Literacy Skills for Pre

Literacy Skills for Pre-Kindergarten
Reading Readiness Skills
Phonological and Phonemic Awareness Listen to and identify spoken language sounds in the environment
Identify and produce spoken words that rhyme (e.g., rhymes, poems, songs, word games) including
Phonological and Phonemic Awareness word families (e.g., c-at, b-at, s-at)
Count or tap the number of syllables in multisyllabic words to show awareness of the syllable as a
Phonological and Phonemic Awareness discrete unit
Count or tap the number of words in a spoken sentence to show awareness of the word as a discrete
Phonological and Phonemic Awareness unit
Print Awareness
Understand that the purpose of print is to communicate
Print Awareness
Follow left-to-right and top-to-bottom direction when reading English
Print Awareness
Distinguish between letters and words to show awareness of printed letters
Print Awareness
Distinguish between print and pictures to show awareness of printed words
Print Awareness
Students will begin to choose to read or pretend to read books
Print Awareness
Print Awareness
Students will attempt to read books for information
Students will understand that print carries meaning and point to print as individual words are spoken
to show awareness of printed words
Print Awareness
Students will understand that pictures carry meaning and can help them understand a book
Alphabet Recognition and Phonics
Students will be able to identify their uppercase letters
Alphabet Recognition and Phonics
Students will be aware of lowercase letters and be able to identify some, especially those in their name
Alphabet Recognition and Phonics
Students will identify two words after being given the letter name and sound.
Read own name
Recognize and identify environmental print including signs and labels
Background Knowledge and
Vocabulary Development
Background Knowledge and
Vocabulary Development
Background Knowledge and
Vocabulary Development
Background Knowledge and
Vocabulary Development
Students will attempt to read words from a chart or around the room
Comprehension Strategies
Show interest in reading for different purposes (e.g., gaining information about the world and others)
Comprehension Strategies
Make predictions about story events
Comprehension Strategies
Students will identify characters, emotions and actions
Comprehension Strategies
Retell stories with attentiveness to the sequence of events, main ideas and main characters
Comprehension Strategies
Ask and answer questions about the content of books
Comprehension Strategies
Students will make text to self connections
Learn and use new words in spoken communication
Learn new words from books
Use new vocabulary words to talk about life experiences
Connect vocabulary and life experiences to ideas in books
Motivation to Read
Show interest in a range of preschool-level texts, such as alphabet books, stories, poems, and
informational texts
Oral Language
Students will begin to use language to tell needs and/or wants or thoughts
Oral Language
Students will respond to own name and request for action
Oral Language
Students asks and answers questions and given directions
Oral Language
Students will participate in dramatic play influenced by stories heard
Oral Language
Students will use language to develop relationships
Oral Language
Students will use language to tell a personal narrative
Oral Language
Students will use language to tell a personal narrative with a beginning, middle and end
Oral Language
Students will increase their vocabularies
Print Awareness
Use left-to-right and top-to-bottom direction when writing English
Print Awareness
Use spacing between letters and words
Use sound or invented spelling to spell independently
Students will be able to print their first name
Write some uppercase and lowercase manuscript letters, especially those in own name
Students will draw a picture to express the event of a story
Label drawings with letters or words
Students will understand that we write for many purposes and print carries meaning
“Write” messages as part of play
“Write” by using painting, drawing, letters, and some words
Motivation to Write
“Write” and draw spontaneously to communicate meaning
Motivation to Write
Show interest in sharing writing and drawing with others