Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency Erasmus+ Sport, Youth and EU Aid Volunteers Amendment Request Form For Operating Grants awarded in the framework of the Call for proposals – EACEA/05/2014 Erasmus + Programme – KA3 Civil Society Cooperation in the field of Youth (Lot 2) Agreement number: 2014 Application number: Beneficiary organisation: PIC number: DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY I, the undersigned, hereby declare that the information attached is accurate and in accordance with the facts. This information has been approved by the authorities representing the partners involved in the project detailed within this request. (Original signature of the person legally authorised to act on behalf of the beneficiary organisation and who signed the original agreement) Name of legal representative: Position within the beneficiary organisation: Place & Date: Form to be scanned and sent together with supporting documents to: Page 1 of 5 Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency Erasmus+ Sport, Youth and EU Aid Volunteers AMENDMENTS: INTRODUCTION Amendments to the agreement are subject to written requests, dated and signed by the beneficiary's legal representative. These amendments are also subject to formal endorsement by the Executive Agency. As mentioned in Art. II.12 "Amendments to the Agreement"1 of the Operating Grant Agreement, any amendment should be sent one month before the end of eligibility period. As the end of eligibility period for Operating Grants awarded in the framework of the Call for Proposals EACEA/05/2014 is 31/12/2014, requests for amendments should be sent to the Executive Agency at latest by 30/11/20142. This request for amendment, to the initial agreement concerns the following item(s): (please, tick the box(es), as appropriate) A. Changes to the budget breakdown B. Change of bank account Please note that for the following changes, it is not necessary to fill in the amendment form: Change of beneficiary organisation's name or change of address Change of legal representative Change of contact person For any other kind of change, please contact the Executive Agency. 1 Art. II.12 "Amendments to the Agreement": II.12.1 Any amendment to the Agreement shall be made in writing. II.12.1 An amendment may not have the purpose or the effect of making changes to the Agreement which would call into question the decision awarding the grant or be contrary to the equal treatment of applicants. II.12.3 Any request for amendment shall be duly justified and shall be sent to the other party in due time before it is due to take effect, and in case one month before the end of the period set out in Article I.2.2, except in case duly substantiated by the party requesting the amendment and accepted by the other party. II.12.4 In case of an operating grant the period set out in Article I.2.2 shall not be extended via amendments. 2 For projects which the eligibility period starts later than 01/01/2014 the latest date should be calculated accordingly. Page 2 of 5 Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency Erasmus+ Sport, Youth and EU Aid Volunteers The following procedure applies for the following changes: Budget breakdown: a) Amendment request duly signed and the Part A. filled in to be sent via e-mail to the EACEA. Bank account: a) Amendment request duly signed and documents requested in the Part B. filled in and signed to be sent via e-mail to the EACEA. Please note that an amendment only enters into force when the Executive Agency has formally notified the beneficiary of its acceptance or when a formal amendment is signed by the last of the two parties to this amendment. Legal address or name of the organisation: a) Change has to be first introduced by the LEAR to the Participants Portal; b) Official letter signed by the legal representative confirming the changes shall be sent via e-mail to the EACEA, as soon as the change is accepted by the Validation Service. Legal representative a) Official letter signed by the legal representative with all contact details of the new legal representative together with an official documents confirming the capability of the new legal representative shall be sent via e-mail to the EACEA. Contact person b) Official letter signed by the legal representative with all contact details of the new contact person shall be sent via e-mail to the EACEA. The Agency will confirm its agreement with the requested change by sending a letter to the legal representative. Page 3 of 5 Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency Erasmus+ Sport, Youth and EU Aid Volunteers Agreement number: Part A. Changes to the budget breakdown Please note that: The initial amount of the grant cannot be increased. The total costs of the budget cannot be increased. It is not possible to retroactively change the eligibility of costs through an amendment. An amendment request relating to an adjustment of the budget breakdown is not necessary when the transfers between budget categories are limited to 20% of the amount of each budget category (as shown in the estimated eligible budget approved) for which the transfer is intended.(see Art I.8 & Art. II.22 of the Grant Agreement) Double-click on the following table to fill it in. TOTAL BUDGET (EURO) Initial allocation Expenditures 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. DIFFERENCE (EURO) Allocation with requested changes Staff Costs General expenditures Conferences, seminars, workshops, etc Staff Travel and Subsistence Rent, leasing and depreciation Subcontracting Other Costs Total eligible costs Reasons for requesting these changes (max 1/2 page) Please attach to your request an updated version of the financial table used for the project application. Page 4 of 5 Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency Erasmus+ Sport, Youth and EU Aid Volunteers Agreement number : Part B. Change of bank account If the bank account of the Beneficiary changes, please submit the financial identification form Sheet downloadable from the website: The form must be signed by the account holder in original and either stamped and signed by the bank concerned or accompanied by a recent bank statement. Page 5 of 5