The National Policy Review


Learning Outcome:

Analyze the relationship between the National

Policy and the industrialization of Canada

Political Cartoon-The National Policy

So what do you need to know?

How the National Policy helped change our country

How it helped move our country from a less developed to a more developed nation

How it helped grow our nation’s economy

How it promoted industry (mass production of goods, trade, infrastructure, etc.)

Background …

Pacific Scandal

: in 1871, political corruption in the awarding of contracts to build the transcontinental railway.


: between 1874 and 1878

Canadian economy suffers from the effects of a worldwide depression with high unemployment, widespread business failure, and loss of confidence in financial institutions.

Need for a National Policy

With British Columbia being lured by the

Americans to join their union, and the Red

River Colony in the West trading exclusively with the Americans, and the

Transcontinental railway not completed by the Liberal government, MacDonald needed to step in with a bold maneuver.

Three Initiatives

The National Policy consisted of three initiatives:

Protective tariffs against foreign goods

Completion of a Transcontinental railway

Greater immigration and settlement of the



Duties of over 40% levied on products coming into the country (imported goods)

Secondary manufacturing industries developed in the new

Canadian Heartland of Ontario and Quebec

Protective tariffs : taxes imposed on imported products to encourage people to buy domestic products

These tariffs allowed struggling Canadian businesses to get back on their feet

The east and west would now provide a supply base for a strong central manufacturing base in central Canada.

Pros and Cons

The new supply base of the east and west allowed the central Canadian firms to grow stronger, with money and people moving in to build up the growing markets.

This had the conversely negative effect of making the east and west suffer an economic decline, the well being of these areas taking a back seat to the development of central Canada.

Industrialization took hold of Central Canada creating harsh working environments, exploitation of women and children by industries, sweatshops piecework , and lack of a social safety net.




: places in which people labor for long hours under harsh working conditions, for little wages.

Social safety net

: government programs and services that provide aid for citizens in need.


: work that is paid on the basis of the amount done, not on the time it takes

Social response to Industrialization

Canada underwent a great transformation during the industrial revolution

The standard of living decreased for many in order for the new manufacturing industries to thrive

In the cities many working class people lived in slums, sometimes sharing houses with other families

There was a lack of running water, sewers, and electricity.

These people were also malnourished and babies suffered from high infant mortality rates.

Social response to Industrialization

The middle class responded to symptoms of the new age such as poverty, alcoholism, and child abuse

The Progressive movement took initiatives to help the poor, other groups targeted the problems of prostitution, gambling, and the consumption of alcohol

Others helped to improve public health system such as new hospitals and clinics

New sewer and water treatment plants were built

Subsidized housing helped replace crowded houses and eliminate slums

Workers response

There were two ways for workers in this day and age to stand up to the industrial factory owners:

Strikes and collective demands for shorter working hours, and more pay

Others would organize new labor associations and unions , such as the Knights of Labor which expanded into Canada in the 1880’s

These responses from the middle class and the workers would lead to Canadian citizens strong sense of social responsibility


Cause and Effects

Threat of American annexation of the West

Too much reliance on American business (competition)

Desire for workers rights

American aggressiveness

Railway construction

Lack of social safety net

Poor working and living conditions

Building of the CPR and exploitation of Chinese workers

Industrialization of Nova Scotia

A central Canadian heartland and western and eastern hinterland

Creation of labor unions

Canadian sovereignty over the west

Introduction of protective tariffs

Pacific Scandal (exposure of political corruption)
