IMPLANTACION SEPA En este documento incluyo aspectos no indicados en el Cuaderno de Carga y que pueden ser necesarios en los procesos de implantación. En el cuaderno de carga aparecen todos los procesos que se han visto afectados y cómo, por lo que los omito aquí. OPCIONES ADICIONALES DE MENU: Las opciones incorporadas a menú con motivo de la adaptación de QS a SEPA son: AREA ECONOMICO FINANCIERA GESTION SEPA MANTENIMIENTOS CONTROL SEPA PARAMETROS CUENTAS BANCARIAS DATOS SEPA PREVISIONES REMESAS SEPA OTROS PROCESOS CALCULO DE IBAN EN CLIENTES CARGA AUTOMATICA SEPA VTOS. 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 10 11 12 13 14 40 41 42 AREA COMERCIAL CLIENTES MANDATOS SEPA MANTENIMIENTOS MANDATOS CONSULTAS MANDATOS INFORMES IMPRESOS CLIENTES SIN MANDATO OTROS PROCESOSº EMITIR PROPUESTA DE MANDATO 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 10 11 SEP101 20 21 SEP201 30 31 SEP301 40 41 SEP310 AREA DE GESTION DE STOCKS PROVEEDORES MANDATOS SEPA MANTENIMIENTOS MANDATOS CONSULTAS MANDATOS 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 21 21 21 21 21 21 93 93 93 93 93 10 11 SEP104 20 21 SEP201 SEP100 SEP103 SEP102 SEP401 SEP500 TSR501 PARAMETRIZACION: Empresa (41 13): Con F9=Datos SEPA DATOS SEPA Sufijo: Identificador Unico: Informe del sufijo y pulse F8 para cálculo del identificador Datos si persona física: Fecha Nacimiento: Ciudad Nacimiento: País Nacimiento: F4=Lista F8=Calcular Identificador F12=Anterior Mandatos de Clientes (13 12 92): Las opciones de este menú permiten gestionar los mandatos de clientes. Se deben grabar las autorizaciones de cargo en cuenta como mandatos anteriores, para lo cual se les aplican las siguientes reglas de migración: - Como código, la Referencia con que se incluían en el cuaderno 19, eliminando los blancos existentes a la izquierda (no puede empezar por blanco) y sustituyendo Ñ o ñ por N o n, y Ç o ç por C o c, respectivamente. Cualquier otro carácter no permitido se sustituye por 0. - Tipo de mandato: Core o básico - Tipo de pago: Recurrente - Fecha de firma: 31/10/2009 - Deberá indicarse el IBAN y BIC (puede llevar CCC) para lo cual puede solicitarse al cliente o utilizar la rutina de conversión existente en QS (11 28 41) o en la página oficial SEPA - Marcarlo como vigente (F9) y como predeterminado, si es el caso. La grabación de los mandatos, cuando se identifican como predeterminados, actualizan el IBAN y BIC del cliente. Para los clientes sin autorización de cargo en cuenta previa podrá emitirse la propuesta de mandato y hacer el seguimiento correspondiente. Control (11 28 11): Los marcados en rojo indican que hay explicación adicional bajo la copia de la pantalla. SEP100 MANTENIMIENTO DE CONTROL INFORGES S.L. 26-12-13 Información General y de Mandatos General Código Divisa Euro: EUR Mandatos Prefijo: MDT Contador: Meses Caducidad: 36 F3=Finalizar 13 Intro=Control de Adeudos Prefijo: MDT Indicar el que se desee. Puede dejarse en blanco. SEP100 MANTENIMIENTO DE CONTROL INFORGES S.L. 26-12-13 Información para Adeudos General Prefijo: PRE Contador de ID. Mensaje: Código Adeudo Unico: OOFF Código Primer Adeudo: FRST Código Adeudos Recurrentes: RCUR Código Adeudos sin Mandato: RCUR Categoría de Propósito: TRAD Código de Propósito: GDSV Cambio Entidad Mandato: TRUE Código Emisor ID. P.Jurídica: TXID Código Emisor ID. P.Física: NIDN Para ficheros planos Versión Cuaderno Core: 19143 Versión Cuaderno B2B: 19445 Tipo Persona Física: 2 Tipo Persona Juridíca: 1 Prefijo Persona Física: J Pref. Pers.Jurídica con BIC: A Prefijo Resto Pers.Jurídica: I Indicador si se incluye IBAN: A Indicador si se incluye CCC: B Para ficheros xml Método de Pago: DD Nivel de Servicio: SEPA Indicador Apunte en Cuenta: TRUE Adeudos Core Adeudos B2B Código Instrumento Local: CORE B2B Plazo en días para 1er o único adeudo: 7 3 Plazo en días para adeudos recurrentes: 4 3 Intro=Control de Pagos F12=Anterior Prefijo: PRE Podría indicarse el que se quiera. Pero en el cuaderno 19 indica PRE como