Reading Teacher 316 Certificate Program

A.Catalog Description of the Program
This certificate program is designed to prepare teachers to provide special services in reading at the
elementary and secondary level and to certify students as reading teachers (Wisconsin Licensure Code
The reading teacher certificate program consists of 4 courses and the completion of a professional
development portfolio required for licensure which is developed within the 4 course sequence. The
16-credit program is designed to be completed in 3-4 semesters in a flexible combination of online
delivery, face- to -face instruction and practicum experiences.
Program Coordinator:
Dr. Andrea Maxworthy O’Brien
Winther 3043
Phone: (262) 472-5801
Degree Requirements:
The following courses are required for the Reading Teacher 316 Certificate Program:
READING 764 Foundations of Reading
3 credits
READING 772 Reading in the Content Areas
3 credits
READING 767 Classroom Literacy Assessment & Intervention 5 credits
READING 766 Clinical Diagnosis & Literacy Instruction
5 credits
To be recommended by UW-Whitewater for the reading teacher license the applicant needs:
1. 16 credits of graduate courses (listed above)
2. A Wisconsin Teacher’s License based upon a bachelor’s degree
3. Two years of successful full time classroom teaching.
B. Educational Objectives
Upon completion of the program the student will:
1. Have an understanding of the major theoretical models of literacy and how they impact
2. Articulate their individual view of literacy and how people become literate.
3. Describe a balanced reading program for the elementary grades.
4. Be able to plan and implement a course of instruction in reading for an elementary school class.
5. Be able to use a variety of instruction strategies and techniques for teaching reading in the
elementary school.
6. Understand the philosophy behind and reasons for teaching literacy skills within content areas.
7. Understand the need to adapt content area literacy instruction to accommodate students with
varying needs and backgrounds.
8. Understand ways of integrating literacy instruction into the content areas.
9. Understand ways of working collaboratively with content area teachers in developing their
students’ literacy abilities.
10. Understand the use of materials and techniques for teaching literacy in content areas.
11. Understand the use of informal instruments and techniques for assessing the literacy abilities of
students in specific content areas.
12. Develop the ability to teach decoding, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension and study strategies
tailored to children’s individual abilities.
13. Use informal and formal assessment to plan and implement instruction for the struggling
14. View continuous informal assessment as an extension of instruction as well as a means of public
15. To plan instruction that meets the needs of children from different cultural and linguistic
16. Consider flexible grouping strategies to organize the instruction of children with developmental,
cultural and linguistic differences.
17. Act on children’s interests to design and implement literacy instruction that motivates children
and increases both their skill and desire to read.
18. To develop knowledge of a variety of materials suitable for students with varying needs.
19. Work in partnership with parents and community to foster children’s reading growth.
20. To assess the reading needs of elementary and secondary school students in a clinical setting.
21. To administer and interpret formal reading assessment instruments.
22. To gain background and skill in planning reading or tutoring programs for the learning disabled
23. To develop skill in writing professional reports used to communicate diagnostic findings and
make instructional recommendations.
C. Course Sequence
The Reading Teacher 316 Certificate Program consists of two 3-credit introductory courses which are
prerequisites for the two 5-credit courses. The two introductory courses, READING 764 Foundations of
Reading and READING 772 Reading in the Content Area may be taken in any order but both courses
must be completed before enrolling in READING 767 and READING 766. It is recommended that
READING 767 Classroom Literacy Assessment & Intervention be completed before READING 766 Clinical
Diagnosis & Literacy Instruction.
The required courses for the Reading Teacher 316 Certification Program:
READING 764 Foundations of Reading (3 credits) This course provides an overview of the elementary
developmental reading program including skills necessary for critical reading; development of
appropriate attitudes and tastes, and adjustment of materials and methods to meet individual needs.
Students will complete a statement of their philosophy of teaching reading for their professional
development portfolio.
Reading 772 Reading in the Content Areas (3 credits) Utilization of reading skills, study strategies and
materials as applied to the content fields, and techniques for incorporating reading into content area
Reading 766 Clinical Diagnosis & Literacy Instruction This course is a comprehensive consideration of
the types of reading and writing difficulties found in the context of a reading clinic. The course also
focuses on the principles and techniques of diagnosing such difficulties, and the methods and materials
useful to the reading teacher serving as a clinician in the remediation of reading and writing difficulties.
In addition to providing experience in the use of formal assessment, a practicum component is
integrated into the course.
Reading 767 Classroom Literacy Assessment & Intervention (K-12) A course designed to provide
experience in the use of informal assessment to plan, implement, evaluate and revise instruction to
meet the needs and interests of the struggling reader in the K-12 classroom setting. Meeting the literacy
needs of children from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds is emphasized A practicum
component is integrated into the course.
Distance Education Delivery
READING 764 Foundations of Reading is an online course. READING 772 is a hybrid course with 75% of
the course delivered online and 25% of the course face to face. READING 772 requires 3 course
Requirements in addition to coursework:
Practicum experiences: READING 767 Classroom Literacy Assessment & Intervention must include 25
hours of work with a small group (2-4 students) of struggling readers. READING 766 Clinical Diagnosis &
Literacy Assessment & Intervention must include 25 hours of work with a struggling reader. READING
767/766 must include experiences working with students at both the elementary and secondary levels.
Professional Development Portfolio: Reading 316 Certificate candidates must complete a professional
development portfolio which is created and assessed within the 16 credit course sequence by the course
Beginning in January 2014 candidates for the Reading Teacher 316 Certificate must pass the
Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL) Foundations of Reading Test as required by
Wisconsin Senate Bill 461.
D.4 year Plan of Course Offerings
Fall- SpringSummer
Spring -Summer
E. Overlap with Existing Programs
After completing the Reading Teacher 316 certificate program, program participants would have the
option of continuing their education by completing; (1) a Master of Science in Professional
Development (MSEPD) with an Emphasis In Reading and (2) a Reading Specialist (17) certification.
F.Assessment Plan
Quantitative assessments can be obtained by tracking the number of program completers and licensure
applications. Program and course evaluations will provide qualitative and quantitative data for program
improvement. Additional qualitative assessment of the program can be conducted through an
examination of the professional development portfolios created by program participants.
G. Resources to Support Program
The four courses are currently offered as part of the Master of Science in Professional Development
(MSEPD) with an emphasis in Reading. Therefore, no additional resources or staff is necessary to
support the Reading Teacher 316 program. Library services, IT, materials, and equipment are already in
place to support the Master of Science in Professional Development. The online fees generated from
the program would cover advertising and continuing program development for the Reading Teacher 316
Certification program.
H. Need for the Proposed Program
A certification program, rather than a traditional Masters Degree, may offer a more practical
professional development route for teachers faced with recent funding cuts in education at the state
and local level.
In addition, the proposed program addresses major components of recent legislation, Wisconsin State
Senate Bill 461, by preparing program participants to administer early literacy assessments to identify
children who may be at risk for reading failure and planning and implementing interventions for these
students. Furthermore school districts may begin seeking to employ Reading 316 certified teachers to
lead efforts to comply with this Read to Lead legislation.
Finally, the Reading Teacher 316 Certification creates a seamless transition to the MSEPD Program with
an Emphasis in Reading.