Drivers Edge: Interactive slides and videos
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Yes, most of the time, except the evening rush hours
Is a turn left allowed onto this 4 lane road?
With this traffic situation, what should
you already be doing?
Braking, this will also alert drivers behind you.
Are you in this driver’s blind spot?
Almost (nearly half of all drivers do not
make blind spot head checks when lane changing)
is the
they do
spot before
lane changing…
possible crash!
Now, you are very likely in their blind spot.
Lane changing
Check traffic situation
Check mirrors again
Head check (covers blind spot)
- dropping your speed
- drifting during head check
- forgetting to cancel signal
- moving car over too quickly
Proper Lane changing
Movie will play
Proper Lane changing
Check traffic situation
Head check
There is no need to look further back
After checking both inside and left outside mirrors,
the proper left shoulder blind spot head check:
Again, look out back seat side window.
Lane change - Right
Lane change - Right
Check traffic situation (mirrors)
Mirrors again
Head check
There is no need to look further back
After checking both inside and right outside mirrors,
the proper right shoulder blind spot head check:
Look out back seat side window.
Often, lane changes must be made because
of lane closures during construction.
What must you do in this situation?
…but do not wait until you almost run out of space!
If you
turn right
at theyour
lane change?
Some lane changes require you to brake.
Watch for brake lights when moving over.
What would it be wise to check right now?
Right rear blind spot with head check
Lane changing review- what are the steps?
Check traffic situation (mirrors)
Check mirrors again
Head check (covers blind spot)
Thought Question: Why should you still head check
even if you know there are no vehicles behind you?
- - you do not want to lose the habit of head
checking. If you stop doing it, it won’t develop into
a habit. (Safe driving is all about developing safe driving habits)
Lane Strategy
determining the safest
and most efficient
lane to drive in
Good lane strategies (planning ahead) will result
in safer and less stressful driving.
Closer to oncoming cars
Escape paths are minimized
Can be delayed behind left turners
Why is the left lane of a 4 lane road
not as safe or as efficient as the right lane?
No right turn
sign just lit up
-- train coming
However, at certain intersections you are
off not being in the right lane.
What is the purpose of this center lane?
For left turners
What might you consider
doing in this situation?
Change lanes
Your limited sight distance prevents you from identifying potential
hazards on the other side of the hill.
A lane change now (with the head check) would divert your attention
away from the road ahead for at least one second as you complete
the head check. Wait until you can see over the hill.
Why should you not lane change as
you approach the top of a hill?
This red vehicle is changing lanes through
the traffic light intersection. Is it legal?
No, other vehicles may misinterpret the signal.
You’re traveling at 45 mph. Give one reason why should you
maintain your position here, or drop back a little?
1) You would lose your 3 second following distance.
2) By moving up your various space cushions would be lost.
3) Traffic light ahead.
In rainy weather, begin coasting much sooner. Also,
the point of no return will be further back from the light.
Don’t take chances
You are now in the left turn lane, waiting for the
green arrow. When it comes on, what should you
check for, before beginning your turn?
That no crossing cars are “running the red light”
You’re in the left turn lane approaching the white limit
line, when the light turns what are you anticipating?
If on the traffic
light, you get a
green light and a
green arrow - will
you have to yield to
on-coming traffic
before you make
your left turn? NO
What about
vehicles still in
the intersection
after the light
changes red?
_ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
They are allowed to
finish their turn
before green light
traffic can proceed.
Before proceeding with your left turn,
what must you do?
Wait for “left over” turners to finish their turns.
What if you were driving that vehicle
in the intersection right now?
The light has turned red. Proceed
and cautiously finish turn.
Also, can you legally turn left into either lane?
Some states allow it, some do not.
Like the white van, you’ll be turning left onto a four
lane road. Why will you not automatically follow it?
No protected arrow
No. You are
not allowed to
cross the solid
white lines.
Is it okay to pull up along this
vehicle and attempt a right turn on red?
You’re intending to turn right at this traffic light,
what will you encounter after your turn?
_ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _
What about
When attempting
a U-turn
vehicles stillyou
at an intersection,
must the
be sure
it is not
after and
the no
200 feet.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
It can also be done whenever
a stop sign protects you
from on-coming traffic. It can
also be done across a double
yellow line (unless prohibited)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
You must start in the
left lane, but you may
finish in any lane.
Before turning, scan the
intersection for vehicles,
pedestrians, and bicycles.
This judgment skill takes time
and experience to develop.
Sometimes crossing or turning left
onto a four lane road (without a traffic light)
can become a real challenge. Continually
check both ways searching for a suitable gap.
Under normal circumstances, yes, but this electric
sign came on, prohibiting a left turn until the train passes.
You want to turn left. When traffic clears,
will you proceed and complete your turn?
Modern Technology in traffic signals
On this road you might normally consider
signaling now for a turn at the light
But, why should you delay your signal in this
situation (you want to turn right at the light)
Cars on right in might pull out in front
of you, misinterpreting your signal.
Vehicles on the right may pull out
expecting you to turn right.
Your lane is slowing down, what is a potential
danger of lane changing to the right at this time?
You are now searching for an opportunity
We are driving straight ahead, when the light turns
green who must yield the right of way?
They should
You’re in the left turn lane, do you have to legally
wait for on-coming cars before turning?
- -
- -
All vehicles have a green light,
who must yield the right of
way in this situation? (vehicles
A and C want to turn left)
- -
- -
- -
- C
- -
Vehicles A and C must
wait for vehicles B and D
(yellow vehicles) to clear
the intersection.
- -
- -
All vehicles have a green light,
who must yield the right of
way in this situation? (vehicles
A and C want to turn left)
- -
- -
- -
- C
Vehicles A and C must
wait for vehicles B and D
(yellow vehicles) to clear
the intersection.
- -
Now that the yellow vehicles
proceeding straight have
cleared…who is next to go?
Both A and C can go at same time as
they should not conflict with each other.
Did you see this vehicle behind the green van?
are cars
You’re waiting to turn left at this
after which vehicle will you go?
We must, right turners are allowed to go first
You want to turn left, that white SUV is
signaling to turn right, who must yield?
Sometimes one lane is moving faster than
another lane, what should you anticipate?
A quick lane change in front of you.
Vehicles behind
it attempting to
change lanes.
This car at the intersection is waiting to turn
left, what should you be predicting?
What have you noticed here?
Cars pulling
in and out.
Two fast food restaurants are both up ahead
on the right. What are you predicting?
What will happen when the arrow does turn-off?
You are moving in the left turn lane, what are you
thinking about as you get closer to your turn?
Will the green arrow stay on?
You want to go straight at this intersection,
what mistake have you made here?
You are stuck behind left turner, with no protected arrow
Will that SUV attempt right turn on red?
Besides a stale green light, what
else are you thinking about?
-- and they did pull out causing us to brake…
End of 4 Lane
Quiz time…how much do you remember?
1)1) One of the most important strategies with 4 lane driving
is proper following distance. Under ideal conditions try to
stay at least ___ seconds behind the vehicle in front of you.
1)2) Since many drivers do not make head checks, be careful
not to linger in their ____________
1)3) When lane changing, why should you still head check the
blind spot even if you know there are no cars there?
1)4) Generally. on a four lane road, it is safer and more
efficient to drive in the ________ lane.
1)5) When approaching a green light, look for _____________
6) You are at stopped at a red light waiting for the light to
change. When it changes, you should _________________
before proceeding because someone might ____________
1) 7) Under what circumstance should you delay your turn
signal as you approach your intended turn?
1 8) You are in the left lane of a four lane road. If the right
lane is backed up with slow traffic (but you are moving well),
what should you predict? ___________________________
9) You are moving in the left turn lane toward the
intersection (the left arrow is on), what are you thinking
about as you get closer to your turn? _________________
1) 10) If while waiting out in the intersection for on-coming
traffic to clear, the traffic light turns yellow and then red,
what do you do? _______________________________
End of 4 Lane