prefijo: Fichero de Presentación de Adeudos Categoría de Propósito: TRAD Puede utilizarse el adecuado de la lista de valores posibles (incluyo tabla al final del documento) Código de Propósito: GDSV Puede utilizarse el adecuado de la lista de valores posibles (incluyo tabla al final del documento) Código Emisor ID. P.Jurídica: TXID Puede utilizarse el adecuado de la lista de valores posibles (incluyo tabla al final del documento) Código Emisor ID. P.Física: NIDN Puede utilizarse el adecuado de la lista de valores posibles (incluyo tabla al final del documento) Indicador Apunte en Cuenta: TRUE El valor TRUE indica que se desea un apunte global por la remesa. El valor FALSE indica que se desea un apunte por cada operación incluida en la remesa. SEP100 MANTENIMIENTO DE CONTROL INFORGES S.L. 26-12-13 Información para Pagos General Prefijo: Código Nivel Prioridad Alta: Indicador Apunte Cuenta xml: Plazo en Días para Emisión: ORD Contador de ID. Mensaje: HIGH Código Nivel Prioridad Normal: NORM FALSE Indicador Apunte Cuenta txt: 1 1 Versión del Cuaderno: 34145 Transferencias Método de Pago: Instrumento Local: Cláusula de Gastos para xml: Tipo Transferencia Pago Prv: SCT * SHAR SUPP Nivel de Servicio: Código Propósito: Cláusula de Gastos para txt: Tipo Transferencia Pago Clt: SEPA GDSV 3 TRAD Cheques Método de Pago: CHQ Forma de Entrega: MLCD Tipo de Cheque: BCHQ Forma de Emisión: 112 F12=Anterior Indicador Apunte Cuenta xml: FALSE El valor TRUE indica que se desea un apunte global por la remesa. El valor FALSE indica que se desea un apunte por cada operación incluida en la remesa. Indicador Apunte Cuenta txt: 1 El valor 0 indica que se desea un apunte global por la remesa. El valor 1 indica que se desea un apunte por cada operación incluida en la remesa. Instrumento Local: * Este campo se rellenará con el valor acordado entre el ordenante y su entidad. Código de Propósito: GDSV Puede utilizarse el adecuado de la lista de valores posibles (incluyo tabla al final del documento) Cláusula de Puede - - Gastos para xml: SHAR adoptar los valores: CRED’ = Los soporta el beneficiario ‘DEBT’ = Las soporta el ordenante ‘SHAR’ = Cada parte soporta los que corresponde a su entidad ‘SLEV’ = Según las reglas del nivel de servicio. En el caso de Transferencias equivale a ‘SHAR’ Cláusula de Gastos para txt: 3 En el cuaderno 34 no se prevé otra opción que la 3, equivalente a SHAR del esquema xml. Tipo Transferencia Pago Prv: SUPP Puede utilizarse el código adecuado de la lista de valores posibles indicados en la tabla de Categoría de Propósito incluida más abajo. Tipo Transferencia Pago Clt: TRAD Puede utilizarse el código adecuado de la lista de valores posibles indicados en la tabla de Categoría de Propósito incluida más abajo. Forma de Entrega: MLCD Admite los siguientes valores: Código CRCD CRDB Nombre Envío por courier al beneficiario Envío por courier al solicitante MLCD MLDB Envío por correo al beneficiario Envío por correo al solicitante PUDB Recogida por el solicitante RGCD Envío por correo certificado al beneficiario Envío por correo certificado al solicitante RGDB Definición Se envía por courier al beneficiario. Se envía por courier a quien lo ha solicitado (ordenante). Se envía por correo postal al beneficiario. Se envía por correo postal a quien lo ha solicitado (Ordenante). El solicitante (Ordenante) recoge el cheque en la entidad financiera. Se envía por correo certificado al beneficiario. Se envía por correo certificado a quien lo ha solicitado (Ordenante). Forma de Emisión: 112 Está compuesto por 3 posiciones numéricas con el siguiente significado: Posición 1º 2º 3º Valores y definición Define el tipo de documento a emitir, según estos valores: 1 – CHEQUE BANCARIO 2 – CHEQUE-NÓMINA Define si el documento se emite cruzado o no (para abonar en cuenta o no), según estos valores: 0 – SE APLICARÁ POR DEFECTO LO ACORDADO CON LA ENTIDAD 1 – CRUZADO/PARA ABONAR EN CUENTA 2 – NO CRUZADO Define si se solicita la emisión de carta que