Subject area drivers Text Drivers Free Fall - David Weisner The Shirt Machine BFG Fantasy Stories – Settings and characterisation Explanations Letters Literacy Genres THEME 1 I HAVE A DREAM PSHE/ HISTORY Numeracy (theme related - In addition to other areas of Hampshire plan) History Tessellation Number patterns Symmetry Number function machines (multiplication) Apartheid Conflict and Resolution THEME 2 CRY ‘WULF’! LITERACY (S&L) / HISTORY / DT Wolves in the Walls Aesop’s Fables Beowulf animation Poems to Perform: A Classic collection, chosen by Julia Donaldson (oral history) Poems to perform Fables / cautionary tales Myths and Legends Instructions Riddles Non-chronological reports Persuasive writing Narrative – tension and suspense Ancient counting (Roman/Egyptian/Anglo Saxon - score) Area / Perimeter Anglo- Saxons Settlements / houses Lifestyle – Games; Food; work Runes / Story telling Laws THEME 3 CIRCLE OF LIFE SCIENCE / GEOGRAPHY THEME 4 AND THE BAND PLAYED ON HISTORY / MUSIC / ICT THEME 5 GOING BERSERK HISTORY /NUMERACY Window by Jeannie Baker The world came to my place today - Jo Readman & Ley Honor Roberts David Attenborough film – Madagascar / giant egg The Butterfly Lion – Michael Morpurgo Poetry - Creating images Information writing – biographies / newspapers / leaflets Narrative - settings Various Titanic reference books/websites The Tempest – Abridged play script and film Dragon Slayer animation Viking Myths The Saga of Erik the Viking Recounts / Diaries N - Dialogue and Plays Letter Writing NF – Recounts – Newspapers / Diaries (speaking / writing in role) Issues and Dilemmas– who was responsible? Nonchronological reports P – Exploring Form Myths and Legends Non-Chronological reports Narrative – problem / resolution Investigation Data Handling Negative numbers Decimals Fractions Measures Place Value Area and Perimeter Co-ordinates Fractions Decimals Measuring length NA Titanic Tudor Exploration Fractions, decimals and length Measures and data Shape Multiplication and Division Addition and subtraction Mental and written methods for calculation and problem solving Viking invasion / Trade Geography Map work – co-ordinates; colour coded keys; locate areas on a map; compass points Map work - locate areas on a map Landscapes - Human / Physical Features Place names Map work Rivers/Water cycle Habitats How landscapes change over time Map work - world Science Body / Teeth - Fitness Circuits and conductors Sound and vibration NA RE Creation Easter Sacraments Sacraments Pentecost and Mission ICT We are co-authors Control Prayers, Saints and Feasts Advent Fundraiser for CAFOD - gifts) Christmas We are travel presenters water cycle; habitats Changes of state Revelation Lent Holy week We are musicians We are historians PE Gymnastics– Symmetrical and asymmetrical traveling and poses Orienteering Escher Leonardo da Vinci Line drawing / shade Dreamcatchers Games – Hockey Dance We are meteorologists Branching databases Yoga Gymnastics Games - Football Games – Tennis Games – Basketball Athletics Games - Cricket Illustrated letters Collage Printing Silhouette - chalk / watercolour NA Weaving NA Storybooks - mechanisms Money matters Trade and fairness People around us Music Rights and responsibilities Conflict It’s our world Charanga - Mamma Mia Viking food – seasonality Make a Viking village Shields Clay Viking heads Growing up Charanga – Christmas Songs Glockenspiel Stage 1 Benjamin Britten – Cuckoo! MFL Bonjour – Unit 1 En Classe –Unit 2 Mon Corps – Unit 3 Les animeaux – Unit 4 ART DT PSHE Lean on Me Reflect, Rewind & replay Ma famille – Unit 5 Bon anniversaire – Unit 6