
Chapter 7 Test
Write all answers on the answer sheet
Chapter 7: Bones and skeletal tissue test
1. The most abundant type of skeletal cartilage is:
A) Fibrocartilage
C) Elastic
B) Hyaline
D) Expandic
2. Spongy bone consists of honeycomb, needle-like, flat pieces called:
A) Lacunae B) Trabeculae
C) Canaliculi
D) Osteocytes
3. As the embryo develops, its cartilage skeleton becomes bone through the process of
A) endochondral ossification
B) intramembranous ossification
C) interstitial ossification
D) appositional osteogenesis
4. A greenstick facture
A) is a common sports facture; a ragged break due to twisting forces
B) occurs most often in people over 70 who experience trauma
C) common in children; breaks incompletely with one side bending and one side breaking
D) tends to occur where cartilage cells are dying and calcification of matrix is occurring
5. Formation of the bony callus in fracture repair is followed by
A) hematoma formation
B) fibrocartilaginous callus formation
C) bone remodeling to convert woven bone to compact bone
D) formation of granulation tissue
6. What type of cartilage connects the ribs to the sternum (breastbone)?
A) elastic
B) articular
C) costal
D) nasal
7. Which of the following bones is adapted to withstand stress?
A) trabecular bone
B) irregular bone
C) Compact bone
8. A mass of clotted blood that forms at a fracture site is
A) a callus
C) a hematoma
D) Spongy bone
B) an ossification
D) hematopoietic tissue
, secreted when blood calcium levels rise, inhibits bone resorption and encourages
calcium deposit in the bone matrix.
A) Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
B) Vitamin D
C) Growth hormone
D) Calcitonin
10. Bones are constantly undergoing resorption for various reasons. Which of the following cells
accomplishes this process?
A) chondrocyte
B) osteocyte
C) osteoclast
D) melanocyte
Chapter 7: Bones and skeletal tissue test
11. Which hormone increases osteoclast activity to release more calcium ions into the
A) thyroxine
B) parathyroid hormone(PTH)
C) calcitonin
D) estrogen
12. Mechanical stress
A) causes bone to thicken, develop heavy prominences or rearrange their trabeculae
B) causes bones to weaken and breaks down the trabeculae
C) increase the production of calcitonin
D) closes the epiphyseal plate
13. A soccer player has a ragged break from excessive twisting forces. It is a
A) spiral fracture
B) comminuted fracture
C) compression fracture
D) greenstick fracture
14. A bone fracture that penetrates the skin is a
A) simple fracture
B) compound fracture C) closed fracture
15. Red bone marrow is
A) osseous tissue
C) Connective tissue
B) adipose tissue
D) hematopoietic tissue
16. A fracture in the shaft of the bone would break in the:
A) articular cartilage
B) epiphysis
17. The structural unit of compact bone is:
A) lamellar bone
B) the osteon
D) complete fracture
C) metaphysis
C) spongy bone
D) diaphysis
D) osseous matrix
18. In a
fracture, the broken bone ends return to their original location after the
A) nondisplaced
B) transverse
C) complete
D) Simple
19. Which of the following is NOT a way to classify fractures?
A) position of the bone ends after the fracture
B) completeness of the break
C) the type of bone broken
D) the orientation of the break to the long axis of the bone
E) whether the bone ends penetrate the skin
20. Cartilage grows in two ways, appositional and interstitial. Appositional growth is:
A) the lengthening of hyaline cartilage
B) growth at the epiphyseal plate causing it to grow in length
C) the section of new matrix against existing cartilage causing it to grow in width
