Integrated Algebra Contract

Integrated Algebra
Welcome! My name is Ms. Perry, and I am your new mathematics teacher. You are programmed for the
Integrated Algebra. This course will cover material leading up the New York State Regents Exam, which will be
administered in June. This Regents exam is necessary for a High School Diploma in New York State. You will be taking
the Regents Exam in June 2013.
Prentice Hall Mathematics New York Integrated Algebra (required text)
Websites:;, complete with wan interactive textbook, video tutor, online
quizzes, Regents examinations with answers.
Student Materials:
Marble or Spiral notebooks ( Enough for all four terms)
Folder and loose leaf (for homework and test)
TI-83 or TI-84 Graphing Calculator
Pens and Pencils
The following items are needed later on in the year.
Graph Paper
Integrated Algebra Regents Review Book with Answer Key (sold in class for $3.00 in Spring)
Rules and Regulations
Daily Classroom Procedure: Students will enter the classroom promptly at their scheduled time and sit in
assigned seats immediately upon entrance. There will be a Do-Now on the board, and is expected to be copied and
worked on upon entry to the classroom. Homework will be written on the board. Classroom discussions,
questions, and contributions will be conducted by students raising their hands. Speaking out of term will not be
Punctuality: Students are expected to arrive to class on time. Your class begins promptly at __________. Three
unexcused lateness will result in a cutting of class. Excessive cutting will result in a reduction of you grade.
Lateness will not be tolerated.
Preparation: Students must be prepared for class every day. This includes: a math notebook, writing utensils,
calculator, and assignments due. During the course of the year students may be asked to bring in other materials.
Conduct and Attitude: Treat everyone with common courtesy and respect. This includes administration, faculty,
and peers. Treat others as you wish to be treated. Recognize each other’s differences.
Dismissal Procedures: The teacher is responsible for class dismissal. Students will exit the class only when
instructed by the teacher. This will ensure safety when exiting the classroom.
Electronic Devices (cell phones, ipods, video games, etc.): The use of any electronic devices is prohibited
during class and on exams. If a student is caught using, or disrupts class in any way due to the use of an electronic
device, disciplinary actions will be taken.
Grading Policy: The given range in which the student’s Report Card grade is computed.
Tests and Projects: 45 - 50%. There will be a test given at the end of each unit, approximately every
8 – 10 days. There will be a project assigned for each term.
Homework: 5 - 10%. All assignments are due the day after they are assigned. They must be neat, complete, and
turned in on time. Homework will be penalized 10 points everyday it is late.
Quizzes: 15 - 20% Quizzes will be administered for every unit. They may be scheduled or unscheduled.
Portfolios Assignments: 10 – 15% Practice makes experience. There will be regents questions assigned for each
topic to help students become familiar with regent-type questions.
Performance: 5%. Students are expected to be present in class to perform and participate daily.
**** An absence will only be excused with note from a parent, doctor, or another teacher. Students who are absent
are responsible for getting the class work and homework assignments they have missed before returning to class.
I hope this can be a year of learning and enjoying mathematics, where you can reflect on old skills and build on
new ones. Together we will ensure that everyone is successful and feels positive about themselves and their abilities. If
you have any other questions or concerns, or would like an electronic version of this contract and syllabus, please feel free
to contact me via email at, or by calling the Petrides Complex at 718-815-0186
Please fill out in print, cut off, and return by Monday September 10, 2012 confirming that
you have read and understand the guidelines and procedures for Ms. Perry’s Math Class
and have shared them with your parents.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Student’s Name:____________________________________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________ Zip:_______________________
Home Phone #: _____________________________________________________________________________
Student Email ______________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name(s): ____________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Email(s):____________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Cell #(s) Please Specify: _______________________________________________________
Parent/ Guardian Work #(s) Please Specify: _____________________________________________________
Student Signature: ______________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________________