
Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh monday.
 A Clicker Question
 6.6 Notes
 UNIT 6 TEST – Tuesday,
Wednesday, OR Thursday night
 Random Fact of the Day
 A turkey’s gender can be
determined from its
produce spiral-shaped
poop and females’ poop
is shaped like the letter j.
 Which best characterized Enlightened Despotism?
The monarch is an educated person who exercises absolute
authority solely as he sees fit
B. The monarch encourages the spread of Deism and rationalism
C. The monarch believes in the people's ultimate right to, and
capability for, self-rule
D. The monarch rules with absolute authority for the good of the
E. The monarch supports and fosters the growth of democracy
18th Century
Political Scene
Some British Things
What Happens After the Glorious Revolution
Progression of the Monarchy
 William and Mary
 Anne (sister of Mary, daughter
of James II)
 Last Stuart monarch of
 Hanover House
 The Hanovers were a German
family who were cousins of
the Stuarts
 George I and George II did
not speak English
 Damages the prestige of the
England – The Cabinet System
 The cabinet became the most
powerful executive body in
 Cabinet Structure
 Leading ministers from
House of Commons
conducted country’s
 The Prime Minister,
member of the majority,
was leader of government
 Robert Walpole led Cabinet
as Prime Minister from
Act of Union – 1707
 Act of Union, 1707
 Unites England and
Scotland into Great Britain
 Scotland desired to gain
economic advantages by
being united to England
18 Century Wars
Some Early 18th Century Wars
 War of Spanish Succession
 CAUSE – possible Bourbon
succession to Spanish throne
 Treaty of Utrecht (1713) helps
England, allows Bourbon in
 War of Jenkins Ear (1739-1748)
 Spain complains of British
smuggling in the Atlantic
 Ear cut off of British captain,
war commences
War of Austrian Succession (1740-1748)
 Maria Theresa becomes Queen of Austria,
but Frederick the Great looking to expand
 Violation of Pragmatic Sanction of 1713
 Prussia defeats Austria cause that’s how
the world works
 France/Britain/Spain fighting each other
at the same time across the world
 Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle (1748)
 Prussia gained Silesia
Doubled Prussia’s population
 Prussia  most powerful of all the
German states
 Status quo remains in the colonies
Seven Years War (1756-1763)
 Maria Theresa wanted Silesia back from Prussia
 Gained France and Russia as allies…all wanted to conquer Prussia
and divide territory
 Diplomatic Revolution of 1756
 France and Austria, traditional enemies, now allied against Prussia
 Britain supports Prussia…sees Prussia as a better check on France
than Austria
 France and Britain continue to fight in the new world (French and
Indian War)
 Thanks to George Washington?
Seven Years War
 Bloodiest war since 30 Y War
 Prussia outnumbered 15 to 1
 Prussia suffered 180K dead
& endless disruptions…near
 Russian czar Peter III pulls
out of the war, which saves
Treaty of Paris (1763)
 Most important treaty since Westphalia (1648)
 Results
 Prussia permanently retained Silesia
 France lost all its colonies in North America to Britain
 Significance
 Prussia’s strength is solidified
 Britain becomes the powerhouse