Annual Report 2012 - St. Giles Presbyterian Church

Annual Report for 2012
St. Giles Presbyterian Church
1102 23 Ave NW, Calgary AB T2M 1T7
(Body Corporate under the Religious
Societies Lands Act of the Province of Alberta)
The Reverend Dewald (Dewey) Delport
Fifty-sixth Annual Meeting
Sunday, February 3rd, 2013
Opening Prayer
Appointment of Secretary
Adoption of Annual Meeting, January 29th, 2012
Pgs. 4-6
Business Arising from the Minutes
Session, April 22nd, 2012 - Coordinator of Volunteers - At the annual meeting the
congregation asked the Session to look into the possibility of hiring a Coordinator of
Volunteers. Following extensive discussion at a Session Meeting, Rev. Delport and
Elders held two meetings to hear the thoughts of the congregation. This feedback, as
well as written feedback from people who could not attend, was then discussed at
Session. It was agreed that it was valuable to know who in St. Giles could help with
events. Based on the discussions that took place, Session decided to start with an upto-date database that lists the activities people would like to help with (i.e. reading,
baking, dinners, greeting, etc.). When we are looking for volunteers, this list - which
would be available from the secretary - can be consulted.
Minister’s Report
Pg. 7
Statement of Session
Pg. 8-9
Statistical Information for 2012
Pg. 10
Reports from Committees of Session and Congregational Groups
Pgs. 11-23
Report of Finance Committee
Financial Statements, 2012
Memorial funds
Review of Stipend and Salaries
Presbyterians Sharing
Statements of Operations
Budget 2013
Pgs. 23-24
Pgs. 25-26
New Business
The following is the explanation and motion for the Annual Meeting as discussed at the
Policy and Planning meeting.
In reviewing the Declaration of Incorporation of St. Giles, it still refers to the Chairman
of the Board of Managers, a committee and position that no longer exist. As well, it
was proposed to allow greater flexibility by having any 2 of the 3 persons named deal
with property issues.
“Moved by Sandra Cameron Evans, seconded by Wendell Siddall: The officers who
shall exercise the powers of the body corporate in any dealing with the property
thereof are the Clerk of Session, the Convenor of Policy and Planning and the Treasurer
of St. Giles Presbyterian Church in Calgary. Any two (2) of these persons can deal with
any property issues arising.”
Adjournment – Prayer
Please bring this Annual Report with you on February 3rd, 2013
Minutes of the Congregational Meeting
January 29, 2012
St. Giles Presbyterian Church
Approximately 50 people were in attendance.
The Rev. Dewald Delport called the meeting to order at 11:41PM with a devotional from
Acts 1:6-8 and prayer.
Recommendation 1:
Moved by Audrey Harms and seconded by Isaac Harms that Ivy Mewha be appointed
secretary for the meeting.
Recommendation 2:
Moved by Heather Mackie and seconded by John Watson that the Agenda be
Recommendation 3:
Moved by Bernice Poon and seconded by Jenny Thomson that the minutes of 2010
Annual Meeting held on February 13, 2011 be approved as printed.
Recommendation 4:
Moved by Dennis Long and seconded by Joan Reynolds that the Minister’s Message
and the Session Report be approved.
Recommendation 5:
Moved by Walter Cooper and seconded by Dawn Flint that the following reports be
adopted as written:
Statistical Report for 2011- It was suggested to add names of those deceased to
succeeding reports.
Athalie Read WMS Group; Quintus Group;
Choir Report- Lori will stand in during Esther’s maternity leave in the fall.
Growing in Faith Together; Missing in Action; Pastoral Care; Card Secretary; What’s Up;
Second Sunday Singers - more singers welcome.
Archives; Events; Policy and Planning; Human Resources; Envelop Secretary;
Facilities and Maintenance – Dennis Daly was thanked for taking on the Chair of the
Facility and Maintenance Committee.
Sound System- request for new volunteers.
Financial Reports:
Treasurer, Ted Samson, presented the Financial Reports and Budget. He commented
that we are drawing down on the General Funds but that the Progressive Funds and the
Memorial Funds are growing.
Recommendation 6:
Moved by Ted Samson and seconded by Michael Moorhouse that the Memorial Funds
Report be accepted and approved.
Recommendation 7:
Moved by Ted Samson and seconded by Dennis Daly that the 2011 Financial
Statements and Annual Report be accepted and approved.
