DISSERTATION ON PETROLEUM BIODEGRADATION IN NATURAL ENVIRONMENT AS A PARTIAL REQUIREMENT FOR FULFILMENT OF THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN BIOTECHNOLOGY (M. Sc. BIOTECHNOLOGY) YEAR: 2011-2012 CARRIED OUT AT MITCON BIOPHARMA INSTITUTE, PUNE, MAHARASHTRA GUIDED BY: SUBMITTED BY: Miss. PRIYA BANDE PATEL JAYESHKUMAR C. SUBMITTED TO BHAGWAN MAHAVIR COLLEGE OF M. SC. BIOTECHNOLOGY, SURAT Page 1 Abstract ABSTRACT Petroleum-based products are the major source of energy for industry and daily life. Petroleum is also the raw material for many chemical products such as plastics, paints, and cosmetics. Due to widespread use of petroleum products, the number of petroleum contaminated site has abounded. Natural attenuation, which relies on in situ biodegradation of pollutants, has received a large amount of attention, especially for petroleum contamination. Therefore in this work two different sources, soil and marine water were chosen and oil degrading microorganisms were isolated using different hydrocarbon containing minimal media. Two strains from soil and one strain from marine water sample were selected according to their simultaneous good growth on minimal medium with oil, sea-water agar and nutrient agar. Several physiological and biochemical characteristics of isolated oil degrading strains were determined. Two of them were Gram negative, oxidase positive, catalase positive & one was Gram positive, Oxidase & catalase positive. By checking the petroleum degradation potential of our selected oil degrading strains on individual hydrocarbon derivatives for a period of 21 days, we showed that our strain decomposed diesel easily and very fast. The strain also utilized petrol, engine oil, toluene, benzene, and Xylene. Key words- Petroleum, in situ biodegradation, marine water, oxidase, Catalase, Degradation, Toluene, Benzene, Xylene Page 2 INDEX Chapter Title No. Page No. Abstract 2 List of Tables 4 List of figure 5 Acknowledgement 6 Abbreviation 8 Introduction: 9 Definition 9 Origin, constitution and use 9 Component of crude oil 16 Behavior of petroleum in Marine environment 19 2. Aims & Objectives 22 3. Material & method: 23 Collection of sample 23 Culture media 23 Biochemical reagents 25 Methods 26 Results & Discussion: 30 Physio-chemical characteristics of isolates. 30 Biodegradation efficiency. 33 Growth potential of isolates. 36 Identification of petroleum degrading isolated strains 38 5. Conclusion 39 6. Appendixes: 40 1. 4. 7. Appendix-1- Culture Medium 40 Appendix-2- Stains & Reagents 44 References 45 Page 3 LIST OF TABLES Table Title No. Page No. 1. Bacterial genera involved in PAHs degradation. 10 2. Fungal genera capable of degrading PAHs. 13 3. Different distillations of Petroleum (Fuels) and their use. 16 4. Parent Poly-aromatic hydrocarbons present in crude oil. 18 5. Composition of Minimal agar medium. 24 6. Biochemical Reagents. 15 7. Colony Characteristics of isolates. 30 8. Biochemical Characteristics of organisms. 30 9. Liquid culture characteristics of Bacteria during 21 days 33 incubation. 10. Petroleum degradation Efficiency. 36 Page 4 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Title No. Page No. 1. Gram Staining of A3 Organism: Gram Negative, Rod shape 32 2. Growth of organisms(A3) on Sea-water agar media 32 3. Oxidase positive test of organism 32 4. Biodegradation of Engine oil by isolates 32 5. Bacterial growth on Nutrient agar Plate 32 6. Growth of A1 Culture on Nutrient agar media 32 7. Bacterial growth on minimal medium containing different 37 hydrocarbon (Biodegradation potential) at fifth days incubation 8. Bacterial growth on minimal medium containing different 37 hydrocarbon (Biodegradation potential) (A2 Culture) 9. Biodegradation potential of organisms(A3) on Different 38 Hydrocarbon source in minimal media ( After 21st days) Page 5 Acknowledgment ACKNOWLEDGMENT I humbly owe the completion of this dissertation work to the almighty whose love and blessing was and will be with me in every moment of my life. I am very much thankful to all my professors and my co-guidance Mr. Naresh butani in our institute who made us work hard, taught us how to manage everything skillfully and made us into confident individuals. I gratefully acknowledge my deep sense of gratitude to my project guide Miss. Priya Bande , Department of Biotechnology & Environment Science MITCON, Pune, Maharashtra, for involving in our confidence and essence of excitement about our work through her spontaneous encouragement and inspiring guidance for which we shall always be grateful. My special thanks to Dr.Chandrashekhar Kulkarni, HOD of department of Biotechnology & Environment Science MITCON, Pune (Maharashtra) for providing infrastructure and facilities required for this research work. I sincerely extend thanks to Miss Neha Vora., Department of Biotechnology & Environment Science MITCON, Pune, (Maharashtra) for his timely help during the course of study and providing the necessary requirements & guidance. I also express thanks to Mr. Sandeep & Mr. Amitbhai, store keeper who helped me for providing the required chemicals and reagents needed for the project work. Page 6 Acknowledgment I am especially thankful to my brother Mr. Satish Patel, M.Sc. Chemistry, and Mr. Alkesh Nai for providing guidance in different chemical & reagent preparation. I am very much thankful to my friends - Kamlesh Vasava, Snehal Patel and P.D.Patel for helping in typing work & Collection the sample. I am thankful to Falgun, Hemant, Sanjay, Hardik, Kuldeep, Nirav and all other friends for their support and help during the course of studies. I express my appreciated thanks to Lord Maa Narmada for showering his infinite boundaries and grace upon me and for being my constant companion, the strongest source of motivation and inspiration. My acknowledgement won’t be complete without expressing deeply indebted to My Parents and Family who stood as backbone and for their blessings, continuous support and their unconditional everlasting love in my entire life. Patel Jayesh C. Page 7 Abbreviations ABBREVIATIONS BHM – Bushnell-Haas Media CaCl2 – calcium chloride D/W – Distilled water FeSO4 – Iron sulfate Gms – Grams H2O2 – Hydrogen peroxide H2S – Hydrogen sulfide HCl – Hydrochloric acid Inc. – Incubation K2HPO4 – Di-potassium hydrogen phosphate KH2PO4 – Mono potassium hydrogen phosphate KOH – Potassium hydroxide MgSO4 – Magnesium sulfate MnSO4 – Manganese sulfate M-R – Methyl red test Na2HPO4 – Disodium hydrogen phosphate NB/NA – Nutrient broth/Agar NaCl – Sodium chloride NaOH – Sodium hydroxide NH4Cl – Ammonium Chloride RPM – rotation per minutes SWA – Sea water agar media Temp. – Temperature TMPD – N, N, N′, N′-tetra methyl-p-phenylenediamine V-P – Voges-Proskauer Page 8 Introduction Chapter-1 INTRODUCTION Definition Biodegradation or biotic degradation or biotic decomposition is the chemical dissolution of materials by bacteria or other biological means. Petroleum is a viscous liquid mixture that contains thousands of compounds mainly consisting of carbon and hydrogen. Origin, constitution and use Crude oil is the product of heating of ancient organic materials over geological period. It is formed from pyrolysis of hydrocarbon, in a variety of reactions, mostly endothermic at high temperature and/or pressure. Crude oil reserves were formed from the preserved remains of prehistoric zooplankton and algae, which had settled to a sea or lake bottom in large quantities under anoxic conditions. On the other hand, the remains of prehistoric terrestrial plants led to form coal. During the formation of crude oil, digenesis followed catagenesis. The studies documented that over a period, the organic matter mixed with the mud and got buried under heavy layers of sediments resulting in generation of high levels of heat and pressure (digenesis). This process transformed the organic matter into a waxy material known as kerogen, followed by its further conversion to liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons (catagenesis). The change from kerogen to natural gas through oil is a temperature dependent event. Sometimes the oil formed at extreme depths migrates and is entrapped at shallower depths. eg. Athabasca oil sands. (20) The crude oil is a heterogeneous entity, composed of hydrocarbon chains of varied lengths. It contains hundreds of different hydrocarbon compounds such as paraffin, naphthenes, aromatics as well as organic sulfur compounds, organic nitrogen compounds and oxygen containing hydrocarbons (phenols).(20) Page 9 Introduction The most common distillations of petroleum are fuels. Fuels generally include, ethane and other short chain alkanes, diesel fuel (petro diesel), fuel oils, gasoline (petrol), jet fuel, kerosene, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Table-1 Bacterial genera involved in PAHs degradation (20):Organisms PAHs References Achromobacter sp. NCW Carbazole Guo et al., 2008 Alcaligenes denitrificans Fluoranthene Weissenfels et al., 1990 Arthrobacter sp. F101 Fluorene Casellas et al., 1997 Arthrobacter sp. P11 Phenanthrene, Carbazole, Dibenzothiophene Seo et al., 2006 Arthrobacter sulphureus Phenanthrene Samanta et al., 1999 Phenanthrene Samanta et al., 1999 Bacillus cereus P21 Pyrene Kazunga et al., 2000 Bacillus subtilis BMT4i (MTCC9447) Benzo[a]pyrene Lily et al., 2009 Brevibacterium sp.HL4 Burkholderia sp.S3702, RP007, 2A12TNFYE5, BS3770 Burkholderia sp. C3 Burkholderia cepacia BU3 Burkholderia xenovorans LB400 Chryseobacterium sp. NCY Cycloclasticus sp. P1 Geobacillus sp. Phenanthrene Phenanthrene Samanta et al., 1999 Kang et al., 2003, Balashova et al., 1999, Laurie et al., 1999 Phenanthrene Phenanthrene, Pyrene, Naphthalene Benzoate, Biphenyl Seo et al., 2006 Kim et al., 2003 Denef et al., 2005 Carbazole Guo et al., 2008 Pyrene Napthalene, Phenanthrene, Fluorene Anthracene Wang et al., 2008 RKJ4 Acidovorax delafieldii P41 Geobacillus stearothermophilus “AAP7919” Janibacter sp. YY1 Phenanthrene, Fluorene, Anthracene, Dibenzofuran, Bubians et al., 2007 Kumar et al., 2011 Yamazoe et al., 2004 Page 10 Introduction Marinobacter NCE312 Mycobacterium sp.PYR, Mycobacterium sp. JS14 Mycobacterium sp. 6PY1, KR2, AP1 Mycobacterium sp. RJGII135 Mycobacterium sp.PYR1, LB501T Dibenzopdioxin, Dibenzothiophene Naphthalene Benzo[a]pyrene Fluoranthene Pyrene Benzo[a]pyrene, Benz[a]anthracene Pyrene Pyrene, Phenanthrene, Fluoranthene, Anthracene Hedlund et al., 2001 Cheung et al., 2001, Grosser et al., 1991 Lee et al., 2007 Rehmann et al., 1998, Vila et al., 2001, Krivobok et al., 2003 Schneider et al., 1996 Mody et al., 2001, Kelley et al., 1993, Sepic et al., 1998, Ramirez et al., 2001, Van et al., 2003 Mycobacterium sp. CH1, BG1, BB1, KR20 Mycobacterium flavescens Pyrene, Phenanthrene, Fluorene Boldrin et al., 1993, Rehmann et al., 2001 Pyrene, Fluoranthene Mycobacterium vanbaalenii PYR1 Mycobacterium sp. KMS Nocardioides aromaticivorans IC177 Pasteurella sp. IFA Polaromonas naphthalenivorans CJ2 Pseudomonas sp. C18, PP2, DLCP11 Pseudomonas sp. BT1d Phenanthrene Pyrene, Dimethylbenz[a]anthracene Pyrene Carbazole DeanRoss et al., 2002, DeanRoss et al., 1996 Kim et al., 2005, Moody et al., 2003 Pseudomonas sp. HH69 Pseudomonas sp. CA10 Pseudomonas sp. NCIB 98164 Pseudomonas sp. F274 Miller et al., 2004 Inoue et al., 2006 Fluoranthene Naphthalene Sepic 1999 Pumphrey et al., 2007 Phenanthrene, Naphthalene Denome et al., 1993, Prabhu et al., 2003 3hydroxy2formylbenzothioph ene Dibenzofuran Chlorinated dibenzopdioxin, Carbazole Fluorene, Dibenzofuran, Dibenzothiophene Fluorene Bressler et al., 2001 Fortnagel et al., 1990 Habe et al., 2001 Resnick et al., 1996 Grifoll et al., 1994 Page 11 Introduction Pseudomonas paucimobilis Pseudomonas vesicularis OUS82 Pseudomonas putida P16, BS3701, BS3750, BS590P, BS202P1 Pseudomonas fluorescens BS3760 Pseudomonas stutzeri P15 Pseudomonas saccharophilia Pseudomonas aeruginosa Ralstonia sp. SBUG 290, U2 Rhodanobacter sp. BPC1 Rhodococcus sp. Rhodococcus sp. WUK2R Rhodococcus erythropolis I19 Rhodococcus erythropolis D1 Staphylococcus sp. PN/Y Stenotrophomonas maltophilia VUN 10,010 Stenotrophomonas maltophilia VUN 10,003 Sphingomonas yanoikuyae R1 Sphingomonas yanoikuyae JAR02 Sphingomonas sp.P2, LB126 Sphingomonas sp. Sphingomonas Phenanthrene Weissenfels et al., 1990 Fluorene Weissenfels et al., 1990 Phenanthrene, Naphthalene Kiyohara et al., 1994, Balashova et al., 1999 Phenanthrene, Benz[a]anthracene, Chrysene