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AS Chemistry L8. Electron configuration. AMS
Q1. (a) (i) Complete the electronic configuration of aluminium.
1s2 ......................................................................................................
(ii) State the block in the Periodic Table to which aluminium belongs.
Q2. (a) Complete the following table.
(b) An atom of element Z has two more protons and two more neutrons than
an atom of
. Give the symbol, including mass number and atomic
number, for this atom of Z.
(c) Complete the electronic configurations for the sulphur atom, S, and the
sulphide ion, S2–.
S 1s2 .......................................................................................................
S2– 1s2 ....................................................................................................
(d) State the block in the Periodic Table in which sulphur is placed and
explain your answer.
Block .......................................................................................................
Explanation .............................................................................................
Q3. (b) (i) Complete the electron arrangement for a copper atom.
1s2 ......................................................................................................
(ii) Identify the block in the Periodic Table to which copper belongs.
(iii) Deduce the number of neutrons in one atom of 65Cu
Q4. (c) (i) Give the electron arrangement of an Fe2+ ion.
(ii) State why iron is placed in the d block of the Periodic Table.
Q5. (b) Complete the electron arrangement for the Mg2+ ion.
1s2 ..........................................................................................................
(c) Identify the block in the Periodic Table to which magnesium belongs.
M1. (a) (i) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p1 (1)
Allow subscripted electron numbers
(ii) p (block) (1)
Allow upper or lower case ‘s’ and ‘p’ in (a)(i) and (a)(ii)
(b) Lattice of metal / +ve ions/ cations / atoms (1)
Not +ve nuclei/centres
Accept regular array/close packed/tightly packed/uniformly
(Surrounded by) delocalised electrons (1)
Note: Description as a ‘giant ionic lattice’ = CE
(c) Greater nuclear or ionic charge or more protons (1)
Smaller atoms / ions (1)
Accept greater charge density for either M1 or M2
More delocalised electrons / e– in sea of e– / free e– (1)
Stronger attraction between ions and delocalised / free electrons etc. (1)
Max 3
Note: ‘intermolecular attraction/ forces’ or covalent molecules = CE
Accept stronger ‘electrostatic attraction’ if phrase prescribed
Ignore references to m/z values
If Mg or Na compared to Al, rather than to each other, then: Max 2
Treat description that is effectively one for Ionisation Energy as a
(d) (Delocalised) electrons (1)
Move / flow in a given direction (idea of moving non-randomly)
or under the influence applied pd QoL mark (1)
Allow ‘flow through metal’
Not: ‘Carry the charge’; ‘along the layers’; ‘move through the metal’
M2. (a)
Relative charge
Relative mass
+1 or 1+
or no
1 (not – 1)
–1 or 1–
1/1800 to 1/2000
or negligible
or zero
or 5.0 × 10– 4 to 5.6 × 10– 4
if ‘g’ in mass column - wrong
penalise once
Allow numbers before or after Ar
(c) S: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p4 (1)
Allow upper case letters
S2–: 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 (1)
If use subscript penalise once
(d) Block: p (1)
Explanation: Highest energy or outer orbital is (3) p
OR outer electron, valency electron in (3) p
NOT 2p etc.
