Citizen Me! Part One to CITIZENSHIP Which One is NOT Related to Citizenship?? Being legally recognized by a nation Having rights & responsibilities Being a member of a community Breaking all the rules Levels of Citizenship CITIZENSHIP PYRAMID SIDE 1: HOME The people we live with make up the smallest “community” we belong to. Write “People I live with” here: LEVELS SCHOOL Our school or workplace is a community, too. These are the people we interact with outside our homes every day. Record the name of your school here… LEVELS CITY LEVELS You are a citizen of the city in which you live. Record the name of your city (or the city or town closest to you) here… STATE/TERRITORY STATE LEVELS Our country is made up of 50 states, a district, and 5 territories. You are a citizen of the state or territory where you live. Write the name of your state or territory here… NATION NATION LEVELS You are also a citizen of your country! Write the name of the nation where you are an official citizen. (Is it different from the nation where you live? Or do you have more than one? Write them all!) Check Your Work! LEVELS Nation(s) of citizenship and residence State/Territory Name Nearest City or Town Your School “People I live with” Sources of Rights & Responsibilities CITIZENSHIP PYRAMID SIDE 2: Where do rights and responsibilities come from? A. The President. B. Police officers. C. Different places, depending on the level of citizenship. D. Long documents nobody can read or understand. NATION United States Constitution NATION United States Laws NATION SOURCES U.S. Constitution/Laws Record it here! United States Constitution & Laws STATE State Constitution & Laws STATE SOURCES U.S. Constitution/Laws State Constitution & Laws Record it here! State Constitution CITY City Charter CITY City Ordinances CITY SOURCES U.S. Constitution/Laws City Charter & Ordinances State Constitution & Laws City Charter & Ordinances Record it here! SCHOOL School Handbook SCHOOL SOURCES U.S. Constitution/Laws State Constitution & Laws City Charter & Ordinances School Handbook Record it here! School Handbook HOME Adults in Charge HOME SOURCES U.S. Constitution/Laws State Constitution & Laws City Charter & Ordinances School Handbook Adults in Charge Adults in Charge Record it here! Check Your Work: ORIGINS U.S. Constitution/Laws State Constitution & Laws City Charter & Ordinances School Handbook Adults in Charge Rights! CITIZENSHIP PYRAMID SIDE 3: Rights are… A. Things adults get to do. B. Privileges the President has. C. Electric bulbs that let you read in the dark. D. A privilege or a claim to something. RIGHTS You would need a pyramid the size of the ones in EGYPT to list all the rights citizens have at each level. Let’s just list a few examples: NATION United States Constitution NATION United States Constitution NATION United States Constitution NATION RIGHTS Freedom of speech & worship; right to vote & serve on jury Record it here! United States Constitution STATE State Constitution & Laws STATE RIGHTS Freedom of speech & worship; right to vote & serve on jury Right to free education; equal rights for men and women Record it here! State Constitution & Laws CITY City Charter & Ordinances CITY RIGHTS Freedom of speech & worship; right to vote & serve on jury Right to free education; equal rights for men and women Right to use sidewalks and parks City Charter & Ordinances Record it here! SCHOOL School Handbook Rights Responsibilities You have the right to bring a regular wallet. No wallets with chains! “Do not throw food in the lunch room” is silently saying you have the right to: Eat in the lunch room! “Students must be seated during athletic activities” is silently saying you have the right to: Attend athletic activities! “No T-shirts with inappropriate slogans” is silently saying you have the right to: Wear appropriate T-shirts! SCHOOL RIGHTS Freedom of speech & worship; right to vote & serve on jury Right to free education; Equal rights for men and women Right to use sidewalks and parks Attend sports, eat in lunchroom Record it here! School Handbook HOME Adults in Charge HOME RIGHTS Freedom of speech & worship; right to vote & serve on jury Right to free education; Equal rights for men and women Right to use sidewalks and parks Attend sports, eat in lunchroom TV, video games, eat food Record it here! Adults in Charge Check Your Work: RIGHTS Freedom of speech & worship; right to vote & serve on jury Right to free education; Equal rights for men and women Right to use sidewalks and parks Attend sports, eat in lunchroom TV, video games, eat food Which Rights Are For EVERYONE Living in the U.S.? Freedom of speech Vote in federal elections Run for federal office Right to a jury trial RESPONSIBILITIES! CITIZENSHIP PYRAMID SIDE 4: Responsibilities are… A. Things adults have to do. B. Unpleasant activities nobody wants to do. C. Duties to other people, the government, or to society. D. Chores you do after school. HOME HOME RESPONSIBILITIES Sweep floor, wash dishes & dog Record it here! SCHOOL SCHOOL SCHOOL RESPONSIBILITIES Behave in class No gum, hats, weapons Sweep floor, wash dishes & dog Record it here! CITY CITY NO person may have a dog that barks at night CITY There is a $50 fine for flying a kite in the park. CITY RESPONSIBILITIES No barking dogs, No kites in park Behave in class No gum, hats, weapons Sweep floor, wash dishes & dog Record it here! STATE STATE RESPONSIBILITIES Property tax, income tax, sales tax No barking dogs, No kites in park Behave in class No gum, hats, weapons Sweep floor, wash dishes & dog Record it here! NATION United States Constitution & Laws NATION United States Constitution & Laws NATION United States Constitution & Laws NATION United States Constitution & Laws ? NATION United States Constitution & Laws NATION RESPONSIBILITIES Jury duty; voting; staying informed; don’t put people at risk Property tax, income tax, sales tax No barking dogs, No kites in park Behave in class No gum, hats, weapons Sweep floor, wash dishes & dog Record it here! United States Constitution Check Your Work: RESPONSIBILITIES Jury duty; Voting; Staying informed; don’t put people at risk Property tax, income tax, sales tax No barking dogs, No kites in park Behave in class No gum, hats, weapons Sweep floor, wash dishes & dog Which Responsibilities Are Only for U.S. Citizens? Serve on juries Obey laws Vote in federal elections Pay taxes ALL DONE! NICE JOB! Now, following your teacher’s instructions, build your Citizenship Pyramid!