doing a remarkable job.
Our staff continued to demonstrate the extremely high level of professionalism and
care that has become a hallmark of Grace. There have been many notable
contributions throughout the year in all areas of teaching and administration both
inside Grace and in the wider Lutheran school community. We appreciate the efforts
of all of our staff and continue to thank God for the gift of our staff.
Grace continues to provide a broad range of learning activities and maintains its focus
on integrating 21st Century technologies into day to day teaching. The implementation
of a one-to-one laptop program in our senior years has been of tremendous benefit to
our students in their preparations for secondary schooling and 2011 also saw the early
implementation of the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics in anticipation of the official
roll-out in 2012 along with English and Science. Integrated throughout the curriculum
are Learning Support and Academic Enrichment initiatives that assist in ensuring that
the best possible educational outcomes are available for all students. As always,
planned professional development activities for staff, focused around individual
Professional Learning Plans are a key factor in maintaining best practice across Grace
2011 was a year of consolidation following the completion of our previously mentioned
building program. As we celebrated the official opening and dedication of our new
buildings, we continued fine-tuning to extract the optimum utilisation of our built
environment. Planning has begun for our next stage of building due for completion in
Our School Council continued to use regular governance workshops to explore the
many facets of effective governance of our school. Through these workshops, council
members became more engaged in overall school governance. Each council member
brings a wealth of professional and life experience to the role, which contributes
greatly to the overall success of Grace.
Another year has passed and we have experienced another year of God’s amazing
Grace. In everything, we seek to do His will and we pray continually for His guidance.
It is truly humbling to be entrusted with the responsibilities that we have, yet liberating
when we consider who we are working for and on whom we can call for help.
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Our thanks go to a truly dedicated group of very talented teachers and administrative
staff, who work so effectively as a team because of the professionalism and dedication
of our Principal. But the basis for the continued success of our school is, of course the
Gospel and God’s unchanging Grace.
Respectfully submitted
Martin Fenwick
Chair - Grace Lutheran Primary School Council
Recently a group of Years 6 and 7 students attended the ALWS Awareness
Day. After the day, the following reflection from Rebecca (Year 7) was shared
with the school community through the weekly newsletter.
Bobby Whitfield grew up in Liberia, with his family. When he was about
fourteen, he had to run from his country because of the Civil War. While he
was living in Liberia, he had food, he was going to school and was planning
on going to college. Then suddenly, he had to start running to a different
place. People were shooting everywhere so he couldn’t go back home to his
parents. Over three thousand people were running so when they all reached
the next country, there wasn’t enough food to eat. Bobby said he had to eat
soil or dig up clay to eat. As listeners, it started to make sense that we
actually don’t know what hunger is.
Bobby spent 12 years in a refugee camp with his five brothers and sisters. He
felt very grateful for the buck wheat that he was fed for breakfast, lunch and
dinner; although, he really missed rice which is a huge part of his culture.
When Bobby came to Australia as a refugee he decided to go back to school.
Bobby completed a master’s degree at university last year and was very
thankful for the opportunity. Bobby told us not to get distracted by things
around us and never give up on our dreams.
“Did you ever find your parents?” was a question that Zac asked after Bobby’s
talk. After a while Bobby said very quietly that he never found his parents. He
later found out that his dad went back to help his mother but doesn’t know
what happened after that. Bobby was so brave to go through the struggles
and hardships.
We can make a difference in the world and we don’t even have to leave our
homes. The main question is: Do you want to help?
The students returned to school and over a two week period inspired the
school community to donate the equivalent of 570 kilograms of rice to help
feed the world’s hungry people.
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Situated in the growing northern suburbs of Brisbane, Living Faith Lutheran Primary
school is well on its way to reaching its planned enrolment of 550 students. The
introduction of triple streaming (three classes per year level) is now in its fourth year.
Strong enrolment demand sees our Prep classes full for 2013 with enrolments now
being received for 2014.
Linked with the Living Faith congregation, we greatly appreciate the presence of
Pastor Jim Strelan. Jim takes a number of chapel services a year and meets with staff
each week for Bible Study.
The school also uses the services of a chaplain employed under the Federal
Government’s Chaplaincy and Student Welfare program for two days a week. This role
mainly involves counselling of children, for which our chaplain in suitably qualified. The
demands on her time are heavy and we are very appreciative of the funding received
which allows us to offer this service.
Like all Lutheran schools we have a diverse student population. A small percentage of
students come from the congregation; others from varying Christian denominations
and several from other religions. But by far the greatest percentage come with no
church connections. Here lies our greatest challenge and greatest opportunity.
We are blessed with a staff that share common values and take their role as educators
seriously. The staff is our best asset: their role is a demanding one and they deserve
recognition and support for all they do.
Like all Lutheran schools we are faced with the task of introducing the Australian
curriculum, which has added an additional workload to staff and in some areas there
have been extra demands on students also.
An initiative this year has been the introduction of an iPad programme in years 5 and
6, with each student having their own iPad. The changing face of technology is
certainly impacting upon the ways in which students learn and opening up many
exciting possibilities.
As a growing school there is never a year without something on the drawing board and
this year sees the construction of a double story classroom that adjoins existing
rooms. This caters for the next two years of triple streamed classes as they move
through the school.
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A stable School Council has meant that the members of have been able to follow a
number of projects through to completion. The professionalism of members is highly
valued, as is the variety of skills they bring to their role.
The strategic plan of the school intentionally includes strengthening links with the
congregation. Ways in which this is enacted include the participation of students in
church services, mentoring of individual students by congregation members, Boys and
Girls week celebrations in which congregation members play an active part and
organized prayer support for all individual staff members.
Why do we do what we do?
In a rapidly changing society there are some things that must stay true and form the
foundation on which these children will build their future. Our school’s offer that
foundation, not built just on the academic but also around clearly identified values and
the anchor of our Christian faith.
Roz Cooper
Chair - Living Faith Lutheran Primary School
Children are learning about life and part of this means learning how to relate
to others. At Living Faith we use the principles of Restorative Practice to
manage the times when relationships between children break down. This
involves getting all parties together and talking through what happened and
why- the practice respects the views of both sides and through specific
questions gets children to reflect on the impact of their behaviour on others.
At times parents may be included in the conversations. It is not easy for adults
to hear what their children did, nor to share aloud how they felt about it and
the impact on them. Although such conversations are painful they invariably
conclude with thanks to the school for taking the time to work with their
children and help them to own their behaviour.
The principles of restorative justice help us model what Jesus did – to look
beyond the outward behaviour to the person inside.
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Redeemer Lutheran Primary is a single stream P-7 primary school in the rural
community of Biloela, Central Queensland. The school established by the Redeemer
Lutheran Congregation Biloela, will celebrate 35 years of operation in 2012 with a
special celebration and the opening of the time capsule buried 15 years ago. We are
privileged to be well resourced and have modern well maintained facilities in our idyllic
bush environment. Our School offers families in the Callide Valley an alternative
choice for their child’s education in a Christ centred environment.
Redeemer Lutheran Primary is a caring community that aims to R.E.A.C.H out to our
students and their families as we share the love of the Jesus. Respect, Effort,
Appreciation, Christlikeness and Humility are our shared values. The Christian staff
start their work day with devotional time and prayer for individual families and staff
members and enjoy regular bible study with our Parish Pastor, Greg Graham.
Students begin their days with class devotions and attend weekly whole school
worship. The worship has a high level of student interaction and staff enjoys this
opportunity to openly share their faith. Our weekly worship is well attended by parents
and extended family and for many this is their weekly worship place and time. The
Lutheran Christian Studies Curriculum framework has been used to develop our
Christian Studies program throughout the school. Pastor Graham supports the
Christian Studies Program with regular attendance and participation in classes.
In 2012 our Assistant Principal, Mrs Eureka Coetzee, has taken on the added role of
Student Wellbeing and Pastoral Care Coordinator. This support is an identified need
for our community.
As a School community, staff and families voluntarily contribute to a School Care Fund
that is used to support families in times of need. It has provided such things as
assistance with medical expenses, a meal when families are in crisis, a new uniform or
stationery supplies when finances are low.
Redeemer’s current enrolment total is 215 students meaning classes are filled to
capacity. The student population is drawn from a broad spectrum of socio economic
backgrounds with 18% of students from Lutheran backgrounds. A large percentage of
the student population have no church affiliation and are seeking an educational
facility, with a clear behavioural policy, that will cater for their child’s individual learning
needs at each end of the spectrum.
Enrolment numbers continue to be stable. Our major challenges in maintaining
enrolment numbers are
• providing for families with incomes that are determined by the weather.
• retaining families in the community who desire secondary options other than the
local state high school; and
• the transient nature of mining communities.
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A total of 27 staff members make up the Redeemer team. This includes Principal
Jenni Krenske, eleven classroom teachers and two fulltime Learning Support
Teachers with PARs of Curriculum Coordinator and Student Wellbeing and Pastoral
Care. Other Specialist teachers provide for Physical Education, Japanese, Library and
Music. The Music teacher conducts both classroom music and the Instrumental
program. These teaching staff is supported by the Office Administration team
consisting of a fulltime Receptionist, Bursar and part time Administration Assistant.
Six Teacher Assistants and our wonderful cleaner complete the team. This Christian
staff is passionate about their vocation and mission within the School. Of these 25
staff members 5 are Lutheran.
The school offers a balanced curriculum differentiated at each year level to cater for
the needs of individual students. The curriculum has been developed using the new
Australian Curriculum (Science, History, English and Mathematics), Queensland
Essentials, School Based programs (Spelling, Phonics, Sight Word and Number Fact
Recall) and the Lutheran Christian Studies Curriculum Framework. Whilst the major
educational focus remains the development of strong literacy and numeracy skills, the
community highly values the development of ICT skills, performance skills in
numerous areas of The Arts and physical activity. Individual Learning is supported
with 2 to 3 adults in all Literacy blocks throughout the School. The 2 senior classes
have additional support with a small group of students daily attending an Alternate
Literacy Group with the Learning Support Teacher. This offers the opportunity for
students with literacy deficits to have intensive instruction in a smaller teacher to
student ratio group.
2011 saw the final touches to our Multipurpose Building “Banksia Place” with the
installation of electronic basketball backboards and line marking for netball, volleyball
and basketball. In 2012 cooling will be added with the installation of a large central
commercial fan in the auditorium and lighting will be added to the covered hard court
area making it useable at night.
Our School Chapel received some planned maintenance with the interior being
painted, floors repolished and new window furnishings added.
Although no major capital works are planned for 2012. An application has been made
to the Block Grant Authority for 2013 funding for Stage One of a proposed Middle
School (7-10) facility should it be approved by the Non State Schools Accreditation
The School Council meets monthly and enjoys the company, support and wisdom of
Mr Tom Kenny, Assistant Business Manager LEQ, at each meeting. The collegial
group, with members drawn from both the Redeemer Lutheran congregation and 2
non Lutheran Christian members from the School Community, support the Principal
and staff with long term planning.
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The major focus for the School Council in 2011 was establishing the goals for the future
direction of the School. With the Government’s proposed move to transition Year Seven
to secondary in 2015 and the desire of our parent body to have the option of continuing
secondary education at Redeemer a subcommittee was established to thoroughly
investigate the feasibility of extension. The result of the investigation and the approval of
CLEQ and DCC has seen the School apply to the Non State Schools Accreditation Board
to change our attribute to provide a Middle School Program (Years 7-10) from 2014. We
anticipate a decision in the coming months.