D) along the edges only
Chapter 7: Bones and skeletal tissue test
21. Important anatomical landmarks that reveal sites of muscle attachment, points of articulation,
and sites of blood vessel and nerve passage are
A) bone markings B) appendages C) endochondrial sites
D) sutures
22. Which of the following bones are part of the axial skeleton?
A) breastbone, skull, vertebrae
B) humerus, scapula, metatarsals
C) femur, tibia, fibula
D) mandible, ulna, carpals
23. The canal that runs through the core of each osteon (the Haversian canal) is the site of:
A) yellow marrow and spicules
B) cartilage and interstitial lamellae
C) osteoclasts and osteoblasts
D) blood vessels and nerve fibers
24. Vertebrae are considered
A) short
B) long
C) irregular
D) flat
25. Which of the following is part of the appendicular skeleton?
A) femur
B) skull
C) ribs
D) clavicle
26. A bone fracture in which the bone fragments into three or more pieces is a
A) simple fracture
B) greenstick fracture
C) comminuted fracture
D) spiral fracture
27. Osteogenesis is the process of:
A) bone healing
C) bone formation
B) bone remodeling
D) bone formation and remodeling
28. What type of cartilage is highly compressible, has great tensile strength, and is found in the
knee and the discs between the vertebrae?
A) elastic
B) hyaline
C) articular
D) fibrocartilage
29. During infancy and childhood, the most important stimulus of epiphyseal plate activity is:
A) growth hormone
B) differentiation of osteoclasts
C) the secretion of bone matrix into the medullary cavity
D) calcification of the matrix
30. In children the epiphyseal line is the
A) canaliculi
B) osteon
C) Haversian canal
D) epiphyseal plate
31. Which is NOT a bone marking:
A) tuberosity
B) canaliculi
C) head
D) epicondyle
Chapter 7: Bones and skeletal tissue test
32. Red bone marrow is located
A) in most irregular bones of an adult
B) in the diaphysis in the long bones in an adult
C) in the skull and pelvic bones of children only
D) in trabecular cavities of spongy bones in flat bones and epiphyses of long bones
33. The patient is diagnosed as having a crushed vertebra. What type of fracture is it?
A) compression
B) comminuted
D) spiral
34. Bones that continue to grow in length after adolescence are:
A) skull and femur
B) ribs and femur
C) nose and jaw
D) carpals and tarsals
35. Which if the following is NOT a function of the skeletal system?
A) strength
B) Storage of minerals
C) production of blood cells (hematopoiesis)
D) support and protection
36. The small spaces in bone tissue that are holes in which osteocytes are found are called:
A) trabeculae
B) perforating canals C) central canals
D) lacunae
37. What type of cartilage is found at the ends of bones that form joints?
A) elastic
B) hyaline
C) articular
D) fibrocartilage
38. Which of the following correctly describes osteocytes?
A) They break down the matrix of the bone
B) They are mature bone cells that develop from osteoblasts
C) They are the structural units of compact bones
D) They are responsible for secreting the matrix of the bone
39. Yellow bone marrow contains a large percentage of:
A) blood forming cells
C) necrotic tissue
B) elastic tissue
D) fat
40. What process forms membrane bone from fibrous connective tissue membranes and in the
results in the cranial bones and clavicle?
A) intramembranous ossification
B) endochondrial ossification
C) skeletal ossification
D) marrow ossification
41.A bone with approximately the same height, length , and width is most likely
A) a long bone
B) a short bone
C) a flat bone
D) an irregular bone
42. The cell responsible for secreting the matrix of bone is the:
A) osteoclast
B) chondrocyte
C) osteocyte
D) osteoblast
Chapter 7: Bones and skeletal tissue test
43. The osteon is made up of layers of bone matrix called
Haversian system.
A) perforating canals B) lamellae
C) canaliculi
, that surround the
D) trabeculae
44. Hydroxyapatite, which makes up 65% bone mass, is largely
A) calcium phosphate
B) calcium hydroxide
C) calcium carbonate
D) calcium peroxide
45. Which of the following hormones stimulate the growth of bone?
A) Progesterone and estrogen
B) estrogen, testosterone, and growth hormone
C) Growth hormone and adrenaline
D) calcitonin and growth hormone
Chapter 7: Bones and skeletal tissue test
Match the following parts with its name and write the letter on the answer sheet
Near body’s core
46. Diaphysis
47. Periosteum
48. Compact bone
49. proximal epiphysis
50. distal epiphysis
51. medullary cavity
52. Central Canal