Unit 3 Failure Review_Greeks

Unit 3 Failure Makeup Review
Name ____________________________________ Block _____________________ Date ____________
Greeks: Mycenaeans (Pre - 1200 BC)
“Sea Peoples_______________________________________________________________________
Trojan War—the Bronze Age conflict between ______________________and ____________________
A Blind poet named Homer wrote the stories of _________________and _______________________
Recent excavations have shown an inhabited area 10 times the size of the citadel, making Troy a significant
___________________________. Excavations, dated to about 1180 B.C., reveals charred debris and
scattered skeletons—evidence of a ___________________________.
The war or siege on Troy is often seen as a fight for control of the__________________, which gave the
victor the control of all trade and taxes to the Black Sea or a major piece of all trade coming from modern
day Russia.
Greeks: Sparta (431 - 371 BC)
Sparta was a warrior society in ancient Greece that reached the height of its power after defeating rival
city-state Athens in the ____________________________.
Spartan Society
The population of Sparta consisted of three main groups: the Spartans, or __________________, who were
full citizens; the Helots, or _____________; and the Perioeci, who worked as _____________________and
The Spartan Military
Sparta was centered on a __________________. Male Spartan citizens were allowed only one occupation:
Phalanx formation - ___________________________________________________
Spartans are most known today for the defending Thermopylae Pass vs ______________ in the
_______________________ with 300 soldiers.
Spartan Women and Marriage
Spartan women had enjoyed more ________________ than their counterparts throughout ancient Greece.
Marriage was important, as the state put pressure on people to have ____________________ who would
grow up to become citizen-warrior.
Greeks: Classical Greece - Athens (400 – 323 BC)
Classical Greece” refers to the period between the ___________________ and ______________________.
Persian Wars
In 480 B.C., the new Persian king,_______________, sent a massive army across the Hellespont to
______________________, where 300 Spartans were able to hold of the massive Persian army for a few
days. The year after, the _______________ defeated the __________________ for good.
The Rise of Athens
The defeat of the Persians marked the beginning of Athenian __________________________ dominance.
In 507 B.C., the Athenian nobleman Cleisthenes had devised a new system of citizen self-governance that
he called demokratia or ____________________.
To protect Greek territories from Persian interference, Athens organized a confederacy of allies that it
called the Delian League in 478 B.C. Most Delian League dues wound up in _________________________,
where they helped make Athens into a wealthy ____________________power, building a powerful navy.
Athens Under Pericles (Age of Pericles)
General and politician _____________________used tribute money to support Athenian artists and
thinkers. He paid to rebuild Athens after the Persian Wars. Histories of ____________________, and the
ideas of the physician _____________________, they are defined by logic and a faith in humanism.
The Peloponnesian War
Athenian imperialism had alienated its partners in the ____________________, particularly Spartawhich
resulted in the decades-long Peloponnesian War (431–404 B.C.). The ________________victory in the
Peloponnesian War meant that Athens lost its political power, but Athenian _________________________
Greeks: The Philosophers (470 – 322 BC)
His famous student, _________________, called him “the wisest, and justest, and best of all men…”.
Philosophy, the love of ______________, was for Socrates itself a sacred path, a holy quest. It was Socrates
that said, “The unexamined life ________________________________________”.
The leading citizens of Athens sentenced him to death for _______________________________________
His friends raised money to ransom him from slavery, but when he was released without it, they bought
him a small property to start a school -- _____________________, founded in 386 where rich young men
studied ____________________, ______________________, _________, and, ________________.
Plato also permitted women to attend! It was Plato that claimed there were a
In ____________________, Plato’s greatest work, he designs a society in order to discover the meaning of
justice. The ___________________ _________ guide the society, as reason guides our lives.
He was ____________ prize student. For four years, Aristotle served as the teacher of a thirteen year old
______________________, son of Philip of Macedon.
Aristotle was a scientist, philosopher, and was known as the Father of Logic. Aristotle also pretty much
invented _______________________. Except for its symbolic form, it is essentially the same today.
In what would come to have an impact on Alexander, Aristotle believed in