Pyrene Balashova et al., 1999 Pyrene Kazunga et al., 2000 Phenanthrene Naphthalene, Dibenzofuran Romero et al., 1998 Becher et al., 2000, Zhou et al., 2002 Kanaly et al., 2002 DeanRoss et al., 2002, Walter et al., 1991 Kirimura et al., 2002 Benzo[a]pyrene Pyrene, Fluoranthene Benzothiophene, Naphthothiophene Alkylated dibenzothiophene Kazunga et al., 2000 Folsom et al., 1999 Dibenzothiophene Matsubara et al., 2001 Phenanthrene Benzo[a]pyrene Pyrene, Fluoranthene Mallick et al., 2007 Boonchan et al., 1998 Pyrene, Fluoranthene, Benz[a]anthracene Juhasz et al., 2000 Pyrene Kazunga et al., 2000 Benzo[a]pyrene Rentz et al., 2008 Phenanthrene, Fluoranthene, Fluorene, Anthracene Pinyakong et al., 2003, Van et al., 2003, Pinyakong et al., 2000 Gai et al., 2007 Dibenzofuran, Carbazole, Dibenzothiophene Phenanthrene, Fluoranthene, Story et al., 2001, Page 12 Introduction paucimobilis EPA505 Sphingomonas wittichii RW1 Sphingomonas sp. KS14 Terrabacter sp.DBF63 Anthracene, Naphthalene Mueller et al., 1990 Chlorinated dibenzopdioxin Nam et al., 2006 Phenanthrene, Naphthalene Fluorene, Dibenzofuran, Chlorinated dibenzopdioxin, Chlorinated dibenzothophene Cho et al., 2001 Habe et al., 2004, Habe et al., 2001, Habe et al., 2002 Benzo[a]pyrene Pyrene, Carbazole Grosser et al., 1991 Xanthamonas sp. Table 2: Fungal genera capable of degrading PAHs (20):Name of Fungus PAH Reference Phanerochaete Anthracene Field et al.,1996 Bjerkandera sp. strain BOS55 Anthracene Field et al.,1996 Trametes versicolor Anthracene Collins et al., 1986 Cunninghamella elegansoxidizes Anthracene Cernigilia, 1997 P. chrysosporium Anthracene Hammel et al., 1991 Aspergillus flavus Benzo[a]pyrene Romero et al., 2010 Paecilomyces farinosus Benzo[a]pyrene Romero et al., 2010 chrysporium Oil fields are not uniformly distributed around the globe, but being in limited areas such as the Persian Gulf region. The world production of crude oil is more than three billion tons per year, and about the half of this is transported by sea. Consequently, the international transport of petroleum by tankers is frequent. All tankers take on ballast water which contaminates the marine environment when it is subsequently discharged. The recent spill of more than 200,000 barrels of crude oil from the oil tanker Exxon Valdez in Prince William Sound, Alaska, as well as smaller spills in Texas, Rhode Page 13 Introduction Island, and the Delaware Bay, has refocused attention on the problem of hydrocarbon contamination in the environment. Off-shore drilling is now common to explore new oil resources and this constitutes another source of petroleum pollution. However, the largest source of marine contamination by petroleum seems to be the runoff from land. Annually, more than two million tons of petroleum is estimated to end up in the sea. It is estimated that the annual global input of petroleum is between 1.7 and 8.8 million metric tons, the majority of which is derived from anthropogenic sources. Claude U. Sable had as far back as 1946, recognized that many microorganisms have the ability to utilize hydrocarbons as the sole source of carbon and energy, and that such microorganisms are widely distributed in nature. He further recognized that the microbial utilization of hydrocarbons was highly dependent on the chemical nature of the components within the petroleum mixture, and environmental determinants (Atlas 1981). Biodegradation of hydrocarbons by natural populations of microorganisms represents one of the primary mechanisms by which petroleum and other hydrocarbon pollutants are eliminated from the environment. Crude oil can be accidentally or deliberately released into the environment leading to serious pollution problems (Thouand et al., 1999). Even small releases of petroleum hydrocarbons into aquifers can lead to concentrations of dissolved hydrocarbons far in excess of regulatory limits (Spence et al., 2005). These pollution problems often result in huge disturbances of both the biotic and abiotic components of the ecosystems (Mueller et al., 1992), more so that some hydrocarbon components have been known to belong to a family of carcinogenic and neurotoxic organo-pollutants (HallierSoulier et al., 1999). Page 14 Introduction The currently accepted disposal methods of incineration or burial in secure landfills (USEPA 2001; ITOPF 2006) can become prohibitively expensive when the amounts of contaminants are large. This often results in cleanup delays while the contaminated soil continues to pollute groundwater resources if on land, and death of aquatic life if on waterways (Pye and Patrick 1983), thus necessitating speedy removal of the contaminants. Bioremediation, which employs the bio-degradative potentials of organisms or their attributes, is an effective technology that can be used to accomplish both effective detoxification and volume reduction. It is useful in the recovery of sites contaminated with oil and hazardous wastes (Caplan 1993). Biodegradation of hydrocarbons by natural populations of microorganisms is the main process acting in the depuration of hydrocarbon-polluted environments. There are many Bacteria (Table-1) & Fungi (Table-2) are identified which degraded petroleum in natural environments Some reviews focused on the examination of factors, are including nutrients, physical state of the oil, oxygen, temperature, salinity and pressure influencing petroleum biodegradation rates, with a view to developing environmental applications (Atlas, 1981; Jonathan et al., 2003). Bioremediation makes use of indigenous oil–consuming microorganisms, called petrophiles, by enhancing and fertilizing them in their natural habitats. Petrophiles are very unique organisms that can naturally degrade large hydrocarbons and utilize them as a food source (Harder, 2004). Microorganisms degrade these compounds by using enzymes in their metabolism and can be useful in cleaning up contaminated sites (Alexander, 1999). Page 15 Introduction Microbial remediation of a hydrocarbon–contaminated site is accomplished with the help of a diverse group of microorganisms, particularly the indigenous bacteria present in soil. Other organisms such as fungi are also capable of degrading the hydrocarbons in