acompañe al documento o no: 0 – SE APLICARÁ POR DEFECTO LO ACORDADO CON LA ENTIDAD 1 – CON CARTA 2 – SIN CARTA Ejemplo: Si se solicita la emisión de un cheque bancario cruzado sin carta debe consignarse el valor 112 Cuentas bancarias (11 28 12): SEP103 SUCURSALES BANCARIAS INFORGES S.L. Banco: 3058 CAJA RURAL ALMERIA Cod.Sucursal: 1111 CUENTA PARA REMESAS 26-12-13 Identificador Unico: Cobros Prefijo: Contador: Indicador Apunte Cuenta: Pagos Prefijo: Contador: Indicador Apunte Cuenta: F12=Anterior Previamente debe comprobarse que las cuentas por las que se va a remesar o transferir tienen completos sus códigos IBAN y BIC. Su parametrización sólo es necesaria en los siguientes casos: Si la entidad exige el uso de un sufijo específico, distinto del general aplicado como empresa, lo que supone un Identificador único distinto Si se desea llevar una numeración distinta por cuenta bancaria, tanto sea de remesas de cobro o de órdenes de pago, deberán rellenarse los campos correspondientes de Prefijo. El contador podrá quedar a cero, si se desea iniciar la cuenta desde 1. El indicador de apunte en cuenta puede adoptar los mismos valores indicados más arriba, en Control, esto es: o El valor 0 indica que se desea un apunte global por la remesa. o El valor 1 indica que se desea un apunte por cada operación incluida en la remesa. Previsiones (11 28 12): Las previsiones a remesar según norma SEPA deben completarse con sus datos SEPA: Mandato. Para remesas SEPA puede estar en blanco. IBAN: lo arrastra del mandato. Este dato es obligatorio para operaciones SEPA, aunque no haya mandato Otros datos no hacen falta ya que si no están en la previsión los tomará de control: o Categoría de propósito o Código de propósito Si hay información específica de endosos o balanza de pagos deberá incorporarse Para ello puede usarse la carga automática (11 28 42) o la manual (11 28 13 y 11 21 12) También deben completarse las previsiones a pagar (sea por transferencia o cheque bancario), aunque para este caso no se ha previsto proceso de carga automática. ANEXO DE TABLAS DE CODIFICACION: Categoría de propósito ExternalCategoryPurpose1Code Identification 1 2 Code BONU CASH Name BonusPayment CashManagementTransfer Definition Transaction is the payment of a bonus. Transaction is a general cash management instruction. 3 CBLK Card Bulk Clearing A Service that is settling money for a bulk of card transactions, while referring to a specific transaction file or other information like terminal ID, card acceptor ID or other transaction details. 4 CCRD Credit Card Payment Transaction is related to a payment of credit card. 5 CORT TradeSettlementPayment 6 DCRD Debit Card Payment Transaction is related to settlement of a trade, eg a foreign exchange deal or a securities transaction. Transaction is related to a payment of debit card. 7 DIVI Dividend Transaction is the payment of dividends. 8 9 EPAY FCOL Epayment Fee Collection Transaction is related to ePayment via Online-Banking A Service that is settling card transaction related fees between two parties. 10 GOVT GovernmentPayment Transaction is a payment to or from a government department. 11 HEDG Hedging Transaction is related to the payment of a hedging operation. 12 ICCP Irrevocable Credit Card Payment Transaction is reimbursement of credit card payment. 13 IDCP Irrevocable Debit Card Payment Transaction is reimbursement of debit card payment. 14 INTC IntraCompanyPayment 15 INTE Interest Transaction is an intra-company payment, ie, a payment between two companies belonging to the same group. Transaction is the payment of interest. 16 LOAN Loan Transaction is related to the transfer of a loan to a borrower. 17 OTHR 18 PENS OtherPayment PensionPayment Other payment purpose. Transaction is the payment of pension. 19 SALA SalaryPayment Transaction is the payment of salaries. 20 SECU Securities Transaction is the payment of securities. 21 SSBE SocialSecurityBenefit 22 SUPP SupplierPayment Transaction is a social security benefit, ie payment made by a government to support individuals. Transaction is related to a payment to a supplier. 23 TAXS TaxPayment Transaction is the payment of taxes. 24 TRAD Trade Transaction is related to the payment of a trade finance transaction. 25 TREA TreasuryPayment 26 VATX ValueAddedTaxPayment Transaction is related to treasury operations. E.g. financial contract settlement. Transaction is the payment of value added tax. 27 WHLD WithHolding Transaction is the payment of withholding tax. Código de propósito Extern alPurp ose1C ode Identification 1 Code CBLK Classification1 Card Settlement 2 CDCB Card Settlement 3 CDCD Card Settlement 4 CDCS Card Settlement Cash ATM Cash Withdrawal in an unattended or Disbursement with Cash Advance in an attended environment Surcharging (POI or bank counter) with surcharging. 5 CDDP Card Settlement Card Deferred Payment 6 CDOC Card Settlement OriginalCredit 7 CDQC Card Settlement QuasiCash 8 ETUP Card Settlement E-Purse Top Up 9 FCOL Card Settlement Fee Collection 10 MTUP Card Settlement Mobile Top Up A Service that is first reserving money from a card account and then is loading a prepaid mobile phone amount by this amount. 11 ACCT Cash Mgmt AccountManagem ent Transaction moves funds between 2 accounts of same account holder at the same bank. 12 CASH Cash Mgmt CashManagement Transaction is a general cash management Transfer instruction. Name Definition Card Bulk Clearing A Service that is settling money for a bulk of card transactions, while referring to a specific transaction file or other information like terminal ID, card acceptor ID or other transaction details. CardPayment with Purchase of Goods and Services with CashBack additional Cash disbursement at the POI (Cashback) CashDisbursemen ATM Cash Withdrawal in an unattended or t Cash Advance in an attended environment (POI or bank counter) A combined service which enables the card acceptor to perform an authorisation for a temporary amount and a completion for the final amount within a limited time frame. Deferred Payment is only available in the unattended environment. Examples where this service is widely used are unattended petrol pumps and phone booths A service which allows the card acceptor to effect a credit to a cardholder' account. Unlike a Merchant Refund, an Original Credit is not preceded by a card payment. This service is used for example for crediting winnings from gaming. Purchase of Goods which are equivalent to cash like coupons in casinos. Transaction is related to a Service that is first reserving money from a card account and then is loading an e-purse application by this amount. A Service that is settling card transaction related fees between two parties. 13 COLL Cash Mgmt CollectionPayment Transaction is a collection of funds initiated via a credit transfer or direct debit. 14 CSDB Cash Mgmt 15 DEPT Cash Mgmt CashDisbursemen Transaction is related to cash disbursement. t Deposit Transaction is releted to a payment of deposit. 16 INTC Cash Mgmt IntraCompanyPay ment Transaction is an intra-company payment, ie, a payment between two companies belonging to the same group. 17 LIMA Cash Mgmt LiquidityManagem ent Bank initiated account transfer to support zero target balance management, pooling or sweeping. 18 NETT Cash Mgmt Netting Transaction is related to a netting operation. 19 AGRT Commercial AgriculturalTransfe Transaction is related to the agricultural r domain. 20 AREN Commercial 21 BEXP Commercial Accounts Transaction is related to a payment associated Receivables Entry with an Account Receivable Entry BusinessExpenses Transaction is related to a payment of business expenses. 22 BOCE Commercial 23 COMC Commercial 24 CPYR 25 Back Office Conversion Entry CommercialPayme nt Transaction is related to a payment associated with a Back Office Conversion Entry Transaction is related to a payment of commercial credit or debit. (formerly CommercialCredit) Commercial Copyright Transaction is payment of copyright. GDDS Commercial PurchaseSaleOfG oods Transaction is related to purchase and sale of goods. 