The future direction of the School will become clearer with the decision from the
NSSAB and we continue to pray for God’s will and guidance as we plan.
Gavin Lotz
Chair – Redeemer Lutheran Primary School Council
For the Christian staff and families at Redeemer School the opportunity to
share the Gospel with the members of the school community is always a
blessing. As well as the worship opportunities in the School program, Staff
enjoy putting their faith into action in their teaching, as they manage their
students and interact with parents. The relationships built in this environment
are important.
As students are actively involved in leading worship; sharing the gospel,
leading singing, offering prayers mums, dads and extended family often
attend weekly worship to see what their children are doing.
Last year a school family had their two children baptised into the Lutheran
Church. After the baptism the parents continued to support their children by
regularly attending both School worship and Sunday worship. The parents
have now taken the next step of having regular meetings with our Pastor
exploring the Christian faith.
Maybe through the building of these positive relationships and the “curious”
attendance at school worship others can know Jesus’ saving grace.
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St Paul’s Lutheran Primary School Caboolture is a co-educational school owned and
operated by the Lutheran Church of Australia, Queensland District [LEQ], and is
affiliated to St Paul’s Lutheran Congregation for the purpose of mutual ministry and
service to the wider community.
The Christian ethos of the school and core values (love, forgiveness, compassion,
justice, humility, appreciation, service, hope, courage and quality) promoted in the
school are drawn from the Educational Framework for Lutheran Schools and support
the Lifelong Qualities of Learners. The integration of Bible based devotional time,
promotion of values and relationship development into the school’s Care and Share
Values Program guide and promote student welfare. The values are the basis of the
school’s code of conduct for students and staff and are supported in the school’s
Christian Studies Program.
Because of the link with the local church community, there is a back-up of willing
helpers to step in and help families in need. In addition to this, the Church Pastor is
available to offer a confidential ear for parents and students wanting someone to talk
to in a non-judgemental way.
As at February census day 2011, 352 students were enrolled at St Paul’s. At the end
of Term 4 2011, 357 students were enrolled. Currently we offer Preparatory Year
(Prep) to Year 6. The expansion of the school to 3 classes at each Year Level began
in 2010 with a third class at Prep and Year 1 in 2011.
All teachers working at St Paul’s are fully qualified and are registered to do so. Many
have Post Graduate Degrees, Certificates or Diplomas. 95% of the teaching staff has
Bachelor Degrees, 7% Diplomas and a high proportion of all teachers hold additional
Diplomas and Certifications. 89% of all staff who require LEA Accreditation to teach
Christian Studies in Lutheran Schools has the required qualification.
During 2011, one teacher was on extended leave. There was a 95% retention of
permanent teaching staff from 2010 into 2011.
The school’s curriculum has a strong focus on Literacy and Numeracy development
with specific programs in pre-writing and reading phases, intensive phonics, structured
reading development programs and library skills development. The teaching and use
of ICT and technology by students and teachers enriches the learning environment
and supports independent research, publication and learning. St Paul’s manages a
targeted professional development plan for its staff.
The school will continue the process of introducing and implementing the Australian
Curriculum. The school’s ICT infrastructure will continue to be developed as we
investigate best practice for the introduction of iPods to support our laptop program.
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Ongoing landscaping developments have taken place and these will continue into the
future. The school’s court area was covered with a Sunshade for the start of the 2011
school year. Additional covered walkways and footpaths were constructed and laid.
A new sandpit was built for the junior yard area, the main car park turnabout upgraded
and an additional staff car park area was created.
St Paul’s has also commenced with the installation of air conditioning throughout the
whole school. This project will be completed by the end of Term 1 2012.
School policies were reviewed in a planned way and necessary adjustments were
made. The Councils of St Paul’s and Grace College met twice during the year as
recommended in the Memorandum of Understanding. The Council’s Finance
Committee met before the monthly council meeting to review the school’s financial
At the beginning of 2011, St Paul’s introduced a Class Carer Program at each year
level. The purpose of the program is to provide a link between all aspects of the school
community i.e.: students, parents, staff and friends.
The role of the class carer is to welcome new families, acknowledge special
occasions, liaise with the class teacher, support and care for the class teacher and
when families experience difficulties, arrange for and coordinate short-term assistance.
This program, which was designed to support the Christian ethos and aims of the
school, has now been successfully entrenched into the school’s wellbeing area of
St Paul’s provides a unique niche in the Caboolture region for those wishing to pursue
a rich Christian primary education of a high standard but with modest fees.
In 2012, the school will begin planning for its next phase of growth as we plan the
further development of an Early Years Precinct which will include on-site Pre-Prep
facilities in 2013.
Craig Klinge
Chair - St Paul’s Lutheran Primary School Council
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Concordia Lutheran College is an outstanding school, and as we have learnt this year
– it is also a school With One Heart. On behalf of Concordia Lutheran College Council
Toowoomba, I present my Annual Report for the 2011 year.
The students of Concordia Lutheran College are undoubtedly our finest asset, and
their sense of pride and commitment is clearly evident to all who visit any of our
campuses. On every occasion during the past twelve months, it has indeed been a
privilege to share detailed accounts of their contributions, positive attitude, spirited
involvement and dedication to the task. The education provided across the four
campuses of our College extends beyond the formal curriculum to encompass faith,
values and lifelong learning.
This holistic approach equips our students well for their life beyond school. It has at its
core the Christian faith that identifies each person as a special creation of God who is
called into a relationship with Him through Jesus. It is in this relationship we begin to
realise our full potential.
As we celebrate the joy of learning we affirm the vital role of parents and families in
guiding the learning of their children. We also celebrate the students who with their
individual gifts and abilities achieve so much. Their positive attitude, spirited
involvement and dedication to the task, is always clearly evident.
The past year has been a very busy one for all College students. The list of events,
activities, awards received and excursions seems endless. From the Kokoda
Challenge to the National Simultaneous Story time from Heritage weekend
celebrations to Success in the Middle Years Expo – students from Prep to Year 12
have had a year rich with experiences, learning and fun.
Friday 12 August will go down as an historic day at Concordia Lutheran College as this
marked the official launch of the three new houses from P-12. Head of College
acknowledged the presence of members of three notable Concordia families after
whom the houses were named – Altus, Kessler and Stedman.
Students achieved excellence in Pierre de Coubertin award, cycling, engineering Duke
of Edinburgh, to name but a few specific awards.
Our Ballon Outdoor Education Centre has had another busy and fulfilling year. The
achievements and experiences of the students are most rewarding for the staff.
At the time of Census we had an enrolment of 803 students with 12 overseas
students. We also have kindergartens operating on both campuses.
A College as large and diverse as ours, across four campuses with an Outdoor
Education Centre and boarding facilities relies on a large team of employees inclusive
of tutors, sporting and instrumental coaches and junior residents. God blesses us
abundantly as He so graciously provides for all our staffing needs.
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On behalf of College Council, I would like to acknowledge the dedication of all staff for
their individual contributions. I wish to express my sincerest appreciation to The
Executive and Leadership Teams for their inspiration as they so willingly share the
responsibility of leading the College.
The College continues to be regarded very highly within the local Toowoomba and
wider Lutheran community. Catering to the needs of over eight hundred students in
2011, the feedback from the parent body via the recent Year in Review survey was
extremely encouraging. The affirming comments that staff receive throughout the year
is a good measure of school community satisfaction but actions speak even more
loudly as parents assist with class activities , attend excursions, provide help at
carnivals, school actions and working bees. Past students, P&F and its associated
groups support the College community and enhance opportunities for students. Thank
you to all these volunteers and support people.
Open Days, visits to rural Shows from Moree to Theodore, musical tours and an
International Dinner in Hong Kong all strengthen our name within the local and broader
Our Pastoral Care and Ministry Team have had another busy year, working with our
students. They are an intrinsic part of our outreach and service to students and the
wider community of our College.
Concordia Lutheran College Council has been working closely with the Executive
Management Team of our College to ensure the best possible outcomes for students.
At various times of the year, guest speakers attend our meetings to speak about their
area of expertise, thus giving us an insight into the education of our students.
We farewelled one of our long standing Council members, Mrs Justine Bruggeman,
and thank her most sincerely for her wise and gentle counsel over the past years.
On behalf of Council, I extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to Mr Michael
Kaiser, Head of College, for his leadership, dedication and commitment to students,
staff, families and the wider Toowoomba community.
God has granted to us many blessings and challenges over the past twelve months.
With His help and guidance we have been able to accept our trials and give thanks to
Him for our joys, for with Him all is possible.
Concordia Lutheran College is in His hands. He is in control. With this knowledge, we
can continue in His name to do that which He has called us to do.
In His Service
Gavin Lindenmayer
Chair - Concordia Lutheran College Council
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The College experienced pleasing growth throughout 2011 as well as for the
commencement of 2012. Our final enrolment numbers to close of 2011 were 393 and
we commenced 2012 with enrolments of 477 and a Year 8 cohort of 136.
As we are situated in the Lockyer Valley, we had many families, staff and community
members who are still trying to come to terms with the impact of what occurred in the
area. We were graciously supported in the early stages by our sister schools in
providing counseling support from Trinity Lutheran (Gold Coast), Grace Lutheran
College (Rothwell) and St Andrews (Gold Coast).
Our students enjoyed an excellent year academically, in sport and in a range of cocurricular events. We were acknowledged by the Premier for our improved Naplan
results, Involved our students in the Science and Engineering Challenge, Tournament
of Minds and a special Gifted and Talented program for a group of Year 8’s focusing
their abilities to research and action outcomes in sustainability. We were also very
proud of our College Dux, who received an OP 1.
The College shone in our Musical, Grease. Students also participated in Knockout
sporting competitions in Netball, Rugby League, and Touch. Our athletics team was
exceptional and won the overall district an percentage trophy and placed 3 rd overall in
the Inter-Lutheran meet.
2012 sees a total of 75 staff employed at the College, which reflects the growth of
classes as well as ancillary staff for Administration, Cleaning, grounds and bus driving.
Our staff continues to give time and effort above the call of duty and we are blessed by
their enthusiasm and zeal and we look forward to attending a staff spiritual retreat on
the 13 April.
We have now moved our implementation of the Australian curriculum phase 1 subjects
to Year 10 in 2012. Under the leadership of our Director of Teaching and Learning and
Curriculum committee, staff is busy refocussing on an intentional teaching model to
ensure a whole school approach to pedagogy.
The Parents and Friends worked hard again during 2011 to fundraise for College
resources. The P&F worked with the Fair committee to enable significant funds to be
handed over, which included assistance with chairs for our Creative Arts centre and a
donation to the Year 12 Bus Shelter.
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Music Support Group
The Music Support Group has been revitalised in 2012. This corresponds with the
College Tour program which runs in the alternate year to the musical.
Equestrian Committee
A keen group of parents have gathered under the leadership of one of our staff to
investigate opportunities for our students. To date we have examined training and
coaching for students, as well as opportunities for more experienced students to
represent the College at local shows and Interschool events.
USA Tour Group
We have been fundraising to take 24 students and 3 staff to the USA in September.
We look forward to visiting Faith Lutheran in Las Vegas as well as North West
Lutheran in Detroit and Orange Lutheran in Los Angeles.
Our first Multicultural festival, highlighting our Korean and German language programs
was held in 2012. Grandparents Day, Open Day and Scholarship testing, Academic
Challenge Days, and the Annual Fair were all held with great success.
