North Carolina State Government The Judicial Branch Chapter 13 Section 3 North Carolina’s Court System • Types of Trial Courts ▫ Hear evidence and arguments and deliver a decision ▫ District and Superior Courts • District Courts ▫ Civil Cases Juvenile law, divorce, traffic violations, and disputes that involve less than $10,000 (misdemeanor) North Carolina’s Court System • Superior Courts ▫ Civil Cases involving more than $10,000 ▫ Most involve jury trials ▫ If the defendant is found guilty of a misdemeanor they can request a new trial by the Superior Court North Carolina’s Court System • Judicial Officers ▫ Clerk of Superior Court Establish validity of wills, conduct sale of property to pay an owner’s debts ▫ Magistrate Issue search warrant and arrest warrants ▫ District Attorney Represents the state in all criminal cases Appellate Courts • Hear disputes about whether the decision of a trial court should be overturned • The decision of the states highest court on all questions of state law are FINAL unless overturned by the US Supreme Court Appellate Courts • North Carolina Court of Appeals ▫ Voters elect 15 appeals court judges ▫ Hear cases in groups of three called Panels • North Carolina Supreme Court ▫ Interprets the state’s constitution and laws ▫ 7 Justices ▫ Supervises all the other courts in North Carolina Landmark Court Decisions • Bayard vs. Singleton (1787) ▫ During the Revolutionary war Bayard’s family property was taken by the United States and sold to Singleton ▫ North Carolina appeals court ruled in Bayard’s favor saying the Confiscation Act was illegal ▫ This was the first time a state court ruled a state law was unconstitutional Landmark Court Decisions • State vs. Mann (1830) ▫ John Mann was arrested for beating and wounding an enslaved African American ▫ Chowan County Court convicted Mann of Battery ▫ NC Supreme Court overturned the decision Slaveholders could not be prosecuted for attacking the enslaved ▫ Outcome: Defended the legality of slavery Landmark Court Decisions • The Leandro Case (1994) ▫ People have a right to education and the state must maintain this right ▫ Five NC Counties sued saying the state was spending less per pupil than in other counties ▫ State ruled that the State Constitution does not require equal funding of education ▫ Hoke vs. State (2004) At-risk children require more resources, time, and intervention in order to learn