engine oil to a certain extent. However, they take longer periods of time to grow as compared to their bacterial counterparts (Prenafeta- Boldu et al., 2001). Table 3: Different distillations of Petroleum (Fuels) and their use. S. No. Fuel/ Derivatives Uses 1. Alkenes (Olefins) Manufacture of plastics or other compounds 2. Lubricants Synthesis of light machine oils, motor oils and greases, as viscosity stabilizers 3. Wax Used in the packaging of frozen foods 4. Petroleum coke (asphalt) 5. Paraffin wax & aromatic petrochemicals Used in carbon products or as solid fuel, Paraffin waxes. Aromatic petrochemicals as precursors in other chemical synthesis. As precursor in chemical production Components of petroleum: All petroleum products are derived from crude oil whose major constituents are hydrocarbons. Petroleum components can be separated into four fractions, the Saturated, Aromatic, Resin and Asphaltene fractions, by absorption chromatography. Each of these fractions contains a large number of compounds (Karlsen and Larter, 1991). 1. Saturates are hydrocarbons containing no double bonds. They are further classified according to their chemical structures into Alkanes (paraffin) and Cycloalkanes (naphthenes). Page 16 Introduction Alkanes have either a branched or unbranched (normal) carbon chain(s), and have the general formula CnH2n+2. Cycloalkanes have one or more rings of carbon atoms (mainly cyclopentanes and cyclohexanes), and have the general formula CnH2n. The majority of Cycloalkanes in crude oil have an alkyl substituent(s) (Figure 1). 2. Aromatics have one or more aromatic rings with or without an alkyl substituent(s). Benzene is the simplest one (Figure 1), but alkyl-substituted aromatics generally exceed the non-substituted types in crude oil (Mater and Hatch, 1994). 3. Asphaltene consists of high-molecular weight compounds which are not soluble in a solvent such as n-heptanes, while resins are n-heptanes-soluble polar molecules. 4. Resins contain heterocyclic compounds, acids and sulfoxides. In contrast to the saturated and aromatic fractions, both the resin and asphaltene fractions contain non-hydrocarbon polar compounds. Their elements contain, in addition to carbon and hydrogen, trace amounts of nitrogen, sulfur and/or oxygen. These compounds often form complexes with heavy metals. The components of petroleum in crude oil have been analyzed mainly by using gas chromatography in combination with mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Consequently, the chemical structures of the higher molecular- weight components (the heavy fractions) that cannot be identified by GC are mostly unknown. Furthermore, the compositions of many branched alkanes and alkyl cyclo-alkanes have not been determined because their isomers are numerous and cannot be resolved by GC (Killops and Al-Juboori, 1990; Gough and Rowland, 1990). Therefore, a multitude of analytical techniques such as flame ionization detection, IR- and UVabsorption spectrometry, NMR and elemental analysis in combination with appropriate separation techniques such as various chromatographic methods and/or Page 17 Introduction chemical conversion is necessary to characterize petroleum, and especially its heavy fractions. Various petroleum products are produced by refining crude oil. Refining is essentially a fractional distillation process by which different fractions or cuts are produced. Alkenes, a series of unsaturated hydrocarbons including ethylene, are not found in crude oil, but are produced during the cracking of crude oil. Table 4: Parent Poly-aromatic hydrocarbons present in crude oil. S.N. Radial Depiction for PAH PAH Name Molecular formula 1. Pen Pentalene C8H6 2. Ind Indene C9H8 3. Nap Naphthalene C10H8 4. Azu Azulene C10H8 5. Hep Heptalene C12H10 6. Bip Biphenylene C12H8 7. aIn as-Indacene C12H8 8. sIn s-Indacene C12H8 9. Can Acenaphthylene C12H8 10. Flu Fluorene C13H10 11. Phe Phenalene C13H10 12. Phr Phenanthrene C14H10 13. Ant Anthracene C14H10 14. Flt Fluoranthene C16H10 15. Acp Acephenanthrylene C16H10 16. Aca Aceanthrylene C16H10 17. Tpl Triphenylene C18H12 Page 18 Introduction 18. Pyr Pyrene C16H10 19. Chr Chrysene C18H12 20. Npc Naphthacene C18H12 21. Ple Pleiadene C18H12 22. Per Perylene C20H12 23. Pic Picene C22H14 24. Pen Pentaphene C22H14 25. Pec Pentacene C22H14 26. Tpl Tetraphenylene C24H16 27. Hep Hexaphene C26H16 28. Hex Hexacene C26H16 29. Rub Rubicene C26H14 30. Cor Coronene C24H12 31. Trp Trinaphthylene C30H18 32. Hep Heptaphene C30H18 33. Hec Heptacene C30H18 34. Pya Pyranthrene C30H16 35. Ova Ovalene C32H14 Behavior of Petroleum in Marine Environment: When petroleum is spilled into the sea, it spreads over the surface of the water. It is subjected to many modifications, and the composition of the petroleum changes with time. This process is called weathering, and is mainly due to evaporation of the lowmolecular-weight fractions, dissolution of the water-soluble components, mixing of the oil droplets with seawater, photochemical oxidation, and biodegradation. Those petroleum components with a boiling point below 250 °C are subjected to evaporation. Therefore, the content of n-alkanes, whose chain length is shorter than C14, is reduced by weathering. The content of aromatic hydrocarbons within the same Page 19 Introduction boiling point range is also reduced as they are subjected to both evaporation and dissolution. The mixing of oil with seawater occurs in several forms. Dispersion of the oil droplets into a water column is induced by the action of waves, while water-in oil emulsification occurs when the petroleum contains polar components that act as emulsifiers. A water-in-oil emulsion containing more than 70% of seawater becomes quite viscous; it is called chocolate mousse from its appearance. After the light fractions have evaporated, heavy residues of petroleum can aggregate to form tar balls whose diameter ranges from microscopic size to several tenths of a centimeter. After a large oil spill, the oil slick is sometimes treated with a dispersant. Dispersants emulsify petroleum by reducing the interfacial tension between petroleum and water. The small droplets that are formed are dispersed into a water column to a depth of