We embarked on our first ever language tour to Korea which included 6 students 2
staff and a parent. They enjoyed a busy schedule while being accompanied by
various groups of Korean students and teachers.
We embraced the ‘Close the Gap’ campaign which culminated in students placing their
painted hand on a mural of Australia. This gesture signified unity and awareness of the
‘difference’ between ATSIC and White people.
Coinciding with our closing service for Term 2, 2011 was the Opening of our Stage 2
development. This comprised of E Block General classrooms, the Visual Arts Centre
and the Administration refurbishments
With the increase of numbers, we have purchased an additional coach. Our fleet now
consists of 7 buses. Our signature images on the side of the buses are great
advertisements, and demand for services has increased in the Rosewood, Lowood
and Coominya areas. 2011 also saw our first run collecting students from Esk and the
Brassall areas.
Pastor Reid Matthias arrived in February 2011 and has had a busy time at the College
and with his Lockrose congregation.
He has had a wonderful impact in our
community and has introduced fortnightly Fellowship at lunch and is carrying out a
review of our other youth opportunities.
Term 4 2011 saw us trial split chapel for Years 8-9 and Years 10-12. This has been
successful and necessitated by the growth. We have continued with this arrangement
in 2012. Students have established Chapel Bands for both groups.
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Mrs Shirley Klinge continues to be a wonderful asset in her role. Her assistance with
the organisation of many events and functions has been a blessing and this has been
reviewed in 2011, to relieve her of some of this workload.
Kevin McConnell, School Counsellor, joined the staff, funded through flood appeal
money and he has been retained in 2012. Kevin has achieved great results with
students, families and staff.
Our Year Level Coordinators continue to be amazing influences in the lives of our
students. They along with their team develop and prepare activities and personal
development challenges targeted at the age needs of students.
The Council have continued to give encouragement to the College and we have
recently experienced the retirement of two long standing members Michael Gierke and
Rae Buchannan, and are grateful of their years of loyal service and commitment. We
have been appreciative of the number of willing volunteers to take up these roles and
are grateful for those willing to serve on committees as well as Council itself.
We thank the wider community for allowing us to provide Christian co-education in the
Lockyer Valley and we pray for God’s guidance and wisdom to continue to take the
College from strength to strength in the years to come.
Mark Newton
Chair - Faith Lutheran College Council
The Ministry Team at Faith in partnership with the Redlands Lutheran Parish
continued to grow and develop ministry initiatives. Of particular note in this area
was the continued development of worship at a College level and also the ‘Service
Learning’ component of our program. The goal has been the development in our
community of the head, heart and hands of service and this made big
advancements in 2012 through our work with ALWS, local service projects and
our association with a school in Vanuatu, which we supported and then visited.
The 3 elements of the visit were contractions (2 classrooms), learning, and
worship. A contingent of 28 students and 8 staff split into 2 teams completed this
service tour during vacation time and this had a wonderfully positive impact for the
community they visited, for those directly involved in the tour and for the Faith
community here in the Redlands as they fully supported the project and service
learning experience, growing significantly through these learning experiences.
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The student enrolment as at the August 2011 Census was 1066 students in Prep
Year to Year 12. This is an increase of 20 from 2010. As enrolment growth slows,
Faith will go through a real consolidation phase, bedding down all of the major
developments of the past 9 years.
The staff now totals approximately 140 and we continue to be blessed with a
group of highly motivated and skilled Christian staff.
Together with continued development of the academic program, the area of
eLearning in conjunction with this is viewed as the priority area for strategic focus.
Programming and development of the curriculum at Faith, during 2011, centred on
the implementation of the Australian Curriculum, for 2012 onwards.
Consolidation of Independent Self Directed Learning (ISDL) and the inclusion of
the “40 Developmental Assets” ( in our
thinking and strategic direction also occurred in 2011.
The College in the years 2011-13 will not be undertaking any major capital works.
In 2011 2 demountable classrooms with storage and office were installed for the
Music area. Other capital works were consolidation of current physical
infrastructure (road, electrical upgrades etc) and the ever increasing upgrades
involved in information technology infrastructure.
The next major project to occur will be a “Creative Arts Precinct” (Arts, Drama,
Music, lecture theatre and associated performance and practice areas)
constructed in 2013 for 2014, and in the intervening period our College is
consolidating finances and programs to enable this to occur in a planned and
cohesive manner.
Governance underwent review and training during 2011 and the governance
structures at Faith operate very effectively. Led by LEQ officers the training
followed an evaluation process of governance, identification of training needs and
then appropriate professional learning. The Council is most appreciative of the
support they receive from LEQ in this and other areas of governance.
Over the past 2 years the College Council has undertaken the development and
then maintenance of a Strategic Risk Register. Council has grown to see this as a
standard part of their governance function, that is, to determine and then oversee
the strategic risk management of the College at that higher governance level.
A cyclic process of review and development of policy is in place to ensure that
policy and procedures are up to date and comply as legally required.
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We again appreciate the support of LEQ and ISQ in this process which is
completed in a constantly changing and evolving environment.
The extra-curricular areas of Music and Sport continued to develop very well in
2011, together with other extra- curricular programs, such a speech and drama,
dance, aerobics and cultural pursuits.
An initiative of the College in pursuit of excellence has been two partnership
programs with wider community organisations. The school works in tandem with a
local Dance Academy, to provide for the academic needs of the students while
pursuing a career in dance. Students involved in this program have attained such
heights as being selected into the Australia Junior Ballet Company or have been
cast into professional stage productions such as Annie at QPAC. In the other
partnership with the local NEAFL Club, the Redland Bombers talented and
aspiring AFL students are identified from far North Queensland and granted
enrolment at Faith, to complete their Senior Schooling. While they are able to
complete work in Year 12, they can also pursue their dream of playing AFL. This
program saw a student from Faith, rookie drafted to an AFL Club at the end of
2011. Such partnerships are proving to be most worthwhile.
Rod Cormack
Chair - Faith Lutheran College Redlands Council
In 2011 Good Shepherd Lutheran College celebrated 25 years of providing “Quality
Christian education in a caring environment” to the Noosa and surrounding district
In the local community, GSLC is renowned for having a caring campus. The Pastoral
Care and Worship program includes age specific Chapels, Assemblies and Pastoral
Care programs. Individual student care and well-being across the campus is supported
by our College Pastor Peter Janetzki, College Counsellor and Student Coordinators.
Pastoral Care programs have been developed to support students across P-12.
Academically, GSLC 2011 NAPLAN results were at or above state and national
averages. In a very strong result, approximately one quarter of eligible 2011 Year 12
students received an OP of 1-5 with almost all 2011 Year 12 students who applied for
tertiary courses receiving an offer.
Students represented at regional, state and national levels in a diverse range of
sporting and cultural pursuits. For the third year running, Good Shepherd competed in
the Secondary Maths/Engineering category of the Australasian Pacific Finals of
Tournament of the Minds.
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Developing staff ‘digital literacy’ is a continued focus. Staff is increasing in their
capacity to use the high level of IT infrastructure in ways that enhance teaching and
learning, and organization communication and management.
Teachers were involved in a range of professional development and planning as we
incorporate the International Baccalaureate Organisation Primary Years and Middle
Years programs.
A major curriculum achievement this year has been the advancement of our Primary
Years Program and Middle Years Program candidate school status with the
International Baccalaureate organisation.
The roll out of the student laptop program continued supported by the Federal
Government’s Digital Education Revolution funding.
Under the Federal Government’s Building Education Revolution, GSLC constructed an
Early Learning Centre and a new Library. These facilities were officially opened on 4
February 2011. Both facilities have already proved valuable additions to the school
and broader community. The College was also able to refurbish a number of rooms
using the ‘School Pride’ funding.
The valued support of the Parents and Friends Association has again been evident
this year in their concerted efforts to fundraise to provide resources for the new
Our College is blessed with the voluntary input of our college Council members and
we thank God for both their availability and expertise .
With thanks to all who pray for, work in and support our College in any way. May God
continue to bless our campus.
Mr Chris Roche
Chair - Good Shepherd Lutheran College Council
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Grace Lutheran College, with campuses in Rothwell (Redcliffe) and Caboolture, is a
co-educational secondary school catering for students from Year 7 to Year 12 at
Rothwell and Year 7 to Year 11 at Caboolture.
The College is the major partner in an outdoor education centre at Googa, near
Blackbutt. This facility is jointly owned by Grace Lutheran College, Grace Lutheran
Primary School, Clontarf and Good Shepherd Lutheran College, Noosaville. Past
Grace students will often comment that their time at Googa is the highlight of their
Grace experience.
Pastoral Care is central to the Grace ethos. Its focus is not only on students but staff
also. The aim is that all individuals have a sense of confidence that they are a part of
the College community, that each has the fullest opportunity for spiritual, social,
educational and physical growth. The Pastoral Care program is vital if the College is
to achieve what it proclaims in its Mission Statement.
Worship is strengthened by the Year Level bands which have become a significant
element of student worship. It is also stimulating for students to hear the Gospel from
a variety of sources other than the expected Chaplains and School Pastor. Fellow
students, teaching staff, administration staff, local pastors and youth leaders have all
regularly provided messages in chapel. Student ownership and direct involvement in
more aspects of worship continues to grow with purposeful alignment with themes
being explored in the Christian Studies curriculum.
At the Annual Census (5 August 2011) student numbers at the Rothwell campus
(Years 7-12) were boys: 705, girls: 803, a total of 1508. At the Caboolture campus
(Years 7-11) were boys: 136, girls: 133, a total of 269. This gives a whole school
total of 1777.
The Year 12 class of 2011 is the 30th class to have graduated. The first class of Year
12 students numbered 11 in 1982. The number graduating in 2011 was 239. This
makes a total of 4362 who have completed Year 12 at Grace to 2011.
Student data, derived from a variety of sources indicate academic achievement levels
being at or above state and national bench-marks. Having noted this pleasing
outcome it must be emphasised that the efforts of all the staff in addressing the
Mission Statement are directed at developing the whole student: academically,
spiritually, emotionally, socially and physically.
The success of Grace, as with any other organisation, is dependent on a highly
qualified, dedicated and motivated staff with constant reference to the Mission
Statement. It is the whole staff which embodies the culture and ethos. Orientation of
new staff, in-servicing and professional development are all essential especially when
it is noted that 25 new teaching staff began in 2011 as well as 16 support staff. Actual
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full-time teaching staff in 2011 numbered 129 with 31 part-time staff and support staff
being 39 full-time and 96 part-time.
During 2011 there was much discussion on how the National Curriculum might impact
on the wide range and diverse curriculum offerings that have been developed at all
levels at Grace. The curriculum’s range and diversity is recognised as being essential
in catering for the student body where there is a variety of abilities, interests and
aspirations. Community consultation, through forums such as Consultation Day,
parent evenings and career markets confirms the value the community places on the
current curriculum. Curriculum planners are now confident in the College’s ability to
meet the requirements of the National Curriculum and at the same time meet parental
and student expectations of a wide and diverse curriculum at Grace.
Capital works for 2011 consisted of minor works, refurbishment and alteration.
Significant capital works cause major campus disruption and are sequenced carefully
to meet strategic needs, to fit campus master planning and to be funded by future
financial planning.
