AP Spanish Portfolio due TUESDAY 20-Nov-2012 (50 pts) 1) Transition word list — Transitions make your writing more coherent and show logical connections as you move from idea to idea. Learn and use as many of these transition words as possible. They will improve your AP writing scores. Choose FIVE words from the following list. Create FIVE original sentences in Spanish using each word correctly. (5 pts) Compare/contrast as also but rather however in contrast in the same way instead like likewise on the other hand similarly unless unlike Sequencing as soon as during eventually finally first in conclusion last later next then once since suddenly to sum up Spatial Order across around behind below beyond center in front of on the verge of outside surrounding through to the left/right Cause/Effect accordingly as a consequence as a result of because of caused by consequently despite due to even so for this reason if…then in spite of since therefore/thus Order of Degree best even finally first from…to furthermore less/more least/most mainly most/least important strongest weakest worst Next choose a topic related to one of the following themes: Global Challenges; Science and Technology; Contemporary Life; Personal and Public Identities; Families and Communities; Beauty and Aesthetics 2) Reading (10 pts) Read TWO magazine, newspaper, or online articles written in Spanish related to your chosen theme above. Write a brief synopsis identifying the main idea and supporting details of each article. You must identify the author, title of article, and source/website information with each synopsis. 3) Listening (5 pts) Listen to a Spanish news program related to your theme (BBC Mundo, SCOLA, Univisión, Telemundo, mitele.es, etc.) or listen to news via podcasts (News in Slow Spanish, Radio Naciones Unidas, etc.). Write a brief synopsis identifying the main idea and supporting details. You must identify the date, time frame, URL or channel, country of origin, and title of news program. 4) Synthesis (30 pts) Synthesize the two written and one listening sources in a well-planned essay supporting your chosen theme. Concentrate on what is important about your sources rather than a repetition of the synopses that you have already written in step 2 and 3 above. Use transition words to aid the flow of your ideas and be sure to site the sources that you chose to use. You will be graded on your ability to synthesize your sources as well as your control of language mechanics. Please note: you will receive a zero for typed work.