Dec 14 - Dec 18 Davenport and Wilkins Learning Goals for this

Dec 14 - Dec 18
Davenport and Wilkins
Learning Goals for this Lesson
Standards 7.L.1.3 Summarize the hierarchical
organization of multicellular organisms from cells to
tissues to organs to organ systems to organisms.
7.L.1.4 Summarize the general functions of the major
systems of the human body (digestion, respiration,
reproduction, circulation and excretion) and ways that
these systems interact with each other to sustain life.
Students Will Know – The hierarchy of multicellular
Body systems:
Respiration (lungs, oxygen, carbon dioxide)
Circulations (cardiovascular, blood)
Excretion (uninary system and intestinal tract)
Endocrine (hormones)
Students Will Be Able To – Sequence the hierarchical
organization of multicellular organisms from cells to
tissues to organs to organ systems to organisms.
Explain – how each step increases in complexity.
Analyze - how each system adds to an organisms
ability to maintain homeostasis.
Summarize – the general function and organis of the
major sytems of the human body.
Identify – how the major systems interact with
eachother to sustain life. Ie.: respiration and digestion
Summarize – ways that the systems interact with each
other to sustain life
Lesson Essential Question: What is the hierarchical organization of multicellular organisms?
How do all the body systems work together to sustain life?
Activating Strategy: Count resting heartbeat 15 seconds, Jump up and down for 15 seconds, count heartbeats
for 15 seconds write it down. Beats per minute = # beats X 4 repeat with 30s and 1 minute of jumping.
Write what body systems you used during this exercise and how they were used.
Vocabulary – This week is word wall match.
Hierarchy, body, tissue, organ, organ system, organism, digestion, integumentary, respiration, reproduction,
circulation, urinary, nervous, immune/lymphatic, endocrine
Lesson Instruction
Learning Activity 1 Using the information gathered during the activating
strategy, write an explanation of what body systems were used during the
activity and how they were used. Create a graph comparing the pulse rate
based on time of students in class.
Amoeba Sisters Human Body Systems
Body PPT Notes
Body PPT
Assessment Prompt for LA 1 Detailed explanation of what organ systems
were used.
Learning Activity 2
Youtube Clip of Medical students breathing into cadaver lungs.
Building lungs using balloon and water bottle to show how the lungs expand and
contract during respiration.
Graphic Organizer
Flip Book
Bubble map of organ systems
and descriptions from acticity 1
Assessment Prompt for LA 2
Learning Activity 3
Youtube video Dissecting Brains
Sam’s Brainy Adventure (Computers) Comic Strip
Assessment Prompt for LA 3
Discussion on how external factors such as smoking, poor eating habits,and
stress affect the homeostasis of the nervous system.
Learning Activity 4
When Sweet Corn Turns to Poo!!!
Digestive System
Assessment Prompt for LA 4
Digestive System crossword puzzle, diagram, fill in blank
Human Body System Quiz
Monday 12/7
Activating Strategy:
Jumping and timing
Students will write
an explanation of
what body systems
are involved in the
demonstration we
just performed.
Explain how the
system was used.
Begin the PPT Notes
for the human body.
Tuesday 12/8
Wednesday 12/9
Thursday 12/10
List the body systems
containing these
organs: Skin, Kidney,
Blood, stomach and
glands that produce
Start review
Christmas ornaments.
No class time.
organization for final
Glitter paper, Paint and
bulbs. styrofoam and
Continue the human
body PPT.
we have covered.
PPT for title and brief
description of each unit
Study guide is in the
I have placed the
works and will be
video links for the
available online over the
week in the PPT on the
appropriate system
Body Systems word
Using the body and
organs have students
identify each as they
remove them.
Summarizing Strategy
Summarizing Strategy
Christmas video?