Profesora Andrea Chaves Periodo: OUTCOME MS CRITERIA ES

Profesora Andrea Chaves Periodo:
Recalls basic greetings and
farewells (oral).
A. Greet people and introduce
yourself in Spanish
Recalls basic greetings and
farewells (written).
Can answer (using incomplete
sentences) introductory questions
about herself such as “What is your
name?”, “Where are you from?”,
“How old are you?”, and “What are
you like?”
Responds to greetings in complete sentences
Can answer (using complete sentences)
introductory questions about herself such as
“What is your name?”, “Where are you from?”,
“How old are you?”, “What are you like?”
Can generate complete introductory
sentences about herself such as “My name is”,
“I am from”, “I am years old”, and “I am
Distinguishes between masc./fem
Distinguishes between masc./fem.
Distinguishes between
B. Identify gender and number
Uses correct noun/adj and article/noun
of nouns/articles/adjectives
Distinguishes between sing./plural agreement in complete sentences.
Distinguishes between sing./plural
Distinguishes between masc./fem.
Recalls subject pronouns in
C. Identify subject pronouns in Spanish (oral).
Recalls subject pronouns in
Spanish (Oral/Written)
Spanish (written).
D. Talk about the time of day
in Spanish (Oral/Written)
E. Use the numbers 1-30 in
Spanish (Oral/Written)
F. Identify and use unit
vocabulary (Oral/Written)
G. Ask questions in Spanish
Says the time in Spanish.
Writes the time in Spanish.
Asks about time in Spanish.
Recalls the numbers between 1-30
Can define and identify appropriate contexts
for using the subject pronouns usted/ustedes.
Distinguishes between él/el and tú/tu.
Says the time in Spanish (various ways).
Writes the time in Spanish (various ways)
and includes AM/PM.
Uses specific words related to the time
(noon, midnight, early morning, etc.).
Spells the numbers correctly (cuatro, seis,
Recalls the numbers between 1- siete, 10(s), veintes, treintas).
30 (written).
Recalls MS unit vocabulary list
Recalls MS unit vocabulary list
Recalls interrogative words
Recalls interrogative words
Uses correct word order when
asking/answering questions
Recalls ES unit vocabulary list (written).
Recalls ES unit vocabulary (oral).
Uses the correct punctuation when writing
questions (question marks, accent marks)
Asks questions naturally (voice inflection,
Distinguishes between singular/plural
and masculine/feminine forms of
interrogative words (cuanto, cuantas, quien,
Uses correct word order when
quienes, cual, cuales).
asking/answering questions (written).
H. Conjugate and use –AR, ER, and -IR verbs
Recalls the correct conjugations for
Identifies appropriate contexts for using
–AR verbs (orally).
usted/ustedes verb conjugations.
Recalls the correct conjugations
Uses correct subject/verb agreement
for –AR verbs (written).
Recalls the correct conjugations for
Uses correct subject/verb agreement
-ER, and –IR verbs (orally)
Recalls the correct conjugations
for -ER, and –IR verbs (written)
I.. Conjugate and use the verb
GUSTAR to talk about
likes/dislikes (Oral/Written)
Recalls the correct conjugations for
GUSTAR (orally).
Recalls the correct conjugations
GUSTAR (written).
Uses correct noun agreement (orally).
Uses correct noun agreement (written).
Conjugates the verb SER correctly
J. Conjugate and
compare/contrast uses of SER
and ESTAR (Oral/Written)
Conjugates the verb ESTAR
correctly (orally).
Conjugates the verb ESTAR correctly
(written; includes accent marks when
Conjugates the verb SER correctly
Identifies some specific reasons for using
Conjugates the verb ESTAR
SER (origin, identity, time, job) or ESTAR
correctly (written).
(location, health, mood, temporary condition).
Identifies general reason for using
SER (permanent) or ESTAR
Recalls the possessive adjectives in
Uses correct form of “our”
K. Use possessive adjectives to
oral form.
express ownership in Spanish
Writes the possessive adjectives
Distinguishes between tú (subject
pronoun)/tu (possessive adjective).
Uses complete structure to express
future plans using the verb IR + A +
L. Conjugate and use the verb
Conjugates the verb ir
INFITIVE VERB (written).
IR in the present tense and
Uses complete structure to express
future plans (Oral/Writtten)
Conjugates the verb ir (orally).
future plans using the verb IR + A +
Correctly conjugates stemUses correct subject/verb agreement
M. Conjugate and use irregular changing verbs.
verbs in the present tense
Correctly conjugates G verbs.
Uses correct subject/verb agreement
Correctly conjugates irregular (written).
YO verbs.
Correctly forms present progressive
verb tense with stem changings verbs:
N. Use the present progressive
Correctly forms present
“ING” verb tense
progressive verb tense with regular
Correctly forms present progressive
verbs (Estar + ING).
verb tense with double vowel infinitives:
Uses correct form of DOP
Uses correct placement of DOP when
using present progressive (orally).
O. Identify and use direct
object pronouns (Oral/Written)
Uses correct form of DOP
Uses correct placement of DOP
Uses correct placement of DOP when
using present progressive (written).
Uses correct placement of DOP when
using commands (orally).
Uses correct placement of DOP
Uses correct placement of DOP when
using commands (written).
Correctly conjugates irregular verbs.
Correctly conjugates regular
P. Use affimitive tú and ustedes verbs (orally).
Correctly conjugates regular
verbs (written).
Correctly conjugates G verbs.
H. Conjugate and use –AR, ER, and -IR verbs in the
preterit (Oral/Written)
Recalls the correct conjugations for
–AR verbs (orally).
Recalls the correct conjugation for irregular
Recalls the correct conjugations for verbs.
–AR verbs (written).
Uses correct subject/verb agreement
Recalls the correct conjugations (orally).
for -ER, and –IR verbs (orally).
Uses correct subject/verb agreement
Recalls the correct conjugations for (written).
-ER, and –IR verbs (written).