Finnair Group Interim Report 1 January – 30 September 2010 Cautious growth in the sector Demand has gradually returned during this year Business travel has clearly picked up Capacity has increased less quickly than demand, so load factors have improved Sector’s profit forecast for current year 9 billion dollars Price level has improved from last year, but is still below the 2008 level Next year, growth is expected to increase less quickly and capacity additions to accelerate For Finnair, a historically good quarter First profitable quarter after seven successive loss-making quarters Demand and unit revenues improved in the third quarter, turnover up 26.2% Operational result, 41.9 million euros, in January-September 2.0 million euros Efficiency programme reduced unit costs by 3.8%, in first nine months 7.1% Scheduled traffic unit revenues improved 23.5% in Europe-Asia traffic due to increased business travel Passenger load factor is good Cargo is clearly profit-making Cash flow from operations clearly positive Strong balance sheet and cash position Operational result improved Q3/10 Q3/09 Change % Turnover mill. euro 551,4 436,9 26,2 Operational expenses mill. euro 513,9 473,6 8,5 Adjusted EBITDAR* mill. euro 86,1 15,3 - Adjusted EBIT* i.e. Operational result mill. euro 41,9 -32,9 - One off items/ capital gains mill. euro 0,3 8,6 - Changes in fair value of derivatives and exchange rates in fleet overhauls mill. euro 8,4 3,7 - Operating profit/loss (EBIT) mill. euro 50,6 -20,6 - Profit before tax mill. euro 43,9 -24,5 - *excl. capital gains, changes in fair value of derivatives and exchange rates in fleet overhauls and non recurring items A record quarter after seven loss-making quarters EBIT* per quarter MEUR 60 40 20 0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 -20 -40 -60 2005 2006 2007 2008 *excl. capital gains. fair value changes of derivatives and non recurring items 2009 2010 Positive trend strengthened in unit revenues and cost development Change YoY Yield (EUR/RTK) % 15 Unit costs (EUR/RTK) 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Efficiency program lowered unit costs Q3/10 Q3/09 Unit costs of flight operations* c/RTK -3,8% -8,0% Unit costs of flight operations* excl. fuel c/RTK -3,6% -2,5% Personnel expenses c/RTK -18,3% +1,5% Fuel costs c/RTK -4,6% -20,3% Traffic charges c/RTK -0,8% +0,7% Ground handling and catering €/psgr. +1,3% -2,2% Sales and marketing €/psgr. +43,8% -32,8% Aircraft lease payments and depreciation c/RTK -17,2% +13,8% Other costs* c/RTK +2,5% -4,9% * excluding fair value changes of derivatives and non-recurring items RTK = Revenue Tonne Kilometre Headcount shrinks Personnel Personnel on average 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Q3 2010 Finnair’s long-haul fleet grows Harmonised Airbus long-haul fleet, average age less than three years Later this year one more A330 aircraft and at turn of year two more A340 aircraft. Next year a total of 15 long-haul Airbus aircraft Five new Airbus A321ER aircraft for leisure traffic 2012-13 Last MD-11 aircraft were sold; one is used in Finnair’s cargo traffic Asian strategy stands up Finnair’s market share in Asian traffic 6% Asian revenues clearly above European revenues In August, sales in Japan greater than in Finland New openings next year • Daily direct flight to Singapore next spring • Weekly frequencies to Hong Kong up from 7 to 12 • In spring, additional flights to present Asian destinations • After planned capacity increases Finnair is flying over 70 weekly flights to Asia Cargo traffic rising strongly and with an improving price level Consistent growth in Asian traffic Finnair weekly frequencies to Asia (summer season average frequencies) 80 70 60 India SE Asia 50 China NE Asia 40 30 20 10 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Summer peak season frequencies per week 2010 2011F Asian traffic Finnair’s corner stone Geographical distribution in scheduled traffic Domestic 3% Europe 33 % Asia 57 % North Atlantic 7% RPK July-September 2010 Majority of Finnair’s revenues comes from Europe–Asia traffic Distribution of passenger and cargo revenues in scheduled traffic Jul-Sep 10 Domestic 4% 5% Europe 12% 6% 36% 34% AasiaEurooppa Via Helsinki >65 % 54%* 48%* * Cargo revenues represent 17% of Asian revenues Asia US Funding secured Funding ensured for the final part of the investment program Cash reserves 540 mill. euros Funding sources totalling over 500 mill. euros • 1 A330 in Q4 probably operational lease • Loan-back of TyEL pension fund reserves, 330 mill. euros remaining • Unused credit facility of 200 mill. euros signed in June Cash flow from operations turned to positive In addition, 200 million euro commercial paper programme, of which 46 in use Cash flow improved in Q3 Cash flow statement Q3/2010 Q3/2009 Cash flow from operations mill. euro +46 +1 Investments and sale of assets mill. euro -48 +29 mill. euro -13 -11 mill. euro -35 +40 Cash flow from financing mill. euro -28 +8 Liquid funds at the beginning mill. euro 569 266 Change in liquid funds mill. euro -30 +38 Liquid funds at the end * mill. euro 539 304 Grossinvestments ** Change of advances and others * incl. financial interest bearing assets at fair value ** incl. A330 aircraft lease arrangement Strong balance sheet after investments Equity ratio and adjusted gearing % Equity ratio Adjusted Gearing 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Q3 2010 Full year result in black figures Capacity will grow by nearly five per cent Strengthening of demand and average price will continue as business travel increases Increased unit costs will undermine profitability Leisure travel picking up Cargo demand continues to be strong Efficiency measures will continue, impact will also depend partly on early-autumn collective agreement solutions Final quarter weaker than third The operational result for the full year is expected to be in profit Appendices Strong growth in traffic January-August traffic performance • Scheduled traffic +4% • Passenger load factor +2%-points • Asian traffic +11% • Business class in Asian traffic +34% • Business class share of long-haul traffic 11% • Cargo +38 % Operational result in January-September slightly on black Q1Q3/10 Q1Q3/09 Change % 1380,0 9,2 1520,8 1526,0 -0,3 Turnover mill. euro Operational expenses mill. euro Adjusted EBITDAR* mill. euro 138,6 9,1 - Adjusted EBIT* i.e. Operational result mill. euro 2,0 -133,4 - One off items/ capital gains mill. euro 1,4 8,6 - Changes in fair value of derivatives and exchange rates in fleet overhauls mill. euro -12,0 51,3 - Operating profit/loss (EBIT) mill. euro -8,6 -73,5 - Profit before tax mill. euro -23,4 -80,9 - 1506,4 *excl. capital gains. fair values changes of derivatives and non recurring items Segment results* Q3 Mill. euro Airline Business Aviation Services Travel Services Unallocated items Total Q3/2010 45,2 2,8 -0,9 -5,2 41,9 * Operating profit. excluding capital gains, fair value changes of derivatives and non restructuring items Q3/2009 -24,8 -4,7 -0,4 -3,0 -32,9 Segment results* January–September Mill. euro Airline Business Aviation Services Travel Services Unallocated items Total Q1-Q3/10 10,0 6,7 -2,1 -12,6 2,0 * Operating profit. excluding capital gains, fair value changes of derivatives and non restructuring items Q1-Q3/09 -116,0 -2,6 -5,5 -9,3 -133,4 Trend in profitability turned Change in EBIT* per quarter MEUR 100 80 60 40 20 0 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 -20 -40 -60 -80 2005 2006 2007 2008 *excl. capital gains, fair value changes of derivatives and non recurring items 2009 2010 Cash flow improved in January-September Cash flow statement Q1-Q3/10 Q1-Q3/09 Cash flow from operations mill. euro +48 -114 Investments and sale of assets mill. euro -125 -275 mill. euro -156 -338 mill. euro +31 +63 Cash flow from financing mill. euro +9 +301 Liquid funds at the beginning mill. euro 607 392 Change in liquid funds mill. euro -68 -88 Liquid funds at the end * mill. euro 539 304 Grossinvestments ** Change of advances and others * incl. financial interest bearing assets at fair value ** incl. A330 aircraft lease arrangement 1 Q 20 2 05 2 Q 00 5 3 20 Q 4 05 2 Q 00 5 1 20 Q 2 06 2 Q 006 3 2 Q 00 6 4 20 Q 1 06 2 Q 00 7 2 20 Q 3 07 2 Q 007 4 2 Q 00 7 1 20 Q 2 08 2 Q 00 8 3 20 Q 4 08 2 Q 00 8 1 20 Q 09 2 2 Q 00 9 3 20 Q 4 09 2 Q 00 9 1 20 Q 2 10 2 Q 01 0 3 20 10 Q ROE and ROCE Rolling 12 months % ROE ROCE 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 Investments and cash flow from operations MEUR Operational net cash flow Investments 400 300 200 100 0 2005 -100 -200 2006 2007 2008 2009 Q3 2010 Aircraft operating lease liabilities Flexibility. costs. risk management MEUR 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Q3 2010 On 30 September all leases were operating leases. If capitalised using the common method of multiplying annual aircraft lease payments by seven, the adjusted gearing on 30 September 2010 would have been 90.0% Fuel price development levels off Finnair has a rolling hedging policy 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2010Q4 2011Q1 2011Q2 2011Q3 2011Q4 2012Q1 2012Q2 2012Q3 2012Q4 2013Q1 2013Q2 2013Q3 Fuel cost change in Q3 MEUR 150 9 -3 100 50 -18 21 Incl. hedging cost of -6 MEUR Incl. hedging cost of -24 MEUR 117 108 0 2009Q3 Volume Price Currency Hedging Deviation 2010Q3 Finnair Financial Targets ”Sustainable value creation” Operating profit (EBIT) EBITDAR Economic profit EBIT margin at least 6% => over 120 mill. € EBITDAR margin at least 17% => over 350 mill. € To create positive value over pretax WACC of 8.25% Adjusted Gearing Gearing adjusted for aircraft lease liabilities not to exceed 140 % Pay out ratio Minimum one third of the EPS Finnair Group Investor Relations email: tel: +358-9-818 4951 fax: +358-9-818 4092