Recommendation 8:
Moved by Ted Samson and seconded by Joan Reynolds that the Presbyterians Sharing
item of the 2012 Budget in the amount of $20,000.00 be accepted and approved.
Recommendation 9:
Moved by Ted Samson and seconded by Bill Stephen that the salary recommendations
of the 2012 Budget be accepted and approved.
Recommendation 10:
Moved by Audrey Harms and seconded by June Stephen that St. Giles hire a
Coordinator of Volunteers, someone from within the congregation who knows the
parishioners and our needs, and that this position shall be salaried.
Moved by Sandra Cameron Evans and seconded by Joanne Watson, an amendment to
Recommendation 10 that the congregation direct Human Resources, under the
guidance of Session, to investigate the requirements and possibly hiring of a
Coordinator of Volunteers.
Motion as Amended:
That St. Giles direct Human Resources, under the guidance of Session, to investigate the
requirements and possible hiring of a Coordinator of Volunteers, someone from within
the congregation who knows the parishioners and our needs.
Recommendation 11:
Moved by Ted Samson and seconded by Dennis Daly that the proposed 2012 budget
be accepted and approved as printed.
CARRIED, Applause
There was no New Business.
- Reverend Delport thanked the volunteers/organizers for special events during 2011,
the congregation for their attendance and support of same, Marni Strome and choirapplause, and Ted Samson.
- Michael Moorhouse extended thanks to Reverend Delport for his enthusiasm,
knowledge, and willingness to work with us here at St. Giles.
Dennis Daly moved that the meeting be adjourned at 12:50PM.
Minister’s Message
Again Jesus spoke to them saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in
darkness, but will have the light of life.” ~John 8:12~
It is 8:20 am on Tuesday, January 15, and it is still a little dark outside. As I look
up from the computer screen I cannot wait to see the light, even though it is cloudy.
There is just something about light that brightens the spirit of even of the weariest
soul. Light is so important: it makes things grow; it warms your cheeks; and reveals
your surroundings. When I reflect upon the past year I cannot help but to feel the joy
of the Lord within my heart. There were, of course, many highlights.
It is inspiring that eight people asked to become members of St. Giles this year.
We also had two baptisms. Our Youth Group is going above and beyond expectation.
Not only do we have a lot of fun, but St. Giles’ youth bring friends as well. Our VBS was
also very successful, and I encourage you to invite young people you know (perhaps a
child, grandchild, or great-grandchild) to join us in 2013 for a lot of fun. Our Social
Events this year – Rabbie Burns, Shrove Tuesday, Folk Fest, Strawberry Tea, Yard Sale,
Stampede Brunch, Turkey Dinner, and Bazaar – went well and I would like to thank you
for your support for these events.
I was grateful for the wonderful contributions of pennies this year that started
sometime during the summer and continued throughout the year for the Sahel area in
Africa. The ‘Penny Jar’ is still in the Narthex and you are more than welcome to retire
your pennies here at St. Giles. I am very thankful for your financial stewardship. I
encourage you to continue to be good financial stewards “for God loves a cheerful
giver” – 2 Cor 9:7.
I would like to remind you that I do adhere to an open door policy. This means
that if my car (a red Ford Escape) is in the church parking lot I am most likely in the
office. If you would like to have a word with me, or just drop-in to say, “Hi,” or would
to have a cup of coffee all you need to do is to drop-in.
I think we always wonder what the new year will bring. I think we have the choice
to be either active or passive. I would like to encourage all of you at St. Giles to be
active. What do I mean? I mean let’s have a goal, something we are going to work
towards. I encourage St. Giles to embrace John 8:12. This year I encourage St. Giles to
follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. This year I encourage St. Giles to share the Light
of God with people. This year I encourage St. Giles to truly be a “friendly Christian
community [who gathers] for the worship and service of God.”
Again Jesus spoke to [the people of St. Giles] saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me
will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” ~John 8:12~
Rev. Dewald (Dewey) Delport
2012 Session Report
This has been another wonderful year for Session. In 2012 we enjoyed working with our
minister, the Rev. Dewald Delport. He continues to bring new life to our session.
Together we have been working through “Congregational Leadership in Anxious Times
– Being Calm and Courageous no Matter What” by Peter L. Steinke. It is been good to
discuss and learn to grow in our collective abilities to use anxiety and other factors
positively. We are starting a new book in February called "Changing the Conversation A third way for congregation" by Anthony R. Robinson.
