Gallery One Visual Arts Center-Final Project

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Gallery One Visual Arts Center
Yakima Valley Community Foundation
Responsive (Community Driven) Grant Program
“Incorporating a 3D Printer”
Isabella Mulinski
March 17th. 2015
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Table of Contents
SWOT Analysis…………………………………………………………………………………3
Background of SWOT Analysis………………………………………………………………...4
Grant Proposal…………………………………………………………………………………..10
Discussion of Grant Proposal……………………………………………………………………16
Appendix A………………………………………………………………………………………18
Appendix B………………………………………………………………………………………20
Appendix C………………………………………………………………………………………21
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SWOT Analysis
Art Walks
New building
Young staff
Art/gift shop
Promotional events
Creditable staff
Young community
Older community
Small community
Social Media
Parts breaking
Limited staff
Limited funding
Limited resources
Remote location
Competition for
Young generation
Low income town
Older generations
Disinterest in
Disinterest in
Low visitation
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Background and SWOT Analysis Description
Gallery One, then the Ellensburg Community Art Gallery, was initially created in the late
summer of August 29, 1968 and it was originally located on Pine street. Eveleth Green and
Edith Connolly were the two members of the community to present it to the local art member
meetings. The Christmas of 1968 was their first successful season and by February of 1972, the
gallery moved to 408 1/2 N. Pearl Street.
Under director Mary Frances, the building went under a full remodel including the
downstairs and two business floors. In 2003, the new building opened with a full gift shop and
exhibition gallery along with the original art offices on the top floor. The last remodel took place
in 2006 where the courtyard was redone. Today, Galley One is a nonprofit organization that
relies on donations and the donors of the community to keep it open and functioning. Galley One
offers a different array of art classes, after school art program, a gift store, and a full service
ceramics studio for the community to enjoy.
Over the course of 2015 the pleasure to get to know Monica Miller and the work done at
Gallery One has been a privilege. Understanding the work and people who make Gallery One
happen is rewarding and interesting to know. However, with any company or nonprofit
organization there are strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats at steak. The strengths
identified are the art walks, culture, new building, location, young staff member, the art & gift
shop, tradition, their website, promotional events, and creditable staff. The art walk is a
community event put on by the art exhibits in town to help raise money and awareness for the
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artists displaying their art within each gallery. The location and new building add to the strength
of the art walk as well. Galley One is located in the heart of downtown Ellensburg near bars and
other art galleries. The space they are currently located in is a fairly new renovation making the
inside look modern and up to date with the young, college generation in the community.
The culture around town includes many college students coming from different areas of
Washington and outside of the state as well. The young generations add as strength because it
allows Gallery One to reach out them as well as them reaching to Gallery One to add young art
to the walls. Since Ellensburg is a small town, many locals from the founding families still live
in the area which adds a diverse culture throughout the community. The diverse culture helps
provide different styles of art and opinion to the gallery. The staff members at Gallery One are
young and creditable. After talking with Monica Miller about her background and the rest of the
staffs, each member is passionate about their work and brings a lot of knowledge and experience
to the exhibit. Their youthfulness adds as a positive vibe because it allows change and
modernists. Including the art walk, Gallery One holds a lot of tradition within the new walls. On
top of the building the original offices are still there and some of them hold the original artists
work within them. When the building has the art walks, the community is interested in learning
about the tradition and history the gallery holds. Galley One prides themselves on being
involved within the community by holding different promotional events, like the art walk & after
school program, because it allows them to be part of the community which adds as a strength to
the organization. The final strength Gallery One holds is their fully functional website. It is
updated, modern, and informative to its users.
On the other side, Gallery One does holds some weaknesses that if changed could benefit
their organization. Walking down the street by Gallery One it is difficult to tell what is
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occupying the space unless you are familiar with the gallery. The signs they have located outside
of the exhibit are vague and challenging to see. If they changed the look of the outside of the
building they would mostly likely receive more traffic throughout the days. Due to the lack of
marketing, the college students are unaware of Gallery One and what they are which is an
audience the gallery needs as part of revenue. Part of the college student community learning
about the gallery would be reaching them through social media. Although they have Pinterest,
YouTube, and Twitter, their sites are not fully active or updated. At Gallery Ones promotional
events they should market their social media sites to the students because social media is how
students get informed. Although the building is fairly new and renovated there are parts of the
building that are falling apart and due to low funding the staff members are unable to fix them.