26 GDSV Commercial 27 GSCB Commercial Transaction is related to purchase and sale of goods and services. Transaction is related to purchase and sale of goods and services with cash back. 28 LICF Commercial PurchaseSaleOfG oodsAndServices PurchaseSaleOfG oodsAndServices WithCashBack LicenseFee 29 POPE Commercial 30 ROYA Commercial Point of Purchase Entry Royalties Transaction is related to a payment associated with a Point of Purchase Entry. Transaction is the payment of royalties. 31 SCVE Commercial PurchaseSaleOfS ervices Transaction is related to purchase and sale of services. 32 SUBS Commercial Subscription Transaction is related to a payment of information or entertainment services either in printed or electronic form. Transaction is payment of a license fee. 33 SUPP Commercial SupplierPayment Transaction is related to a payment to a supplier. 34 TRAD Commercial TradeServices Transaction is related to a trade services operation. 35 CHAR Consumer CharityPayment Transaction is a payment for charity reasons. 36 COMT Consumer 37 CLPR Finance ConsumerThirdPar Transaction is a payment used by a third party tyConsolidatedPay who can collect funds to pay on behalf of ment consumers, ie credit counseling or bill payment companies. CarLoanPrincipalR Transaction is a payment of car loan principal epayment payment. 38 DBTC Finance DebitCollectionPay Collection of funds initiated via a debit transfer. ment 39 GOVI Finance GovernmentInsura Transaction is related to a payment of nce government insurance. 40 HLRP Finance HousingLoanRepa Transaction is related to a payment of housing yment loan. 41 INPC Finance InsurancePremium Transaction is a payment of car insurance Car premium. 42 INSU Finance InsurancePremium Transaction is payment of an insurance premium. 43 INTE Finance Interest Transaction is payment of interest. 44 LBRI Finance LaborInsurance Transaction is a payment of labor insurance. 45 LIFI Finance LifeInsurance Transaction is a payment of life insurance. 46 LOAN Finance Loan Transaction is related to transfer of loan to borrower. 47 LOAR Finance LoanRepayment Transaction is related to repayment of loan to lender. 48 PENO Finance PaymentBasedOn Payment based on enforcement orders except EnforcementOrder those arising from judicial alimony decrees. 49 PPTI Finance PropertyInsurance Transaction is a payment of property insurance. 50 RINP Finance RecurringInstallme Transaction is related to a payment of a ntPayment recurring installment made at regular intervals. 51 TRFD Finance TrustFund 52 ADMG General 53 ADVA General AdministrativeMan Transaction is related to a payment associated agement with administrative management. AdvancePayment Transaction is an advance payment. 54 BLDM General 55 CBFF General 56 CCRD General CreditCardPayme nt Transaction is related to a payment of credit card account. 57 CDBL General CreditCardBill Transaction is related to a payment of credit card bill. 58 CFEE General CancellationFee Transaction is related to a payment of cancellation fee. 59 COST General Costs Transaction is related to payment of costs. 60 CPKC General Carpark Charges Transaction is related to carpark charges. 61 DCRD General Debit Card Payment Transaction is related to a debit card payment. 62 EDUC General Education 63 FAND General FinancialAidInCas eOfNaturalDisaste r Transaction is related to a payment of study/tuition fees. Financial aid by State authorities for abolition of consequences of natural disasters. 64 FCPM General 65 GOVT General Late Payment of Fees & Charges GovernmentPaym ent Transaction is the payment for late fees & charges. E.g Credit card charges Transaction is a payment to or from a government department. 66 ICCP General 67 IDCP General 68 IHRP General IrrevocableCreditC ardPayment IrrevocableDebitC ardPayment InstalmentHirePur chaseAgreement Transaction is reimbursement of credit card payment. Transaction is reimbursement of debit card payment. Transaction is payment for an installment/hirepurchase agreement. 