several meters, preventing wind-induced drift of the oil slick. It is claimed that treatment by a dispersant enhances the biodegradation of petroleum. However, the results of such tests are controversial (Tjessem et al., 1984). The original dispersants used were highly toxic; however, less toxic dispersants have subsequently been developed. Under sunlight, petroleum discharged at sea is subjected to photochemical modification. Some reports have suggested the light-induced polymerization of petroleum components, while others have suggested their photo degradation. An increase in the polar fraction and a decrease in the aromatic fraction have also been observed. Aliphatic components do not significantly absorb solar light, and are by themselves photonic chemically inert. However, they can be degraded by photosensitized oxidation. The aromatic or polar components in petroleum and anthraquinone that is present in seawater can provoke the degradation of n-alkanes into terminal n-alkenes (a carbon carbon double bond at position 1) and lowmolecular-weight carbonyl compounds (Ehrhardt and Weber, 1991). Page 20 Introduction The water-soluble components of petroleum exert a toxic effect on marine organisms. In general, aromatic compounds are more toxic than aliphatic compounds, and smaller molecules are more toxic than larger ones in the same series. Solar irradiation affects oil toxicity: Surface films become less toxic due to the loss of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, but the toxicity of the water-soluble fraction increases as its concentration increases (Nicodem et al., 1997). Page 21 Aims & Objective Chapter-2 AIMS & OBJECTIVE It was only after the sinking of the super tanker Torney Canyon in the English Channel that the attention of the scientific community was drawn towards the problems of oil pollution. Thereafter, several studies have examined the fate of petroleum in various ecosystems (Boehm et al., 1995; Whittaker et al., 1999). The development of petroleum industry into new frontiers, the apparent inevitable spillages that occur during routine operations, and records of acute accidents during transportation has called for more studies into oil pollution problems (Timmis et al., 1998), which has been recognized as the most significant contamination problem on the continent (Snape et al., 2001). Also, the extensive use of petroleum products leads to the contamination of almost all compartments of the environment, and biodegradation of the hydrocarbons by natural populations of microorganisms has been reported to be the main process acting in the depuration of hydrocarbon-polluted environments (Challain et al., 2004), the mechanism of which has been extensively studied and reviewed (van Hamme et al., 2003). Mechanical method to reduce hydrocarbon pollution is expensive and time consuming. Hydrocarbons including PAHs have been long recognized as substrates supporting microbial growth (Bushnell and Haas, 1941; Speight, 1991; Ehrlich, 1995). The objective of this work is: To isolates the petroleum degrading microbes from petroleum contaminated samples (Soil & Sea water). To identify the isolates by physiological & biochemical characteristics. To check the biodegradation efficiency of each isolates. To check the biodegradation potential of each isolates in different hydrocarbon sources. Page 22 Materials & Method Chapter-3 MATERIALS & METHOD Collection of soil & water Sample: Oil contaminated-Soil sample was collected from automobile work shop from Surat. Soil samples were used to isolate the Bacteria. Samples were collected at a depth within 5cm from the surface of the soil. They were collected in sterile polythene bags and tightly packed. Petroleum Contaminated-Sea water Sample was collected from Reliance Ltd. Dahej. Sample were collected in polythene bottle & tightly packed. They were then carefully transferred to the laboratory for analysis and stored at 4°C aseptically before processing. Culture Media: Enrichments & Isolation of Microorganisms from sample: For Enrichment the culture Nutrient broth medium was used. Isolation and enumeration of bacteria from soil sample were performed by soil dilution plate technique using Minimal agar medium containing filtered crude oil. The composition of minimal agar media was given following table-3.(17) Prepared media in D/W Bring vol. 1 lit. & Autoclaving 15 psi, 121°C Pour into sterile Petriplate Allow to cool to room temp. Invert Petri-plate Spread 0.2 ml of hydrocarbon source with tween-20 on plate Page 23 Materials & Method The isolation of bacteria from marine sample was performed by following method: First Enrichment the culture in nutrient agar medium containing NaCl. Then this culture was spreader on sea water agar media containing hydrocarbon sources, as sole sources of carbon. Table– 5 Composition of Minimal agar mediumComponent Amt. per lit. Agar 20 g K2HPO4 4.4 g NH4cl 2.1 g KH2PO4 1.7 g 100X Salt medium 10.0 ml 100X Salt medium (per lit.) MgSO4 19.5 g FeSO4.7H2O 5.0 g MnSO4.H2O 5.0 g Ascorbic acid 1.0 g CaCi2.2H2O 0.3 g Basic tests for identification of isolates: The isolates were identified by various morphological & biochemical test were performed in this work including: Colony Morphology, Cell Micro morphology, Grams reaction, motility tests, Fermentation of different sugar, oxidase, Catalase test & other biochemical test. The Biochemical test was described in Table-6.(25) Growth potential of hydrocarbon degrading bacteria: Growth potential was carried out by using Bushnell-Hass medium with fresh culture of bacteria. The hydrocarbon substrates (10% v/v; diesel and petrol & other hydrocarbon sources) were used as sole carbon source.(17) Page 24 Materials & Method They were incubated at 30°C at 160rpm for 21 days. A control devoid of the bacterial isolate was prepared for each set of experiments.