Check yourself…
______ 1. I have invested in a notebook or file where I have gathered materials that will support me as I prepare for retaking the exam. I am reviewing that material.
_______2. I have s aved or secured a tutorial text in phonics to review content and exercises before retaking the exam. (Remember that a major part of the proposed test (almost 35%) relates to this content.)
_______3. I have saved or secured a basic text book in reading content to review before taking the exam focusing on chapters that introduce and examine each of the five key elements of reading instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension.
_______4. I have downloaded a copy of Put Reading First (Kindergarten through Grade 3) and reviewed each section focused on phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension since the exam tends to privilege the view of reading presented in this document.
_______5. I have s ecured a copy of a basic resource on working with English Learners to review content before retaking the test. I have reviewed notes and handouts I have saved about working with ELs to also review before retaking the exam remembering about 1 out of every 15 questions deal with ELs.
_______6. I have reviewed saved class phonics activities, PowerPoint slides and notes to review before retaking the exam.
_______7. I have reviewed saved sample questions practiced in class to rework prior to retaking the exam.
_______8. I have downloaded and reviewed framework articles on phonemic awareness (Yopp), phonics (Stahl), fluency (Pikulski and/or Hudson), vocabulary (Bromley) and comprehension
(Pardo and/or McLaughlin) to reread prior to retaking the exam remembering all articles are archived on the COEHS and EMC websites.
_______9. I have consult the college website where test information, preparation materials and other resources is archived and accessible to reread information that is disseminated from the
PEP office on the test. COEHS site:
_____10. I am planning to attend a review session and/or workshop prior to taking the exam.
These may be scheduled in conjunction with other conferences and/or stand alone workshops.
Next up: October 11 and November 15, 2014.
______11. If I suffer from test anxiety, I have scheduled an appointment with the Reading Study
Center to get tips about being better prepared for standardized tests.
______12. I have invested in other available and accessible resources on the net that will guide my preparation. For example, I have taken a look at materials that other sites are sharing with their students.
______13. I have used the COEHS study guide to self-evaluate my knowledge of critical terms and concepts.
______14. I have taken the practice test before retaking the exam. I am enrolled in the D2L
“course” and have taken the practice test. I know the information is divided into four sections: early literacy and phonemic awareness, phonics and word study, vocabulary and comprehension, and assessment. I have passed all four sections on the practice exam or have reworked any of the areasI fell short on.
______15. I have also taken the free Reading Test Prep Course at University of Wisconsin
Madison (web-based study modules http.//
______16. I have also visited additional website to review materials they have posted.
UW Madison http.//
UW Green Bay
UW Stevens point
U Mass
Conn Teach for America
Reading Test)
Yaeger’s Site
Constructed Response Practice Activity for the Oral Reading Sample (Word Identification)
Do a basic analysis of the miscues. You can use a t chart to record the information.
Word in text Word the Student Said
Examine the miscues of the student for a pattern. Analyze it in the four areas: phonics analysis, structural analysis, context clues and sight vocabulary. Also look at the words the student was able to say correctly. These will reflect what a child did not have difficulty with.
Error Reflects weakness in…
Think about ability to use sound, sight,
Reflects strength in…
Think about ability to use sound, structure or context sight, structure or context
Identify one area of strength and one area of weakness in the word analysis based on the miscues and/or accurate words. Probe what evidence supports the response. State the response in a frame as attached.
Prompt Language
Using of phonics
Analysis of word structure
Use of context clues
Identification of sight words
(Also known as)
Subcategories for analyzing strengths and weakness
What would you see if a strength
What would you see if a weakness
Possible practical ideas to use in working on area of need
Prompt Language Definition
(Also known as)
Subcategories for analyzing strengths and weakness
What would you see if a strength
What would you see if a weakness
Using of phonics
Analysis of word structure
Use of context clues
Identification of sight words
Constructed Response Practice Activity for the Retelling (Comprehension)
1. Read the literary passage. Read like a reader vs a test taker. Remember to take the time to thoughtfully and carefully read the literary passage. Note: This is one reason why you should do the constructed response questions first.
2. Do a basic literary analysis of the passage. Check understanding of key literal and inferential interpretations. You can use a t chart to record the information.
Literal Details Inferential Interpretations
3. Examine the retelling of the student. Analyze it in the four areas: literal comprehension, inferential comprehension, engagement of schema and self-monitoring. Use a grid to keep track of the retelling sentence by sentence. Use a + if the retelling shows evidence the reader can or - if the retelling shows evidence the reader was confused.
Literal Comprehension
Inferential Comprehension
Engagement of Schema
4. Identify one area of strength and one area of weakness in the reader’s comprehension based on the retelling. Probe what evidence supports the response. State the response in a frame as attached.
Prompt Language Definition Subcategories for analyzing strengths and weakness
What would you see if a strength
What would you see if a weakness
Possible practical ideas to use in working on area of need
Literal comprehension
Inferential comprehension
Engagement of schema
Self monitoring
Student Statement
Literal Inferential
Facts and details Inferences, big ideas, implied thoughts
Right there Between the lines
Engagement of
Connections to self, texts and world
Metacognitive language
Strategic talk
Author and you Thinking about thinking
Paragraph One: Answer right away.
The student has a strength in ______ and the students has a weakness in ______ .
Paragraph Two: Identify strength, define dimension, and cite at least 2-3 specific examples.
The student’s strength is _ (general area) _________ which is_ (definition)_______.
In particular, the student can _____ (specific skill) _____________ as seen in these two or three specific examples __ (evidence from passage)____.
Paragraph Three: Identify weakness, define dimension, cite at least 2-3 specific examples.
The student’s weakness is _ (general area) _________ which is_ (definition)
_______. In particular, the student had difficulty with _____(specific skill)_____________ as seen in these two or three specific examples __(evidence from passage)____.
Paragraph Four: Identify what and how you would teach based on this information.
So I would support the student to improve on __ (area) _______ by doing __
(instructional strategies) ____________.