Session has 18 active members. The 17 ruling elders are: Jack Alexander, Cathy Brown,
Lorne Cowan, Dennis Daly, Sandra Cameron Evans, Ann Frost, Jason Gaskarth, Toby
Gaskarth, Ian McKay, Joan McLean, John McLean, Ivy Mewha, Jenny Thomson, Candace
Siddall, Wendell Siddall, Joanne Watson, and John Watson. The 1 teaching elder is: the
Rev. Dewald Delport. All are deeply thankful for each other’s faithfulness and
willingness to continue the work.
The session gives thanks to the staff of St. Giles: to Fiona Wilkinson, as secretary, to Ted
Samson, as church officer, to Marne Strome, as choir director, Lori Chang-foidl, as
Pianist, and Esther Woelfle, as pianist and organist for their fine and faithful work and
services for the church. We thank Heather Tufford for her work as nursery supervisor
for the portion of the year she was here and wish her well on her move to Florida.
The session committees continue to work hard. They are all very appreciative of the
non-session members who serve on these committee's. Many members of our
congregation give freely of their time to support the adventures our committees
pursue in our work.
Session thanks the choir of St. Giles, the Sunday school teachers, the groups of people
who prepare the food for events, the group that looks after the refreshments on a
Sunday, the people that help keep the flowers blooming all summer, the people that
look after the sound, and all other endeavours by God's people who quietly step up
and do what is necessary.
At every session meeting elders share concerns expressed by people of the
congregation. We do try to address these concerns. If you ever have any questions that
you would like session to answer please take advantage of speaking to an elder. Rest
assured your concerns are important to us. They will be dealt with in a confidential
manner and answered. We are pleased that there have not been many concerns
expressed; however, session wants to let people know that this avenue is available. We
also share at our meetings expressions of thanks and happiness.
We thank the congregation for their generous response to the financial needs of the
work here at St. Giles as well as the many avenues of outreach. We are pleased so many
support the various fund raising events during the year and thank people who
volunteer to work at these events to make them the success they are.
Session has been saddened by the loss of several long-term members this past year.
Their contributions to Christ’s work and their friendships will be cherished in our hearts
Session is heartened by the fact that we have received eight new members this past
year and note that several more are in the process of becoming members.
Session thanks the efforts of our minister Rev. Delport. His enthusiasm is still infectious!
We continue bless him, love him and feel honoured to work with him.
“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and
your minds in Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:7.
Respectfully Submitted
John Watson
The Sacrament of Baptism was received by 2 children
Hayla June Hawke; Jena Park
2012 Membership Status
Communicant Membership as of January 1, 2012
Members Received in 2012
By Transfer:
Bud and Donna Hamilton; Lesley Hawke; Ingrid Maybury;
Kyeung shun Kim and Jongbaum Park
By Resolution of Session
Denis and Dianne Mascardelli
Members Removed
By Transfer
By Resolution of Session
By Death
Communicant Membership as of December 31. 2012
We regretfully record the names of members who died during 2012:
Wilda Greenwood
Muriel Mick
Jean Turnbull
Trudie Turner
Joan Reynolds
Steve Dunn
Marjorie Haston
Mary Uttley
Marjorie Davidson
Average Sunday Service Attendance
2012 - 78 (62 adults, 5 children, 11 choir)
2011 - 90 (72 adults, 6 children, 15 choir)
Respectfully submitted, Dawn Flint
The Quintus Group has been meeting on the third Wednesday of the month at 1.30
p.m. in the Park Room. The meeting opens with a short devotion and is followed by a
program chosen for that day, such as a video and discussion, and ends with a time of
fellowship with tea and coffee.
The videos chosen, have included the “World Day of Prayer introduction to Malaysia,”
“12 Ordinary Men” and part of the ”Blessings” series about the nuns in Tibet. We are
very grateful that the Reverend Dewald Delport was prepared to look after the
technical side of bringing these movies to the screen.
This year we have mourned the loss of Mrs. Marjorie Davidson, our very competent
treasurer. She is greatly missed, and was noted for her concern for others and her
breadth of interests.
Our group appreciated the work of Gerda White, who placed beautiful arrangements of
flowers in the sanctuary according to the season, and the work of Norm Millar and Ellie
Klassen who contributed so much to the outside landscape of flowers.
