Q: Where are you from?

Thursday News
November 12th, 2015
Thank you!
Thank you for your support with the Scholastic Book Fair. We
sold enough products to earn us over $1,700 in Scholastic
reward dollars to spend on books for our school. We couldn't
do it without you!
Again…Thank you!
Thank you to everyone who came to the conferences! We had
an amazing turn out! If you were not able to attend
conferences, please make sure you schedule a time to meet
with your elementary school teacher. Middle school parents, if
you were unable to come to conferences, please stop by the
front office to obtain your student’s grades. Also, THANK YOU
to everyone who donated food for conferences! RFMA staff
was full and happy! Thank you!
Snow Days
If RFMA must cancel school due to adverse weather
conditions, the information will be made available through the
following outlets:
KWGN Channel 2 / CBS Channel 4
ABC Channel 7/ KDVR Channel 31
The RFMA website
The RFMA Facebook page
Please check the news, our website or the Facebook page in
the morning. There will also be a prerecorded voice message
to notify parents of any closures or delays due to the weather
Way to Go!
Parents, we have partnered with Way to Go to set up a carpool
service. Please look for an email or letter from Way to Go for
more details. Letters and emails were sent last Friday,
11/6/2015 detailing how you can sign up for the service. If you
have any questions, please contact Way to Go as soon as
Middle school students that are interested in playing basketball
this season, the $50 fee is due by the end of November.
Students that do not pay the full $50 by the end of November
may not be eligible to play the basketball games.
Humble challenge
Middle school is collecting non-perishable food items for the
#HumbleChallenge2015. Middle school homerooms will be
partnering with elementary school classrooms to collect food to
donate to people in need. Please help support the
#HumbleChallenge2015 by donating non-perishable food items
to your student’s classrooms. Look for #HumbleChallenge2015
on your social media sites for updates.
Excellent Opportunity to Earn Volunteer Hours!
Although our school day ends early on Friday, our staff works
hard during the rest of the day on improving their skills and
knowledge for the benefit of our Magonistas. You can help
them by providing snacks and food items (i.e. cheese,
crackers, veggies and dip, sandwiches or any hot food) on
these days and at the same time earn volunteer hours
credits. Please drop your donated items by 1:00pm on
Fridays at the front office. Thank you!
Due to the unpredictable Colorado winter, it is mandatory that
all Magonistas have winter jackets daily to be able to go
outside for recess. If a Magonista does not have a jacket they
may not be able to attend outdoor recess.
Get to Know Mrs. Huff in 1st Grade
Q: What are your dreams and goals in life?
A: “I am very fortunate to be living out my dreams and goals
every day. I get to teach children and instill within them a love
for learning. I also love taking pictures and would like to have
my photos in an art show.’
Q: If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would
you go, and why?
A: “If I could visit anywhere in the world I would travel to
Alaska. I would spend my time
fishing. I would hike around the
moose and bears to take pictures
to travel there when you can see
(Northern Lights).”
there camping and
lakes searching for
off. I would be sure
the Aurora Borealis
Q: Where are you from?
A: “I am from Driggs, Idaho. Driggs is a small mountain
valley town at the base of the Grand Tetons. Although I was
born in Denver and lived in L.A. for a little bit I claim Driggs as
home. With that being said, I moved back to Denver when I
was 18 and have now lived here for 10 years.”
Q: What is your favorite candy?
A: “Peanut M&Ms!”
Q: What do you love about RFMA?
A: “I love the Magonistas!”
Fall Break starts on Monday,
November 23rd through
Friday, November 27th.
Thursday News 4