College Council, the College’s governance body, is well served by long standing and
highly committed members drawn from a variety of professional backgrounds. College
Council, through its standing committees, is effectively advised of strategic issues
which might impact on the future of the College. These committees are responsible
for education, finance, legal audits, building and property and master planning. There
is the opportunity for Council members not only to draw on their own professional
backgrounds in committees, but also to engage with consultants as advice is provided
to College Council.
College Council recognises its accountability on a number of levels: Church,
government and College community. Consultation Day, a College Council initiative, is
a half-day forum engaging a significant cross-section of the College community. While
reporting is a component, the major focus is always on issues of a strategic nature
enabling the Council to inform and be informed. This consultation process has been
invaluable in ensuring that College and community continue to be in step.
The One College – Two Campus vision for Grace Lutheran College is kept firmly in the
forefront of strategic planning and also in managing the operational process. College
leaders at all levels are determined to maintain and strengthen the unique ethos of
May God continue to bless this College and all who are associated with it.
John C Gerlach
Chair - Grace Lutheran College Council
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Ministry and Pastoral Care, pulse at the heart of people in our community.
They are not tasks carried out only by the designated few (whose roles are
obviously crucial), but rather characterize how followers of Jesus at Grace
serve and love the people of our community, whatever their primary role is at
the College.
The first story may at first glance seem to have little to do with Ministry and
Pastoral Care at Grace but actually is an example of God’s love and care
shown at Grace. Christian Studies teachers who teach in R block have been
battling excessive light in the classroom obstructing effective use of the data
projector, making watching films and using power points difficult. Curtaining
the rooms would be the ideal solution but up until now hasn’t been a priority in
the budget. These teachers arrived at work just the other day to find that their
cleaner had seen the need, found some appropriate budget fabric and had
sewed curtains for the worst affected room! This is a simple, tangible
expression of a true sense of vocation in our community. This quiet, gracious
follower of Jesus was Christ’s hands for those teachers and thus for our
The second story is about the advent of student led ‘small groups’. When the
opportunity to lead a small group was suggested, numerous students
responded. Some were new Christians; others had been following Jesus for
some time. They committed to growing as spiritual leaders by meeting
fortnightly to familiarise themselves with the Youth Alpha program and
process their own questions about God. Then on the alternate week they
facilitate a student group from another year level. The student leaders
provide food, creative ways to provoke thought and a non judgmental listening
ear. In order to reach out to other grades, they have setup facebook groups,
had special lunches, invited youth in chapels, assemblies and home classes.
They are sacrificially and joyfully loving and serving their peers.
Provided by Ms Stephanie Maher, Head of Christian Learning, Spirituality and Service
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We are fortunate to have a committed team of Council members who provide their
time freely and bring a range of skills to its decision-making processes. Their ‘skill set’
covers a range of critical functions including College ethos and Christian stewardship,
financial, education, marketing and legal. An important focal point this year has been
the development of the Strategic Plan for 2012-2015, which has provided an
opportunity to review and refocus on the direction of the College in the next quadnium.
Immanuel is a community which worships and celebrates together. Bi-weekly
Devotions and special worship occasions are an integral part of the life of our
community. Whilst the stewardship of the College Chaplains and staff remains at the
vital core, it is now a case where, more often than not, students lead worship. Nothing
could be more gratifying than witnessing their faith journey as individuals realise their
place in God’s world and the possibilities to serve in this world that He has given us.
That growth can happen in corporate worship, class devotions, a chat with friends at
lunchtime or sitting under the trees at our outdoor education centre, Mt Binga,
reflecting on another beautiful sunrise.
The College began the 2012 academic year with 831 students (P-12), which was an
increase of 2% on enrolments at the commencement of the 2011 school year. This
was a very positive result given the continued economic instability, particularly on the
Sunshine Coast. In addition, there were 90+ students enrolled at the Early Learning
The College’s teaching and non-teaching complement remained relatively stable, with
very little turnover or attrition. The total staff currently numbers approximately 113
The College maintains its commitment to delivering traditional literacy and numeracy
principles, enveloped in contemporary and innovative teaching practice. Immanuel is
compliant with ACARA requirements in English, Maths and Science.
Following on from our Science Block rebuild in 2010/11, we have recently taken back
our entirely re-modelled facilities in Home Economics and Visual Art. At the same time,
we continue with our progressive renovation of Junior School classrooms. A redevelopment of our pool complex is our next project, with expected completion in
October 2012.
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In June 2011, District Church Council (DCC) approved the appointment of Mr Ian
Witten to College Council. Ian is a former College parent, as well as a respected local
businessman and member of the Immanuel Congregation. He has already assumed
the role of Secretary and Chair of the Marketing and Development Sub Committee.
Equally, we are delighted that Pastor Andrew Jaensch has joined Council. His
theological expertise, particularly as it applies to education and ministry in schools, will
be of tremendous value.
2011 was another excellent year for the College, with all indicators in 2012 suggesting
further positive developments. The College Operating Budget reflects a minimal
surplus and future projections are encouraging. We continue to acknowledge the
unconditional love of Jesus Christ for each member of our community here on the
Sunshine Coast.
Yours in His Service
Dr Marc Miller
Chair - Immanuel Lutheran College Council
In the past 12 months we have had nine students enrol from four families
whose fathers are all priests, pastors or chaplains of varying Churches across
the Coast, none of which are Lutheran. In most cases, schools exist on the
Coast which is directly affiliated with the churches of whom these people lead.
Each time, I have asked with genuine wonder, ‘why Immanuel’? Each time, it
has been deeply gratifying and humbling to receive responses along the lines
of ‘you have real God moments at Immanuel’. ‘You’re staff are authentic and
you expose your students to Christianity and positive decision-making’. Now,
I’m not sure how they have decided that before any of their children sit a day
in one of our classrooms, but truly – praise God!
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It is 23rd January, 2012 under rain threatening skies that 99 children are making their
way up the new bitumen driveway or cement pathway from the rail station to the seven
brand new general learning classrooms made of brick and colorbond.
The staff is ready and welcoming! A new Lutheran school has begun operations for the
Queensland District where God’s love will shine as students, families, staff and
community ‘grow together side by side’.
“We are the LORDS” Romans 14:8 This encapsulates our school from its very
beginnings. It has always been in the LORDS time, not ours that development took
place. Even when it looked as though the school would not be ready God’s hand was
at work with our site manager when we requested his permission to pray for him and
the project. Knowing he was in a caring community certainly assisted him to have the
rooms ready to go for the start of school. Pastor Keith Scholz has been our spiritual
support since the idea of a school for the Ormeau area was first conceptualized and
he door knocked the area and he was a frequent visitor to the site during construction
giving encouragement to workers. LORDS has been covered with a banner of prayer
since its inception. Pastor Greg Vangsness has been the school’s spiritual counsellor
and chapel leader. At LORDS, students are encouraged to respond to God’s word
through worship and the development of Christian values, attitudes and relationships
giving each person the basis needed to take an active role in family and community.
What a privilege to be a foundation student of a school. Students began in all years
from Prep to Year 8 and come from Shailer Park in the North to Marsden from the
west, Coomera to the south and east to Cabbage Tree Point.
We are blessed with our principal Miss Jodie Hoff and her team of 5 full time and 5
part time teachers. At present there is a single stream for prep and year 8, a combined
class of yr1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5,6 and 7 and the assistance of 2 teacher aides.
LORDS has appreciated the support from the LEQ Education Officers (Meg Noack
and Amanda Pentti) with the development of our learning and teaching program. We
have been placed in a unique position of being able to implement the new Australian
Curriculum and Christian Studies Framework right from the very beginning of our
schools life. A strong focus on inquiry and service-learning is also a feature of the
LORDS learning and teaching program. We have been able to offer specialist teaching
from Prep-Year 8 in areas of Music, Physical Education and Japanese. Our Year 8
students have also been able to engage with a number of electives across The Arts
and Technology Studies. Special thanks to Trinity Lutheran College for allowing us to
utilize teaching staff and resources in Home Economics and Design Technology.
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Stage one consisted of two buildings: one of 3 general learning classrooms and one of
a science lab and a multi purpose room connected by a covered area. Stage 2
consisted of a general learning classroom and a purpose built Prep facility and a Tech
Building. With the exception of the Tech, all buildings were constructed, furnished and
equipped ready for students on the first day. These capital works were assisted by
Block Grants from the Government.
A great deal of discussion went into the playground which is now in operation. A
fantastic area of lawn is being utilized for sports and the oval will soon be ready for
I would like to make mention of the donations to LORDS for which we are most
grateful and which have saved a great deal of debt: Administration building; sewage
treatment plant; desks for prep and year 3-8; tables for library, tech and admin meeting
room; thousands of books for the library; sporting equipment; sand toys; cupboards for
classrooms; bibles; Christian posters and resources. I also acknowledge the donation
of plant and equipment as well as man hours in bulldozing, excavating, laser planning,
tractors and implements, slashing, electrical and building repairs and painting, building
and erecting of nesting boxes, garden construction, plants and planting, laying of turf
and erection of fencing and playground equipment. Putting a dollar figure on these
would be impossible!
LORDS Council is delighted to move to a governance role from a managerial one.
Seven of the nine current council members were on the first committee called to
investigate the options for a school and I thank them for their volunteer status,
unreserved energy, donated funds and goods, the countless hours, sleepless nights
and constant prayers and support to see LORDS to reality. Some of them having
realized this dream will now take leave from the council and we thank them sincerely.
As we move forward with some new members our students’ best interests will always
be the most important criterion in decision making.
LORDS Little Wonders Kindergarten co-located on site opened its doors to children
this year as the first footstep to the educational journey at LORDS. It is funded through
the Department of Education and Training as part of the Universal Access for all
children to attend kindergarten. We received Service Approval from the Office of Early
Childhood Education and Care on 27th January, 2012. A Task Force was set up to
develop a design, order furniture and equipment, employ staff and promote the centre
for enrolments in the community. This building was constructed in conjunction with
stage 2 buildings to ensure all buildings on site complimented one another. We
acknowledge the assistance of QLECS to our task force and thank the entire team for
their work. The centre will be operated as a joint partnership between LORDS and
QLECS for 2012 with a view to local management from 2013 onwards.
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‘Jesus said: Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom
of God belongs to such as these’ Mark 10:14b. The official opening praise God of
both stage 1 and the kindergarten will take place on 22nd April, 2012.
Ian Rossmann
Chair - LORDS Council
Report from Cleaner:
I’m not sure what it is about this place, it’s different to any other schools I work
in…there’s something about the ambience….even though I am the only one in
the room, I feel a special presence here…maybe it is the Christian posters on
the wall…but it makes you feel you are meant to be here’.
Report from Parent:
“I am so pleased I brought my children here. My son is so settled and happy
and he actually wants to come to school and wants to do his homework and
believe me, that is a first. The teacher is superb, seems to understand exactly
where each child is coming from as an individual and certainly has control of
the classroom. I am so pleased I made the decision to switch schools, even
though the last one was Christian, this one is different. I like it here too! I am
making some wonderful friends among the other parents and everyone seems
to care ……about everything.”
Report from Child:
“This school is really cool. The uniforms are even good. I love the rock wall on
the playground and the Titans came to visit.”
Report from kindergarten child:
“Miss Hoff is really funny. She said: “Shoo little snakey” and it crawled into a
hole in the wall. She thinks all God’s creatures are ‘little wonders’ too.”