During the year we discussed making changes and we are now transitioning into a
different time slot in order to be part of Midweek Mix. Consequently in November we
met at 12 Noon for a bagged lunch and exercises in the Lower Hall and were delighted
to have Mr. Michael Moorhouse as special guest. He brought a fascinating collection
of rocks and diagrams to illustrate the geology of parts of Canada.
The Quintus Group invites you to join them on the third Wednesday of the month at 12
noon for tea, conversation, exercises and surprises.
Respectfully submitted; Christine C. Browne
Quintus Group Financial Report 2012
Opening Balance
8 Memberships
Sale of Calendars
Balance December 31 , 2012 $30.55
Church Flowers
In Memoriam
20 WMS Calendars
Money Order to close
St. Giles Choir Annual Report 2012
The choir prepares one or more anthems for most Sunday services from
September to June.
We started the year off by singing at the Robbie Burns dinner at the end of
January, organized by and hosted by choristers Ian McKay and Bill Woodward.
Many of our members shared their talents at the annual Folk Night in early April.
The choir performed in May 2012 with the Crescent Heights High School choir – a
variety of musical styles were featured.
In July, Ian McKay coordinated our “Stampede band and choir”, and many of our
members contributed solo’s, duets, quartets, and instrumental music in the summer, as
they do also throughout the year.
We continued to rehearse and present anthems during the fall of 2012.
On December 13, the choir hosted a Carol Sing – an evening which included singalong carols, with performances by the choir and the Crescent Heights Vocal Jazz
Ensemble. Refreshments, provided by the choir, were enjoyed by all following the
The choir again enjoyed the addition of Carmen Ashmead, Dianne Valentine, and
Lori Syer on strings, as part of our annual Christmas Eve service.
We anticipate another Mass Choir performance with the Calgary Children’s
Choir, The Crescent Heights High School Choir, and special guests and orchestral
ensemble, for a performance of the Requiem by Gabriel Faure, at the Rozsa Centre on
May 11 2013.
Our choir is blessed to have the accompanying talent of two very fine pianists –
Esther Woelfle, and Lori Chang-fiodl.
We continue to recognize and thank Janet Astle, who, as choir librarian, continues
the large and endless task of keeping our music, birthdays, gowns, and all choir
memorabilia and other details in order. We also thank John Mclean for taking care of
regular email updates to the choir, and maintaining close contact and communication
with choir. The choir also, with the organizational help and “grunt work” of John
Mclean and Janet Astle, set up and then disassembled the Christmas Tree and
Choir rehearsals are on Thursdays at 7:30pm, and we have at least two social
gatherings per year, with strategically planned breaks and treats at specified rehearsals!
Choir is a great place to feel a sense of belonging in the church, and to have an
opportunity to contribute to the service in a meaningful way. New members are always
welcome. No experience necessary!
Respectfully submitted by: Marni Strome
Growing in Faith Together (GIFT) Report
“With fresh new eyes, ears and heart, the team enthusiastically embraces the call to
pass on the faith of the Church to children, youth and adults.”
Throughout the past year the GIFT committee have planned and arranged
different events for people of all ages as we grow in our faith. This report shows many
of the things we have worked on in the past year.
We have continued to oversee the church school as they work with the children
of our congregation to help them develop their faith. The teachers for the past year
were Anne Halliday-Clark, Heather Mackie and Katie Boyce. Thanks to all the teachers
for their dedication! The substitutes were Cathy Brown, Ivy Mewha, Sandra Cameron
Evans and Deanne Stephen. Thanks to them for being available to give the teachers a
break when needed!
The children have also had several extra events this past year. They enjoyed
making Easter cards for the Shut-ins as well as for the congregation, which they eagerly
handed out on Easter Sunday morning. It was very uplifting to see their smiling faces
right in the doorway greeting the people as they entered the church. They led one
service during the year – their Christmas service. Thanks to Sandra Cameron Evans and
Cathy Brown for all their work with the children preparing for the Christmas Service.
The children were also involved in two outreach projects where they were able to give
back to others who are less fortunate. They made jars of Brownie Mix, which were sold
at the Bazaar, and the $100 they raised from the jars went to PWS&D (Pakistan). Then
at Christmas, the children went shopping for items for the gift bags they created for the
Women in Need’s Kids Club & Girl’s Talk programs. They were able to make 28 gift
bags each with toiletries, stationary as well as one “toy”. Thanks to everyone who
donated items or money for this project!