(e) (i) Bonding in Na2S: ionic (1)
Bonding in CS2: covalent (1)
ignore other words such as dative / polar / co-ordinate
(ii) Clear indication of electron transfer from Na to S (1)
1 e– from each (of 2) Na atoms or 2 e– from 2 Na atoms (1)
QoL correct English
Correct covalent bonds (1)
All correct including lone pairs (1)
Allow all •s or all ×s
M2 tied to M1
NOT separate e–s in S•- 2 l p
(iv) CS2 + 2H2O → CO2 + 2H2S (1)
Ignore state symbols even if wrong
M3. (a) (i) p + n / number of nucleons
(accept protons and neutrons)
(Incorrect reference to electrons = contradiction)
(ii) Mean /average mass of a molecule/entity/formula
1/12th mass of atom of 12C
[Not 1/12th mass of molecule of 12C]
(mark independently)
OR Mass of 1 mole of molecules/entities (1)
1/12thmass of 1 mole of 12C (1)
OR Average mass of a molecule/entity (1)
Relative to the mass of a 12C atom taken as 12 / 12.000 (1)
(Mean/average = stated or explained)
(mass = stated or explained)
(Penalise ‘weight’ once only)
(Ignore ‘average ‘ mass of 12C)
(Do not allow ‘mass of average molecule)
(b) (i) 2s22p63s23p64s13d10
(accept 3d 94s2)
(accept subscripts or caps)
[Penalise missing shell numbers]
(ii) d / D [NOT 3d/ ‘transition element]
(iii) 36 [NOT 36.0]
(c) (i) More 63Cu atoms than 65Cu atoms
(idea of more abundant 63Cu isotope - NOT just reference to peak
(ii) Electron from electron gun / high speed electron / high
energy electron
(accept electron gun fired at)
[NOT ‘bombarded with electrons]
knock electron off (Cu atom) / idea of loss of e- / appropriate
(Mark independently)
(iii) 63Cu2+or equivalent [NOT 63.0 - penalise this error once only]
m/z = 63/2 (=31.5) or equivalent
More energy needed to remove second electron OR
Cu2+ statistically less likely to remove second electron
(Idea that not many 63Cu2+ ions formed OR explains why few are
formed e.g. more energy needed)
If ‘63Cu’ not given, can only award M2 & M3
Notes on [If 65 used, lose M1 and M2]
(c) (iii) [If mass number missing from identity but appears in explanation,
penalise Ml but allow M2 if earned]
M4. (a) (i) (atoms with the) same number of protons / same atomic number /
atoms of the same element;
(molecules = contradiction)
But different number of neutrons / different mass number;
(not different atomic mass or Ar)
(ii) detected by: +ve ions collide with / are directed or deflected to /
are collected at the detector;
causing current to flow / detected electrically /
idea of electricity or voltage generated;
(not ‘charge produced’ or ‘detected electronically’)
abundance measured: idea that current depends on
abundance/number of ions hitting detector;
(b) (i) mean /average mass of an atom / all the isotopes;
1/12th mass of atom of 12C ;
(mark independently)
mass of 1 mole of atoms (of an element);
1/12thmass of 1 mole of 12C;
average mass of a molecule/entity;
relative to the mass of a 12C atom taken as 12 / 12.000;
(penalise ‘weight’ once only)
(ignore ‘average’ mass of 12C)
(do not allow ‘mass of average atom )
= 55.9;
(c) (i) 1s2 2s22p63s23p6;
(accept subscripts or caps; ignore 4s°) (penalise missing shell
(ii) highest energy level / last sub-shell to be filled / is (3)d;
outermost electrons in the d sub-shell/orbital;
(not incomplete d sub-shell)
(not valance electron in d sub-shell)
(iii) no difference;
same e– arrangement / same number of e– / same valence e–.
same chemical properties;
chemical properties determined by electrons;
(M2 tied to correct answer for M1)
M5. (a) enthalpy/energy change/required when an electron is removed/
knocked out / displaced/ to form a uni-positive ion
(ignore ‘minimum’ energy)
from a gaseous atom
(could get M2 from a correct equation here)
(accept ‘Enthalpy/energy change for the process...’
