(1800 - 1848) Multiple Choice Test (2015 - 2016)

Pottsville Area High School
AP US History
Unit Four (1800 – 1848) Test
Mr. Kempsey
1. All of the following were invented during the 1830’s and 1840’s except:
2. “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal.” This
quotation is part of which document?
3. Which is a true statement about the expansion of canals in the early 19 th Century?
4. The Wilmot Proviso stipulated that in any territory acquired from Mexico:
5. All of the following were components of the Compromise of 1850 except:
6. President Polk accepted the 49th parallel as the Oregon boundary because of:
7. The United States’s claim to the Oregon Territory stemmed from all the following except:
8. All of the following battles relate to Texas’ war for independence from Mexico except:
9. Texas was added to the US through which legal means:
10. The American settlers in Texas in the 1830s were particularly upset over Mexico’s decision
11. The issue which led to open conflict in 1846 between the United States and Mexico was:
12. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo contained all the following provisions except that:
13. Many Americans opposed “Mr. Polk’s War” because they felt it:
14. After the War of 1812, the United States and Great Britain peacefully negotiated disputes
15. In order to ship upstream, merchants and farmers needed
16. Alexis De Tocqueville, in his travels around the United States, observed that Americans had
17. “I believe that it deals unjustly by no part of the Republic; that it saves their honor and, as
far as it is dependent upon Congress, saves the interests of all quarters of the country.” This
evaluation of the Compromise of 1850 was made by:
18. The major reason why Texas was not annexed in 1836 was:
19. William Henry Harrison was all of the following except:
20. James Knox Polk can best be described as an:
21. The Cumberland Road:
22. Santa Fe, Spanish, Oregon, and Mormon were all:
23. The Erie Canal, completed in 1825, joined:
24. Spokesmen for the southern cause during the first half of the 19th century were
25. In 1844, Henry Clay may have lost the election because of the presence of the:
26. The Maine Law of 1851 was enacted to:
27. “But, if education be equally diffused, it will draw property after it by the strongest of all
attractions; for such a thing never did happen, and never can happen, as that an intelligent
and practical body of men should be permanently poor.” This defense of the need for public
education was given by:
28. New England was a good place for textile factories because it possessed:
29. During the first half of the 19th century, the person most often associated with assisting the
mentally ill was:
30. The Whig Party attracted all of the following except:
31 - 32
"....the right of our manifest destiny to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for
the free development of our yearly multiplying millions." John O’ Sullivan, 1845
31. The quote above refers to…
32. The expansion of the US during this era…
33. Based on what is being harvested and by which means… what does the above image
34. Technological and Market innovation led to a greater interdependence between the…
35. As a result of technological innovation…
36. – 38.
“Texas has been absorbed into the Union as the inevitable fulfillment of the general law which is
rolling our population westward....It was disintegrated from Mexico in the natural course of
events, by a process perfectly legitimate on its own part, blameless on ours....California will,
probably next fall away from...Mexico...imbecile and distracted...The Anglo-Saxon foot is
already on its borders....All this without agency of our government, without responsibility of our
people—in the natural flow of events, the spontaneous working of principles…”
-Article from the Democratic Review (1845)1
36. Despite the claims of the author of this passage, which of the following conflicts began
almost immediately after the annexation of Texas?
37. One of the strongest arguments in favor of American westward expansion, as seen in this
passage, was
38. Which of the following developments of the late nineteenth century is most naturally
supported by the ideology advanced by this passage?
39. – 43.
“The conduct of the Abolitionists, in distributing their incendiary publications…in the slave
holding States, in violation of their laws and in contravention of the spirit of the constitution of
the United States… is wholly unjustifiable—a contempt of public opinion, a flagrant outrage
against the society which affords them protection, and a high offense against the principles of
morality, because their whole conduct is predicated on a total recklessness of consequences,
which can only proceed from depravity of heart or desperate infatuation.”
Broadside: “A Declaration of the Sentiments of the People of Hartford” (1835)
“The great fundamental principle of Abolitionists is that man cannot rightfully hold his fellow
man as property. Therefore, we affirm that… [every man] has inalienable rights he cannot
rightfully be reduced to slavery…So far from thinking that a slaveholder is bound by the immoral
and unconstitutional laws of the southern states, we hold that he is solemnly bound as a man,
as an American, to break them, and that immediately and openly.”
Angelina Grimke, “Letters to Catharine E. Beecher in reply to an Essay on Slavery and
Abolitionism” (1838)2
39. The fundamental question addressed by the authors of these two passages is whether
40. The roots of the movement to which Angelina Grimke, the author of the second passage,
belonged were based most strongly in
41. What secondary conclusion can be drawn from the second passage, written by Angelina
Grimke in response to a tract published by Catharine Beecher?
42. Which of the following best explains the content of the first passage, published in Hartford,
43. Which of the following best reveals the long-term impact of debates such as the one
revealed by these passages?
44. - 45
“And be it further enacted. That in all that territory ceded by France to the United States, under
the name of Louisiana, which lies north of thirty-six degrees and thirty minutes north latitude,
not included within the limits of the state, contemplated by this act, slavery and involuntary
servitude, otherwise than in the punishment of crimes, whereof the parties shall have been duly
convicted, shall be, and is hereby, forever prohibited.”
-Missouri Compromise (1820) 3
44. What issue lay at the heart of the debate that was ultimately resolved by this agreement?
45. Which of the following ultimately led to the breakdown of the Missouri Compromise?
46. – 47.
Thomas Cole, “Indian at Sunset” (1845)4
46. This style of painting is representative of
47. Which of the following historical developments of the time period is best reflected in this
Directions: Read each question carefully and write your responses in the box on the freeresponse answer sheet.
Use complete sentences; an outline or bulleted list alone is not acceptable. Only your
responses in the box on the free-response answer sheet will be scored. Please indicate which
option you are taking.
In Defense of Slavery E. W. Clay (1841)
“What is called the Second Party System had taken shape by the mid-1830s. Although neither
party had a single economic base, the Democrats successfully promoted themselves as the party
of the people, defending average workers against allegedly oppressive corporations like the
Bank of the United States. Their opponents, the Whigs, answered that it was ‘King Andrew’ who
was oppressive;... Appealing sharply to the working classes, the Democrats also utilized rhetoric
of class conflict that was anathema to the Whigs, who saw social classes as economically
interdependent and harmonious, not at war with one another.”
David S. Reynolds, Waking Giant: America in the Age of Jackson (2009)