Over the summer months we asked for volunteers to teach the children each
morning. The GIFT committee created weekly lesson packages with a story and preprepared craft that the volunteers were then able to use to facilitate the lesson. While
there were few children each week the ones who were at church were able to learn
lessons and enjoy their time together while getting to know some of the adults in the
congregation. Thanks to those who volunteered to teach during the summer!
This year we again hosted a VBS in the summer. There were 11 children in all
who attended. The children and leaders all enjoyed the week and learned lots. Thanks
to all the leaders, snack preparers and people who helped in all ways to make the week
of VBS a success!
Our Youth Group continued all year with an average of 9 attending each month.
The evenings of youth group included discussions, pumpkin carving, cookie making,
hide-and-seek, crafts, and an energy activity. This is a great opportunity for our youth
to feel at home in our church and to grow not only in their faith but also in their
relationships with each other. Thanks to Rev. Dewald and Gail Wearmouth & Anne
Halliday-Clark for their leadership and help with the youth events.
On the adult side of things, we had several different groups and/or events for the
We held 4 movie nights. Each night saw 8 – 12 people watch a movie together,
enjoy some popcorn and then close with a discussion of the movie. The movies we
watched included Shadowlands, The Waking of Ned Devine, Jacob the Liar and Invictus.
Thanks for Rev. Dewald and John Watson for running the movies and to Ivy Mewha for
being the popcorn and hot chocolate maker.
There were also several opportunities for adult studies throughout the year.
These included bible studies focusing on Acts and the Gospel according to Luke.
Thanks to Rev. Dewald for leading these studies.
The GIFT committee also organized the Son-Rise Service on Easter Sunday,
followed by breakfast. This service was an early start to Easter Sunday morning but was
a great way to begin such a special day, surrounded by the beauty of nature while
enjoying Rev. Dewald’s service.
We have also kept the library tidy and organized and have continued putting new
and donated books onto the shelves so people can enjoy them.
The GIFT committee members for this past year were: Joanne Watson, Ivy
Mewha, Ann Frost, Heather Mackie, Gail Wearmouth and Toby Gaskarth.
If you have any ideas for the future, especially of studies or events you would be
interested in seeing the GIFT committee host, or items you would like to see in the
library, please talk to one of the committee members. If you would like to be involved,
we would welcome you to be part of our team, just talk to any of the members as listed
Respectfully submitted,
GIFT committee.
Mission in Action Report 2012
Acadia Place, a multi-unit apartment block for tenants who have been homeless
or are at risk of homelessness, was once again our focus during the Lenten season. The
goal is to pay down the mortgage on this building so that rents can remain reasonable
and attainable for the tenants. Kairos Calgary and the Calgary Homeless Foundation
continue to be in need of our support as together we work toward a future where no
family in this city will be homeless.
Over the summer months, a jar was placed in the narthex for people to fill with
their soon to be obsolete pennies (and other change) in support of the people of the
Sahel in Africa, who have been suffering from famine, due to severe droughts in the
region. The jar has been emptied several times and the funds collected in this way are
being forwarded to PWS&D.
Once again, a special appeal to support The Calgary Interfaith Food Bank was
made at Thanksgiving time. Non-perishable food items were collected in the narthex
for several Sundays and donations were made through the offering.
Presbyterian Sharing Sunday was observed on October 21, 2012 and on that
Sunday, the service was conducted by members of the Mission in Action Committee.
Presbyterian Sharing supports projects across Canada as well as internationally. This
special worship service focused on the work of this organization and our connection as
a congregation with the many worthwhile projects that have received support and
funding through Presbyterian Sharing.
During Advent, St. Giles once again teamed up with the folks at the McPhail
School of Energy at SAIT in support of their Adopt-a-Student program. This year, we
were able to provide gift cards from Safeway for ten families at SAIT.
St. Giles also continues to operate an “Inn” the first Wednesday of each month
through the Inn From the Cold Society. Over fifty volunteers help to make this happen
and others offer financial support to cover a portion of the expenses. Our volunteers
come from our own congregation, members of the Northwest Church congregation,
and also from our community, friends and neighbours. Since last June, there has been
an increase in families using the Inn for shelter and this trend is continuing.
Report Respectfully Submitted by John McLean, Convener of Mission in Action
Pastoral care committee report for 2012
This committee meets on a monthly basis.