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Pacific Lutheran College celebrated its 10th year anniversary in 2011 with the theme of
‘Ever Higher With and For Each Other’. This reminded us of our interdependence on
each other and on God and a commitment to continue to use our God given gifts in
service. Rather than focus on an ever increasing pace of outward gain there was
recognition of the importance of deep growth that comes through faith in a gracious
God that sustains a purposeful, hope filled life.
The College continued to enjoy strong positive relationships with the St Mark’s
Congregation through the Adopt a Class program, class led worship services and
incorporation of special music services led by students.
Service and pastoral care continued to be a strength of the community. The support of
families who had been affected by the January floods and in particular those of the
Lockyer Valley was the focus for the year.
Recognising the importance of stillness and reflection, Year 6 students trialled a
regular meditation experience based on scripture. The vertical pastoral care program
continued to be enriched through the use of thematic online teacher resources based
on Luke’s Gospel and the Developmental Assets Resources (Search Institute, USA).
The College enrolment at census in August 2011 was 802 across P-12. The
graduating class of 2011 performed well with 94% of students being OP eligible and
80% of those students achieving an OP 1-15, and 98% of students who applied for
tertiary places receiving an offer of a place. The dux of the College was awarded an
Australian Student Prize for being in the top 500 students in Australia. This is the third
such prize awarded to a college graduate in seven years. NAPLAN test results were
good and continued to show considerable growth.
Students continued enjoying being part of a variety of outdoor education, sporting and
cultural experiences. The College entered the Maryborough Technology Challenge
and won the Queensland Solar Car State Championship for the fourth year and our
Kayaking team won the State Championship for the eighth year in succession. The
senior student’s enjoyed staging a very professional and entertaining production of the
musical Godspell.
Students continued to provide strong service to the local community through their
support of the Salvation Army’s Red Shield Appeal and other activities.
Past students and families were invited back to various 10 th year anniversary
celebrations. These celebrations formally began our Past Students Association.
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Pacific continued to be blessed with a dedicated and talented team of teachers and
leaders. New members of the Administration and Learning Executive quickly settled
into the College and worked well with staff, students and parents to continue
enhancing the educational program offered by the College.
The College continued its implementation of the Teaching for Understanding program
and began the implementation of the Australian Curriculum with a commitment to build
deep understandings.
Staff engaged in a variety of workshops to enhance the
breadth and depth of expertise in the use of ICTs to enhance learning. The use of
i-pads were successfully trialled at Year 8.
The College has benefitted greatly from the $3.2m provided through the Building
Education Revolution and School Pride Funding stimulus package. As part of the tenth
year anniversary celebrations the multipurpose gymnasium and library were opened.
The College also received a state grant of over $800,000 to establish an additional
sessional kindergarten to commence at the start of 2012. We are very appreciative of
all government funding.
Throughout 2011, staff, students, parents and College Council reviewed the College’s
Strategic Plan and Master Plan. These planning processes continue to be evolutionary
in nature which bears testament to the quality of planning and vision in the early days
of the College.
We are very grateful of the wonderful blessings that God has bestowed on this
community and pray for His continued blessings.
Mr James McLellan
Chair - Pacific Lutheran College Council
PLC Students Support the Lockyer Valley
At the start of Term 3, a group of Year 11 students asked whether they would
be able to go to the Lockyer Valley for a weekend and volunteer to assist the
local community. They felt that after the initial wave of support this
subsequent visit would help to show that people were still thinking and praying
for them.
In late August the students along with Pastor Smith, Ms Schulz and Ms
McMillan helped to clean up further properties. On the Sunday, the students
worshipped with the local congregation and presented a cheque which was
used to improve emergency communication for families in more remote
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The College is highly respected in the Cairns community and our enrolment growth
reflects this. Our reputation for effective pastoral care is being augmented by good
academic results over the past couple of years.
Significant growth in enrolment applications for boarders from PNG has seen our
boarding house operating at capacity with 102 students. Consequently we have
embarked on a major refurbishment of boarding facilities. Council has decided to cap
enrolments temporarily when they reach 630 to allow us to consolidate our operation,
reducing debt and improving existing facilities, before any further expansion.
We celebrate the arrival of our new College Pastor, Steve Maas in April. We believe
Pastor Steve will reinforce and improve what is a growing positive spirituality on
campus. Wednesday evening devotion times are continuing each fortnight, and on
alternate Wednesday evenings teachers run a well attended youth group (50 – 70
young people attending regularly).
Boarders attend the local Lutheran congregation worship services each fortnight
compulsorily, and each alternate Sunday on a voluntary basis. The large number of
boarders participating in Holy Communion is very pleasing to witness.
We began 2012 with 587 students enrolled. This is an increase of 6% on the beginning
of last year. Student morale is high and is reflected in the significant drop over the past
couple of years in incidents requiring a disciplinary response.
Senior student leaders provide exemplary leadership and are proud of their College.
Music opportunities include Chapel band, choirs, and various smaller instrumental
ensembles, while many of our students represent the district in a range of sports.
Our staff numbers are stable but we nevertheless greeted a few new members this
year. Mrs Sarah Rowan joined us as our new Head of Junior School and along with
the other two Heads of School is providing exemplary and effective leadership.
Staff morale has improved now that it has become clear that further redundancies will
not be necessary.
Our principal, Mr Rob Fysh, has announced his intention to retire at the end of this
year. Rob will leave the school with our gratitude for his inspirational work over the
past seven years, during which the College has been transformed.
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Digital literacy is a major focus for staff and students this year. Our Year 7 iPad project
has been received enthusiastically by students and their parents. Staff workshops
have improved the ability and confidence of teachers in this area.
We continue to respond to trends identified in NAPLAN test results and to implement
the Australian curriculum.
As mentioned above, we are refurbishing boarding facilities throughout this year with
assistance from the Capital Grants Authority. We continue top build up our classroom
ICT capacity with the purchase of Interactive White Boards.
The major work of the Council this year will be to appoint a new principal for 2012. A
selection process is at present underway.
One council member resigned due to transfer at the end of last year and has been
replaced by a new member. Council members take their responsibilities seriously and
work together effectively for the good of the College.
The College is in a good place. We continue to look forward with confidence to the
future. Enrolment numbers are increasing annually and we are planning for enrolment
ceilings to be reached earlier than expected. Consequently we expect to be able to
reduce debt levels in the coming years.
Respectfully submitted
Bernie MacKenzie
Chair – Peace Lutheran College Council
While Wednesday Eve at Peace continues to attract about 40 boarders, each
alternate Wednesday evening we have up to 70 students and 5 teachers
meeting as a Youth Group. This is a wonderful, if a little overwhelming,
development. We are grateful for the devotion to duty of the teachers
concerned and are thankful to God for his provenance.
The Holy Spirit certainly seems to be at work in our College with the large
number of students and staff actively involved in Christian devotions and
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We continue to give thanks to God who continues to so richly bless our College and
Our College continues to enhance and enrich the lives of students, families and
community through student and teacher led daily worship, monthly year level family
services (P-6), Worship Bands across both campuses, and a Christian dance group
based at the Senior Campus. Parent attendance at the Junior Campus services is an
added blessing. We continue to partner with the Prince of Peace Congregation’s Youth
Programme by providing venue and support.
2011 saw the introduction of senior leadership positions of Pastoral Care and Welfare
on both campuses. While these positions focus on students they also provide care and
education to parents and staff.
February Census saw 733 students enrolled across P-11. This figure grew to 743 at
August Census. Students are to be congratulated for the way in which they embrace
all of the opportunities presented to them. They enjoyed both individual and team
success across all areas of academic achievement, service learning, music and
sporting endeavours.
At the end of September, 4 students and 3 staff spent a week in Indonesia visiting
Terang Bangsa Christian School in Semarang, Central Java extending their language
studies and assisting with the establishment of a sister school relationship.
Just over 100 individual staff members (in either full or part time capacity) contributed
to the success of our College in 2011. The focus of whole College professional
development has been on the completion of Pathways Spiritual, supporting Junior
School teachers in creating units of work that focus on Inquiry Based Learning, and
the training of teachers in Restorative Practices.
The focus for 2011 has been on preparation for the introduction of the Australian
Curriculum in English, Mathematics and Science from P-10. This, combined with the
completion of Senior Work Programmes, has meant a busy year for all teachers. They
are to be praised for their commitment to these necessary changes as well as
attending to the delivery of our regular high quality educational programmes.
Students have benefitted by the acceptance of the Junior Campus into Brisbane City
Council’s Active Traveller Programme. This three year programme provides curriculum
support and significant assistance in the education of parents regarding traffic
movement around our site.
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As with all of Queensland, the delivery of the $7.5 million capital works programme
was delayed. However, during Term 1 all three new facilities did come on line. This
included the new Resource Centre – providing a new library, music and 3 general
class rooms for year 6 students, a Kindergarten on the Junior Campus; and the Middle
Years Technology Centre (MYTEC) at the Senior Campus. We acknowledge the
support of both State and Federal government in providing the majority of capital funds
for these projects. The consequential delays meant that the Junior Campus oval
extension was delayed until late in the year and the new Junior Playground was not
completed until 2012.
We acknowledge the visionary work of Garth Hunt as our Head of College over the
last 4 ½ years. The College Council continues to work hard in optimising the best way
to support our Head of College and his staff. The College embraces the support of
LEQ as we focus on structuring good policy and governance systems. The Council is
also very aware of the need to ensure diligent fiscal control, as committed to the
Queensland District.
Parents of the College continue to bring blessings each week. This year saw the
introduction of the Music Supporters and Sports Supporters as new parent bodies
under the P & FA.
We look forward to the end of the 2012 school year, when we can celebrate
graduation of our first Year 12 cohort.
With the ongoing challenge of balancing the growth of the College to a sustainable
size, we pray our Lord continues to bless our mission at Prince of Peace Lutheran
Kym Schubert
Chair - Prince of Peace Lutheran College Council
The end of 2011 saw the completion of a three year project that involved the
design and creation of ceramic mosaic discs depicting the ten core values of
Lutheran Education. This project was led by Mrs Libby Farmer (Head of
Pastoral Care and Welfare 7-12) and College grandparent Mr Doug Campbell,
a well-known ceramic artist. Students created the designs, the Technology
Studies teachers and students built the moulds, and everyone broke the
ceramic tiles for the mosaics. Sadly, Doug passed away before seeing his
dream completed. His family took on the task of completing his legacy and
now as every future generation passes along the Worship Walk to the outdoor
Chapel they are reminded of our core values.
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The year has commenced smoothly for Redeemer Lutheran College with a record
enrolment of 1,160 students from Prep to Year 12. The increase in enrolments is
largely due to growing numbers in the Junior School (Prep to Year 5) but it is pleasing
to note that enrolments are strong across the whole college. Rochedale is set to
undergo residential and commercial development in the coming years and Redeemer
is ready to serve its burgeoning community.
Redeemer is blessed with hardworking staff members who are supportive of the
college’s Christian ethos. Redeemer has a solid Christian ministry led by our
chaplaincy team and supported by a strong congregational presence. We are currently
planning for our next Australian Lutheran World Service (ALWS) sponsored tour to
Cambodia over the 2012 Christmas holidays. Enthusiasm among students and staff
continues to be strong for this mission and service focussed program.
There are many activities available to students including the usual co-curricular
activities (sport, music, cultural) as well as events such as the annual talent quest and
a themed pavement art competition. Academically, students performed well last year
with strong OP and NAPLAN results. 87.1% of students received an OP1-15
compared to the State average of 75.7% which was our best result so far in this
category. It is important to note that the college also provides opportunities for
students to pursue alternative pathways, including TAFE studies and vocational
education opportunities.