(17) Table-6 Biochemical Reagents Test 1.Carbohydrate fermentation test 2. Urea utilization test 3. H2S Production test 4. Gelatin hydrolysis test 5. Citrate utilization test 6. Nitrate reduction test Medium Reagent Observation Glucose, maltose, Sucrose, Lactose, Mannitol, Xylose Urea broth, Phenol red Red yellow color ( Gas production) Pinkish red color 2% Peptone Lead acetate paper strip – Nutrient gelatin broth Simmons Citrate agar Slant Peptone nitrate broth 7. Oxidase test 8. Catalase test Nutrient Agar Slant Nutrient Agar Slant 9. M-R test Glucose Phosphate broth Glucose Phosphate broth 10. V-P test 11. Iodole production test 12.TSI slant 13. Macconkey`s Agar plate 14. Gram`s stainining 1% Peptone Triple Sugar iron agar Slant Macconkey’s agar plate – Phenol red Bromothymole blue Sulfanylic acid + a-Naphylamine Oxidase strip 3% H2O2 Methyl red 40% KOH + a- Naphthol Kovac`s reagent Blackish of paper Liquefaction at 4°C Green-Blue Red color Violet color Formation of bubbles Red color Pink color – Red ring production – – – Grams iodine, Crystal violet, Ethanol, D/W, Safranin Microscopic observation. Page 25 Materials & Method Methods: 1. By using Oil Contaminated Soil Sample: Oil Contaminated Soil 1gm sail in 100 ml Nutrient broth Incubation Temp. 30 C Rotation 160 rpm Time – 3 Days Enrichment Dilution 1 ml culture in 9 ml D/W 10-1 to 10-5 Applied on Minimal Agar Plate containing hydrocarbon source (Crude oil) Incubation Temp. – 30°C Time – 5-7 Days Select Colony grown on plate Culture it on Nutrient agar plate Incubation Temp. – 30°C Time – 24 Hrs Study the Characteristics of colonies 1. Physiological Characters 2. Bio-chemical Characters BIODEGRADATION POTTENTIAL Page 26 Materials & Method BIODEGRADATION POTTENTIAL Single colony 10 ml Nutrient broth Inoculation Temp. – 30°C Time – 24 Hrs Incubation Test 1 ml Bacterial Culture + 5.0 ml BH Medium + 0.5 ml Hydrocarbon source (Petrol, Diesel, Engine oil, Toluene, Benzene, Xylene) Control (No Bacterial culture) 5.0 ml BH Medium + 0.5 ml Hydrocarbon source (Petrol, Diesel, Engine oil, Toluene, Benzene, Xylene) Incubation Temp. – 30°C Time – 21 Days Rotation– 160 rpm Observe the tubes at 5 Days time interval Page 27 Materials & Method 2. By using Petroleum Contaminated Sea-water Sample: Oil Contaminated Sea Water 5ml Water in 100 ml Nutrient broth Incubation Temp. 30 C Rotation–160 rpm Time – 3 Days Enrichment 1 ml culture in 9 ml D/W Dilution 10-1 to 10-5 Applied on Nutrient Agar Plate Incubation Temp. – 30°C Time – 5-7 Days Study the Characteristics of colonies 1. Physiological Characters 2. Bio-chemical Characters Select Colony grown on plate Applied on Nutrient agar containing 3-5% NaCl Incubation Applied on SWA (Sea Water Agar) plate containing Hydrocarbon source. Temp. – 30°C Time – 24 Hrs Incubatio n Temp. – 30°C Time –5-7 days Observe the growth BIODEGRADATION POTTENTIAL Page 28 Materials & Method BIODEGRADATION POTTENTIAL Single colony 10 ml Nutrient broth Inoculation Temp. – 30°C Time – 24 Hrs Incubation Test Control 1 ml Bacterial Culture + 5.0 ml BH Medium + 0.5 ml Hydrocarbon source (Petrol, Diesel, Engine oil, Toluene, Benzene, Xylene) (No Bacterial culture added) 5.0 ml BH Medium + 0.5 ml Hydrocarbon source (Petrol, Diesel, Engine oil, Toluene, Benzene, Xylene) Incubation Temp. – 30°C Time – 21 Days Rotation– 160 rpm Observe the tubes at 5 Days time interval Page 29 Results & Discussion Chapter-4 RESULTS & DISCUSSION Physio- chemical characteristics of isolates: There were total three bacteria, two from soil sample(A1 & A2) & one from sea water sample (A3), isolated. They were identified by physiological morphology (Table-7) & Biochemical characteristics (Table-8). Table-7 Colony Characteristics of isolates:Characteristics Size Shape Color Margin Elevation Opacity Consistency A1 Small Circular Yellow Entire Convex Opaque Dry Isolates A2 Medium Circular Yellow Entire Convex Opaque Moist A3 Medium Circular Colorless Entire Convex Opaque Moist Table-8 Biochemical Characteristics of organisms: A1 A2 A3 Glucose + + + Sucrose + – + Maltose + + + Mannitol + – + Lactose – – + Xylose + – + Urea utilization test – – - Test 1. 2. Carbohydrate hydrolysis Page 30 Results & Discussion 3. H2S Production test – – - 4. – – - + + + (Blue color) - + + 7. Gelatin hydrolysis test Citrate utilization test Nitrate reduction test Oxidase test + + + 8. Catalase test + + + 9. M-R test – – + 10. V-P test – – – 11. Iodole production test 12. TSI slant – – – No color change No color change Slant/buttYellow No gas prods. Pink colored colony grown With pink centre Gram negative, Short rod Shaped Non-motile 5 6. 13. Macconkey`s Agar plate 14. Gram`s stainining 15. Motility Keys- No growth obtained Yellowish color colony Grown Gram positive, Cocci Gram negative, Rod shape Non-motile Motile + -- Positive test – -- Negative test Page 31 Results & Discussion Figure 1. Gram Staining of A3 Organism: Figure 2. Growth of org. on Sea-water Gram Negative, Rod shape agar media. (A3 Culture) Oxidase strip Engine oil Test Contro l Figure-3 Oxidase positive test of Figure-4 Biodegradation of organism Engine oil by isolates ( A1 Culture) Figure-5 Bacterial growth on Nutrient agar Plate (A3 Culture) Figure-6 Growth of A1 Culture on Nutrient agar media Page 32 Results & Discussion Biodegradation efficiency: By means of liquid culture characteristics (Table 9) to degrade different hydrocarbon sources in minimal medium was noted. All three microbes used different hydrocarbon as sole sources of carbon and degraded it so the medium became cloudy from cleared particles. and it was noted by comparing controls with tests. Table-9 Liquid culture characteristics of Bacteria during 21 days incubation: Table-9.1.1 By using A3 Bacterial culture Inc. period (Days) 0 Control (Petrol) Test ( Petrol) Control (Diesel) Test (Diesel) Clear particles of orange oil on top. Clear particles of orange oil on top. 1 5 Same as above Same as above 10 15 21 Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Medium become cloudy Same as above Same as above more cloudy Clear particles of orange oil on top. Same as above Same as above Clear particles of orange oil on top. Same as above Medium become cloudy Same as above Increase growth Become milky Same as above Same as above Same as above Table-9.1.2 By using A3 Bacterial culture Inc. period (Days) 0 Control (Engine oil) Test (Engine oil) Control (Benzene) Test (Benzene) 1 5 Clear particles of orange oil on top. Same as above Same as above Clear particles on top. Same as above Same as above 10 15 21 Same as above Same as above Same as above Clear