Again our card secretary has been very diligent in sending out cards to mark
special birthdays, bereavements, get well and thinking of you . It was a special delight
to be able to send “welcome baby” cards out and we welcome the “little ones” with
great pleasure.
Our committee has continued to visit the sick, bereaved, and homebound. We
hope this makes them feel that are connected , and part of, the ongoing events of the
church. Prayer shawls have been given to those in need of “special comfort” and they
have been most gratefully received.
Over the Christmas season we visited all the “homebound” with a small
gift/calendar, and a personalized card made by the Sunday School children. These
cards are much appreciated by the recipients .We accomplish this endeavour with the
assistance of additional members of the congregation to whom we are most grateful.
We sent cards/ letters to old friends who no longer live in the city.
We have had 2 communion services for our “homebound” members. 12
attended the service in the spring and 10 in the fall. . We are grateful to Rev Delport
for his special sermons at those occasions. These members are very happy to be able
to spend time with him., and are fulfilled and grateful that they are able to celebrate in
“God’s House” Volunteer help during these occasions is much appreciated.
We continue to support a monthly service at the Fanning Center. We thank Rev
Delport for his participation and diligence in making this a meaningful occasion for the
residents .They appreciate the rapport they have with him.
We sadly have lost 9 members this past year. Their loss has left a void in our
church family and they are dearly missed. Their families have been in our thoughts and
Our bulletin prayer list is reviewed monthly and changed as situations dictate.
We thank Rev Delport for all his support, guidance and participation in our
My great thanks to all committee members for their on-going support to help
those in less fortunate situations.
Respectfully submitted
Jenny Thomson
Card Secretary Annual Report
I was kept busy again this year sending cards to seniors 75 and over plus ‘Get Well’,
“Thinking of You’, and ‘Sympathy’ cards. A nice surprise was to send 3 ‘Baby
Congratulation’ cards!!
Cards sent:
Thinking of You
Baby congratulations 3
Get Well
Please let me know of anyone who needs a card and I will send one.
Respectfully Submitted; Arlene Simpson
“What’s Up?”
2012 Annual Report of our Church Newsletter
Over the past year, three issues of “What’s Up?” our church newsletter were
published. The editorial team includes Susan Carmichael, Merle Dalip, Pearl Dalip and
Rev. Dewald Delport. We could not have put this Newsletter together without the help
of our dedicated and regular contributors: Janet Astle (Archives), Chris Browne (Special
Events), Sandra Cameron Evans (Presbytery), Dawn Flint (Special Events), Audrey Harms
(Special Events), Heather Mackie (Church School), Michael Moorhouse (Special Events),
Bernice Poon (Special Events), Ted Samson (Finances), Marni Strome (Choir News) and
John Watson (Special Events).
Each issue of our Newsletter features a message from the Minister, Editorial,
Articles, News and Themes, as well as updates from various committees. Just as
importantly, there is news from various members of the congregation, articles from
guest contributors, inspirational scripture quotes, humor and photographs from
different occasions, plus information on upcoming events.
We are very appreciative of the many suggestions and contributions of members
of the congregation and we look to your continued support and encouragement.
Respectfully submitted, Merle Dalip
2012 Report of the Second Sundays Singers
This year has been a great year for the Second Sunday Singers. Gillian Siddall took on
the role of Second Sunday singers' leader to continue what Chris Browne has been
doing with organizing the group. It has been a great opportunity to help out in the
church. As for a couple of important members, Beth Ferguson has blessed us with her
piano accompaniment for our songs and it has been wonderful. The choir would like to
thank her for that. We have also had the presence of our very own Dewald Delport for
our men's section. Unfortunately, we lost a member of this group, Marjorie Davidson.
We will continue to think of her every time we sing.
This group has been great for the people of Hillcrest Extendicare and we feel wonderful
to help them relive their younger days. Just now in January 2013, we have been able to
have a meeting about sorting through music and it was very successful. This included
deciding which music to leave out and what music to add which would be familiar
tunes that would bring back lovely melodies.
Overall, the success of this group has been great. We welcome anyone who would like
to join us to sing any second Sunday of the month at 2pm at Hillcrest Extendicare. Its
great for everyone.
Thanks for a Great Year!
Submitted by Gillian Siddall
Archives – report for 2012
The purpose of the archives is to collect the church records in one place, ensure their
preservation, organize them for ease of access and have the most important documents
preserved on microfilm.