The floors and stairs going to the top floor are falling apart along with the security fence used
when the building closes at night. Both, the building closing and the low funds, affect one
another and need to be dealt with cause in the long run will affect their revenue. Due to low
funds, Gallery One cannot afford to hire more than the six employees they have now. After
talking with Monica Miller there is a lot of work around the building they need help with but
cannot afford more employees and volunteers are sporadic. If Gallery One also had more
resources such as access to more funds and employees their gallery would be more fully
functional and successful. Two other weaknesses that coincide are the remote location and the
expensive prices. Although the location of Gallery One in Ellensburg is fantastic, the location of
Ellensburg is not the best area to receive large purchases because the area has more low income
residents. Art is usually an expensive material item however, some of the items carried by the
artists seem extreme and unlikely to sell to make a profit. If the gift shop and some of the
displayed art went for a lower price Gallery One would be able to increase their profit. Although
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their website was mentioned above as a strength it also serves as a weakness within the
community of Ellensburg due to the older generation and their lack of technology. If someone
were not as technology savvy the website is confusing. This can negatively affect the gallery
because since a large part of the population is older locals will result in less website traffic.
Apart from Gallery One’s weakness the gallery is offered many opportunities as well. To
begin with Gallery One is more than appreciative of the grants and funds that are offered to them
because without those the gallery would not be able to be open. The community is also a great
opportunity for the gallery including the young generation, the older generation, the involvement
and small town feel. Having a community of both young and old generation serves as an
opportunity for Gallery One because it offers a mixture of youth and tradition providing the
exhibit with different styles. The community involvement serves as an opportunity for the gallery
because without their decision to participate and support them they would not be able to function
in the ways they do currently. Ellensburg being a small town offers the small community for
Gallery One which serves as an opportunity because when marketing they are able to reach more
people and word of mouth spreads faster creating loyal customers. The events in town serve as
an opportunity as well since they have the choice to participate to help promote their gallery. The
history of Gallery serves as an opportunity because it gives the building and background of the
nonprofit character and offers more knowledge about the company to customers. The final
opportunity available for Gallery One is their competition. Although competition serves as a
negative impact it also motivates the company to promote their business into the community and
be involved in events.
Every nonprofit or for profit company experiences their strengths, weaknesses, and
opportunities. The final factor of the SWOT analysis is the threats in how they are affecting the
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company to run and their revenue. For Gallery One a threat that is present is the competition of
funding. Monica Miller applied for multiple grants last year and since there are multiple galleries
located in Kittitas County there is competition between galleries to receive the grants they need.
Gallery One also faces competition with other galleries in town. The 420 building would be their
biggest competitor since they are also nonprofit and are located on the same street. The young
and older generation can serve as a threat towards the gallery because the young college students
may not have the funds or interest to help the gallery. The older generation may not have the
interest either due to old age and lack of social media knowledge to access latest news about the
gallery. Also with Ellensburg being such a small town with regular company jobs there is not a
lot of wealth compared to a city like Seattle. With a low income town there are not many people
who would be willing to spend their money on expensive art work putting the gallery at risk. Due
to expensive pieces of art and products a company always runs the threat and risk of a break in
and theft. A final threat Gallery One experiences with a small town and people lacking
knowledge about the company is low visitation. Without a lot of visitation the gallery runs the
threat of losing the company because they need visitors with the hope of someone purchasing a
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Letter of Intent
March 17th, 2015
Michael Morales
Director of Community Engagement
Dear Mr. Morales,
Gallery One Visual Arts Center seeks a grant of $10,000 from the Yakima Valley Community
Foundation for the support of introducing a 3D printer. We are grateful for the support we
received from the Yakima Valley Community Foundation $13,000 for the Community School of
the Arts and think this new proposal may be of similar interest to your Foundation.
Our organization established in 1968 is serving the Kittitas County (Ellensburg, Washington)
with our services. We believe this project of introducing the 3D printer to our community and
members of the organization will greatly benefit from the new technology. Gallery One is
confident the training required along with the funds will raise awareness about our organization
and implement a new learning system of the arts to the children.