particles of orange oil on top. Same as above Medium become cloudy Same as above Inc cloudiness Become milky Clear particles on top. Same as above Medium become cloudy Same as above Same as above Become milky Same as above Same as above Same as above Page 33 Results & Discussion Table-9.1.3 By using A3 Bacterial culture Incub ation period (Days) 0 Control (Toluene) Test (Toluene) Control (Xylene) Test (Xylene) 1 5 10 Clear particles on top. Same as above Same as above Same as above Clear particles on top. Same as above Same as above Same as above Clear particles on top. Same as above Same as above Same as above 15 21 Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Clear particles on top. Same as above Same as above Medium become cloudy Same as above Same as above Medium become slightly cloudy Table-9.2.1 By using A2 Bacterial culture Inc. period (Days) 0 Control (Petrol) Test ( Petrol) Control (Diesel) Test (Diesel) Clear particles of orange oil on top. Clear particles of orange oil on top. 1 5 Same as above Same as above 10 15 Same as above Same as above Same as above Medium become cloudy Same as above Same as above Clear particles of orange oil on top. Same as above Same as above Clear particles of orange oil on top. Same as above Medium become cloudy Same as above More cloudiness’ Become milky 21 Same as above more cloudy Table-9.2.2 By using A2 Bacterial culture Inc. period (Days) 0 Same as above Same as above Same as above Control (Engine oil) Test (Engine oil) Control (Benzene) Test (Benzene) 1 5 Clear particles of orange oil on top. Same as above Same as above Clear particles on top. Same as above Same as above 10 Same as above Clear particles of orange oil on top. Same as above Medium become cloudy Same as above Same as above Clear particles on top. Same as above Medium become cloudy Same as above 15 Same as above Same as above Same as above 21 Same as above Increase cloudiness’ Become milky Same as above more cloudiness’ Page 34 Results & Discussion Table-9.2.3 By using A2 Bacterial culture Inc. Control Test (Toluene) (Days) (Toluene) 0 Clear particles on Clear particles on top. top. 1 Same as above Same as above 5 Same as above Same as above 10 Same as above Same as above 15 Same as above Medium become slightly cloudy 21 Same as above Same as above Table-9.3.1 By using A1 Bacterial culture Inc. Control (Petrol) Test ( Petrol) period (Days) 0 Clear particles of Clear particles of orange oil on top. orange oil on top. 1 5 Same as above Same as above 10 15 Same as above Same as above Same as above Medium become cloudy Same as above more cloudy 21 Same as above Same as above Control (Xylene) Clear particles on top. Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Test (Xylene) Clear particles on top. Same as above Same as above Same as above Medium become cloudy Same as above Control (Diesel) Test (Diesel) Clear particles of orange oil on top. Same as above Same as above Clear particles of orange oil on top. Same as above Medium become cloudy Same as above More cloudiness’ Become milky Same as above Same as above Same as above Table-9.3.2 By using A1 Bacterial culture Inc. period (Days) 0 Control (Engine oil) Test (Engine oil) Control (Benzene) Test (Benzene) 1 5 Clear particles of orange oil on top. Same as above Same as above Clear particles on top. Same as above Same as above 10 Same as above Clear particles of orange oil on top. Same as above Medium become cloudy Same as above Same as above Clear particles on top. Same as above Medium become cloudy Same as above 15 Same as above Same as above Same as above 21 Same as above Increase cloudiness’ Become milky Same as above more cloudiness’ Page 35 Results & Discussion Table-9.3.3 By using A1 Bacterial culture Inc. (Days) 0 1 5 10 15 Control (Toluene) Clear particles on top. Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above 21 Same as above Test (Toluene) Clear particles on top. Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Medium become slightly cloudy Control (Xylene) Clear particles on top. Same as above Same as above Same as above Same as above Test (Xylene) Clear particles on top. Same as above Same as above Same as above Medium become cloudy Same as above Same as above Growth potential of isolates in different hydrocarbon sources: The growth potential of hydrocarbon utilizing bacteria on different hydrocarbon sources were tested and results were observed. (Table-10) Table-10 Petroleum degradation potential: Table-10.1 A1 organism (From soil Sample) Incubation Period 5th day 15th day 21st day Petrol + ++ +++ Diesel + +++ ++++ Hydrocarbon source Engine oil Toluene ++ +++ +++ – – + Benzene + ++ ++ Xylene – + + Table-10.2 A2 Organism (From Soil Sample) Incubation Period 5th day 15th day 21st day Petrol + ++ +++ Diesel + ++ ++++ Hydrocarbon source Engine oil Toluene + ++ +++ – – + Benzene – ++ +++ Xylene – – + Page 36 Results & Discussion Table-10.3 A3 Organism (From Marine Water Sample) Incubation Period 5th day 15th day 21st day Petrol Diesel + ++ +++ + ++ +++ Hydrocarbon source Engine oil Toluene + ++ ++++ Benzene – + ++ Keys-: Xylene + ++ +++ – – – + -- No growth + -- Low growth ++ -- Medium growth +++ -- High growth ++++ -- Very high growth At 5th days incubation At 21st days incubation Figure-7 Bacterial growth on minimal medium Figure-8 Bacterial growth on containing different hydrocarbon (Biodegradation potential) at fifth days incubation (A2 Culture) minimal medium containing different hydrocarbon (Biodegradation potential) (A2 Culture) Page 37 Results & Discussion Petrol Test Diesel Control Test Engine oil Control Test Control Crude oil Test Control Benzene Test Control Figure-9 Biodegradation potential of organisms(A3) on Different Hydrocarbon source in minimal media ( After 21st days) Identification of Hydrocarbon degrading isolated strain: The bacteria were different based on their growth pigmentation and colony morphology on nutrient agar and selective media at 37°c for 24hrs.Then the isolated bacteria were identified by morphological, biochemical characteristics. An A1 bacterium isolated from oil contaminated soil sample was characterized as Micrococcus sp., The Micrococcus colonies were identified by the morphology, yellow color, smaller