Redeemer’s Principal, Mr David Radke, is supported by a hard working College
Executive. All Executive staff members from 2011 have continued in their roles for
2012 bringing stability and experience to the senior management team. Staffing our
college with teaching and non-teaching staff suitable for a Christian school remains a
The Australian Curriculum continues to be a major force in curriculum planning and I
thank the staff for their hard work in this regard. Another innovation in our curriculum
has been the continuing use of Habits of Mind which provides a common framework
and language for staff and students to use when approaching new situations or
challenges. Habits of Mind language is integrated throughout the curriculum and has
also been incorporated into student reports. A highlight of 2011 was the Year 9
Outdoor Education program where students spent four weeks at Camp Tuchekoi, a
specialised outdoor education facility which meets the goals and objectives of the
college. Through this program, students develop personally, spiritually, physically and
socially, and make many memories to last a life time.
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After lengthy town planning delays, we are excited that work has finally commenced
on a new double-storey classroom block for the Junior School. This project also
includes an age-appropriate playground and amenities. The Junior School is also very
thankful for their new administration block which has been in place since the start of
this year. Modular buildings have come a long way since their early days and this
custom-built modular is a superb example of this cost-effective building solution.
Elsewhere around the college, routine refurbishments of some of our older facilities
continue to take place.
Strategic Planning has been a focus for College Council over the last six months. This
has been a time of consolidating our core values and aiming to be true to our mission
as we plan for the future. I have found my role as Chair of College Council to be very
rewarding and I thank God for this opportunity to serve. I am very thankful for the
support and commitment of our College Council, ensuring that Redeemer continues as
a Christ-centred school.
Due to new governance and legislative requirements, it was necessary to bring
Parents and Friends Association under the management of the college from the start
of this year. While this has brought about administrative changes, the aims of the P &
F remain the same. The P & F will continue to raise valuable funds for the college and
they will continue to have input into how that money is used. Redeemer is very
thankful for the many parent volunteers who give freely of their time to serve the
Redeemer is a truly blessed community, which is inclusive of Our Saviour Lutheran
Congregation. It genuinely seeks to serve those whom God has sent to us, knowing
that any success
Ross Warbrooke
Chair - Redeemer Lutheran College Council
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Extract from parent letter:
We enrolled our son into Redeemer with great hesitation. We had hoped that he
would be educated in a Christian environment, but we were very much aware of the
academic standing of Redeemer. We enrolled him knowing that being intellectually
impaired, his learning and social needs may not be able to be catered for. We have
always been happy with his progress and development and the wonderful support he
has received from staff in general, but feel his last report is worthy of special mention
to you. His academic program has been adjusted where required and this has
enabled him to achieve success. His teachers have communicated with us regarding
assessment tasks and due dates. This has then enabled us to support our son at
home, when required. Any concerns we may have had, have been followed up
immediately by staff and our son has been extremely happy to attend school and be
part of the Redeemer community. We have witnessed him not only develop
academically, but we have also observed his self esteem and confidence develop.
He has become involved in the Our Saviour Youth Group and recently made his
confirmation. Much of our son's positive development can be attributed to the
programs and staff at Redeemer. We understand the challenges associated with
educating students who have specific learning needs but congratulate all those who
have cared for our son and enabled him to achieve to his potential.
St Andrews students excelled at every level throughout 2011. The College’s NAPLAN
results were its strongest ever. St Andrews was above both the State and National
Average on every single test, at every single year level, with an average of 97.5% of
students meeting the national benchmark. Using figures quoted in the recently
released Gonski Report where 80% of students achieving the national benchmark was
cited as being a high performing school, St Andrews well and truly exceeds this
benchmark. The 2011 Year 12 results were also outstanding - 94.1% of students
received an OP between 1 and 15. Using this 1 to 15 OP benchmark, this would place
St Andrews amongst the best performing schools in the state.
St Andrews is a school ‘where everybody is somebody’, and so pastoral care of our
students is critical. In the Principal lunches that are held regularly with Year 12
students, the students often respond to the question ‘what do you think is good about
St Andrews’ with responses along the lines ‘the teachers here really care about you’.
Nurturing and affirming relationships lie at the heart of effective pastoral care and
learning, and so the College throughout 2011 has had an intentional focus on
relationships. The use of Circle Time, a relationship building activity in Junior and
Middle School is one example of this in action in 2011. In recent times the College has
begun to explore Positive Psychology, and how this can be used to proactively build
well-being in both our students and staff, and will in time add another dimension to our
pastoral care.
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Throughout 2011/12 there has been an intentional focus on teachers as learners, and
teachers helping each other learn. Once a term teachers have been asked to observe
a colleague teach, and then engage in a professional discussion around what they
observed. This has helped to build capacity in our teachers, and contributed to a
strong professional learning community.
A significant amount of time in 2011 was devoted to planning and writing units of work
for the new Australian Curriculum in Maths, English and Science that is being phased
in from 2012. Although a significant amount of work, what the teachers have
developed should see the delivery of a relevant and engaging curriculum.
On top of developing new units for the Australian Curriculum, the Junior School also
underwent evaluation as a PYP school. The College received glowing
recommendations from the IB Evaluation team for the quality of teaching and learning
that occurs in the Junior School.
Service Learning is an important part of what and how we do things at St Andrews.
Two prominent examples from 2011 stand out- a week of service learning that our
Year 9 students do as part of ‘The Edge’ Program, and a 2 week Service Learning Trip
to the Oral Provence in Cambodia for Senior School students. Both experiences leave
a noticeable imprint on our young people, as they learn more about themselves and
others through using their gifts and talents to make a difference in the lives of others.
From its inception St Andrews has had a clear commitment to educating the hearts,
minds and hands of the children and young people who daily walk through our gates.
At St Andrews we develop our students’ minds, their intellect, their God-given capacity
to think and to reason. We also unashamedly help form and shape their heart, their
values, their character and their spirituality by helping them to become ‘men and
women for others', and finally we develop their hands so they can put into action their
learning and in doing so make a difference in the world.
In reflecting on Educating for Hearts, Minds and Hands in 2011 the image of a rope
with three strands comes to mind. One strand represents the mind; the second, the
heart; and the third, the hands. The power and the collective aim of the three stranded
rope is to develop right-heartedness, right-thinking and right action. Whenever these
three are held in synthesis the children and young people of St Andrews will be wellprepared to be life-long learners equipped to lead meaningful lives and meet the
challenges of the 21st century. As we are reminded in the book of Ecclesiastes (4:12)
‘a cord of three strands is not easily broken’.
Cecile Ryan
Chair – St Andrews Lutheran College Council
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One of the features of Ministry and Mission at St Andrews are the Junior
School Family Services. These occur seven times a year, with an entire year
level and their families (about 250 people) invited to attend a service with the
congregation on a Sunday morning. There is strong student involvement in
these services with students taking part in the Bible Readings and Prayers,
and even leading the congregation in song through the Chapel Band. Puppet
Plays and Dramas form a crucial part of these services and helping to
celebrate the good news of the Gospel. We give thanks to God for this
important ministry.
At St James Lutheran College we share God's love by providing a quality Christian
education. We offer learning opportunities that encourage the development of the
whole child and enable students to maximize their potential for a life of service. The
College began its operation in 2003 with 64 students and now has over 420 students
from Prep to Year 10 as well as a double stream Kindergarten with in excess of 60
children attending each week.
Letting our faith shine through two Chapel services per week with many College
families joining us in the service, and for morning tea afterwards, is a way to bring
families closer to knowing the Lord. College students are also regularly involved in the
local congregation’s Sunday service; this further encourages many of the parents with
no church affiliation to attend and hear the word of God. Our congregational Pastor
spends time with College families at worship, has devotions with the staff, conducts
Chapel and visits classrooms to get to know the children.
College enrolments increased from 320 in 2011 to 420 in 2012 with the addition of two
Year 10 classes, the expansion of the Year 2 cohort to double stream.
In 2012 the teaching staff at the College has risen to 26.19 Full Time Equivalents
(FTE) and the non teaching staff to 14.85 FTE. Our teacher’s dedication to their
professional duties is exemplary and their enthusiasm to increase their level of
qualifications is very high.
Preparation for the implementation of the Australian Curriculum remains the focus.
Teachers are working with all available resources to bridge the gap from the current
QSA (Qld Studies Authority) documents. An innovative ICT program is being
developed including an emphasis on laptops and hand held devices. Because St
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James believes that bringing current technologies into the learning environment is very
important, every classroom has an Interactive Whiteboard.
The St James Lutheran College building program continues apace. 2012 has seen
the introduction of a further 4 general learning spaces and an expansion of the existing
Manual Arts facility to encompass a state of the art Technology space. Plans are
underway to begin construction on a two-storey facility purpose built for Middle School
The College Council continues to work effectively with the Principal in support of the
students and families who attend the College. Current emphases include the continual
transition from a management to a governance model, restructuring of sub-committees
and creating stronger mission links with the local Lutheran congregation.
As we move into our tenth year of operation, the College continues to grow from
strength to strength. We acknowledge that the ongoing success of St James Lutheran
College is not attributed to ourselves but is the work of our Lord acting in the
community through the service of the College team.
Chair - St James Lutheran College Council
Whilst recently rushing between appointments, the Principal noticed one of
our youngest students apparently toiling in the College vegetable patch and
decided to take a moment to chat. ‘Hi Jason, what are you working on?’
‘I’m picking some leaves to make a comfy bed for the bugs that I caught so
that I can take them home with me.’
‘That sounds like a good idea,’ replied the Principal uncertainly and checking
his watch.
‘I took some bugs home with me before,’ added Jason warming to his theme.
‘I didn’t give them any leaves and they all died which made me sad but I’m
happy again now.’
‘Sorry about the bugs, but I’m glad that you are happy again,’ offered the
‘Did you know that I got sick last week?’ asked Jason obliquely.
‘No,’ answered the Principal truthfully.
‘Being sick made me sad, but God fixed me and made me happy again!’
St James Lutheran College is often the first time in the lives of our students
and families where people come into contact with the knowledge that our Lord
is actively at work in their everyday lives.
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The St Peters Lutheran College Council governs two schools and one outdoor
education campus. These are as follows:
St Peters Lutheran College Indooroopilly (IND)
(Prep to Year 12, Day and Boarding School) :
St Peters Lutheran College Springfield (SFD)
(Prep to Year 12 Day School)
St Peters Lutheran College Ironbark (IBK)
(Year 9 Outdoor Education )
Established 1945
Established 2008
Established 1976
College Council meets monthly to oversee the operations of these schools and the
strategic direction of St Peters Lutheran College. Council is made up of the following
Dr Monique Beedles
Chair 2011 / 2012
Mr John Zillmann
Vice Chair
Mr Neil Clark
Prof. William Curnow
Chair until September 2011
Mrs Jenny Danslow
Dr Allen Truslove
Dr Paul Renner
Mr Les Smith
Mrs Grainia Schmelzer
Retired 31 December 2011
(5 - 7)
( 8 – 9)
(10 - 12)
in sub
Total P12
121 Students P – 8
172 Students P – 9
248 Students P-10
300 Students P-11
346 Students P-12
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St Peters, at its two schools and one Outdoor Education Campus, employs
approximately 246 teachers and 332 support staff. By including boarding staff, sporting
coaches and music staff, approximately 578 people are regularly employed at St
St Peters College Executive is made up as follows:
Head of College
Adrian Wiles
Senior Pastor
Peter Bowmer
Manager: Business &
Lindsay Bovill
- Springfield
Jill Lange-Mohr
The curriculum is designed to provide a continuum of experience and knowledge
acquisition from Prep to Year 12. To this end, St Peters offers programs within 4
distinct phases of schooling. The phases are, the Junior School (P-4); Middle School
(5-7); Junior high School (8 & 9); and Senior School (10-12).
