5. TIDE_Transferability_Nick_Hounsell_121113


Systematic Transfer in TIDE

TIDE Workshop on Training and Exchange

Stuttgart, 12-13 November 2013

Prof Nick Hounsell, Transportation Research Group

University of Southampton, UK


• Introduction to Systematic Transfer

• Introduction to TIDE transferability methodology

• Transferability methodology step-by-step

Concept of transferability

• Transferability

A process of verifying the chances of a successful implementation of a measure from a pioneer city to the adopting city at an operational or implementation level

• Pioneer city

A city where an innovative measure is successfully implemented

• Adopter city

A city which wish to implement an innovative measure that is successfully implemented in a pioneer city

Context conditions

•There are no cities with exactly the same context conditions.

•Differences can include transport/raffic conditions (demand, supply, infrastructure, traffic control/management, etc.), geographical,environmental, demographic, socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds as well as institutional and legal frameworks.

• So we must identify those context conditions which are key to the measure‘s success and which must also be addressed in any new location – or which have created barriers to success so that they can either be overcome or transferability avoided where such factors exist .

Advantages of systematic transfer

-Systematic approach to innovation

-Reduces the risk of bad decision making

-Feasibility check at an early stage

-Clearer definition of measures – What exactly is it that we want to transfer?

-Comparability between different Innovative Measures

Don‘t have to reinvent the wheel

-Cost savings

-Learn from the mistakes of others

-The process itself leads to stakeholder and expert involvement

TIDE Transferability Methodology

• A systematic qualitative methodology to analyse the potential transferability of an innovative transport measure from one city to another.

• Designed to maximise the usability for practitioners in European cities.

• A ‘Handbook for transferability analysis in urban transport and mobility’ will be produced by the cities involved in TIDE, for wider use

Source: Dziekan et al, 2013

The 7 step Methodology

(1) Mission statement/objectives and scoping

(2) Clarification of the impacts of the measure

(3) Identification of up-scaling/down-scaling need

(4) Identification of the main components and sub-components

(5) Identification of the level of importance of components

(6) Assessment of the situation in the adopter city

(7) Conclusions

Pioneer city


Adopter city

Advanced public transport priority


Source: www.londonphototours.com/big_ben.htm


Source: www.lbbc.co.uk

Step 1: Mission statement and scope

• A clearly defined mission statement (or clear objectives) and a realistic scope for a measure

• Should avoid any misunderstanding during the subsequent transferability and implementation processes

• The following transferability steps should only be carried out after the adopter understands and agrees with the objectives and scope of the measure

Mission statement (bus priority)

• To provide priority to buses at traffic signals to improve their regularity


• ‘Differential’ bus priority only. It does not cover the traffic signalling system itself.

Step 2: Impacts: Generic (Examples)

• Efficiency (capacity, journey time)

• Environment (emissions, noise, visual intrusion)

• Safety

• Accessibility

• Vehicle occupancy

• Benefit-to-cost ratio (BCR)

• Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA)

Impacts (bus priority)

• Improve bus regularity

• Improve bus journey time

• Reduce passenger waiting time

• Reduce bus overcrowding

• Increase bus patronage

• Increase bus revenue

• May reduce bus operating costs and emissions

• May increase delay to general traffic

• Provide a good economic return (cost-benefit)

Source: Dziekan et al, 2013

Scaling (bus priority)

• Southampton is much smaller than London and hence needs down-scaling of the implementation

• This may have implications on system requirements, costs and benefits.

Note also: Southampton has a different model of bus operations.

Step 4: Main components & sub-components

Factors that can contribute to the success (or failure) of a measure :

• Components (main factors):

- Policy, stakeholders, finance, technical requirements, etc.

• Sub-components e.g. for policy:

- Public transport policy, traffic management policy, accessibility policy, pollution reduction policy

Main components & sub-components

(bus priority)


Components Sub-components

Strategies and policies

Public transport policy

Traffic management policy


Capital costs of design and implementation

Running costs

Economic benefits

Stakeholders involvement Urban Traffic manager/controller

Public transport operators

Government (local)

Technical requirements

Equipment and Tools (Infrastructure)


Step 5: Level of importance of sub-components

According to the pioneer city

• High/medium/low

• Supporting comments

Level of importance of sub-components (bus priority)

Sub-components Importance

Bus priority policy High

Traffic management policy

Capital costs




The main objective to be supported by the measure

Bus priority had to operate within an overall traffic management policy

Running costs

Economic benefits



Urban Traffic manager High

Bus operators

Local government High

Equipment and Tools High




The major cost involved: detection, communication, priority algorithm, etc (hardware and software)

Similar to existing traffic control systems

Increased benefits due to passenger waiting time savings

Traffic manager were in favour of fewer priority interventions as a result of advanced priority, but concerned over potential complexity

Operators needed to be convinced the about the benefits of differential priority instead of priority to all buses

TfL approved and financed the scheme

Adaptive traffic control system and AVL system were crucial for the implementation.

Traffic control software needed to be upgraded

Step 6: Assessment of the situation in the adopter city

Subjective assessment of ease/difficulty in implementation by adopter city

Assessment scale:

+2 strong support for transferability

+1 modest support for transferability

0 neutral

-1 modest constraint for transferability

-2 strong constraint for transferability

Assessment of components (bus priority) by the adopter city

Components Sub-components

Strategies and Public transport policy policies


Traffic management policy

Capital costs of design,

Stakeholders involvement implementation

Running costs

Economic benefits

Urban Traffic manager/controller

Public transport operators

Technical requirements

Government (local)

Equipment and Tools
























Step 7: Conclusions

Drawing conclusions through the assessment

• One or more strong constraints (-2) to transferability

- no transfer unless the conditions can be overcome

• One or two modest constraints(-1) (no strong constraints)

- difficult to transfer the measure unless the conditions can be addressed

• If there are no constraints at all

- likely that the measure could be successfully transferred

Conclusions (bus priority)

• The measure is potentially transferable to Southampton dependent on:

• Cost of the system – this could be justified by improved bus operations and the benefits associated with it (e.g. journey time/waiting time benefits, increased patronage)

• Bus operators ’ support – operators may need convincing!

Source: http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2829/9719701724_53b5de8a10.jpg

Thank you!

• Nick Hounsell


Transportation Research Group
