Ms. Maas’s 6th Grade Science Syllabus Contract 13-14 Please review this packet in its entirety. Please complete pages 4 and 5 and return them to school by Friday, August 30, 2013. Pages 1, 2, and 3 are for your reference throughout the school year. Welcome to James Martin Middle School. I am excited to begin the year and would like to take the opportunity to share some important information with you. Contact Information I welcome parent contact at any time, whether to address questions/concerns or just to share a success in your child’s life. My e-mail address is E-mail is the preferred method of communication, but I am available to conference over the phone or in person. Class Rules Our team, The Tigers, has instituted a set of classroom rules and discipline consequences that will be consistent in each of your child’s core classes this year. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. 1. Stay in your seat at all times 2. Raise your hand to speak 3. Follow directions the first time given 4. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself 5. No inappropriate language Discipline Consequences 1st offense = verbal warning, name written on the board (documented) 2nd offense = check mark by name (documented) 3rd offense = isolated seat, ‘fix it’ essay reflection, parent phone call home 4th offense = lunch detention, parent phone call home 5th offense = removal from class with disciplinary referral, parent phone call home Ms. Maas’s Classroom Behavior Expectations Good behavior is expected at all times with each student understanding that they are responsible for their behavior and the consequences that follow. Students must adhere to the expectations present within the classroom as well as those instituted in Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools and throughout James Martin Middle School. Students are expected to model each of the following behavior expectations: 1. Be respectful – What does this mean: We will respect ourselves, others, their belongings, their opinions, their values, and their beliefs. We will promote a positive classroom learning environment, speak during discussions, and reflect during independent work time. 2. Be productive – 1 Ms. Maas’s 6th Grade Science Syllabus Contract 13-14 3. 4. 5. 6. What does this mean: We will always work hard and stay ahead, use our time wisely, and take pride in our work. Remember, you are responsible for your own destiny, so never put your name on an assignment you are not proud of. Be prepared – What does this mean: We will come to class each day with a positive attitude, along with all the materials we need to ensure we learn to the best of our ability. Be prompt – What does this mean: We will know that timing is everything; we will be on time to each class with the appropriate materials and turn in all assignments by the due date. Be open minded – What does this mean: We will learn throughout life that we may not agree with everyone, but we will be respectful and listen to others’ opinions. Remember that the most amazing learning experiences take place when you learn from difference. Be your best – What does this mean: We will all strive to be the best version of ourselves each day in all we do. Classroom Procedures Students will line up in the hallway and wait to be invited into class. Students will sharpen all pencils at the beginning of class prior to the last bell. Students will promptly find their seat and silently begin the day’s warm-up. When the teacher ‘claps’ her hands, students will stop what they are doing, lay their pencils down, become silent, and look at the teacher for instructions. The teacher will dismiss students, NOT THE BELL. Students will wait for their row to be called and then exit quietly into the hallway as they transition to their next class. Assignments: Students will be responsible for turning in all in-class assignments on time. These assignments will either be secured in their Interactive Science Notebook (for review by the teacher) or submitted into the appropriate ‘work in’ basket. Homework: We will have homework approximately twice a week. This homework should take approximately 20 minutes. If there is a problem that you cannot figure out, do not spend an excessive amount of time on it, skip it and ask Ms. Maas about it in class during our homework review. Late Work: All types of course work will be considered late if not completed and turned in by the specified due date. Students will automatically lose 10 points after the first day late. Any homework turned in late will be accepted for reduced credit until the assessment for that unit has been administered. Students will turn their late/makeup work into the appropriate ‘work in’ basket. Procedures for Student Absences: Students are responsible for all assignments missed during an absence. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate contact with the teacher to obtain missed work. Students may visit the ‘While you Were Out’ crate to obtain missed handouts, notes, etc. or students may email the teacher to 2 Ms. Maas’s 6th Grade Science Syllabus Contract 13-14 obtain assistance in catching up. Students may also ask the teacher at the beginning of class or end of class for additional information. All makeup work will be due the day after they return to class. If the student misses a lab, he/she will need to complete a make-up assignment or complete the lab at a different time. Textbooks: I will not be assigning individual textbooks to your scientist. We will use a class set. If you would like for your scientist to have one, I will be happy to assign one on an individual basis. Supplies: 1. 4 Composition notebooks (1 for each quarter) 2. No. 2 pencils 3. Individual pencil sharpener 4. A pair of scissors 5. Colored pencils (Additional item not mentioned at open house) 6. Glue sticks (Additional item not mentioned at open house) Students should have all listed supplies with them in class by Tuesday, September 3, 2013. This year in science, we are following the North Carolina Essential Standards for 6th grade. As a team we are committed to engaging our students. Below is an overview of our topics of study: Chemistry Atoms Physics Wave Properties Geology Layers of the Earth Elements Light/Sound Crustal Plates Moon Phases Phase Changes EM Spectrum Ocean Basins Tides Properties of Pure Substance Heat Transfer Earthquakes Eclipses Volume, Mass, and Weight Absorption and Scattering Volcanoes Seasons Technological Design Forces within the Earth Soil Formation/Quality Life on Earth CMS Grading Scale: 100-93 A 92-85 B 84-77 C 76-70 D 69F Astronomy Ecology Systems of the Earth, Moon, and Sun Structure and functions of flowering plants Photosynthesis, respiration, and transpiration Energy from the Sun Food Chains/ Food Webs Producers, consumers, and decomposers Space Explorations Grade Percentages: 65% Formal (projects, unit tests, grade level assessments) 35% Informal (quizzes, interactive notebook checks, participation, ) 3 Ms. Maas’s 6th Grade Science Syllabus Contract 13-14 Please complete pages 4 and 5 and return to school by Friday, August 30, 2013. Parent/Guardian name(s): __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing address: ________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Work phone number: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Cell phone number: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Home phone number: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Email (for class email list): __________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have a computer at home? __________________________________________________________________________________________ Can you or your student connect to the internet at home on a computer? __________________________________________________________________________________________ Can you or your student connect to the internet on a cell phone? __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 Ms. Maas’s 6th Grade Science Syllabus Contract 13-14 Please share any information about your student that will be helpful for me this year: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ I ________________________________________ have read and (Print student name) understand what is expected of me this year in Ms. Maas’s class. I will follow all classroom rules and procedures as well as those instituted by Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools and James Martin Middle School. I have discussed and read over this packet with my parent or guardian and am fully aware of what I need to do to be sucessful in this class. I promise to try my best and strive for excellence in this class. ______________________________________________ Student Signature _______________________________ Today’s Date I ______________________________________ have read and understand what is expected (print parent / guardian name) of my child this year in Ms. Maas’s class. ______________________________________________ Parent Signature _______________________________ Today’s Date 5