We will be glad to submit a full proposal and any more information you may need to make a
Monica Miller
Executive Director
408 N Pearl St, 509-925-2670,
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Yakima Valley Community Foundation
Responsive (Community Driven) Grant Program
2015 Application
Directions and guidelines for the application, information about scoring, and how granting
decisions are made are on the Yakima Valley Community Foundation website
Michael Morales, Director of Community Engagement
(509) 457-7616
Due Date
Noon on September 5, 2015 via email (only) at:
Late applications cannot be accepted. You will be notified via email that the application
has been received. If you do not receive email confirmation or receipt within 24 hours
please call the Foundation office at 509-457-7616.
Three Part Application
1. Basic Information
Complete the Form, including the signature from the Executive Director/ CEO or Board
of Directors Chair.
2. Narrative of your proposal
Complete the Narrative. There is a two-page (single sided) limit. Use Arial, 12-point font
1-inch margins.
3. Project Budget
4. Organization Financial Information
Time Line
First review and notices of initial documents will be completed on October 4, 2015. Applicants
selected for further review will also be notified on October 4, 2015 and receive a final
determination by October 31, 2015. Funding will occur shortly thereafter.
Further Review
If selected for further review a telephone interview or site visits may be requested. You will also
be asked or submit additional materials including, but not limited to a Board of Directors list and
more and more detailed financial information. Applicants may be disqualified from additional
consideration if unable to submit additional documents in a timely fashion when requested. We
will ask for them via email and expect a response and expect a response within five (5) business
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Basic Information
Organizations Name: Gallery One Visual Arts Center
Mailing Address: 408 N Pearl St
City: Ellensburg
State: WA
Phone: 509-925-2670
County: Kittitas
Executive Director: Monica Miller
Executive Director Email:
Zip: 98926
Phone: 509-925-2670
Amount of Funding Requested
Of the total, how much is program/project funding?
Of the total, how much is for operations?
Program Area. Check One.
Health & Wellness
Neighborhood & Communities
 Arts & Culture
Basic Needs
Primary Service Area. Check One.
All of Yakima County
 Anywhere in Kittitas County
Yakima Nation
Lower Nation Valley
City of Yakima or Upper Valley
Applicant is:
 a public charity tax-exempt
Section 501 (c) of the IRS
a federally recognized tribe
a unit of local government
 registered and in good standing
with the Washington Secretary of
State as a Nonprofit Corporation,
nonprofit professional services
Corporation or a nonWashington nonprofit
corporation but registered in
Executive Director or Board Chair signature is required. This signature certifies:
1. The organization is inclusive with its clients, volunteers and staff and does not
discriminate on the basis of age, race, sexual orientation, physical/mental disability,
gender, political affiliation or national origin;
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2. The organization’s commitment to complete appropriate forms and reports if a
grant is awarded.
Signature _________________________________ Title: Executive Director
Describe your proposal using the questions below to guide your answers
1. Provide a short description of your organizations (Mission, Years in experience,
population served, etc)
Our Mission: Gallery One Arts Center to the creation, exhibition and appreciation of visual
arts in Central Washington
Our Vision: We envision a community in which everyone with interest is given access to the
visual arts through exhibition and education.
Because we believe that ART enriches our lives by…
Expanding out horizons
Connecting people and building relationships
Contributing to a local, creative economy
Supporting a vibrant downtown
Our Strategies:
Provide a diversity of entry for all income levels
Give opportunities for all skill levels of art making
Ensure quality staff support
Work toward a secure, stable financial base
Continue to maintain community relevance
2. What do you want to accomplish with this proposed grant funding?
a. What is the purpose of your grant request?
The purpose of Gallery One requesting $10,000 grant from the Yakima Valley
Community Foundation is to incorporate a 3D printer into the gallery to advance the use
of technology throughout the staff members and children involved in the after school
program. We want to incorporate art into the STEM program to make it STEAM because
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art in an important part of a child’s education. Integrating a 3D printer into our gallery
will allow the students and staff to become more involved with the advancement of art
b. What unique role or service gap, if any, are you filling with this proposal?
With this proposal Gallery One will be set apart from the rest of the art exhibits in town.
Providing this unique technology in a small town will put Gallery One on the map and be
considered a larger competitor for other exhibits. Integrating the 3D printer into Gallery
One and introducing the young generations will advance their learning skills with the art
c. Does your proposal address the emphasis areas of Youth Development and/or
Economic Opportunity? If so, how?