Pastoral Care: Pastoral Care is classroom teacher and classroom based. In the
secondary years, horizontal structures of Pastoral Care are complemented by a
Vertical House system of Pastoral Care. Year Level Coordinators, Form Group
teachers and House Patrons form the backbone of the Pastoral Care of students.
Worship (IND): Sub-Schools have one Chapel Devotion each week, according to Sub
school, in the College Chapel - generally led by one of our College Chaplains and
supported by the on campus Lutheran congregation, St Peters Lutheran Church. A
new innovation in 2012 is the addition of once week house worship where students are
arranged in horizontal Care Groups. In addition to these two worship opportunities per
week, Junior High and Senior School students lead prayers and devotions in Pastoral
Care time and at House meetings. Weekly devotional material is provided by
Chaplains to all staff. Staff, student and parent prayer groups undergird the whole
school involvement in worship. In addition, there is a voluntary weekly Holy
Communion service open to staff, students, families and congregation members.
At Springfield (SFD), Years 5 – 7 worship is conducted each Monday, and Prep – Year
4, Junior High and Senior School worship each Friday. St Peters has been pleased to
receive funding from the Board for Mission to plant a new worshipping community
through the College to Springfield. Springfield is currently in the Call process - Pastor
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Peter Close is acting as locum in the interim. Springfield is being supported by the
Congregation at St Peters as a Preaching place. Monthly Friday night Community
Celebrations are being complemented by Prayer and Pancake breakfast every second
Sunday morning. Worship at Ironbark is led locally and supported by Pastor Michael
In 2011/2012, our Chaplaincy Team consists of the following persons:
Rev Peter Bowmer
Kirstin Munchenberg
Silke Moolman
Rev Michael Mayer
Jon Cornish – Service Learning
In addition, the St Peters Community has employed two Chaplain Interns. We believe
that we have the responsibility to grow future leaders for the LCA.
The following projects were undertaken in 2011:
St Peters Lutheran College Springfield – New School at Health City Springfield
Class of 2011 achieves outstanding results
Congratulations to the Class of 2011 for the following excellent academic results.
% of OP eligible
(Australian Tertiary
and IB students
Admissions Rank)
2011 was a very successful year for St Peters Lutheran College. Enrolments at
Indooroopilly were close to capacity with boarding numbers steady in a difficult
climate. Springfield, numbers continue to grow and the new and permanent school
buildings are scheduled for opening in January 2012.
The Council is pleased to report to Synod that St Peters Lutheran College is in
excellent health with respect to enrolment, facility development, strategic business
growth, academic achievement, co-curricular participation and financial rectitude – all
grounded in strong spiritual development.
Respectfully submitted
Dr Monique Beedles
Chair - St Peters Lutheran College Council
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2011 has begun as a year of initial growth and a record enrolment number or 252. As
the year unfolded, this number was to decline to 225 due to movements out of
Gladstone or rising accommodation costs causing pressure on families. However, the
college was able to provide an ongoing, consistent and quality service to our students
and parents.
Word of mouth continued to be an overwhelming factor in new enrolments, inclusive of
returning business from parents of other Lutheran schools all around Australia. A
number of parents leaving St Stephens were seeking Lutheran schools in their new
Pastor Andrew Koehler has again capably and energetically led Chapel each Friday.
College worship was characterised by energetic, action filled songs and a clear
message which children of all ages could relate to. Regular JAM activities two or three
times a term continued, engaging children with deeper issues related to the Christian
Highlights of the year included the College Musical (Man of Steel) and many exciting
theme days, including Grandparents Day, Harmony Day, Discos, Fun Run and Free
Dress days. Additional events included a Fun Fair, Car Boot Sale, Athletics Day and a
number of Information Evenings.
The year concluded with a series of school functions which showcased what the
students had achieved. These included the Year 5 “graduation” into Middle School
dinner, Christmas Carols Night, Presentation Night and Year 12 Graduation events. I
believe these events were of a high quality, demonstrating to our clientele what the
school stands for and what the students can achieve together with our committed staff.
After school sport was managed by some long suffering teachers. Boys soccer and
netball teams struggled, but persevered, thanks to long suffering and persistent
coaching staff. PAYG after school sport coaching for Primary students was a good
innovation, and proved popular
At the start of 2011 the college had a full-time teaching staff of 19, including 3 new fulltime teachers, replacing losses. There was also one additional part-time staff member
to cover Middle Years elective subjects.
Learning Support and Curriculum
Coordinators managed ongoing student needs and helped guide the planning and
development of the Australian Curriculum in English, Maths and Science.
Work continued with planning in detail for the implementation of the national
Curriculum, and significant time was given over to mapping the changes needed for
full implementation in 2012. LEQ’s provision of support staff and training has been
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Netbooks in mobile pods proved to be immensely popular with students. Their,
portability and ease of use has been proved to be exceptional and superior to Laptops,
as anticipated. Planning for the use of netbooks for year 8 students in 2012 was seen
as critical to utilise this technology.
No major capital works were planned for 2011. However, minor works included
upgrading of Prep playground, the establishment of a new Prep room, and the
provision of a Beach Volleyball Court though the P&F who also raised $12,000 for the
further refurbishment of the Prep playground. Improvements to the servers, internet
access and a new wireless network were largely completed. Much of this has been
funded through DER on-costs.
College Council met regularly and functioned effectively. One resignation was received
during the course of the year, which was filled by a school parent. No Pastor
representative was able to be appointed due to regional isolation.
This year has seen many blessings and challenges. Overall, the college has
performed relatively smoothly, although this has required a lot of work behind the
scenes, with staff health issues a significant one this year as stated earlier.
I can say again, that, despite difficulties at times, God has blessed the work of
teachers and students at our college in 2011 and we thank and praise him for his
Mr Jeff Carr
Chair – St Stephens Lutheran College Council
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Lila (not her real name) came to us a few years ago. She struggled to engage with
classroom work and was quite difficult to manage. She made some progress, but
despite a lot of encouragement we wondered if she would really make significant
progress. Written work was often avoided. Lila’s background was such that one
wondered if she could ever trust adults again.
Of recent times she has began to relate to a particular teacher, where trust has
begun to build, so much so that she did not want to leave that teachers classroom for
breaks, wanting to do more literacy work. That teacher was able to help Lila have a
sense of worth, to give her a reason to believe in herself, and to know and truly
believe that somebody cared and could be trusted. That teacher now has a huge
responsibility for Lila.
In Lila we can look through a window of the heart of the child in all of us, a heart that
is desperate to trust and to respond to love and care. We can see a heart searching
for a reason to hope, even if such longings were not able be articulated.
Lutheran education is grounded in a world where bad things happen, where hearts
are broken, where fears are realized and where we do not always succeed. Against
this is the God-given capacity of humankind to have hope and to rise above their
circumstances. Transcending even such a powerful force is the message of the
Gospel, which can inspire and transform lives as the Kingdom of God is established
within them.
Trinity aims to be a community in which we are able to share our faith in a Christian
context. The college is committed to a Gospel-centred approach and is committed to
providing a rigorous academic program with excellence in all aspects of school life. It
promotes a spirit of cooperation, teamwork and service for an interdependent world.
Family and community partnerships are a high priority and caring relationships and
mutual respect are promoted.
Trinity has a clearly articulated coherent and developmentally appropriate Prep to Year
12 pastoral care and ministry program based on sound practice, research findings and
Lutheran principles, nurturing in students the capacity to envision and create a healthy
future for themselves and others.
Pastor Michael Alfson is the College Pastor Prep to Year 12. He is the pastoral care
and worship coordinator and the college continues to invest significant resources to
ensure that its teachers and leadership team are well equipped and have a good
understanding of Lutheran theology and ministry. Pastor Michael is supported by the
chaplaincy, pastoral, educational leadership and teaching staff of the college, along
with Pastor Dirk Willner of Living Word Lutheran Church, Ashmore.
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During 2011 the college council decided to fully implement a 1:1 student computer
program. From the beginning of 2012 all students in Years 5 to 11 will have their own
iPads, while the Year 12 students will complete their schooling on laptops and desktop
This wide scale implementation of hundreds of iPads in such a short timeframe has
required an exceptionally high standard of planning and preparation. The network
infrastructure was installed within a short time period. Professional development
sessions were held for staff in the use of the iPads and will continue in the coming
months. Numerous parent and student information session were held. The college
council is very pleased with the progress to date and a great deal of positive feedback
has been received from staff and students.
Trinity students continue to be good ambassadors of the school and excel in many
areas across a diverse range of academic, cultural, sporting and service endeavours.
A clear understanding of Lutheran theology is vitally important for the staff at Trinity, in
terms of both learning and teaching. The college continues to equip teachers and
leaders at all levels with the professional understandings and capabilities they require
in order to contribute actively and effectively to this whole of college goal.
They continue to attend professional development in a range of areas, including:
effective learning through the use of iPad/personalized technology; CS Equip;
Restorative Practice; International Baccalaureate (PYP, MYP and Diploma) and
managing data for improvement in learning outcomes, mainly through school-based
and LEQ-based programs of professional development.
The college continues to refine the academic management plans and processes of the
college, Prep to Year 12, with a focus on improvement processes which are informed
by student data. This includes programs of intentional teaching to support best
outcomes on NAPLAN and QCS
The college has been preparing for the introduction of the Australian Curriculum in
2012. Trinity had a clear strategy which ensured that the college was ready to
substantially implement this curriculum in English, Maths and Science from Prep to
Year 10 from 2012, in line with the Queensland agreement.
The continued rollout of the Velocitas program, which is focused on individual
intervention for capable and high achieving students, has been very well received by
students, parents and teachers and is starting to deliver outstanding results.
The council acknowledges the tremendous support of all volunteers at Trinity and
thanks them for this. The P&F Association and particularly its management committee
have again been active and successful in its friend and fund raising activities, the
proceeds of which ultimately benefit all students at the college.
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The indoor sports centre and the trade training centre were both completed and
equipped in 2011. Both these facilities are now in use and are being greatly
appreciated by students and staff.
Earlier in the year the college council had adopted the Naming of Physical Features
policy. Council has decided to name three significant buildings on the campus in
recognition of the outstanding service and contribution of three members of the college
community; the John Stapleton Sports Centre, the David Caldwell Trade Training
Centre and the Robert Hoff Community Hall.
Currently under consideration is the building of a kindergarten on the primary school
campus. Parent expectations and competitor pressure have made such a facility
imperative but without any government funding the development of such a facility in
the current economic climate is a challenge. The support of QLECS in these
considerations has been invaluable to the college.
The focus of the college council has been on providing good governance and the
continued implementation of the 2010-2014 Strategic Plan. During the year the council
undertook a review of the college’s progress towards the strategic outcome objectives.
The significant progress to date and the programs that have been introduced to try and
ensure the achievement of all strategic goals has been encouraging.
As the contract of the Head of College expires in 2012 the council did an extensive
review in 2011. Trinity is truly blessed with the outstanding leadership of the Head of
College, Mrs Ann Mitchell and following the review the council is very pleased that she
has agreed to continue serving in this position.
