Industrial Revolution - Westerville City Schools

Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain
in the 1780’s and took several decades to spread
to the other Western nations
Contributing factors to
 Increased food supply
Expansion of farmland
Good weather
Improved transportation
New crops (potato)
Contributing factors to
 Increase in population
Parliament passed laws allowing people to
fence off land- enclosure movement
Forced many peasants to move to cities to
work in factories
Contributing factors to
 Capital
Invest in factories and machines
Wealthy citizens- entrepreneurs
Interested in finding business opportunities to
make money
Contributing factors to
 Natural resources
Rivers provided water power and a way to
transport raw materials
Supply of coal and iron ore
Large supply of markets
Could sell products almost anywhere in the world
Contributing factors to
 Cotton production
Two step method
Spinning cotton to thread
Weaving thread on a loom
 Cottage industry- done at home by individual
 Flying shuttle- made weaving faster
Spinners could not produce thread fast enough
 Spinning Jenny (James Hargreaves) - spin
cotton to thread faster
Now thread was produced faster than weavers
could weave the thread
 Edmund Cartwright- water powered loom to
weave faster
Needed workers in factories near rivers and
 James Watt- improved the steam engine in 1782
 Fired by coal
 Now a steam powered factories could be placed
 1760- 2.5 million pounds of cotton was imported
 1787- 22 million pounds of cotton was imported
 1840- 360 million pounds of cotton was imported
Coal and Iron industry
Steam engine depended on coal
Production of coal increase
Aided transformation of the iron industry
 1780’s better production of iron
 Use of puddling- burned away impurities in crud
iron to produce a higher quality
1740- 17,000 tons
1780- 70,000 tons
1852- 3 million tons
1804- first steam powered locomotive
1830 the rocket first public railway line 16mph
Could carry 10 tons of ore and 70 people at 5mph
Liverpool to Manchester
20 years later could go 50mph
Created jobs
Lowered the price of goods
Larger markets
New factories
Created a new work environment
Factory owners wanted work done around the
Workers worked in shifts to make this possible
Workers were fined if they were late and
dismissed for misconduct
Child workers were beaten
Industrialization spread throughout
Belgium, France, and Germany
Governments spent money on industrialization
Railroads were built across Europe
United states
In 1800 6 of 7 workers were farmers
By 1860 population grew from 5 million to 30
9 cities had population above 100,000
 Only 50% of workers were farmers
Social Impact of Industrialization
 Social life drastically changed with industrialization
 Between 1750 and 1850 population almost doubled.
 Decline in death rates, wars, and disease (small pox
and plague)
 Increase in food supply
 Famine almost disappeared
 Cities population grew
 Left farm land to work in the city
 Living conditions in the cities were bad
 Industrial Capitalism- an economic system basked on
industrial production
Brought a new middle class
 Before middle class were merchant, official,
artisan, professionals, bankers
 New middle class included people who built
factories, bought and sold machines, and
found markets to sell products
Often greedy
“getting of money…is the main business of the
life of men”
Working class
 12-16 hour days, 6 days a week, ½ hour
 No job security
 No minimum wage
 Unhealthy working conditions
Sometimes 80-84 degrees
Dirty, dusty
Dangerous- cave-ins, explosions, gas fumes
 Factory Act 1833- had to be 9 to work in a
9-13 year olds could only work 8 hour days
13-18 years could only work 12 hour days
Women made 50% of work force
Paid half as much as men
 During the cottage industry the whole family
worked together
 Now men had to bring in the most money and
women did the house work
 Industrialization led to socialism
Society owns and controls the means of
 Robert Owen was a utopian socialist- humans
would show their natural goodness if they lived
in a cooperative environment
Created a town in Scotland that flourished
Tried in the United States but failed