followed by an appropriate equation, for both marks)
(accept molar definitions)
(b) 1s2 2s22p6
(accept capitals and subscripts)
(c) ‘s’ block
(not a specific ‘s’ orbital – e.g. 2s)
(d) Mg+(g) → Mg2+(g) + e– or
Mg+(g) + e– → Mg2+(g) + 2e– or
Mg+(g) – e– → Mg2+(g)
(e) Mg2+ ion smaller than Ne atom / Mg2+ e– closer to nucleus
(Not ‘atomic’ radius fo Mg2+)
Mg2+ has more protons than Ne / higher nuclear charge or
e– is removed from a charged Mg2+ion / neutral neon atom
(accept converse arguments)
(If used ‘It’ or Mg/magnesium/Mg3+ etc. & 2 correct reasons, allow
(f) (i) trend: increases
(if ‘decreases’, CE = 0/3)
Expln: more protons / increased proton number /
increased nuclear charge
(NOT increased atomic number)
same shell / same shielding / smaller size
(ii) QoL reference to the e– pair in the 3p sub-level
(penalise if wrong shell, e.g. ‘2p’, quoted)
repulsion between the e–in this e–pair
(if not stated, ‘e– pair’ must be clearly implied)
(mark M4 and M5 separately)
E1. Some good responses were seen but overall this question was not well answered however most
candidates managed to earn some marks. Part (a) was generally satisfactorily answered with
occasional errors in the electron configuration, and most candidates correctly assigned
aluminium to the p block of the Periodic Table. In part (b), references to delocalised electrons
were frequently seen, however mention of the existence of a close-packed lattice of positive
ions was much less common. Some good answers were seen in part (c), although many
responses were related to differences in ionisation energy rather than to differences in melting
point. There was also much confusion over the type of attractive force present, with frequent
references to ‘ionic bonding’, ‘intermolecular forces’, and to ‘magnesium having a full s
Only rarely was the higher melting point of magnesium attributed to a greater attraction between
the ionic lattice and the delocalised electrons that resulted from its higher ionic charge and
increased number/concentration of delocalised electrons. In part (d), most candidates made
mention of electrons but very few made reference to an electrical current being a flow of
electrons through a metal. The incorrect idea of passing the charge from one electron to
another was very common, as were vague references to electrons being free to move in the
E2. Many candidates answered this question quite well but full marks were not that common. Most
candidates correctly completed the table in part (a) but it was not unusual for either the signs or
the values of the relative charges to be omitted. In a few instances, the values of the electron
and the neutron were transposed. Success in part (b) was far from universal. Errors such as
39.9 and 36 for the mass number were quite common, as was the use of Z to represent the
element. Part (c) was, in the main, successfully completed but the odd d level was seen, as
were configurations for the S2– ion showing 3p2 rather than 3p6 electrons, or even a 2p8
arrangement. While part (d) was also generally well done, some candidates were found to be
unfamiliar with this part of the specification and the suggestion that the element was found in
block 6, because it contained 6 outer electrons, was not uncommon. Some candidates
incorrectly referred to the p-block or p-shell, rather than using the correct terms sub-level or
sub-shell. In part (e), a surprising number of candidates identified incorrectly the bonding in
Na2S as being covalent or metallic, and the bonding in CS2 as being ionic, molecular or dative.
For those candidates who did recognise the ionic nature of the bonding in Na2S, their
descriptions were often vague and they did not express clearly the transfer of electrons which
takes place, and the numbers of electrons involved. Many answers could have equally well
fitted the description for the formation of a covalent bond. The diagram of the bonding in CS2
was frequently flawed, with spare electrons being placed around carbon and extra lone pairs on
the sulphur atoms. Some candidates showed a single bond between the sulphur and carbon
atoms, whilst others only included a single sulphur atom. The equation was almost invariably
correct; although, in a few cases, the equation was not balanced.
E3. Most candidates gave an acceptable definition of mass number but many incorrect definitions of
relative molecular mass were seen. Some candidates gave a definition of relative atomic mass,
suggesting that they had not read the question with sufficient care. The most common errors
were the result of omitting essential words such as ‘average’, ‘mass of and ‘atoms’ from the
definition. In part (b), the majority of candidates gave the electron arrangement of copper as Is 2
2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d9 4s2 , rather than as Is2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d9 4s2 . Given the very limited experience AS
candidates have of transition metals, the former arrangement was accepted but centres are
requested to ensure that candidates are aware of the correct electron arrangement for copper.
Parts (b) (ii) and (b) (iii) were generally well answered. Most of the explanations offered in part
(c) (i) referred to the Ar value being an average, or focussed on there being a greater peak
height at m/z = 63. Only a minority of candidates deduced that the abundance of the 63Cu
isotope was greater than that of the 65Cu isotope. Part (c) (ii) was generally well answered,
although some candidates stated that an electron was knocked out of the Cu atom by an
electron gun, rather than by an electron from an electron gun. Part (c) (iii) was well answered by
those candidates who understood the processes involved and were able to deduce the
formation of the 63Cu2+ ion, explain the position of its peak in the spectrum and recognised that
this ion would be less likely to be formed. Many errors were seen, which included omitting the
mass number or the charge from the identity for the ion, suggesting that the copper ions
fragment or that some other ion, such as 31.5 P + or 31.5S+ were present.
E4. The meaning of the term isotopes was reasonably well known; however, some attempts were too
vague to earn credit, while others contained contradictions such as atoms with the same atomic
number but different number of electrons. Part (ii) was very poorly done. It was expected that
candidates would link the magnitude of a current, generated by positive ions colliding with the
detector, to the abundance of that species. Many vague and often confused explanations were
offered. Few candidates stated that the ions must first strike the detector. Some were aware
that a current was generated when ions did this but very few candidates made any reference to
the magnitude of that current. More often, the explanation was based on the frequency of ions
striking the detector, which is the abundance of that ion, rather on the means by which that
abundance is measured. The definition of Ar in part (b)(i) was again poorly stated. The most
common error was to omit references to mean, mass and atoms in the definition. Also, it was
not uncommon to see a ratio showing single atoms on the top and moles on the bottom. In part
(b)(ii), the calculation of the AT of the sample of iron was usually correct, however, a
disappointingly high proportion of candidates failed to quote their final answer to one decimal
place, as required by the rubric of the question. In part (c)(i) few correct electron arrangements
were seen. More often, the arrangement quoted showed electrons in the 4s sub-level. In part
(c)(ii), a statement to the effect that, the highest energy electron was to be found in the d sub-
level, was expected; in view of the fact that the chemistry of transition metals is an A2 topic, a
reference to the outermost electron being found in the d sub-level was accepted, to the benefit
of the majority of candidates. In part (c)(iii), an unequivocal statement to the effect that there
was no difference in the chemical properties of isotopes was expected. Many candidates
earned this mark, although a significant minority spoiled their answer by stating that there were
only slight differences or that the properties were very similar. Others ignored the requirements
of the question and described variations in the physical characteristics of isotopes, or of their
nuclear stability.
E5. Candidates tended to score a little better on this question than on question 3 but, overall, the
question was not well answered. Part (a) was generally well done, although incomplete answers
were quite common. The most common error was to omit reference to gaseous atoms.
Parts (b) and (c) were often well answered; however, in part (d) incorrect ionic charges and
missing or incorrect state symbols were quite often seen.
Part (e) was poorly done. Many candidates referred to difference in the number of electron
shells present in the two species despite being told in the question that they had the same
number of electrons. Some candidates attributed the difference to a special stability enjoyed by
neon as a consequence of it having a full outer electron shell. Clearly, the majority of candidates
failed to appreciate the significance of the two species having the same number of electrons.
Many answers referred to ”It’, magnesium or Mg, rather than correctly identifying the species
being discussed.
In part (f), candidates are asked to demonstrate their understanding of a trend required in the
specification. While part (f)(i) was often competently dealt with, answers in part (f)(ii) frequently
lacked sufficient specific detail to be awarded credit. Often, candidates failed to identify the
electron pair from which from which the first electron would be removed, or to explain the
relatively low first ionisation energy of sulphur in terms of repulsion between the electrons in this
electron pair. Vague phrases such as ‘electron pairs repel’, or a reference to a more stable halffilled shell being formed, earned no credit.
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