69 INSM General Installment Transaction is related to a payment of an installment. Transaction is related to a payment of a trust fund. BuildingMaintenan Transaction is related to a payment associated ce with building maintenance. CapitalBuilding Transaction is related to capital building fringe fortune, ie capital building for retirement. 70 IVPT General Invoice Payment 71 MSVC General MultipleServiceTyp Transaction is related to a payment for multiple es service types. 72 NOWS General NotOtherwiseSpec Transaction is related to a payment for type of ified services not specified elsewhere. 73 OFEE General OpeningFee Transaction is related to a payment of opening fee. 74 OTHR General Other Other payment purpose. 75 PADD General Preauthorized debit Transaction is related to a pre-authorized debit origination 76 PTSP General PaymentTerms Transaction is related to payment terms specifications 77 RCKE General 78 RCPT General Re-presented Check Entry ReceiptPayment Transaction is related to a payment associated with a re-presented check entry Transaction is related to a payment of receipt. 79 REBT General Rebate Transaction is the payment of a rebate. 80 81 REFU RENT General General Refund Rent Transaction is the payment of a refund. Transaction is the payment of rent. 82 STDY General Study Transaction is related to a payment of study/tuition costs. 83 TBIL General 84 TCSC General Telecommunicati ons Bill Town Council Service Charges 85 TELI General Transaction is related to a payment of telecommunications related bill. Transaction is related to a payment associated with charges levied by a town council. Transaction is related to a payment initiated via telephone. 86 WEBI General 87 ANNI Investment 88 CAFI Investment Custodian Management fee In-house 89 CFDI Investment Capital falling due In-house TelephoneInitiated Transaction Internet-Initiated Transaction Annuity Transaction is the payment for invoices. Transaction is related to a payment initiated via internet. Transaction settles annuity related to credit, insurance, investments, other.n Transaction is the payment of custodian account management fee where custodian bank and current account servicing bank coincide Transaction is the payment of capital falling due where custodian bank and current account servicing bank coincide 90 CMDT Investment CommodityTransfe Transaction is payment of commodities. r 91 DERI Investment Derivatives Transaction is related to a derivatives transaction 92 DIVD Investment Dividend Transaction is payment of dividends. 93 FREX Investment ForeignExchange Transaction is related to a foreign exchange operation. 94 HEDG Investment Hedging Transaction is related to a hedging operation. 95 INVS Investment 96 PRME Investment Investment & Securities PreciousMetal Transaction is for the payment of mutual funds, investment products and shares Transaction is related to a precious metal operation. 97 SAVG Investment Savings Transfer to savings/retirement account. 98 SECU Investment Securities Transaction is the payment of securities. 99 SEPI Investment Securities Transaction is the payment of a purchase of Purchase In-house securities where custodian bank and current account servicing bank coincide 100 TREA Investment TreasuryPayment 101 ANTS Medical AnesthesiaService Transaction is a payment for anesthesia s services. 102 CVCF Medical ConvalescentCare Transaction is a payment for convalescence Facility care facility services. 103 DMEQ Medical DurableMedicaleE quipment Transaction is a payment is for use of durable medical equipment. 104 DNTS Medical DentalServices Transaction is a payment for dental services. 105 HLTC Medical HomeHealthCare Transaction is a payment for home health care services. 106 HLTI Medical HealthInsurance Transaction is a payment of health insurance. 