Semester 1 Exam

Semester 1 Exam
Study Guide
Ch 1-8
Directions: There are terms to define, scientists to identify, questions to answer and
problems to be worked out. You must show your work on all math problems.
1. chemistry –
2. atom3. element4. compound5. A ____________________________mixture is uniform in composition while a
___________________________________ mixture is NOT uniform in composition.
6. Place a C in the blank for chemical changes and a P in the blank for physical
_______ grinding
_______ freezing
_______ boiling
________ rusting
______ evaporating
______ cutting
7. Vertical columns on the period table are called ___________________ or
_____________________ while horizontal rows are called ______________________ or
8. Qualitative or Quantitative data ?
freezing point of water is 32 ℉ ___________ copper sulfate is blue
________________ the cloudy liquid
_________________ the mass of the sample is 100 g
9. Determine which units below are used for MASS, LENGTH, or VOLUME by
putting an M, L, or V in the blank provided.
_____ mm
______ L
_______ g
_________ m ________ mg
________ cm
_______ mL ________ kg _________ cubic centimeter
10. density –
11. The density of copper is 8.92 g/cm3 . Find the mass of copper is it occupies
3.45 cm3 of space.
12. Convert using dimensional analysis.
a) How many liters are in 8750 mL ? b) How many grams are in 0.75 kg?
13. Determine the number of significant figures in each of the following:
_________ 0.0045 ________ 100.05
_________ 0.0000750
_______ 2.0060
14. Express each in scientific notation.
1000 ________________________________
0.000430 _____________________________________
15. Name the scientist who:
…developed the atomic theory. _______________________________________
…discovered the electron_________________________________. What piece of equipment did
he use to do this?_______________________________________________
…discovered the nucleus? ____________________________________ What was the name of his
…said that the electron can circle the nucleus only in allowed path, or
16. Most of the mass of the atom is in the ___________________________ while most of the
volume of the atom is the __________________________________________.
17. Isotopes of an atom have the same number of ________________________ and different
numbers of ________________________________.
18. Given: An isotope of fluorine has 9 protons, 9 electrons, and 10 neutrons.
What is the atomic number?___________________ …mass number? _____________________
19. ground state –
20. The _______________________________ model of the atom explains the orbitals of
electrons as waves.
21. The s orbital has a __________________________________ shape while the p orbitals are
shaped like __________________________
22. How many orbitals are in each? s _______
p _______
d _______
f ______
23. What formula is used to find the total number of orbitals per energy
level?_______________ How many orbitals are on the 3rd energy level?_______________
24. What formula is used to find the total number of electrons per energy
level?________________ How many electrons are on the 4th energy level? ________________
25. The noble gas notation for sulfur is [Ne] 3s23p4 . In which period __________ and
group_______________ is sulfur located?
26. Write the electron configuration for fluorine which has an atomic number of 9.
27. Name the scientist who:
… added the Noble Gas group to the periodic table. _______________________________
… arranged the elements according to their chemical and physical
28. Give the names of the following groups on the periodic table.
Group 1 __________________________________ Group 2 ____________________________________
Group 17 ________________________________ Group 18 __________________________________
29. Define ionization energy –
30. Which types of elements tend to have higher ionization energies? metals or
31. Define electronegativity 32. Which element has the highest electronegativity?_____________________________
33. Atomic radii tend to ( increase or decrease ) in a period and atomic radii tend to
(increase or decrease in a group.
34. A positive ion is known as a(n) ____________________________ and a negative ion is
known as a(n) ____________________________.
35. Define chemical bond36. The electrons that are involved in chemical bonding are known as
____________________________________ electrons.
37. Most elements on the periodic table bond with each other in order to satisfy
the __________________________ rule which means__________________________________________
38. Which group does not normally chemically bond with other elements?
_______________________________________ because ________________________________________
39. What type of chemical bond is shown in Lewis
40. In Lewis structures, how many electrons should surround each nonmetal except
hydrogen? _____________
41. Draw Lewis structures for the following:
42. How many atoms of each element are present in Fe2(SO4)3?
43. What is the formula for the compound formed by sodium ions and sulfide ions?
44. Name the following compounds.
a) AlPO4
b) Fe(ClO3)2 ______________________________________
c) N2O
d) Ca(NO3)2 ________________________________________
e) As2O5
45. Write chemical formulas for the following.
a) dihydrogen monoxide _________________________________
b) cobalt (III) acetate ____________________________________
c) phosphorous pentachloride ______________________________
d) potassium sulfate _________________________________________
46. Balance the following equation using coefficients.
a) _______ FeCl3
+ ________ KOH →
b) _________ AlF3
+ ________ Br2
_________ Fe(OH)3 + ______ KCl
_________ AlBr3
_______ F2