colonies on nutrient agar. Cells were Gram-positive Cocci arranged in tetrads. It was oxidase & catalase positive. An A2 bacterium also isolated from contaminated soil sample was characterized as pseudomonas sp. Pseudomonas sp. oxidized glucose, reduced nitrate and was oxidase positive. These bacteria have been described as the most common bacteria isolated in terrestrial as well aquatic areas of hydrocarbon contamination. An A3 Bacterium isolated from petroleum contaminated sea water was characterized as Marinobacter sp. Oxidase- and catalase-positive & Urease negative. Cells are rod-shaped and motile. They can also grow on standard medium, without hydrocarbons. Page 38 Conclusion Chapter-5 CONCLUSION The ability to isolate high numbers of certain oil degrading microorganisms from oil polluted environment is commonly taken as evidence that these microorganisms are the active degraders if the environment. Isolation was carried out using the traditional microbiological technique with petridishes containing selective agar with hydrocarbons, as the sole source of carbon. The soil sample which showed higher contaminated age, yield more numbers of colonies. In the present study, 2 species of bacteria (Micrococcus, Pseudomonas) were isolated from contaminated soil sample and one species of bacterium (Marinobacter sp). was isolated from marine sample and all of them were cultivated on BHA media with hydrocarbon as the sole source of carbon. Here, the degradation efficiency of hydro-carbon degrading bacteria was analyzed using liquid culture characteristics and emulsification activity. Page 39 Appendixes Chapter-6 APPENDIXES Appendix-1 Culture media: 1. Bushnell-Haas Media:Directions- Components Amt. (Gms/Lit.) MgSo4 0.200 gm CaCl2 0.020 gm K2HPO4 1.0 gm KH2PO4 1.0 gm Ammonium Nitrate 1.0 gm Ferric Chloride 0.050 gm 15 lbs pressure (121°C) for 15 Final pH 7.0 ± 0.2 minutes. Suspend 3.270 grams in 1000 ml distilled water. Heat to boiling to dissolve the medium completely. Sterilize by autoclaving at Take 990 ml BHM +10 ml Hydrocarbon source (Oil, Petrol etc.) . 2. Glucose Phosphate Broth:Components Amt. (Gms/Lit.) Glucose 5.0 gm K2HPO4 5.0 gm Peptone 5.0 gm D/W 1000 ml Final pH 6.9-7.0 Directions Suspend 15 grams in 1000 ml distilled water. Heat to boiling to dissolve the medium completely. Sterilize by autoclaving at 15 lbs pressure (121°C) for 15 minutes. Page 40 Appendixes 3. Macconkeys Agar Media:Directions- Components Amt. (Gm/Lit.) Peptone 17.0 gm Protease peptone 3.0 gm Lactose 10.0 gm Bile salt 1.5 gm NaCl 5.0 gm Neutral red 0.03 gm 15 lbs pressure (121°C) for 15 Agar 20.0 gm minutes. Final pH 7.1 ± 0.2 Suspend 56.53 Gms in 1000 ml distilled water. Heat to boiling to dissolve the medium completely. Sterilize by autoclaving at 4. Nutrient Agar Media:Components Amt. (Gms/Lit.) Peptone 10 gm NaCl 5 gm Beef Extract 3 gm Agar 20 gm Final pH 7.4 ± 0.2 Directions Suspend 38 gms in 1000 ml distilled water. Heat to boiling to dissolve the medium completely. Sterilize by autoclaving at 15 lbs pressure (121°C) for 15 minutes. 5. Nutrient Gelatin broth:Components Amt. (Gms/Lit.) Meat extract 3.0 gm Peptone 10.0 gm Gelatin 150.0 gm D/W 1000.0 ml Final pH 7.2 Directions Suspend 163.0 Gms in 1000 ml distilled water. Heat to boiling to dissolve the medium completely. Sterilize by autoclaving at 15 lbs pressure (121°C) for 15 minutes. Page 41 Appendixes 6. Nutrient sugar Broth:Components Amt. 1% Peptone 90 ml 10% Sugar ( E.g. 10 ml Directions- 100 ml distilled the components given in table. Glucose- 10 Gms in Mixed Sterilize by autoclaving at 10 lbs pressure (121°C) for 10 water) minutes. Phenol red 0.01 gm Final pH 7.4 ± 0.2 7. Peptone Nitrate Broth:Components Amt. (Gms/Lit.) Meat extract 3.0 gm Peptone 5.0 gm Potassium nitrate 1.0 gm D/W 1000 ml Final pH 7.5 Directions Suspended 9 gm component in 1000 ml D/W. Sterilize by autoclaving at 15 lbs pressure (121°C) for 15 minutes. 8. Sea-Water Agar Media:Components Amt. (Gms/Lit.) Directions Dissolve the content in K2HPO4.3H2O 0.01 gm Urea 0.45 gm Sea water 1000ml strains onto quadrants of SWMA Agar 20 gm agar, a carbon source was added to Final pH 7.5 ± 0.2 the center, and the plates were filtered sea water. After streaking the different incubated at 32 C for 1 week. Page 42 Appendixes 9. Simmons Citrate Agar:Components Amt. (Gms/Lit.) Sodium citrate 2.0 gm MgSO4 0.2 gm NaCl 5.0 gm Ammonium Dihydrogen phosphate K2HPO4 1.0 gm Bromothymole blue 0.08 gm Agar 20.0 gm Final pH 6.9 Directions Suspended 29.28 gm component in 1000 ml D/W. Sterilize by autoclaving at 15 lbs pressure (121°C) for 15 minutes. 1.0 gm Pour into sterilized petriplates & solidified it. 10.1% Tryptone broth:Components Amt. (Gms/Lit.) Tryptone 10.0 gm NaCl 5.0 gm D/W 1000 ml Final pH 7.5 Directions Suspended 15 gm component in 1000 ml D/W. Sterilize by autoclaving at 15 lbs pressure (121°C) for 15 minutes. 11.Urea Broth:Components Amt. (Gms/Lit.) KH2PO4 9.1 Na2HPO4 9.5 Yeast extract 0.1 Phenol red 0.01 Distilled water 950.0ml 40% Urea 50.0ml Final pH 6.8 Directions First mix the component in 950ml distilled water. Then add 50 ml 40% Urea in it. and adjust the pH 6.8. Sterilize by autoclaving at 10 lbs pressure (121°C) for 10 minutes. Page 43 Appendixes Appendix-2 Stains & Reagents: 1. 1 N NaOH: 4 gm in 100 ml distilled water. 2. 1 N HCl: 8.8 ml Conc.HCl in 91.2 ml Distilled water. 3. 40% Urea: 40 gm in 100 ml distilled water. 4. Gram`s Iodine: Dissolve Potassium Iodide (2.0 gm) & Crystal Iodine (1.0 gm) in some amount of water & then make up 300 ml with D/W. Protect from sunlight. 5. Sulfanilic acid: Dissolve 8 g of Sulfanilic acid in 1 liter 5N acetic acid. Store Reagent A at room temperature for up to 3 months, in dark. Reagents may be stored in dark brown glass containers; bottles may be wrapped in aluminum foil to ensure darkness. 6. a-Naphylamine: Dissolve 6 g of N, N-Dimethyl-1-naphthylamine in 1 liter 5N acetic acid. Store Reagent B at 2 to 8°C for up to 3 months, in dark. Reagents may be stored in dark brown glass containers; bottles may be wrapped in aluminum foil to ensure darkness. Page 44 References Chapter-7 REFERENCES 1. Abraham, W.R., Meyer, H., and Yakimov, M. 1998. 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