CLAS 201 (Test 2 – Review Sheet) THEMES: Athenian government

CLAS 201 (Test 2 – Review Sheet)
Athenian government (continued)
Persian Wars (Lydia, Delphic Oracle)
Athenian Government
Kylon, Draco, Solon (c. 575), Seisachtheia (shaking off of woes), Pentakosiomedimnoi, Hippeis, Zeugitai,
Thetes, tamias, Heliaea, Boulé (400 members), axones, plain, hill, coast, stasis (civil war), Peisistratus
(546 – 527), Laurion Mines, Panathenaic Festival, Dionysia, Hippias, Hipparchus, Harmodius,
Aristogeiton, Cleisthenes (508), Trittys (30), tribes (10), Boulé (500), strategoi (generals - 10), Ostracism,
Laconia, Messenia, Perioikoi, 1st Messenian War (c.730), Helots, Kleros, Krypteia, 2nd Messenian War (c.
670), Lycurgus, Great Rhetra, Apothesis (exposure), Amphidromia, Omoioi (peers), Syssition (eating
together), Kings (2), Ephors (5), Gerousia (30), Apella, Peloponnesian League
Persian Wars
Barbaroi, Herodotus (c. 485), Halicarnassus, Croesus, Lydia, Ionia, Medes, Persians, Cyrus (c. 560),
Delphic Oracle, Apollo, Gaia, Pytho, prophecy, Pythia, Castalian spring, adytum, tripod, laurel, Darius
(521-486), Thrace (512), Aristogoras (499), Miletus, Naxos, Megabates, Rebellion (499-494), Sardis
burned, Miletus destroyed, 1st Persian War (490), Athens, Eretria, Artaphernes, Datis, Marathon,
Miltiades, Callimachus, Pheidippides, Aeschylus, Marathonomachoi, Xerxes, Themistocles, Phaleron Bay,
Piraeus, Triremes, oarsmen, thetes, Hellespont (Bosphorus), bridge, Hellenic Congress, 2nd Persian War
(480), Thermopylae, Leonidas, 300 Spartans, Artemisium, Immortals, Salamis, Mardonius, Plataea (479),
Pausanias, Mycale (479), Aeschylus’ Persians
Dionysus: Zeus, Semele, Hera, Bacchus, Iacchos, Zagreos, vital fluids, ritual madness, enthusiasm,
maenad, mania, Bacchae, thyrsus, sparagmos, masks, theater
Tragic Formula: Kleos (glory), Atē (deceit, delusion), Hybris (insult, violence), Phthonos (envy)
Origins: ), dithyramb, extemporization, Thespis, Pisistratus, Dionysia (534), Hypokrites
(actor/dissembler), tragedy = goat song, satyrs
Conventions/staging: theoric fund, choregos, orchestra, skene, ekkuklema, mechanē, parodoi/exodoi,
protagonist, deuteragonist, tritagonist, chorus (12-15), choryphaeus
Divisions of tragedy: prologos, parados, episode, stasimon, epilogos, exodus
Dramatists: Aeschylus, Oresteia, Agamemnon, Choephoroi, Eumenides, Agamemnon, Clytemnestra,
Aegisthus, Orestes, Electra, Erinyes, Apollo, Athena, Eumenides; Sophocles, Oedipus Rex, Oedipus, Laius,
Jocasta, Sphinx, Creon, Teiresias, Polybus, Merope
Once again, the textbook’s purpose is to provide context for the ideas, events, civilizations, personalities
that I discussed in class. At best, it should be used to supplement your notes (both the ones I posted and
the ones you took in class); it should not substitute for them.
Athenian government
Ancient Greece: 185-200
A Brief History: 128-139
Ancient Greece: 151-178
A Brief History: 102-122
Persian Wars
A Brief History: 201-223
Ancient Greece: 139-154
A Brief History: 206-212
Ancient Greece: 244-46, 290-93,
The test will consist of 60 multiple choice questions. You will have one hour and fifteen minutes to write
the test. After a fifteen break, I will lecture for an hour or so. See you next week.