107 HSPC Medical HospitalCare Transaction is a payment for hospital care services. Transaction is related to treasury operations. 108 ICRF Medical IntermediateCareF Transaction is a payment for intermediate care acility facility services. 109 LTCF Medical LongTermCareFac Transaction is a payment for long-term care ility facility services. 110 MDCS Medical MedicalServices Transaction is a payment for medical care services. 111 VIEW Medical VisionCare Transaction is a payment for vision care services. 112 ALLW Allowance Transaction is the payment of allowances. 113 ALMY Salary & Benefits Salary & Benefits AlimonyPayment Transaction is the payment of alimony. 114 BBSC Salary & Benefits Baby Bonus Scheme Transaction is related to a payment made as incentive to encourage parents to have more children 115 BECH Salary & Benefits ChildBenefit Transaction is related to a payment made to assist parent/guardian to maintain child. 116 BENE Salary & Benefits UnemploymentDis abilityBenefit Transaction is related to a payment to a person who is unemployed/disabled. 117 BONU Salary & Benefits BonusPayment. Transaction is related to payment of a bonus. 118 COMM Salary & Benefits Commission Transaction is payment of commission. 119 CSLP Salary & Benefits CompanySocialLo anPaymentToBan k Transaction is a payment by a company to a bank for financing social loans to employees. 120 GVEA Salary & Benefits Transaction is payment to category A Austrian government employees. 121 GVEB Salary & Benefits 122 GVEC Salary & Benefits 123 GVED Salary & Benefits 124 PAYR Salary & Benefits Austrian Government Employees Category A Austrian Government Employees Category B Austrian Government Employees Category C Austrian Government Employees Category D Payroll Transaction is payment to category B Austrian government employees. Transaction is payment to category C Austrian government employees. Transaction is payment to category D Austrian government employees. Transaction is related to the payment of payroll. 125 PENS Salary & Benefits PensionPayment Transaction is the payment of pension. 126 PRCP Salary & Benefits PricePayment Transaction is related to a payment of a price. 127 SALA Salary & Benefits SalaryPayment Transaction is the payment of salaries. 128 SSBE Salary & Benefits SocialSecurityBen efit Transaction is a social security benefit, ie payment made by a government to support individuals. 129 AEMP Salary&Benefits ActiveEmployment Payment concerning active employment Policy policy. 130 GFRP Salary&Benefits GuaranteeFundRi ghtsPayment 131 GWLT Salary&Benefits GovermentWarLeg Payment to victims of war violence and to islationTransfer disabled soldiers. 132 RHBS Salary&Benefits RehabilitationSupp Benefit for the duration of occupational ort rehabilitation. 133 ESTX Tax EstateTax Transaction is related to a payment of estate tax. 134 FWLV Tax 135 GSTX Tax 136 HSTX Tax Foreign Worker Levy Goods & Services Tax HousingTax Transaction is related to a payment of Foreign Worker Levy Transaction is the payment of Goods & Services Tax Transaction is related to a payment of housing tax. 137 INTX Tax IncomeTax Transaction is related to a payment of income tax. 138 NITX Tax NetIncomeTax Transaction is related to a payment of net income tax. 139 PTXP Tax Property Tax 140 RDTX Tax Road Tax 141 TAXS Tax TaxPayment Transaction is related to a payment of property tax. Transaction is related to a payment of road tax. Transaction is the payment of taxes. 142 VATX Tax ValueAddedTaxPa Transaction is the payment of value added tax. yment Compensation to unemployed persons during insolvency procedures. 143 WHLD Tax WithHolding Transaction is related to a payment of withholding tax. 144 TAXR Tax TaxRefund 145 AIRB Transport Air Transaction is the refund of a tax payment or obligation. Transaction is a payment for air transport related business. 146 BUSB Transport Bus Transaction is a payment for bus transport related business. 147 FERB Transport Ferry Transaction is a payment for ferry related business. 