Family and Consumer Science (FCS) 8 th grade -----

Family and Consumer Science (FCS) 8th grade ------ Mrs. Jespersen
Grading Policy and Course overview:
30 % = Project: Food Journal Unit
25 % = Participation: Earned daily
20 % = Tests, Cooking Labs, Please Do Now entries, Label Lab, and written summaries
15 % = Quizzes: Safety and MyPlate: recipe based
10 % = Homework: Signed allergies sheet/grading policy, Food Journal Daily entries
Being present means being engaged in the activities and the material of the course. Arrive on time. Turn work in on time.
Late work will be deducted 10% points per day passed the due date. Have all your needed materials: Food Journal
packet, writing utensil, paper, planner, and content materials: notes/ notebook/ homework. Have a positive attitude; work as
a team member; complete all assigned work at a high level of quality and quantity; practice polite and respectful manners;
practice all safety procedures; respect the equipment and supplies, be in dress code; give an honest effort; and be willing to
try new skills/foods.
As per HASD attendance policy, eight unexcused days will result in the loss of 50% of participation component of the grade.
In order to receive full participation credit, please present any excuses to me the day you return. If you are absent, check my
website for the topics covered and for any notes you may need. Over 90% of the material you need for this course is online
for reference. If you prefer, a hard copy of the information may be borrowed. If a student is absent and missed a cooking
lab, he/she may use the “make-up” activity and gain full credit. All aspects of the make-up activity need to be complete in
order to be considered for a grade. Time constraints apply to the make-up activities.
WEBSITE: HASD home page >>Select West Hazleton>> Select Teachers>> Select Jespersen
In order to drive in PA, one must pass the Permit Test. This is the same concept in FCS. In order to participate in the
cooking labs, the students must pass all the safety quizzes at 93% accuracy and have returned the allergy information
sheet. The safety quizzes are on sanitation procedures, hand washing skills, fire prevention, and knife handling. The
students may retake the quiz or quizzes as many times as necessary. A student can only retake a topic quiz once a day.
Re-quizzing on different topics is permitted. For example, a fire and a knife quiz may be re-quizzed during one class period
if time permits. The student must take the entire quiz again. He/she will not be able to just re-quiz on a specific question
or questions.
All information will be taught and demonstrated in class. The information and quizzes are on the website for review. Once a
student passes all the safety quizzes and has returned a parent-signed allergy information sheet, he/she may join the lab
activities. In order to cook more often, it is encouraged that the students complete all required safety activities as soon as
possible. Cooking activities will begin as soon as I have a group of six or more students qualified. As a student becomes
qualified, he/she can join the next cooking lab. When not cooking, the students will be given a re-quiz and/or a written
parallel activity until he/she qualifies.
If in the event a student disregards any safety, work, and/or behavior standards while in the cooking lab, he/she will be
removed from the lab. He/she will receive a zero for the lab. He/she must complete the “Kitchen Chaos” packet prior to
regaining cooking privileges. A parent signature is a required component of the Kitchen Chaos packet. If the behavior
warrants any additional consequences, a student discipline report will be sent to the principals.
If your student would like to bring in his/her personal apron, that is fine. Please have the student’s name on the apron. There
are aprons available. Aprons are required dress code. If you student has long hair, it must be pulled back - not tucked into
the shirt!! Bring your own hair tie. A rubber band will be provided. During the time period of the cooking lab, there is nothing
on the forearms, wrist, or hands of the students – clean from the elbow down. Finger nails should be short, filed, and clean.
Please keep this sheet for reference during the next 45 days. If you have any questions/concerns, please contact me.
Family and Consumer Science (FCS) 8th grade ------ Mrs. Jespersen
Student’s name: _________________________________ School: ____________ Period: __
Parent/guardian name: _____________________________________________
Phone number: ____________________________________________________
Secondary phone number: _____________________________________________
Please assist me by providing important information about your child’s food allergies or food restrictions.
1) Is your child allergic to any food or ingredient in foods? YES NO If YES, please list.
2) Does your child have any dietary restrictions (medical or religious)? YES NO If YES, please list.
Food Journal Unit = A required activity.
This unit begins on ___________ and ends on ______________.
Daily homework for 21 straight days. 10% At least three checks
Change statement = “Trying a new healthy habit” Quiz grade 15%
Evaluation of project = Rough draft of five paragraph summary Homework value 10%
Peer review in school
Final copy of summary = 20% due on _________________
Completed journal = 30%
due on ________________
In addition, please be an active participant in the Food Journal unit. Please monitor that your student is
actively recording detailed daily eating habits, sleep habits, physical activity, and water consumption.
After seven days, your student will select a “change statement”. Please encourage and support him/her
in this new healthy habit.
By signing this section and returning it to Mrs. Jespersen, we (parent/guardian and student) acknowledge
and understand the class expectations and grading policy for Family and Consumer Science.
Parent/Guardian’s signature: __________________________________________Date: ____
Student’s signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ____