6th Grade Science Syllabus for Ms. Maas's class 15-16

Mrs. Maas’s 6th Grade Science Syllabus Contract 15-16
Welcome to James Martin Middle School. I am excited to begin the year and would like to take the
opportunity to share some important information with you.
Contact Information
My e-mail address is tracyd.maas@cms.k12.nc.us E-mail is the preferred method of communication.
Classroom Rules
1. Stay in your seat unless you have been directed to move
2. Raise your hand to speak and wait for the teacher to call on you
3. Use scholarly language: No bullying, derogatory remarks, or cursing
4. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
5. Follow directions the first time they are given
6. Accept directions and consequences given by an adult without arguing
7. Have required material ready (minimum: pencil and paper)
Classroom Behavior Expectations
Good behavior is expected at all times with each student understanding that they are responsible for
their behavior and the consequences that follow.
1. Be respectful –
What does this mean: We will respect ourselves, others, their belongings, their opinions, their values,
and their beliefs. We will promote a positive classroom learning environment and maintain
appropriate dress in accordance with James Martin’s uniform policy (this means tucked in shirts and no
‘sagging’ pants for boys).
2. Be productive –
What does this mean: We will come to class each day with a positive attitude, work hard, stay ahead,
use our time wisely, and take pride in our work.
3. Be prepared –
What does this mean: We will come to class each day with all the required materials needed for class
so we can learn to the best of our ability.
4. Be prompt –
What does this mean: We will be on time to each class with the appropriate materials and we will turn
in all assignments by the due date.
5. Be open minded –
What does this mean: We will learn throughout life that we may not agree with everyone, but we will
be respectful and listen to others’ opinions.
6. Be your best –
What does this mean: We will all strive to be the best version of ourselves each day in all we
Mrs. Maas’s 6th Grade Science Syllabus Contract 15-16
Classroom Procedures
 Students will line up in the hallway and wait to be invited into class.
 Students will sharpen pencils at the beginning of class before the final bell rings.
 Students will go to their assigned seat and silently begin the day’s warm-up.
 When the teacher raises her hand, students will become silent, stop what they are doing
and then raise their hand. Students will look at the teacher for instructions.
 The teacher will dismiss students, NOT THE BELL. Students will wait for their row to be
called and then exit quietly into the hallway as they transition to their next class.
In the event a student fails to comply with the stated classroom rules and behavior expectations,
the following discipline consequences will be followed:
 1st offense = verbal warning
 2nd offense = seat change, fix – it essay (parent contacted)
 3rd offense = silent lunch (parent contacted)
 4th offense = loss of special privileges (parent contacted)
 5th offense = student conference (parent contacted)
 6th offense = parent conference
 7th offense = administration notified and disciplinary referral completed
Homework: Students will be responsible for turning in all homework assignments on time.
Late Work: All work will be considered late if not completed and turned in by the specified due date.
Students will automatically lose points after the first day late. Any work turned in late will be
accepted for reduced credit until the quiz or test for that unit has been administered.
Procedures for Student Absences: Students are responsible for all assignments missed during an
absence. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate contact with a classmate or the teacher. Students
can also visit my wiki page (http://tracymaas.cmswiki.wikispaces.net/) to obtain missed information.
Textbooks: We will use a class set of textbooks that will remain in the classroom.
1. 3 Composition notebooks (70 sheets, single subject)
6. Colored Pencils
2. 3 folders with pockets
7. Glue Sticks
3. No. 2 pencils
8. Index Cards
4. Individual pencil sharpener
5. A pair of scissors
Students should have all listed supplies with them in class by Wednesday, August 26th, 2015
Mrs. Maas’s 6th Grade Science Syllabus Contract 15-16
CMS Grading Scale:
100 – 90 - A
89 – 80 - B
79 – 70 - C
69 – 60 - D
Below 59 - F
Grade Percentages: A student’s grade is based on the following (100% total)
65% Formal Grade: (weekly quizzes, unit tests, quarterly assessments, projects)
35% Informal Grade: (interactive notebook checks, homework checks, class participation)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please cut along dotted line & return to school by Friday, August 28th, 2015
Parent/Guardian name(s):
Current phone number:
Email (for class updates): please print clearly
I ________________________________________ have read and understand what is expected
(Print student name)
of me this year in Mrs. Maas’s class.
I ______________________________________ have read and understand what is expected
(Print parent / guardian name)
of my child this year in Mrs. Maas’s class.
Student Signature / Date
Parent Signature / Date