148 RLWY Transport Railway Transaction is a payment for railway transport related business. 149 TRPT Transport RoadPricing Transaction is for the payment to top-up pre-paid card and electronic road pricing for the purpose of transportation 150 CBTV Utilities CableTVBill Transaction is related to a payment of cable TV bill. 151 ELEC Utilities ElectricityBill Transaction is related to a payment of electricity bill. 152 ENRG Utilities Energies Transaction is related to a utility operation. 153 GASB Utilities GasBill Transaction is related to a payment of gas bill. 154 NWCH Utilities NetworkCharge Transaction is related to a payment of network charges. 155 NWCM Utilities NetworkCommunic Transaction is related to a payment of network ation communication. 156 OTLC Utilities OtherTelecomRela Transaction is related to a payment of other tedBill telecom related bill. 157 PHON Utilities TelephoneBill Transaction is related to a payment of telephone bill. 158 UBIL Utilities Utilities Transaction is for the payment to common utility provider that provide gas, water and/or electricity. 159 WTER Utilities WaterBill Transaction is related to a payment of water bill. Organismo emisor de codificación de personas jurídicas ExternalOrganisationIdentification1Code Identification Code 1 BANK 2 CBID 3 CHID 4 COID 5 CUST 6 DUNS 7 EMPL 8 GS1G 9 SREN 10 SRET 11 TXID Name BankPartyIdentification Definition Unique and unambiguous assignment made by a specific bank or similar financial institution to identify a relationship as defined between the bank and its client. Central Bank Identification Number A unique identification number assigned by a central bank to identify an organisation. Clearing Identification Number A unique identification number assigned by a clearing house to identify an organisation CountryIdentificationCode Country authority given organisation identification (e.g., corporate registration number) CustomerNumber Number assigned by an issuer to identify a customer. Number assigned by a party to identify a creditor or debtor relationship. Data Universal Numbering System A unique identification number provided by Dun & Bradstreet to identify an organisation. EmployerIdentificationNumber Number assigned by a registration authority to an employer. GS1GLNIdentifier Global Location Number. A non-significant reference number used to identify legal entities, functional entities, or physical entities according to GS1 numbering scheme rules.The number is used to retrieve detailed information that is linked to it. SIREN The SIREN number is a 9 digit code assigned by INSEE, the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies, to identify an organisation in France. SIRET The SIRET number is a 14 digit code assigned by INSEE, the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies, to identify an organisation unit in France. It consists of the SIREN number, followed by a five digit classification number, to identify the local geographical unit of that entity TaxIdentificationNumber Number assigned by a tax authority to identify an organisation. Organismo emisor de codificación de personas físicas ExternalPersonIdentification1Code Identification 1 Code ARNU Name AlienRegistrationNumber 2 CCPT 3 CUST Definition Number assigned by a social security agency to identify a nonresident person. PassportNumber Number assigned by an authority to identify the passport number of a person. CustomerIdentificationNumber Number assigned by an issuer to identify a customer. 4 DRLC DriversLicenseNumber 5 EMPL EmployeeIdentificationNumber Number assigned by a registration authority to an employee. 6 NIDN NationalIdentityNumber 7 SOSE SocialSecurityNumber 8 TXID TaxIdentificationNumber Number assigned by an authority to identify a driver's license. Number assigned by an authority to identify the national identity number of a person. Number assigned by an authority to identify the social security number of a person. Number assigned by a tax authority to identify a person.