Work on the archives continued as usual during the year, including filing service
bulletins, funeral cards, photographs of various events, and other papers. This year I
also finished sorting the records from the Athalie Read Women’s Missionary Society.
There were a few requests from the congregation for information from the
archives, and I used the archives myself for three articles I wrote for our newsletter
What’s Up?
As always, I am happy to receive any church related documents for inclusion in
the archives. While I prefer the photographs as actual prints I have developed a system
for filing them in digital form so I can now receive them in either format.
Respectfully submitted, Janet Astle
Report of the Policy and Planning Committee 2012
The Policy and Planning Committee, under the direction of Session, addresses strategic
areas impacting the life and work of the congregation, helping prepare St. Giles for our
short and long-term future.
Much of the committee’s work is to deal with a variety of referrals from Session,
researching and making recommendations for their consideration.
One of those referrals resulted from the 2012 Presbytery Visitation. Presbytery
recommended that St. Giles review its vision and mission statements and consider ways
to involve the congregation in revising and/or implementing an appropriate statement.
As a result, a group has been formed that will look at St. Giles now and into the future
and discern what God is calling us to be. The resulting statement will provide a
common focus to lead the congregation in making decisions. You will be hearing more
from this vision group as they proceed.
The Committee continued with arranging the distribution of postcards as a means of
communication in the neighbourhood, inviting people to our Easter and Christmas
services. As well, they updated the St. Giles brochure which is another tool of
communication for the congregation.
As our relationship with the Calgary Korean Evangelical Church continues, Rev. Delport,
the Mission in Action Convenor and the Policy and Planning Convenor have met with
representatives from the CKEC. These discussions ensure that the arrangements in
place are satisfactorily meeting the needs of both congregations.
Jack Alexander
Dennis Daly
Sandra Cameron Evans, Convenor
Marilyn Machum Wendell Siddall
John Watson
Human Resources Committee Annual Report 2012
This has been another year of ongoing change. In March, Melissa Dios was hired
to be our Secretary. She was a university student with 2 years of study left. In June she
tendered her resignation. She had been offered a ‘fast track program’ to complete her
degree in one year instead of two which would require all her time for classes and
Once again Fiona Wilkinson came to our rescue for the summer. Fiona was hired
on a permanent basis in September with the understanding that the hours would be
increased from 12 to 16 hours a week. These extra hours would be filled with increased
duties such as providing more assistance to the various committees.
Our Nursery Worker, Heather Tufford, resigned in the fall and moved out of
Calgary. The position was posted in our bulletin for several weeks without success.
During that time, women in our congregation volunteered to be on a roster for the
Nursery. We would like to thank all those who volunteered, especially Irene Savage,
Sue Cooper and Sandra Cameron Evans.
We are currently advertising in our bulletin and other Calgary Presbyterian
Church bulletins for possible applicants.
The Church Officer, Secretary and Church School teachers have completed their
Police checks and the teachers have attended an In-Service on ‘Covenant of Care’ as
required by PCC
Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Machum, Convenor
Sound System Report 2012
2012 was a good year as we had very little trouble with the sound system.
We have been putting the services on the website and it has worked well. We hope
that everyone will take some time to listen to the services, it would be good to get
some feedback.
It was a hard year for our operators as we do not have enough people to cover the
summer months. It is not a difficult job and full training is provided – please consider
volunteering to do this worthwhile Ministry.
I would like to take this time to thank Mark McCuaig, David Browne, Lorne Cowan,
David McCormick for their support over the year.
Respectfully submitted by Walter Cooper
Facilities and Maintenance Report 2012
This year Dennis Daly tock over as coordinator. Former coordinator Walter Cooper has
been of tremendous assistance with his experience and knowledge of the issues.
Walter also filled in when Dennis was in hospital over the summer.
Members Include
Jack Alexander, Jason Gaskarth, Norm Millar, John Watson, Lorne Cowan, Dennis Daly
Walter Cooper, Ted Samson, Dave McCormick, Frazer Haliday
Rev. Dewald and others in the congregation have also been of help over the course of
the last year.
Korean Church
Early this year we teamed up to share our wonderful facilities with a Korean church and
the results seem be very favorable.
There had been concerns that electricity and water consumption would go up
significantly as well as other costs, but there has not been a significant increase in
electrical or water usage.
The rent of $900 per month seems to be satisfactory.