Yes our proposal addresses the emphasis areas of Youth Development through the
advancement of technology. Since the cost of 3D printers is high and the need for
them is not as high, most exhibits do not have the privilege to carry one. However, by
Gallery One introducing the latest technology we would be forming the gap between
the children and the new technology available for their use.
d. How do you propose to measure how you’ve accomplished your intended
To show the community and our funders how we have managed to accomplished our
intended goals is to show case to work the children complete from their use with the
3D printer. There is a local art walk during the different seasons on Fridays where the
process of having the 3D printer can be shown through pictures and models of the
work completed.
e. If you are seeking general operating support, please describe why these funds are
needed, and what plans your organization has to ensure sustainability.
Gallery One is seeking general operating support because the funds for materials,
moving, and installing are needed to have the 3D printer part of our exhibit. The
supplies for the printer can become pricing with more usage. In order to secure the
funds for such materials there will be a budget set aside every month for possible
repairs or replacements.
f. For ongoing projects, how will funding be secured for the future?
In order to secure the usage of the 3D printer we will have to set aside a fund for any
possible repairs, damages or upgrades needed. Although the printer is high in price,
every dollar spent will go towards good use for the staff and children to benefit the
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3. How does this proposal fit within your organizational mission and the mission of the
community foundation?
Galley One believes art can only enhance a person’s lifestyle through connecting people and
enriching the daily activities. Yakima Valley Community Foundation’s mission is to connect
people, resources and ideas for thriving people and vibrant places. Their mission statement
supports Gallery One because by adding a 3D printer to the exhibit they are creating
resources and ideas to people and making the places around them livelier. The 3D printer has
the ability to do so by integrating something new and creating the opportunities to learn and
expand interest to something new.
Financial Information
Organization Name: Gallery One
Project Name: 3D Printer
The information requested below is about your specific program or project proposal, NOT your
organization. Financial information about your organization is requested in Part Two.
For Operation Support Only
A. Total operating expense of the organization
B. Total operational support requested
For Program or Project Support
A. Amount requested for program or project support
B. Total costs of program or project
Program/Project Budget
If you are requesting only operating support, you do not need to complete this section.
List personnel
first, then other
3D Printer
$ Requested
from YVCF
(Column A)
$ From Funders
other than
(Column B)
$Budgeted from
your agency
(Column C)
Total Proposed
Mulinski 15
Other Expenses
Organization Financial Information
Organizational Fiscal Year: 2015 to 2016
Organizational Budget, Income, and Expense Information
Current Year Budget
Fiscal Year 2014 Budget
Fiscal Year 2013 Budget
Projected revenues
Government Grants
Government Grants
Government Grants
Earned Income and Fees
Earned Income and Fees
Earned Income and Fees
Individual Donations
Individual Donations
Individual Donations
United Way
United Way
United Way
Mulinski 16
Corporate Grants
Corporate Grants
Corporate Grants
Special Events
Special Events
Special Events
*I was not able to enter any number because when asking Monica Miller for them she would not get back
to me and I did not understand how to find them myself. However, when I did meet with her she told me
the information may be confidential to the organization.
Discussion of the grant proposal
It took me awhile to figure out which nonprofit to work with in Ellensburg. I first
contacted Sherri Ott from Habitat for Humanity however, we could never figure out a time to
meet and I could not find a foundation with a grant that would benefit them because they already
have many grants in place. Over fall quarter I had the privilege to work with Monica Miller in
another nonprofit class. Since I had a great experience working with Miller before I decided to
contact her for this project and she was thrilled to teach me about grant writing and work
together again.
When Miller and I met, I explained to her the basics for the project and together we did
some research. She explained that recently she has been interested in incorporating a 3D printer
into the gallery. I explained to her that I had to find a foundation with a similar grant that could
fund the needs. Miller showed me the Plumcreek foundation, Wells Fargo Foundation, Usbank
Foundation, Ellensburg Arts Commission, and the Yakima Valley Community Foundation. After
discussing and researching different foundations she has requested money from before we
decided to fill put the application for the Yakima Valley Community Foundation for the
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Responsive (Community Driven) Grant Program. Both Miller and I chose this grant because it
was a simple form for me to work on and the grant was intended for an art gallery with supply
needs. Miller also decided this would be a great grant for me to work on and possibly submit
because she believes the Yakima Valley Community Foundation’s mission statement fits best
with Gallery One’s.
Another part of choosing the foundation and the 3D printer to request funds for was
because Miller firmly believes in the idea of changing the program STEM to STEAM by
incorporating art into the children’s early learning. Her slogan would be “STEAM ahead”
because she believes not incorporating art into a child’s learning process is taking away their
creativity and imagination. By Gallery One implementing a 3D printer not only would the
children involved in the after school program learn how to use new technology but it would
make Gallery One stand out against their competitors.
Gallery One comes across as a new art gallery within the community of Ellensburg
however, that is not the case. Gallery One has been around since the late 1960’s but they had the
opportunity to remodel most of the building. By Gallery One deciding to include an after art
school with the renovation, Miller believes the 3D printer will only benefit the gallery. Since the
3D printer is a newer technology Miller and I believe it will advance the program because the
children will be learning how to incorporate technology into their art from a young age.
After completing research, the 3D printers that will serve the amount of use the gallery
need range from $4,500-$6,800. After the initial cost of the printer the supplies and installation
costs would be around $4,600. The good news is the training for the employees is free. I was
able to find multiple websites with simple instructions and tutorials without any fees or
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I was able to send the finished copy of the grant to Monica Miller and she has not got
back to me. I was hoping she could finalize the application and correct any errors I may have
Appendix A:
Throughout the course of winter quarter beginning enrolled in this grant writing process
my eyes were opened to a world of nonprofit I have never experienced before. Being able to
work with Monica Miller again was a great pleasure. Before starting the process of the project I
was not aware of the amount of time and effort put into writing a grant, even if it is a simple one.
I simply wrote a grant for a 3D printer, a basic accessory, and the amount of time to fill out the
application and meeting with the executive director took longer than expected.
After sitting down with Miller and discussing the possible foundations and ways to write
the grant made the project easier. Miller was able to provide me with multiple resources to
complete the application correctly. Once sitting down at my computer and researching the
information needed to complete the grant, I became confused and frustrated. After I was able to
understand the information I needed to enter the process became simpler again.
The process of working with the nonprofit was not a problem. However, if I could change
the way I went about the process it would be giving myself more time to invest into the project in
order to understand the information I was entering. I would have liked to sit and meet with Miller
more than once because I think she could have given more incite than she did in our meeting.
When we were first given this project I tried to think of a nonprofit I could work with that
I could write a grant for about something that is important to me. I tried contacting the downtown
association to implement a dog park in town unfortunately; the executive director did not seem
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interested in working with me. After finishing the project and understanding the grant process
and learning more about nonprofits I am still torn if nonprofits are something I am interested in
working for in my career future. However, I am happy to have this experience under my belt
because it is a process people should understand and experience as well.
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Appendix B
Home Page. (n.d.). Retrieved March 15, 2015, from
Karsh, E., & Fox, A. (2003). The only grant-writing book you'll ever need. New York: Carroll?
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Appendix C
Monica Miller and I had a short meeting to discuss the project however, during the
meeting we were able to discuss the things Gallery One could use and in her opinion a 3D printer
has been on her mind and she feels as though it would be very beneficial. She explained the
process she undergoes with each grant and walked me through the steps. Miller was generous to
give me a copy of a grant she submitted last year for a similar material to guide me through the
application process.
Below is a copy of emails between Monica Miller and I before meeting to discuss the
project and the grant.
Isabella Mulinski
Isabella Mulinski
Wed 3/11/2015 5:06 PM
Let's do tomorrow at 2. See you then! -Isabella
Mark as unread
Monica Miller <>
Wed 3/11/2015 1:50 PM
i can do today AT 3:30 or tomorrow AT 2.
Isabella Mulinski
Tue 3/10/2015 7:47 PM
Tomorrow I am free any time after 3:30 or Thursday anytime after 2! What works best for you? -Isabella
Monica Miller <>
Tue 3/10/2015 1:31 PM
Hi Isabella- Sure- when are you thinking?
Mark as unread
Isabella Mulinski
Mon 3/9/2015 6:57 PM
Sent Items
Hi Monica,
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This is Isabella Mulinski, I met with you last quarter for an interview! I am actually enrolled in
another nonprofit class for Grant Writing. We have been assigned a project to meet with an
executive director for a nonprofit in Ellensburg to write a grant for their company. I am
interested in meeting with you and creating a a grant that would help benefit Gallery One. If
you are interested, do you have time to meet within the early week?
Hope to hear from you soon!
-Isabella Mulinski