Ancient Greece Part 1- Study Guide Notes

Ancient Greece Part 1- Study Guide Notes
1. Spartan women had more rights than Athenian women because Spartan men were too busy
with military business to take care or ordinary things.
2. Government decisions in Athens were made by the majority rule.
3. People in Greece did not identify themselves with a country; they identified themselves with
a city-state.
4. Spartans valued a strong military to provide security and protection.
5. Athenians valued education and were interested in the arts, clear thinking, enjoying life, and
playing games.
6. A tyrant is a leader who uses force to hold power.
7. An acropolis is a high hill that often had a fortress on the top; also a place of safety.
8. Pericles was a brilliant leader of Athens; under his rule Athenians created great works of
literature, art, and columns to decorate their buildings.
9. Be able to read a map and a timeline!!
10. An aristocrat is a rich landowner.
11. Trade was difficult in ancient Greece because the mountains made transportation and trade
12. The Greeks felt a common bond between the city-states because of a common language
(Greek) and a common ancestor.
13. Traveling by land in Greece was difficult so the Greeks became expert shipbuilders.
14. The Minoans and the Mycenaean’s helped shape later Greek cultures.
15. Many things took place in the agora like political meetings, religious gatherings, and they
bought and sold items; they did not hide from invading armies in the agora.
16. The area we call Greece is composed of two peninsulas connected by a narrow piece of land
called an isthmus.
17. A polis is another way to say city-state in ancient Greece.
18. In Sparta, the boys began military training at age 7.
19. Spartan slaves are called helots.
20. Through trade, the Mycenaean’s learned about and then borrowed Minoan art styles,
pottery designs, and writing.
21. In a representative democracy, the people elect officials to make their laws and they vote
on issues.
22. In an oligarchy only a few people have power (Sparta).
23. Athenian people often bragged about freedom and celebrating with games and sacrifices.
24. A classical age is marked by great achievements.
Constructed Response Question: (Must be at least 5 complete sentences!!)
Although Greek city-states had certain characteristics in common, Sparta and Athens were very
different. Contrast how Sparta and Athens were different.
(Athens: few women’s rights, democracy, art, philosophy, music, education)
(Sparta: many women’s rights, oligarchy, war, military, boys joined military at age 7, girls
expected to be athletic too)
STUDY!! You can do it!!! 