Maintenance Projects
This year we installed new windows in the house kitchen for $3300, finished some roof
repairs and started painting the basement.
Cost of paint and materials for the secretary’s office, as an example was around $100.
Maintenance for the organ and pianos also comes from our budget and amounted to
about $900 this year.
The snow removal and yard maintenance have gone well this year and no changes are
We fortunately received no unexpected items of significant cost and the budget was
fully spent.
Next year seems like the same situation with perhaps more painting costs.
In view of constantly increasing costs we are asking for a 3% increase in the
maintenance budget.
Memorial funds are available to help should we face any significant cost that requires
immediate attention.
Dennis Daly
Envelope Secretary’s Report
The 2012 General Envelope Offering Summary is as follows:Number
Envelopes Range
up to $2/wk
$2 – 4/wk
$5 – 9/wk
$10 – 14/wk
$15 – 19/wk
$20 – 29/wk
$30 – 49/wk
$50+ / wk
Total 2012
General Envelope
Total 2011 General
Average per Totals
contributor per
The chart above displays the 2012 general envelope offerings. This includes both
envelopes and PAR but does not include offerings made by visitors. It only includes
general offerings not any designated funds or memorials. The numbers are grouped
based on average weekly contributions. The annual totals show what the amount
collected is for the entire year by those groupings.
The positive side of this is that individually our offerings were up from an average of
$1,517 last year to an average of $1,652 this year, which is an increase of about 9%.
However, as a congregation our general givings were lower.
Using this chart we can see which bracket we fit into in the overall offerings, and
hopefully we can endeavour to increase what we give by trying to move up closer to
the average for the bracket that we are in, or up into the next bracket.
The graph below illustrates the offerings by month throughout the year comparing
2011 and 2012. It shows that there are monthly variances both higher and lower. The
biggest variances are in April and October and are due to there being an extra week in
April of 2012 and October of 2011.
Comparison of General Offerings
2012 Envelope
2011 Envelope
Respectfully Submitted
Heather Mackie
2012 Financial Report
The Annual Financial Statements for the year ending December 31, 2012 appear on
the next pages, as well as the Proposed Budget for the new year 2013. The budget
pages include the 2012 Budget, the actual figures for 2012 and the proposed 2013
Budget. We hoped that our General Offerings for 2012 would be close to what we
received in 2011 (over $216,000) and in the end, we were quite close, with $200,661
in envelope income. This was less than the Budget called for, but because our other
income was more than $10,000 over the Budget, we managed a small surplus.
Although other donations (Funerals and Weddings) was low, we had higher than
expected Congregation Life income and the Korean Church helped as well.
Our expenses for 2012 were close to what we budgeted for, requiring $235,786 in
cash, only about $5,600 over budget. This was due to higher than expected
assessments for the Presbyterian Pension Plan and Extended Health Care as
well as , Repairs and Maintenance and electricity and natural gas utilities. The
new windows for the Park Room kitchen and the blue room were paid from
Memorial Funds and the utility costs were low until the cold weather arrived.
Our Restricted Funds remained about the same in 2012 with one exception (a
$5,000 bequest in December) and because we used the donations to the Memorial
Funds in 2012 to balance the Budget. We received $670 in memory of 1 individual and
$355 in memory of 4 others. There was a $200 memorial donation for our Inn From the
As a congregation, we continue to support various Mission Projects, in addition to
our accepted allocation of $20,000 to "Presbyterians Sharing". In 2012, we contributed
$6,386 towards several mission work projects:
20 to Presbyterians Sharing through additional donations
$1,106 to PWS&D Sahel, Sunday School Challenge and General appeals
$1,184 for the SAIT Adopt a Student Advent Mission
$ 755 to the Calgary Interfaith Food Bank, plus food donations
$ 50 to Mustard Seed
$ 100 to Camp Kannawin
$ 825 to our own Inn From the Cold program and $88 for the Calgary IFTC
$2,258 for Acadia Place, from the Lenten Mission and the Folk Night.
We did manage to meet our budget in 2012 and the new budget for 2013 is of the
same order, making our ability to meet it better than many years in the past. However,
we should not become complacent about our ability to meet our anticipated income
because our congregation and our supporters seem to be shrinking, and even in
overheated Alberta, money does not come easily.
Respectfully Submitted,
Edward C. Samson (Convenor, Finance Committee, and Treasurer)