The college and council had also reviewed its branding to reflect the vision as
embraced in the strategic plan. A new logo, reflecting a modern school, built on
Lutheran foundations, that strives for academic excellence and a love for humanity
was adopted. As a continuation of this process and after consulting widely, the college
council adopted a new school uniform, which has been well received by students,
parents and the college community.
The economic climate has been particularly severe on the Gold Coast and this has
brought about special challenges for council, in particular finding the right balance
between good financial management and compassion and accommodation of parents
who sometimes struggle to be able to pay the school fees.
Despite some challenges, Trinity Lutheran College looks forward to the opportunities
of the years ahead with excitement and confidence and trusts in God, that He will
continue to richly bless this college and its community.
Dr Gerhard Wittig
Chair - Trinity Lutheran College Council
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Reports to Synod 2012
Reports from Congregational
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2012 sees us start the school year under much better conditions than 2011. All
preparations were attended to prior to school start and a happy and content feeling
was very evident at the start of the school year.
Pastoral care is well covered at Peace School with Pastor James Haak leading the
students in worship once a week in the church on campus. Peace has a Care Worker
employed and the benefits can really be seen in the students with this extra ongoing
support, not only available for students, but for parents and staff as well.
Student numbers at Peace continue to grow with Prep again this year being up in
numbers still allowing for double streaming in the lower grades of the school. Currently
276 students attend Peace. We anticipate continued growth into the future.
We have, once again been blessed with having a very good staff and all are keen to
meet the school year full on. Having got off to such a good start, there is great
harmony amongst the staff. I must thank the Staff for their patience, courage and
wisdom to achieve what is expected of them during the school year. Change of
Administration surrounds this year has seen the office staff, Principal, Deputy Principal
and Business manager all under the same roof which is great for management.
With National Curriculum upon us, it has been somewhat massaged to match up with
the Staged Learning that we do at Peace School. We have an Education Committee
and they are charged with the responsibility to see changes and methods with
curriculum are put in place.
With all the works from the BER projects now well and truly finished, we can now
watch our students enjoy the fruits of our labours and have a better surrounds of the
school to work and play in. As I had said earlier, we now have a very nice refurbished
building for the administration staff to call home and all is well. We now set about
looking to the future again to see what is needed in the longer term and start to plan
for it.
School Council has some new faces on board this year. The Chairman is now in his
sixth year. School Council will continue with its own personal development program
this year with an education evening to be organized - mainly to learn the different
aspects of Governance and Management. Achieving the numbers for school Council
was quite easy this year and I thank all the willing people for this. We do enjoy a good
cross section of community on Council and this is always good for debates.
I must thank the Principal for her undying work in the way our School is progressing.
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Times continue to be tough. Money still seems to be short in the community. School
debt level in the make-up of things, is very minimal, thanks to the work ethics of our
business manager. The good work of the staff and teaching staff continues to bring
more students to the school. We are still seen as a school of choice for parents
sending their children to us to receive their education. It would be remiss of me not to
mention all the support offered by Lutheran Education Queensland to Peace Lutheran
Primary School - Gatton.
As we continue to grow, we will still rely on God as our leader, and by his Grace and
our journey in Faith, may Peace Gatton continue on its path of Lutheran Education for
the children entrusted into our care by their Parents.
Yours in Christ,
Glenroy L. Logan
Chair - Peace Lutheran Primary School
St John’s Lutheran Primary School, Bundaberg, is now a proud P-7 single stream
primary school of the District since Synod 2011.
St John’s also has a co-located Kindergarten now operated by QLECs.
Our worship life at school has been further enhanced with regular contributions from
the new Children, Youth and Families Ministry Co-ordinator who joined the staff at St
John’s Congregation recently. Beth has come from America to take up this position,
and later this year will travel with our Year 7 class to Canberra on their Year 7 camp,
to get to know these students better before they leave our school. Pastor Greg
Priebbenow continues to support the school in his role as Pastor, and we have also
had more staff and student involvement in chapel services, with some members of
staff also taking chapel on regular occasions. School services with the congregation
are a continuing opportunity.
Our student numbers are just above our projection of 195 for this year, as of state
census. Again, we have faced the challenge of families leaving the area for work and
this will remain an issue in Bundaberg for the near future.
2012 has seen the first significant change in our teaching staff for some years, after a
difficult year for everyone during 2011. Personal health problems and family/grief
support have meant that our staff have constantly needed to call on each other, both
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personally and professionally. I am proud of the professionalism all staff members
displayed continually when called on to take over in classrooms/sports fields/chapel at
often very short notice. This year, we have two new contract teachers to take over
leave positions, with Mrs Natasha Higgins from our staff ably filling the Learning
Support role in the absence of Mrs Jocelyn Bakker. We hope that this will also give
Mrs Higgins valuable learning experience often not available to our teachers in a small
school setting during this time outside the classroom. Our Principal and Business
Manager continue to assist the School Council and support the staff with dedication
and commitment.
Our staff remain committed to effective use of technology in the classrooms and take
every opportunity to develop their own skills in this regard. Our current focus is how
iPads may best assist those with learning difficulties in the school, and how technology
of this kind may benefit the wider student body.
Fortunately, after the frenzied activity of 2009-2010 with the BER and School Pride
projects, which saw most of the school either demolished/re-painted/re-plumbed/dug
up/re-built or re-wired, our program of capital works has been much more low key in
2011. This year, we have much more simply continued with our Program Maintenance,
and finished some of the long list of small jobs that every school seems to have and
never seem to have resources to allocate to them. Though simple and sometimes unnoticed by those not in the school these have made a material difference to the
comfort and well being of our school community, such as soccer nets which now
prevent Year 7 lunchtime soccer games from waking the Kindy children during nap
time (and often breaking the fence behind). Little things, which ultimately add up to a
lot and which have been a pleasure to have both the time to consider, and money to
The P&F have continued their excellent support for our ongoing school programs with
additional purchases of instruments and other resources to complement our previous
investment in building space for our music program, and the School Council continues
to assess our needs for future infrastructure constantly.
The move to become a school of the District has presented interesting challenges and
new opportunities to our existing School Council – getting used to forms, new term
lengths, reporting obligations, new acronyms and new ways things need to be done –
as well as wonderful new resources provided by LEQ to our leadership. Thanks to the
guidance of Mrs Janelle Turner and Ms Bernadette Latimer, we have not made too
many errors so far, have been able to call on LEQ for advice whenever we felt that an
error was about to be made, and have been as much impressed by the things that
have stayed the same, as the changes we have needed to address to date. For the
school itself, it has been seamless.
In 2010-11, School Council requested the formation of a Committee of Investigation
from LEQ to look into our future position once projected changes to Year 7 education
took place in 2015, and on the advice of that committee will remain a P-6 school at the
time of transition. The School Council however continues to assess our enrolment
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numbers and are open to restructuring our current arrangements should the need
The School Council of St John’s remains committed to working with LEQ and our
congregation to ensure that our school community receives value and support from all
of our school programs and resourcing. We endeavour to remain affordable to the
wider community in the context of a town with widespread unemployment and
continued cost of living pressures. The hope is always that the school will provide a
foundation upon which our students and families can build for their future, both
educationally and in their journey with God.
Delwyn Ainsworth
Chair – St John’s Lutheran Primary School Council.
Waiting at the pedestrian crossing outside the local state school opposite St
John’s on my way to pick up my daughter I was met with a phenomenon. Our
students from St John’s, in their distinctive red sports uniform, crossing in an
unbroken (and almost as orderly as excited students on their way back from
sport can manage) red line that wound across the road and around the next
corner. They had quite literally stopped traffic. It was lovely to see, as this was
the first of many occasions when the state school across the road was helping
us out this year by providing us with access to sports grounds. This means we
can practice athletics without buses and other expense and is a valuable
Then I realized what it was that struck me the most. When I was a student at
St John’s myself some years ago now, the state school often helped us out in
this way. Because, as a then tiny school, with a lot less land at our disposal,
this was how the whole school had access to sport. No buses, no grounds.
Our entire school would fit on the borrowed oval for our athletics day, parents
and all.
Sometimes the greatest changes sneak up unnoticed, even for someone who
has known the school for so long. For the long line of students that passed me
weren’t our entire school. just a few students from the upper grades doing
athletic rotations. They filled more of the road than the entire school would
have done all those years ago. We have grown, we have developed, we have
grounds of our own that fill some of our needs, and although we have further
to go it was nice to reflect just how far we have come. We can sometimes get
wrapped up as a School Council with what we don’t have, and what we have
planned for the future. It was nice to spend that short moment reflecting that
this was already the school that someone, once, in the past had planned and
wanted and we were now there. A timely reminder to never forget that a
school is a journey, not an achieved thing, to never rest in our planning, but
never forget how far we have already come.
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St John’s Lutheran Primary School was established by St John’s Lutheran
congregation in 1989. St John’s is situated on 5.4 hectares in Ivy St on the northeastern side of Kingaroy and serves residents of the town and outlying rural
Pastoral Care for families recognizes the need to support parents in the upbringing of
their children. At St John’s Lutheran Primary School it is our goal to provide services to
assist parents in the development of the “whole” child, including the physical,
intellectual, social, emotional and spiritual care.
As a Christian School our focus is to provide pastoral care to all involved within our
school community. Therefore we are intentional in participating in relevant daily
devotional and worship times.
Community members can be assisted by:
• Pastoral Care contact person who liaises with families in times of need. This may
include provision of food, care of children, counseling etc.
• Organized informal activities for families
• Opportunities for worship at church/school
• Restorative practices
• Peer mentoring
• Shared devotional, bible study and prayer times
• Incidental and formal sharing and meeting times
• Opportunities to meet weekly with parish pastor and chaplain
• Social events
• Debriefing times after major events
Whole School Worship takes place on a Monday morning just after everyone arrives
for another week at school. Classes assemble and parents and visitors gather and
chat around coffee and biscuits.
Singing, You Tube clips, prayers, skits, bible stories and practical ideas for living out
our Christian life are shared in a relevant way by both student leaders and the school
The school theme for the year ‘Action 4:12 Think, Say, Do’ becomes a shared reality.
Students and adults alike are encouraged in their spiritual journey in a practical life
related way.
Monday’s focus is followed through and built upon during the week via classroom
devotions and playground interactions each day.
Faith and life happen!
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At present there are 320 students enrolled at St John’s, catering for students from
Prep age to Year 7. Many students travel distances to attend school from other local
communities. The school has a Kindergarten located on the school grounds. This is
administered by Queensland Lutheran Early Childhood Services. This facility has 44
children enrolled.
There is 43 staff serving in the St John’s School community. There are 13 full time
teaching staff and 11 part time teachers. There is a full time groundsman and bursar
and 17 part time ancillary staff. The QLECS Kindergarten employs 2 full time staff
The curriculum program used at St John’s is based on the new National Curriculum
documents and the Lutheran Education Australia’s Christian Studies Curriculum
The school is working towards implementing, teaching and assessing the new national
English , Science and Mathematics curriculum in 2012.
The current school committee is comprised of members of St John’s Lutheran
Congregation Kingaroy. At present all members of the committee are from the St
John’s congregation though other members of the parish are able to be nominated
onto the committee. Each year 3 members are eligible for re-election at the annual
general meeting.
Warren Layt
Chair - St John’s Lutheran Primary School Kingaroy
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